The feelings start to rot one wink at a time //various yandere and non yandere dbd x reader// - Chapter 17 - Kornographic (2024)

Chapter Text


dont see your favourite killer/survivor here? Dont worry! Im already working on a part two!!



Dwight is probably not gonna be the first to confess, he will show his love by doing you favours, volenteering to help you with even the most basic of chores. And if youre in a trial together you can bet your ass that dwight is gonna make sure your ass makes it out alive. Whether it comes to putting himself on the line, or even the other survivors. Infact, some of the survivors are starting to question wether or not their choice to male him leader was the correct judgement..

Around camp, hes going to be making excuses for you. If he knows youre with a killer, and that youre going out of your freewill and NOT just to trade, he will make sure the others are none the wiser. Incase they question your loyalty, he will go as far as to expose your past trauma as a reasoning. Its not a good part on his half by any means, but its the only thing he could think of...

Honestly in a way, it makes him slightly jealous. But he sees you as above him in some strange way, the only one to really recognise your connection to the entity. So hes willing to make excuses and undeestand that a higher being like you needs more than judt hid interaction. (Despite you being no higher than him)

When it comes to love languages, acts of service is a big one. He will gladly go out of his way for you. Along with that, words of affirmation are always high up on his list. He will NOT let you feel down about ANYTHING. In and out of trials, you can expect dwight to be glued to you. I mean cmon, his perk litterally lets him see where you are within a certain radius, hes gonna be stuck like cement.

You can expect soft cozy nights spent cuddling beside one of the many fires scattered about, a blanket wrapped around your shoulders as you lean against a tree. He doesnt smoke, but youre free too. If he tried, trying to seem cooler to you, hes guaranteed to start choking on the smoke, you having to pat his back and baby him for a while until hes alllll better. But weed? Look, its always the ones you least expect.

Hes a big fan of alternative rock/indie. I can see him being a big fan of artists like big thief, alex g, and also suprisingly artists like tyler the creator and MF DOOM. But honestly, im sure hed be more than happy to listen to anything you like, afterall if you like it, then so does he!!

Hes a well known underdog. Hell, to help his co-workers, he took care of his boss. It was for the best afterall, so through thick and thin, no matter what you throw at him, hes more than likely to persevere. So if youre wanting to get away from him, good f*cking luck. If it gets too bad, hes not against keeping you sedated, hes no stranger to drugs, and he has quite the track record. So as long as its for your own good, its for the best.



Leons gonna be a good friend to you at first, he will be as helpful as he can be and earn your trust. Hes pretty full of energy, and honestly he knows hes a joy to be around camp. Hes everything people like! Hes talkative, helpful, and just a good egg all around.

And to be honest, hes kinda like that anyway, but he uses that to his advantage. People at camp have come to see him as someone reliable and trustworthy. I mean theyll beleive practically anything he says, except bill. But thats a different story..

So nobody suspects a thing when you go missing, and hes simply got you holed up in the garden of joy, the dredge doesnt bother with the two of them after all. That is until your next trial, we just have to hope he hasnt manipulated you to a point you dont have the heart to tell anyone what happened.

As your relationship progresses, leon will get more and more touchy, he clings to your arm and wraps his arm around your shoulder, pretty much he will always be touching you.

When in trials, expect him to be making extra flash grenades to give you, he will teach you how to use them and eventually make them too, he also helps you when healing, giving you a roll of bandage to bite onto whilst he heals your wounds, he doesnt want to alert the killer after all. Hes pretty good at distracting them, so as long as its someone he can outsmart, hes more than happy to take away their attention whilst you do the genorators. We love a team effort!

Eventually if it doesnt lead to him trying to keep you all to himself, its mainly going to be a pretty protective leon youre getting. To be honest its pretty extreme result in the first place so youd have to do something pretty extreme to get that. Leon is more than happy to occupy his time with you either way though.

Hes often talking to the other survivors from his realm, thats pretty much the only time youll get alone, but as long as you make sure to check up on him, he wont get too bad, so youre still free to do as you want to a point.



Jake is gonna be difficult to start up ANY kind of relationship, hes so closed off and rude that honestly good luck getting anything out of this guy. I honestly imagine him to be alittle bit like shane from stardew valley.

With jake, with how quiet he is, he honestly appriciates somebody that fills up the noise. At the right moments of course, nothing more annoying than somebody thats obnoxioud to jake. The key to getting to jake is to show vulnerability and persistence. If you keep at it, like a boulder, you will eventually crack him.

Especially if you show a softer, more vulnerable side to him first. He already thinks youre naiive and honestly alittle dumb, bit he doesnt mind picking up your slack. I have a feeling he plays something like a flute, unconventional, but something his father probably made him pick up as a kid that hes never really let go of.

He's another one thats for favours, constantly making sure hes got the necessary equipment you need, cooking you food as hes suprisingly a pretty good cook, he will fetch you herbs, and give you practical gifts, like a particularly nice leather sketchbook (dont worry, youre matching now!!) he had carved into with a sharp swivel knive to carve out beautiful image of a deer.

He takes care of himself sure, but as somebody living off the grid, you cant expect him to always be clean shaven. Typically with jake, comes a scruffy stubble, and maybe a small beard. Of course if you prefer it otherwise, he will grumble and complain, but youll never see it like that again.

Hes not at camp all too often in all honesty, though that changed subconciously as soon as you arrived, however he still goes camping often. And thusly, so do you! So if you underpack, and insist you have more than enough supplies, hes gonna sigh and whilst you look at the handmade map he made, hes gonna be packing an extra bag, shaking his head with a smile at your stubborness.

You can expect nights to never be cold, jake runs hot, and as you sleep, pressed against him in a shared sleeping bag with his hand around your waist, he allows you to use his arm as a pillow, even if its cutting off his circulation. He finds joy in showing you things he finds, wether it be a beautiful waterfall, or a woodcarving he made. Dont worry, he will teach you! He loves to share his knowedge.

Snarky conversations and debates are a given, hes argumentative and a bit of a little bitch, but you enjoy it as its all in good fun, and you know at the end of the day, he will be trading his sour comments for compliments shared like secrets between soft kisses. Hes a real sweetheart when he wants to be.

However, dont expect him to be like dwight. Hes not a complete pushover. If you leave dirty dishes around his ass will make you clean them, hes willing to educate you if necessary.

Like a wild dog, if you try to put any expectations ontop of him, he will snap and leave for days, or even weeks. It reminds him too much of his family. Having constant things to live up to, having a brother thats far more succesful and a succesful lineage, hes not going to do what anyone says.

Jake isnt the kind of man you can control, but nor will he try to control you. He expects respect and if it is given, he will respect you back. In all honesty, hes not too difficult a yandere in a relationship. Hes probably one of the more normal ones.

The same comes with betrayal, he gets jealous very easily, and honestly needs reassurance pretty regularly. If he sees you hanging out with dwight for more than a few hours outside of a trial, or if you go somewhere with him alone, hes not gonna enjoy it. Expect him to suddenly insert himself into the conversation, and start saying snide, passive agressive remarks towards him, all whilst telling you to see something he found.

He tries his best not to stalk you, and honestly the first time with the showers was involentary, but he just couldnt tear hid eyes away! So even if youre not interacting with him at camp, hes probably got his eye on you in some way. When you and nea had that argument and you went with her into the forest it took everything inside of him not to follow.

(I dont care if jakes is the longest hes my fav and this is my book RAUGHHH 👹👹👹)



Kate is somewhat of a loveable dumbass, shes incredibly useful in trials for her amazing abilities and intuition, and her skills just in general. Shes nimble, and smart in a chase. And she constantly carried a flashlight. Basically shes every killers worse nightmare, and every survivors greatest asset.

However, if she trips up shes pretty much killed immidietely, so yeah shes probably gonna come running to you for heals during trials, pressing sneaky kisses on you whilst you bandage up her wounds, giving you a big fat kiss afterwards, promising to make it up to you and running back into the action.

In the beginning of the relationship, shes gonna flirt pretty openly. Shes never been one to dance around a subject, she wears her heart on her sleeve. However she does flirt with others too at this point, just alittle more persistently with you.

Shes gonna compliment you alot, on your cooking, your looks, shes very brazen. However she does this all in honesty. Its when you dsnce for the firdt time however, that she truly falls in love with you. Watching you stumble and try to keep up with her, laughing nervously and joking as youre staring at your feet to make sure you dont f*ck up. Thats what makes her realise her growing affection for you, throwing you into an unexpected dip, with a strength you didnt know she had as she nears her face to yours, almost pressing lips before she pulld you back up, teasing you about how you thought she was gonna kiss you. And then judt to kidd you right there and then either say

She 100% writes a song about you, multiple infact. If you ask she will gladly show them off, or she will play them at the campfire however only humming the lyrics. She enjoys how you react whenever she plays, as if shes got you hook line and sinker with her melodic hypnotising voice. Which she does.

When youre actually in somewhat of a relationship, shes not all too possesive. She understands you want to talk to others and heck she would go stir crazy, so shes pretty reserved in that respect. She goes as far to lecture the others if they do so, heck even the killers arent safe from her wrath.

However, her personality takes a shift as soon as someone f*cks with you, her protective side kicking in as she kicks the ass verbally of the other perdon, or heck even physically. Shes the one telling the poor underpaid mcdonalds workers that you asked for NO pickles!!




I feel like ghostface is the type of boyfriend to constantly be teasing you, hes always taking dumb pictures of you to use for later blackmail, or just to show you when you tease him to get you back. This man definitely says the ugly pictures of you are hid favourite. However, he does quite often take candid pictures and good pictures of you, wether youre watching or not..

Not only that, but hes definetly the doting kind. Hes still an asshole, but he shows his love through favours, wether youre looking for something, and he leaves it in your cabin for you to find. Or overhears you want something, and makes sure to do his best in trials so he can get it for you. Youll never know its him though, god no thats not his style.

He will CONSTANTLY flirt with you and tease you, however he will probably never actually make it obvious hes actually in love eith you. Since his personality is like this anyway most will just assume that its judt him being his regular self.

When it comes to trials though, you can expect him to save you for last. He may stalk you excessively, and even talk to you during the trials, but that doesnt mean youre getting away scott free. He enjoys the look on your face far too much. He wants a way to show the others who you belong to afterall, and who can put you in your place.

Bro is jealous, mainly of the other survivors. When he first entered the realm, he pretended to be a survivor to get close to them, however when they started to suspect that 'danny' was actually ghostface, well.. nea managed to pull up his mask once after being stunned, and that basically confirmed it.

However, hes one of the more docile yanderes listed. He's willing to share.. but only if hes always gonna be your favorite.

He will tease you about it though, if he sees you with one of the others, especially the killers and for some reason dwight, he will re-enact your maleout session with his arms wrapped around himself, that is until later when he asks you to do that to him, kinky bastard.

A big fan of any kind of riot girl music, that and singers like cardi B and lady gaga, i judt feel like hes for the girls and the gays you know. Very flamboyant.

He enjoys just lying with you, hiding away in haddonfield with a hand stroking your stomach, kissing the skin gently, dont worry mikey doesnt mind! If you wanna chat sh*t, hes the man to go to. You wanna bitch about people? Bro hes already f*cking at it, probably because hes stslking you but he always seems to pick apart the people youre having issues with before you can even tell him, and you better beleive hes not explaining why hes giving them a hard time in trials.

Maybe one day, he will let you go through his photo folder, hes lucky enough to have a sort of closed off area, itd not a realm, but its a home in one of the realms. Below is a dark room for all of his photos, hung up on little pegs. Its one of the only times youll see him vulnerable, when hes talking about something hes genuinely passionate about besides you.

If you have any passions, he implores you to share them with you, will gladly listen to you play guitar whilst kicking his feet and giggling. Of course, only if you write a song about him! He loves the attention, its what he lived for before all of this, so hes expecting your full 100% focus.



ah yes, how DO you get the rmbodiment of pure evil to fall in love with you?

Simple, do what people havent done to him in years, treat a monster like its human.

However, dont expect that to make him suddenly change into a loveable puppy, ohno. You can throw most physical affection out of the window in the early stages of your relationship with him. Most he will do is mock threaten you when you misbehave. And hes still not gonna talk at this stage. Basically the only way youll be able to tell he even likes you is the fact that he doesnt kill you, as if he doesnt even care for your existance.

Eventually, as you go further into a relationship with him, that indifference will become protectiveness. As the entity has no way to control micheal, since he doesnt have emotion, hes pretty much free to do as he pleases. That is until he meets you, but still the entity will struggle as it doesnt actively want to harm you, and it only feeds on bad emotion.

At this point, you may build up courage to finally show physical affection to the shape, you'll decide to hug him and hold him tight, but theres not much difference as he just stands still and stiff. However, just because he doesnt reciprocate at this point doesnt mean its unwelcome, or he would have hurt you far before you got close.

Pretty much the first sign of showing any affection, is that he will grab onto hem of your sleeve sometimes, although that isnt much, soon after you can expect him to maybe sit closer to you or pat your head. You can also never expect to really sleep, and dont even ask to see his face. If you try to lift his mask he will choke you and not in a kinky way.

If however, you get past all that and he does take hid mask off (never fully though, only ever his lower face) it will probably only be to eat around you, or eventually kiss you. It can either go two ways, he will let you peck him on the lips, and may or may not reciprocate, or hes gonna pull you in and kiss you till you cant breathe. No inbetween.

Much like a cat, you know micheal will trust you when he eats and sleeps in your presence.



The ULTIMATE guys guy, hes here with his boys and youre now one of the boys, however the other boys dont get to talk to you. Not that they speak a language you understand anyway. The entity only translates the main killer, not its minions. At first, Tarhos is pretty stoic. He doesnt talk to anybody else in the entitys realm besides his followers.

As a partner though, hes incredibly possesive, always wanting more and more from you. He will do pretty much anything as long as he gets to treat you like property. However, that doesnt mean he cannot be a gentle lover.

He quite often gets advice from his 3 men, all of them bring different and having different personalities and outlools, and he uses that to hos full advantage to win you over. After all, whats better than one opinion? Four.

You can expect him to pretty much pick you up and take you tp wherever pretty much whenever he wants just brcause he feels like it could be out of boredom, jealousy, or judt that he wants to show you a pretty flower he found that reminded him of you.

Hes a big fan of gifts, he would give you the world if he could. Hes a knight, so hes used to oftrn giving treasures and all sorts as trophies. Even if thats another survivors head..

(Sorry knights is so short, i was fr STRUGGLING)


(dw doing the others in the next post except susie but there will be segments for susie in each legion peice.)

Frank is pretty manipulative, you can expect him to br cold, callous and unforgiving one moment, and love bombing you the next. Of course, this might have worked tremendously on julie, but it doesnt work on you. Youve seen your parents situation and you refuse to be treated like this. Frank at first doesnt even know hes doing it its instinctual. But he will do his best to do right by you.

That is atleast, unless you piss him off. Hes not willing to take that kindly. Hes the type to lock you in the basem*nt if you wrong him until yourr begging to come out.

His love language is definetely physical touch, constantly having his hand on the small of your back, or wrapped around your dhoulders. Its something to anchor him to his surroundings. And hes genuinely appriciative of you and the way you calm him down, it almost makes him feel like he felt back when he was younger, before all of this hell started.

If you see him do something embarrassing, like lets say he trips over mid chase (which lets be honest, is bound to happen with the landscape and how fast this bitch can go) he will immidietrly brush himself off, and chase after you with a bright red face, screaming profanities. Hds usually quite nimble, able to leap over pallets and through windows eith ease. But everyone messes up at some point.

Susie is pretty glad you get along with frank. Hes the scariest, and it makes mount ormond alittle quiter and calmer when youre around, or while frank is with you. She enjoys your presence alot and judt wants tk be around you, so she doesnt mind it even if its with frank.

Frank is appriciative of susies supportiveness, that is until he notices hes supportive with the rest of legion and you too. He gets alittle sour thinking about it. But in a way, he is able to share with the others, albeit its difficult, he knows that his crew are to be trusted, and that alot of the killers are a heck ton stronger than he is. So he doesnt really get much of a say.

I imagine he enjoys videogames, having a room in mount ormond somewhere with an old gaming console hooked up, he will let you win a few times, but once youre better than him hes gonna be real pissed when you start beating him, it will eventually devolve into tickle fights and distraction via affection and kisses



Philip is shy, and isnt very confrontational. Honestly, as long as others are treating you well, hes more than happy to watch/get cucked from the sidelines. That doesnt mean you can forget about him though, ohno. He still reauires your attention just as much as he beleives you need his. Afterall, he sees himself as somewhat of a protector. Finally a meaning to be here, and hes just glad that his meaning is you.

Hes gonna stalk you nonstop, hes always watching from the shadows, that is unless hes stalking others to get an idea on their plans with you. But you can pretty much guarantee that the whistling isnt the wind, its his shaky breaths as he stands close to your cabin, hoping the curtains are drawn far enough so he can see you.

If you do actually pay more attention to him, hed be overjoyed! He doesnt ask for much, and so when hes given more he becomes greedy. He will start to hoard you to himself, spouting off reasons to keep you close, but of course he eont stop you from leaving. He respects you far too much.

Hes the kind of yandere to virtually let you do whatever yo want, you can do no wrong in his eyes. When it comes to love languages, honestly quality time is probably what youll be getting. Hes too nervous to touch you, and hes too choked up on how handsome and gorgeous you look to really say anything, you an expect him to be slowly inch his hand towards yours as you listen to music staring at the stars...

If you were to toucb him though, wether it be as simple as a hug, or a fullblown makeout session hes still as flustered as he would be the first time it happens, placing his hands on his cheeks and sputtering. Man has a MAJOR victims complex, so any reassurances would be nice.

You can expect however, if something were to go wrong in the relationship, for him to be blaming himself and practically hating himself for it. Wether its his fault or not. He will find a way to make up for it though!



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The feelings start to rot one wink at a time //various yandere and non yandere dbd x reader// - Chapter 17 - Kornographic (2024)


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Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

Birthday: 1996-05-16

Address: Suite 228 919 Deana Ford, Lake Meridithberg, NE 60017-4257

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Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.