Count Reuven's Treasure, Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Quest (2024)

Table of Contents
1. Question Reuven about Dandelion's disappearance without raising any suspicions. 2. Return to Dijkstra when you're ready to help him. / Follow Dijkstra. 3. Return to Dijkstra when you're ready. 4. Investigate the site of the break-in using your Witcher Senses. 5. Follow the current. / Drink the pops antidote. / Use your Witcher Senses to search the sewer room for evidence. 6. Return to the bathhouse and summarize with Dijkstra. 7. Look for clues about the thieves in the bathhouse side rooms using your Witcher Senses. 8. Go to Margrave Henckel's house. / Search Margrave Henckel's house using your Witcher Senses. 9. Solve the riddle from the mysterious note. 10. Investigate the other room using your Witcher Senses. / Search the hidden room using your Witcher Senses. 11. Check what's going on downstairs. 12. Meet Triss at the Eternal Fire shrine near the harbor around midnight. 13. Follow the witch hunter leader. 14. (Optional) Kill the witch hunters. / Kill Caleb Menge. 14.1. Follow Triss. / Search Menge's desk for any clues. / Read the letter from Menge's desk. 15. Find a way out of the witch hunters' outpost. / (Optional) Sneak out of the witch hunters' outpost. 16. Tell Dijkstra what you've learned. 17. (Optional) Find the drop box using your Witcher Senses. Place the holy tome there to signal that you want to meet with the spy. 17.1. Be at the arranged meeting place at midnight. / Find a good place to hide and wait for the spy. / Stay hidden until midnight. 18. Talk to Priscilla. References

1. Question Reuven about Dandelion's disappearance without raising any suspicions.

You'll find Reuven in his Bathhouse. In order to be able to ask him about Dandelion you will first have to do some initial stages of the Get Junior quest. You will be able to ask him about Dandelion right after he tells you where you can look for whor*son Junior or you can come back to him a little later.

Reuven, also known as Dijkstra, will promise you that he'll ask for Dandelion and figure out what happened to him if you help him with something. Then he'll tell you to go with him because he wants to show you something.

2. Return to Dijkstra when you're ready to help him. / Follow Dijkstra.

Dijkstra will open a hidden passageway and lead you to an underground room that used to be his vault and is now empty. There you will meet a friendly troll named Bart who was the guardian of the treasure. You will learn that someone blew up the wall of the vault and thus created a passageway to the nearby sewers. As a result, all valuables were stolen. Dijkstra will ask you to find out who's responsible for this and how he did it.

3. Return to Dijkstra when you're ready.

You can agree to help Dijkstra right away or come back to him a little later. When you agree to help him, he and Bart will tell you everything they know about the events of that night. To protect you from the toxic gas filling the sewers, Dijkstra will give you the Pops' mold antidote (3 charges) and also the Manuscript page: Pops' mold antidote so you can prepare more if you need it. Then he will return to his chambers.

It turned out Sigi Reuven was none other than Sigismund Dijkstra, former head of Redanian intelligence and a man well-known to Geralt from past adventures. In an atypical bout of ignorance, Dijkstra had no inkling I was involved in the theft of his gold. He treated Geralt's appearance as a fortunate coincidence and offered him a handsome sum in return for help finding his stolen wealth - and the thief who had stolen it. Geralt and Dijkstra thus both wanted to find the exact some person - yours truly - albeit for entirely different reasons. Seizing this bit of good fortune, Geralt accepted the offer and hoped against hope Dijkstra wouldn't catch on to his double dealing.

4. Investigate the site of the break-in using your Witcher Senses.

Examine the drain pipe sticking out of the ceiling ...

... and the pipe's grate lying a little further down on the ground. When you do that, Geralt will come to his first conclusions.

5. Follow the current. / Drink the pops antidote. / Use your Witcher Senses to search the sewer room for evidence.

Go through the canals, follow the route marked on the minimap. In order not to receive damage from the gas filling the sewers, drink the antidote received from Dijkstra. Kill the drowners (9) you meet along the way. Along the way you can, but it's not required, investigate a few additional clues such as the drain pipes sticking out of the wall, the corpse of a Dijkstra helper or the corpse of another man, probably one of the thieves. When you reach a larger room, find the bottom of a silver container lying on the ground.

6. Return to the bathhouse and summarize with Dijkstra.

Go back to Dijkstra and let him know what you've managed to find. Together you will come to the conclusion that the bomb was thrown into the drainage pipe of one of the bathing pools.

7. Look for clues about the thieves in the bathhouse side rooms using your Witcher Senses.

At one of the pools, you will find a silver lid that matches the bottom of the bomb container. After checking the visitors' logbook, you will identify the suspect - Margrave Henckel. The old man died some time ago, so apparently someone pretended to be him.

Like an excavator uncovering an ancient elven masterpiece, Geralt slowly revealed the hidden brilliance of my plan. He discovered we had not barged in directly from the sewers like brain-dead lugs, but had instead struck from the inside, by placing a bomb in one of the tubs' drainpipes.

Hearing this, Dijkstra summoned his faithful eunuch, Happen, and had him examine the bathhouse guest registry. From it they learned the tub in question had been used that day by a certain Margrave Henckel. Nothing unusual about a margrave giving his corns a bit of a soak - but this particular margrave had shuffled off his mortal coil, corns and all, a few months prior to the break-in. Dijkstra thus tasked Geralt with examining the margrave's residence, in the hope that the witcher would find some trace of the stolen treasure there.

8. Go to Margrave Henckel's house. / Search Margrave Henckel's house using your Witcher Senses.

Head for the Margrave Henckel's House. Destroy the main door and go inside. Find the Mysterious note and the Bottle of wine lying on the table on the upper floor.

9. Solve the riddle from the mysterious note.

Mysterious note

The wine from your birth year - it's simply brilliant. Startling bouquet. You absolutely must try it. But afterwards, please place the bottle back where you found it.

With love from D

Interact with the wine rack in the other room. Place the bottle in slot for 1251 vintage. It will unlock the door to the hidden room.

10. Investigate the other room using your Witcher Senses. / Search the hidden room using your Witcher Senses.

Head inside the hidden room and read the Letter from Dudu. You will learn that Ciri took part in the heist, a doppler named Dudu helped her, and Dandelion was caught by Caleb Menge. After reading the letter, you will hear some noise downstairs.

Letter from Dudu


If you're reading these words, that means you have solved my riddle, for which you have my congratulations. It also means you have not yet been caught and are still in Novigrad - which worries me greatly. I do not know exactly what you did on Temple Isle, but Menge is furious and will not rest until he captures you, skins you alive and burns you at the stake. And now that he's got his sanctimonious paws on Dijkstra's treasure, he can hire enough men to search every home in the city thrice over. I am a doppler, so I will be able to hide… But you, you must flee. While you still can.

Your Dudu

P.S. Don't even think about trying to break Dandelion free from Menge's clutches - it's impossible. But knowing our friend, he'll wriggle his way out somehow. Or at least I hope he will.

P.P.S. Forgive me for not writing how to contact me, but a) you are to flee, remember? b) Melitele guards those who guard themselves.

11. Check what's going on downstairs.

Head downstairs to find Dijkstra and Triss. Dijkstra will want you and the sorceress to find out more about the place where his treasure is located. You'll have to go to the witch hunters' quarters for that. Triss will then ask you to meet her at the Eternal Fire shrine at midnight.

Note: In addition, you'll be able to flirt a little with Triss here.

The old spy's intuition did not lead him astray - Margrave Henckel's home truly did prove a source of many interesting and vital clues. Firstly, they discovered that Geralt's doppler acquaintance of yore, Dudu, had been one of the heist's participants. It was he who had disguised himself as Margrave Henckel and placed the bomb in the drainpipe.

A letter left by Dudu contained further revelations - Ciri had taken part in the heist as well, the stolen gold had ended up in the hands of the commander of the Temple Guard, Caleb Menge, and I, Dandelion, was now this heinous man's prisoner.

Geralt clearly needed to confront Menge. The question was how. The cautious guardsman would never agree to a meeting - unless, that is, Geralt had something to offer him, a prize so tempting he'd throw caution to the wind…

Triss Merigold, vile sorceress and member of the even viler Lodge of Sorceresses, was willing to offer herself up as irresistible bait for this fanatic hunter of witches, putting her life in danger in order to save Ciri and, I dare say, with a thought in her heart for the art-loving denizens of the North, who otherwise risked being deprived of their most prominent bard.

12. Meet Triss at the Eternal Fire shrine near the harbor around midnight.

When you meet, Triss will introduce you to her plan to get to the witch hunters' headquarters. According to her plan, you'll cuff her and lead her to the witch hunters pretending you want a reward for catching her.

You will be allowed into the barracks but catching Triss is not enough to get an audience with Menge. You must also convince the guards that you have important information that you want to pass on to their commander. If you say:

Want to talk to Menge. > Got something to offer Menge. > I'll tell your boss. No one else.

...then you will convince them that they should lead you to Menge. Otherwise, you'll make them angry and have to kill them. So you'll lose the chance to talk to Menge and get information about Dandelion or the stolen treasur from him.

13. Follow the witch hunter leader.

The guard leader will take you and Triss to the barracks. When you get near the door of Menge's office, you'll have one more conversation with the him as he will want to take Triss to the other room to torture her. In order for you to talk to Menge, you must agree to this.

Fine, take her. or Fine. But no torturing. > Take her. - If you try to use the Axii sign then you will be able to convince the guard leader but another witch hunter standing next to him will notice it and the fight will start.

When you finally meet with Menge, you must talk to him properly if you want to get some information from him.

You need to have a drink with him first: Why not. or Not in the mood. > Fine.

Then say: Your hunters are torturing Triss, but I haven't been paid. > Witchers do anything for gold. or Triss betrayed me first.

Then you'll have to choose:

  • You can ask him about the treasure - I'm looking for this treasure... - he will tell you that the treasure is in a Koviri bank, but when you next ask him about your friend, the conversation with him will end in a fight.
  • You can ask him to release the bard - Free my friend Dandelion. - He will refuse your request and tell you that Dandelion will be executed in Oxenfurt.

Only by NOT asking for the treasure will you reach the end of the conversation with Menge without having to fight him and the other hunters. When you do, Menge will decide to check on Triss and together you will go to the torture room, where there will be an unpleasant surprise waiting for him. The sorceress has freed herself and will kill him.

Caleb Menge took the bait hook, line and sinker, oblivious to Geralt's trickery to the very end. Said end was brought to him by Triss, who stuck a knife in his throat in an emotional outburst understandable from someone who had just been subjected to cruel and unusual torture.

Luckily, Geralt had by this time already squeezed the information he needed out of Menge. He had learned that I, Dandelion, was rotting in the Temple Isle dungeons, waiting to be transported to Oxenfurt, where I would play my last leading role in a spectacle sure to leave the audience in tears - my own execution. Yet Triss, gods bless her heart, had a plan for preventing this...

14. (Optional) Kill the witch hunters. / Kill Caleb Menge.

If you insult the guards, says anything threatening, try to protect Triss, or you tell Menge something he won't like, etc., then you'll have to kill all the witch hunters, including Menge.

The witcher has many virtues, but sadly patience and subtlety are not among them. And so, instead of sticking to the plan, Geralt decided to do things his own way - by slicing down every witch hunter in sword's reach and butchering Caleb Menge before getting any useful information out of him.

Luckily, however, Geralt did not leave the compound empty-handed. He found instructions among Menge's documents for contacting a mysterious individual who seemed to be directing the Temple Guard's actions. There was a chance this eminence grise, whoever he or she was, knew something about my fate

14.1. Follow Triss. / Search Menge's desk for any clues. / Read the letter from Menge's desk.

If you killed Menge, then will have to search his office. Take the Letter to Caleb Menge and Menge's Holy Tome lying on his desk. Read the letter and you will learn about the existence of a spy named Yamurlak. Triss will search Menge's corpse and find two keys - Menge's key and Key to Dijkstra's treasury.

Letter to Caleb Menge

Caleb, I have new instructions regarding the organization of the next execution. When you are ready to meet, place your Holy Tome in the drop box located in the column of the Eternal Fire altar in the southwest corner of the Bits. We will meet at the usual spot. Do not tell anyone where you are going and bring no one with you. Burn this letter after reading.


15. Find a way out of the witch hunters' outpost. / (Optional) Sneak out of the witch hunters' outpost.

Use the key found on the Menge's corpse to open a locked door in Menge's office and walk out into the courtyard. Triss will set fire to the barracks and teleport herself.

Climb onto the roof of the central building and walk to the other side of the wall.

Use the Aard sign to destroy the weakened wall. On the other side, you will meet a man who will take you to Dijkstra.

16. Tell Dijkstra what you've learned.

If you have heard from Menge where the treasure is located, Dijkstra will be pleased. If you just give him the key, he won't be so happy anymore, but you will still be paid for your work - 90 crowns. In both cases Dijkstra will be angry at you for hiding information about who stole his treasure.

If you haven't learned where Dandelion is and you only have a list from a spy, Dijkstra will provide you with information on where you can meet him.

Note: If you already know where Dandelion is kept then you will receive a new secondary quest - A Matter of Life and Death.

Dijkstra was less than satisfied with Geralt's performance as a treasure hunter. Firstly, the witcher had not actually recovered any treasure - just a key found on Menge's body that might open a vault that might contain the treasure, assuming said vault could even be located. Secondly, Dijkstra realized Geralt had been hiding something from him the entire time - the identity of the criminal mastermind responsible for planning the heist (but was this truly so difficult to guess, dear reader? After all, who else but a bard could have planned with such cunning and panache?). The old acquaintances ultimately parted on good terms - but it was clear to both their next meeting might not be so amiable.

17. (Optional) Find the drop box using your Witcher Senses. Place the holy tome there to signal that you want to meet with the spy.

This will be available if you haven't heard from Menge, where Dandelion is. Go to the Eternal Fire altar in the southwest corner of the Bits and place the Holy Tome in the drop box located in one of the columns of the altar.

17.1. Be at the arranged meeting place at midnight. / Find a good place to hide and wait for the spy. / Stay hidden until midnight.

Go to the house that Dijkstra told you about. Stand behind the door and wait until midnight. Before a spy appears, Triss will join you and you will wait for him together.

When a spy appears, Triss will use magic to force him to tell you where Dandelion is. In the end, you will have to decide whether to kill the spy or just erase his memory.

Before you part with Triss, she will ask you to visit her in her hiding place and you will receive a new secondary quest - A Matter of Life and Death.

Triss Merigold is usually an excruciatingly warm and tender-hearted individual. Yet on this day the witcher discovered the red-haired sorceress has a darker side as well. When Menge's contact refused to cooperate, Triss used her powers to force him to talk by making him feel unbearable pain - and then to ensure he would never speak of what he'd undergone.

This blood-curdling interrogation informed the witcher that I was imprisoned on Temple Isle, awaiting transport to my execution in Oxenfurt. A dark situation indeed - but Triss had an idea how to keep it from getting any darker...

18. Talk to Priscilla.

Go back to Priscilla and tell her where Dandelion is being held and about Triss' idea of how to get him out of there.

Count Reuven's Treasure, Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Quest (2024)


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