WWE NXT results, live blog: Cody Rhodes is here (2024)

Here’s a place to check results and comment along with the newest episode of WWE NXT, airing live on Tuesday night in the 8 pm ET time slot on USA Network.

Advertised for tonight from the WWE Performance Center: Undisputed WWE Champion Cody Rhodes makes a special appearance on NXT to deliver a gift.

We’ll also watch New Catch Republic (Pete Dunne and Tyler Bate) team up with Wes Lee to take on Gallus in a 6-man tag team match, Wendy Choo and Eddy Thorpe return to NXT television, Dante Chen goes one-on-one with Lexis King in a Singapore Cane match, fallout from NXT Battleground, and more!

Come right back here at 8 pm ET when the NXT live blog kicks off once the show starts on USA. A running record of everything that happens will be below this line here.

Enjoy the show!


Has anybody here seen my old friend Blob? Has anyone seen where he’s gone? What he thinks I owe him is his former life, but how can I unmake someone else’s mistakes? I guess I was his antihero, the bitter word on his lips, and now I’m here to liveblog this pro wrestling show for you, folks.

The show opens with a recap of NXT Battleground.

Kelani Jordan makes her entrance with the NXT Women’s North American Championship over her shoulder and gets on the mic.

She talks about the accolades she’s received in wrestling and gymnastics over the years and that this is the best of them all. She speaks of the struggle of the match and how all six of them are a bit beat-up now, and how she’ll remember retrieving the title for the rest of her life. It’s an honor to be the first champion and it’s up to her to create the importance of this title.

There’s a lot of extremely talented women in that locker room but she’s going to prove that no one does it like Lani.

Enter Jaida Parker.

She says the only thing Jordan proved is that she can climb a ladder like a squirrel and when she handles Michin she’s gonna take that title.

Speak of the devil, Mia Yim attacks and they brawl on the floor and we have a match!

Jaida Parker vs. “Michin” Mia Yim

Brawling, Parker with an advantage, scoop and a slam! Yim fires back with kicks, sleeper hold in the corner, sidestep, waistlocks and standing switches and Mia snaps off a German suplex! Parker sidesteps a cannonball and posts Yim shoulder-first into the turnbuckles! Hanging her on the second rope laterally, double jump Banzai Drop and we go to break!

Back from commercial, Parker with a double knee armbreaker, shoulder block, cover for two. Whip to the corner, Yim with a Frankensteiner, shoulder blocks, superkick, tornado DDT out of the corner... NOPE! Gourdbuster from Jaida, hip attack sends Michin through the ropes and dumps her on her head bad enough that the Good Brothers check on her!

Back in the ring, cover for two! Parker gets a chair out from under the ring, Karl Anderson takes it from her, Michin gets her...

Mia Yim win by pinfall with an O’Connor roll.

We get the social media promo where New Catch Republic set themselves up as Wes Lee’s tag partners against Gallus tonight.

Cody Rhodes is shown gladhanding with fans outside to send us to break.

Back from commercial, Chase U and Ridge Holland are trying to hash things out in the classroom.

Riley Osborne and Duke Hudson are implacable, they yell at each other until Thea Hail arrives to tell everyone to “shut the f*ck up and sit down.” When Andre Chase tries to mediate she reminds him he gambled the school away, she reminds Duke that everybody thought he was going to stab Mr. Chase in the back and he didn’t, all because they give people chances, so gosh darnit they’re going to give Ridge Holland a chance.

Gallus (Joe Coffey, Mark Coffey, & Wolfgang) vs. New Catch Republic (Pete Dunne & Tyler Bate) & Wes Lee

Wolfgang and Bate to start, big man swatting him down, tag to Mark and Gallus proceed to try and cut the ring in half but Tyler tags Dunne in and he drops knees on Coffey’s arm and wishbones his fingers! Tag to Lee, stereo stomps to the hands into buzzsaw kicks, fireman’s carry, superkick sets up the airplane spin, dives, Bate dumps Mark out and the babyfaces stand tall to send us to break!

Back from commercial, match breaks down into “everybody do something cool” territory and Joe blocks Tyler from the tag! Second try, Wes tags in, kicks aplenty, step-up tijeras off of Wolfgang takes Mark off, striking away, tornado DDT takes the big man down! Hurricanrana on Joe, Tyler and Pete run in and work Mark over, dives, Joe left alone for running knees... NOPE!

Back and forth, Joe ducks a springboard and gets the better of him...

Gallus win by pinfall with All the Best for the Bells from Joe Coffey on Wes Lee.

Jaida Parker is talking with Bronco Nima and Lucien Price about how she needs to take care of Mia Yim and run her ass out of NXT.

Brinley Reece is backstage with Edris Enofe and Malik Blade giving her a pep talk, and we go to break.

Back from commercial we get a Sol Ruca vignette focusing on her road to Battleground and how she made her own gear and whatnot.

Brinley Reece vs. Wendy Choo

Choo with mounted punches out the gates, corner elbow, sleepytime elbow drop, crawling after Reece, picking her leg, big headbutt, off the ropes, sliding reverse STO... NOPE! Brinley rolls under her, elbow, go-behind, cravate facebreaker, lariats, scoop and a slam! Wendy ducks a lariat, Pepsi Twist connects...

Wendy Choo wins by submission with a cutthroat choke.

We get footage of Oro Mensah attacking “All Ego” Ethan Page after Battleground and are told Ava Raine has fined him and banned him from the building tonight.

Trick Williams is shown walking backstage to send us to break.

Back from commercial, Byron Saxton interviews Roxanne Perez in the parking lot.

She says she was put in an impossible situation against one of the most dominant women in wrestling today and she’s still teh champion.

Robert Stone rolls up to congratulate her and tell her Ava Raine is wondering what she’s going to talk about tonight. Perez wants revenge for Ava springing her Battleground opponent on her and says she’ll just have to wait and see.

“American Nightmare” Cody Rhodes makes his entrance and gets on the mic.

He says it’s magical here and perhaps he needed to be here today to feel the magic as he heads towards Scotland and towards defending the WWE Championship against AJ Styles. He says AJ Styles has been IWGP Heavyweight Champion, NWA World Heavyweight Champion, WWE Champion, but one thing that’s sure is he’s going to say “I quit” on Saturday.

Enter Trick Williams.

He draws parallels between himself and Cody, about the roads they’ve travelled, and what he’s trying to say is that now that they’re on the other side of the mountain, everything feels different. Instead of chasing something they’ve wanted for so long, they have it and people are attacking them, so he asks Rhodes how he deals with all this.

Cody holds his title up on his shoulder and says part of it is that there’s always another mountain to climb, but he doesn’t want to get ahead of himself here, because he’s been granted the authority to let Trick know who his next challenger is going to be. Next week they’re gonna do a 25-man battle royal to determine a new #1 contender!

And you might know some of them, but some of them will be from different locker rooms, and he wishes Trick good luck.

Williams has one more thing to ask him, and it’s very, very serious— Fourth of July is around the corner and all his people want to know, is he coming to the cookout? Cody is coming to the cookout! They shake on it and embrace and Trick calls for Rhodes’ music!

We get a recap of Je’Von Evans’ brawl with Shawn Spears from last week.

Dante Chen is interviewed backstage.

He says he’s going to tattoo Lexis King’s body with Singapore cane shots tonight and we go to break.

Back from commercial the locker room is talking up Kelani Jordan’s win.

Carlee Bright tries to congratulate Wendy Choo on her win but gets spooked by her makeup.

We see the 2024 NIL class in the front row.

Dante Chen vs. Lexis King (Singapore Cane Match)

Cane shots with abandon to start, just whacking each other in the neck and legs! King gets an advantage, mounted punches, big back body drop, more cane shots, scoop and a slam into a pile of canes! Chen fighting back, but Lexis chokes him with a cane in the corner! Choking him on the mat now, Dante levering the cane, getting to his feet, reversing to a choke of his own!

King with a big nearfall, chops, whip reversed and he runs right into the cane he wedged in the turnbuckles! Chen gets a cane, wailing on Lexis with it again and again and again, breaking it over his back! Whip across, cane shots to the jaw and the breadbasket, off the ropes, cane-assisted big boot... SO CLOSE!

Clothesline sends Lexis to the floor, cane in hand, Dante off the ropes, cane-assisted suicide dive! Walloping him with shots on the floor, King turns the tide, scepter to the throat, hooking him...

Lexis King wins by pinfall with a scepter-assisted Coronation.

Cody Rhodes meets with Jacy Jayne backstage and gives her the old “Grotesque” Cody Rhodes protective face shield for her busted nose.

We get another Eddy Thorpe vignette to send us to break.

Back from commercial, Mia Yim is leaving Ava Raine’s office and gives the Good Brothers the good news that she gets the first shot against Kelani Jordan. Karl Anderson is confident she’s going to win and they Too Sweet about it.

Somebody just out of frame accosts Vic Joseph and security handles it.

Eddy Thorpe vs. Tavion Heights

Collar and elbow, struggling, Heights with a double leg into a ride, waistlock applied, Thorpe gets the ropes. Suplex, nearfall, body blows in the ropes, whip reversed, ducking and dodging, big arm drag from Tavion! Corner elbows, whip reversed, fireman’s carry, Eddy fights out with elbows, fireman’s carry drop cuts him off!

Heights with a gutwrench, into the Karelin lift... NOPE! Dragon sleeper applied, Thorpe fights out, fires up, kick combination into a German suplex! Elbow drop, brainbuster... IT’S OVER!

Eddy Thorpe wins by pinfall with a brainbuster.

Post-match, Charlie Dempsey wants to recruit Tavion Heights but Damon Kemp is skeptical. Dempsey gives him sh*t for questioning him when he dropped two straight to Tony D’Angelo and orders Myles Borne to go find Heights right now.

Shawn Spears and Je’Von Evans are shown walking backstage to send us to break.

Back from commercial, Ava Raine and Robert Stone are chatting backstage.

Stone apologizes for not getting the recon on Roxanne’s promo when Stevie Turner rolls up with the scoop.

She says Perez is going to try and call Ava out to get an apology and Raine thanks her but she has a call she has to take alone.

Je’Von Evans vs. Shawn Spears

Spears in control early, Evans lands on his feet off a suplex, snaps off a tijeras, big chop in the corner! Shawn Hot Shots him, chokes him in the ropes, a big chop of his own! Je’Von with right hands, whip across, front kick and then a dropkick on the button! Wrecking ball dropkick, to the apron, Penalty Kick connects and we go to break!

Back from commercial, Spears drops a knee, picks the leg into a half-crab and sits down deep on it! Je’Von gets the ropes but Shawn uses the entire five count! Wristlock chops, Evans fired up, shrugging them off, crescent kick connects, Blue Thunder Driver follows! Off the ropes, kick, Spears puts him on the ropes and blasts him with a superkick!

Hanging DDT follows, cover... NOPE! O’Connor roll from Je’Von, avalanche Ace Crusher off the top but Shawn rolls to the floor! Evans dives on him, up on the barricade, cannonball senton, back inside, clothesline sends Spears to the floor again, springboard... SHAWN SPEARS MOVES AWAY AND JE’VON EVANS’ FACE BOUNCES OFF THE CORNER OF THE ANNOUNCE DESK!

Back inside, Spears has him...

Shawn Spears wins by pinfall with the C4.

Axiom and Nathan Frazer are backstage with New Catch Republic, who think they should be celebrating more.

The D’Angelo Family roll up and Tony D’Angelo says he’s still riding the high of defending the Heritage Cup and Frazer is fixated on the cup to the point where Axiom has to remind him that they’re still tag champs and Nathan claims he could defend both at once.

Roxanne Perez is walking backstage to send us to break.

Back from commercial, Cody Rhodes runs into Shawn Spears, who claims he’s going to win the battle royal next week.

“All Ego” Ethan Page rolls up to ask where his luck is, and Lexis King comes up to say he’s going to win, and Cody waves them off saying they seem like they’re in a good place.

Roxanne Perez makes her entrance and gets on the mic for her “State of the NXT Women’s Division” gimmick.

She crows about retaining the title and says she proved to everyone at Battleground that no one is on her level, but it’s okay, don’t thank her all at once for making sure the title stays in NXT. We’re just finding out what she’s always known, but there’s one woman who does need to come out and thank her, and she calls Ava Raine out.

Enter Ava Raine.

She says she had a feeling this would happen and she’ll congratulate her but she’s not going to thank her for something that should be part and parcel of being a great champion. Perez complains that she always finds a way to make it all about her, but whoever she puts in line for the title, Roxanne will always find a way to win.

There’s not one woman who can take the title from her—

Enter Jacy Jayne (no wearing Cody’s mask over her own) and Jazmyn Nyx.

Jacy isn’t happy Roxanne is taking credit for the whole locker room and says she’s lost her sweet and innocent personality and damn sure lost her memory because long before she even signed a contract here Jayne was one of the reasons people tuned in to NXT. Jazmyn chimes in to remind her that the greatest threats to the title are under this roof.

Enter Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson.

Lash says while Jacy was getting her beak fixed and Jazmyn’s trying to be a Kim K lookalike, Meta-Four have been making moments every week, and Jakara says they were gonna try and target Kelani, but since Roxanne is running her mouth, it’s on sight.

Enter Lola Vice.

She says you can’t talk about Battleground without talking about her victory over Shayna Baszler, and these fists don’t lie. She says they all want what Roxanne has, but she’s the only one that’s really on her level, and Jakara tells her to shake her happy ass to the back of the line, which sparks off a brawl!

Roxanne and Lola throw everyone out and stand tall in the ring but don’t square up.

That’s the show, folks.

WWE NXT results, live blog: Cody Rhodes is here (2024)


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Name: Duane Harber

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Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.