No-Bake Christmas Tree Cookies - The Recipe Rebel (2024)

written by Ashley Fehr

5 from 17 votes

Prep Time 20 minutes mins

Total Time 20 minutes mins

Servings 24 cookies

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Last updated on October 22, 2023

These No Bake Christmas Tree Cookies are an easy no bake Christmas cookie that the whole family loves! Made with just a few ingredients and fun to decorate.

You might also like these 35+ Easy Christmas Treats (no bake!), 31 Best Christmas Cookies Recipes or these Christmas Desserts!

So I was determined this year to get a really good amount of Christmas baking done.

In fact, I started Christmas baking in July.

Last year, I didn’t do any Christmas baking. I didn’t even get a Christmas tree or any decorations.

We moved into our new house December 28 last year, so we were pretty much living out of boxes by that point, and things were pretty crazy.

I was determined to do better this year. Get a good early start and just go all out.

But this year, I’m expecting our second child right around December 15. Which really means probably sometime between December 1 and December 31 I’ll have a baby. That makes things a little hard to plan for.

However, it’s been just the push I needed this year to get a good early start, because I definitely wanted to have some recipes to share with you guys throughout December, regardless of when baby decides to make his or her appearance.

So just because you haven’t been seeing them until now doesn’t mean I have been baking all things red and green and peppermint/white chocolate/gingerbread/cranberry – I’ve just been hiding them on you until the time was right.

That is, I’ve been saving them for you so that when the rest of the world starts Christmas baking, I’ll be ready with some awesome treats for you guys.

My mom made these for Christmas when we were still at home (though she tells me only once), and I knew I wanted to recreate them. I’ve been seriously lacking in the cute-and-seasonal category for pretty much every holiday up until now, and I wanted to fix that.

Plus, I really, really like Christmas.

The original recipe didn’t have the mini M&M’s, but I thought it might add more of a Christmas touch to my snow-capped trees.

Plus, chocolate.

When I was decorating them my husband came in and I told him I was only going to put the M&M’s on enough for my daughter’s day care friends, as a little farewell gift before I was at home with 2 kids.

He says to me, ” you’re only putting the M&M’s on those ones??”

I could hear his disappointment.

I explained to him that it was a little fussy and time-consuming, with the gooey chocolate getting on your fingers and then making it difficult to get the M&M’s on the trees…. etc., etc., etc..

And after he left I added M&M’s to all of them. Because baking for men is a lot like baking for children, I find. They get kind of excited about bright colors and such.

And plus, chocolate.

So they might not look super fancy, or even neat, but you should see the way my husband’s girl’s eyes lit up when she saw them. I have a feeling I’ll be making a few batches!

See how easy they are to make and follow me on YouTube!

More Christmas Cookies you’ll love!

  • Christmas Sugar Cookies
  • The Best Snickerdoodle Recipe
  • Soft Molasses Cookies Recipe
  • Peppermint Bark

No-Bake Christmas Tree Cookies - The Recipe Rebel (5)

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No-Bake Christmas Tree Cookies

written by Ashley Fehr

5 from 17 votes

No-Bake Christmas Tree Cookies: SO easy, just a few ingredients! Perfect for decorating with the kids.

No-Bake Christmas Tree Cookies - The Recipe Rebel (7)




Prep Time 20 minutes mins

Total Time 20 minutes mins

Cuisine American

Course Dessert

Servings 24 cookies

Calories 162cal


  • 1/2 cup butter or margarine
  • 2 cups powdered icing sugar
  • 2 tbsp milk
  • 3 cups shredded coconut I used sweetened, but unsweetened would work fine
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla or mint extract
  • green food coloring
  • 3/4 cup white chocolate chips
  • 1 tsp butter or margarine
  • 1 tbsp milk
  • mini M&Ms


  • In a large pot, melt butter. Remove from heat.

  • Stir in icing sugar and milk. Stir in coconut, vanilla/mint and enough food coloring to make the mixture green.

  • Shape into small balls, and using the tips of your fingers gently squeeze one side of the ball until it takes on a cone shape. It might take a few tries to get them how you like them, but if the mixture gets too cool to work with you can always heat on low a minute or 2.

  • If you see any later you want to reshape, they are easily reshaped at room temperature.

  • Put uncovered on a baking sheet to set either in the fridge for 2-3 hours or the freezer for 45 minutes to 1 hour.

  • In a small pot, melt chocolate, 1 tsp butter and 1 tbsp milk over low heat, stirring, until smooth. Dip the tops of the cookies in the white chocolate to look like snow. Add mini M&M’s if desired.

  • Set in the fridge or freezer to set before storing in an air tight container.

Nutrition Information

Calories: 162cal | Carbohydrates: 18g | Fat: 9g | Saturated Fat: 7g | Cholesterol: 11mg | Sodium: 70mg | Potassium: 55mg | Sugar: 18g | Vitamin A: 125IU | Vitamin C: 0.1mg | Calcium: 16mg | Iron: 0.2mg

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Recipe from Company’s Coming for Christmas cookbook.

No-Bake Christmas Tree Cookies - The Recipe Rebel (2024)


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Peanut Butter Blossoms are America's favorite Christmas cookie, based both on total number of pageviews from the U.S. population as a whole, and number of states that ranked it as their top cookie (which is six, by the way).

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Ending Kiss: Annie discovers her Grandma Rose instigated the stolen secret recipe all along so that she would be led to Sam. She attends Bella's Nutcracker dance recital and helps Bella overcome her fears by dancing with her onstage.

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Why Didn't My No-Bake Cookies Set? Likely, you didn't boil the mixture long enough. You want the butter, milk, sugar, and cocoa mixture to boil for 2-3 full minutes and reach between 190°F-200°F. If you don't boil them for long enough, they will turn out gooey and will not set.

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The chocolate chip cookie is far and away America's favorite cookie This should come as no surprise to anyone who enjoys the tasty treat. More than 53% of American adults prefer the cookies over the next most popular kind, peanut butter.

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Oreo is the best-selling cookie in the world. It is now sold in over 100 countries. Oreo was first produced in 1912 by the National Biscuit Company, now known as Na-Bis-Co. But did you know Oreos are a copycat product?

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The “Death of the Cookie” refers to the phasing out of third-party cookies, which are small pieces of data stored in users' web browsers and used by advertisers to track browsing behavior and deliver targeted ads.

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Annie faces her first obstacle as CEO of Cooper's Cookies when grandma's secret recipe is stolen. While investigating the theft, she works with local baker Sam to recreate the beloved recipe.

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Golden Cheese Cookie is a one of the 4 overarching protagonists and playable character In the mobile game Cookie Run: Kingdom. She is one of the member of the five Ancient Heroes that fought Dark Enchantress Cookie and the founder and queen of the Golden Cheese Kingdom.

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Why are my no bake cookies grainy? One common reason is overcooking or undercooking the mixture when boiling the ingredients. Make sure to boil the mixture for precisely one minute. Overboiling can lead to a grainy texture, as can using granulated sugar that hasn't completely dissolved.

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Yes, no-bake cookies freeze well. Flash freeze them for a few hours or up to overnight, then transfer them to a freezer-safe container and freeze for up to six months. Thaw in the refrigerator overnight.

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As a bonus, I did a little research to find out just what role each ingredient plays in chocolate chip cookies, so you can adjust your recipe however you feel like experimenting. Flour adds fluff and texture to the cookies. Adding too little flour can cause cookies to be flat, greasy, and crispy.

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Conclusion. In conclusion, the Oreo cookie's combination of iconic branding, diverse product offerings, global availability, and enduring popularity have all contributed to its status as the best-selling cookie in the world.

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Chocolate Chip cookies

Santa himself lists these as his favorites, and he prefers them soft and gooey with lots of chocolate chips. If you decide to leave these out for him, make sure there's a glass of cold milk nearby!

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#1 Iced Sugar Cookie

The Iced Sugar Cookie takes the top spot, stealing the show as the most favorite Christmas cookie with classic sweetness and festive decorations.

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Among those who can make a single choice, frosted sugar cookies lead the list (32%), with gingerbread (12%) and chocolate chip (11%) rounding out the top three. Snickerdoodles (6%) come in fourth place, followed by butter (4%), peanut butter (4%), and chocolate (4%) tying for fifth.

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Shortbread and spritz cookies are longer-lasting cookies, which means they are perfect for holidays when there is some competition on the table. After all, Christmas in many homes is celebrated with a variety of dishes and sweet treats.

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A gingerbread man is a biscuit or cookie made from gingerbread, usually in the shape of a stylized human being, although other shapes, especially seasonal themes (Christmas, Halloween, Easter, etc.) and characters are common too.


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Name: Manual Maggio

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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.