The feelings start to rot one wink at a time //various yandere and non yandere dbd x reader// - Chapter 18 - Kornographic (2024)

Chapter Text




much like micheal, you can expect to not really have alot of interaction in terms of communication when it comes to this big guy. His ass may be phat, but im not even sure he has a mouth. Considering the pyramid is stuck to his head. Sadly, that means hes unable to kiss you, but youre more than free to kiss him!

however, as he is the embodiment of james sunderlands violence and sexual needs, a relationship with this thing wont.. be pleasant. Typically, after a pyramid heads job is done, they lay dormant and only remanifest when necessary, however they are able to linger for a while which is how the entity found it.

Once he was given an offer by the entity to enter the realm, he stayed in the same state of violence, and so was used as a tool by the entity to discipline the remainding survivors. The entity, not having any power over the being, could only influence his beleifs of who had sinned, and who had not. And as the entitys F̷̺̏̏a̵̡̤̹̯̒́̀͘v̸̻̜̮̑ö̶̩́̅͆͗ù̸̹͂̀r̶̖̆̃͘-̷̳̅̍̅́, in his mind you are the singular 'clean' survivor.

he never really understood why the entity kept you here if you didnt have any sin tied to your soul, found himself even as a somewhat mindless being wondering why this was something you deserved to endure, but he didnt really care, the entity has a mind if its own.

so at first, he doesnt even pay attention to you. Having no real need to, youre not sinful so he doesnt punish you. Honestly? The pyramid head doesnt even really have a personality, that is, until hes taken by your purity.

wether you decide that since he doesnt harm you, hes safe to be around. Or wether you just end up being around him more often on accident, hes eventually gonna feel engulfed by it. And as a being of sin, made to punish sin, its a welcomed change.

in a sense, his role slowly changes and he will develop an obligation to keep you and your purity safe. Youll find him leaving you alone in trials, youre seemingly unaffected by his trails of torment so he doesnt care to be careful of his sword. However, when you attempt to pick it up, it makes something inside of him amused by your naiivety.

when youre eventually in somewhat of a relationship, its honestly not all too different from how it was before. But this time hes alot more protective. At this point he will protect you from other killers AND survivors, throwing you over his shoulder and walking off to his area, he sees everyone else as a threat that could taint your purity so he will not take any excuse.

just stay happy and safe with him and youll be fine.


Evan was pretty much done with the entity, he did what he was told but he was so sick and tired of it. He never even had a chance to find somebody to share his wealth with back on the normal realm, so he was pretty disgruntled at the interruption. His father taught him alot, including about partners. No matter your gender, you can expect him to treat you like a housewife. No ifs or buts, hes the breadwinner, so youll be expected to look after the macmillan estate.

at the beggining, hes probably gonna see you as someone thats just of interest to him. A relationship with evan forms fast and he easily adapts you into his schedule. It can be so much as just a likeness for you and hes willing to ask you to somewhat of a 'dinner' . Hes a classy, older individual, hes still got that gruffness to him, but his father raised him 'right'.

Its honestly your strong willed nature that gets to him, he likes a partner thats not gonna take any sh*t. So if you put others in their place around him you better beleive youre getting an extra large heaped helping of affection. Although, dont expect him to act the same if you attempt to do the same to him, he may like his partners strong, but he also likes them submissive

Hes very much someone for gifts, he will make you things he soldered together, like a flower made out of metal. Hes the kind of guy to do caring things for you without you knowing, placing a blanket around you if you fall asleep writing in your journal, or if he sees a scrape on your knee, he will leave plasters on the side for you. But you cant expect him to help you with any chores, thats his housewifes job.

Hes a very easily pleased man, keep his belly full, his house clean and his bed warm, and youre as good as golden. It doesnt take alot to please him, although the things that do, grow tedious to a point you might wanna rip your hair out.

In trials, he will do his best to make your time as easy as possible, but he will still sacrifice you. After all, how can he provide the best for you if he doesnt get the 4k? Hes gonna make it quick though. Either hunt you out first and camp you on hook, trying to place you down as gently as possible. Mans wont even down you, he will just pick you up and sacrifice you to the entity. Either that, or hes gonna leave you till last, sometimes if youre good he gives you the hatch. But typically? H o o k.


joey, unlike frank is a much more caring and loving partner, he isnt manipulative like frank, and hes not as likely to lash out at you either. Having been forced into this life, he found himself beginning to regret the paths he took in his youth, thinking he took it too far. But in the moment, he still beleives he did right by his group. You can expect that if frank eventually takes you, the entire legion does too, they somewhat share you to an extent. Frank of course having the lions share.

but dont worry, hes more than willing to pick up the pieces once franks finished with you. Due to the dynamic, frank is alot more protective of you, he dislikes the way julie first treats you, often not taking her side when arguments form between frank and julie. Hed rather not show any opinion on that matter eith how delicate the situation is, and hes far happier to have time with you to himself whilst they argue.

joey was once very different to how he is now, he was the defenition of a socialite, the life of the party. He took enjoyment in knowing evrryone wanted to either be, date, or befriend him. And i suppose that was his eventual undoing when frank eventually came along. He can still be pretty impulsive to a fault, hes not nearly as cold and callous as frank though, running with quite the temper he supposed thats why they got along so well back then.

but now? Well. He supposed he still supported frank. They were both very similar afterall, just with very different opinions. He has no difficulty in weighing decisions in his head about who he should defend, just as he defended julie back then, his loyalty knows no bounds. Even if he has his disagremeents with frank.

hes by far the kindest to susie, her being the youngest, even back then at the parties he threw, he would check on her now and then. Susie is torn on what to think about joey, but she beleives him to be the best option for you, not that frank would allow that however.

shes still just happy enough with you just being there in the first place.

joey hasnt changed too much though, hes still the mischevious prankster delinquent he was back then, finding joy in pranking you relelntlessly, if it goes too far though, he atleast is willing to stop.

as the tallest, and broadest member of the legion, not that the other killers find the group particularly intimidating, when outside hes definitely the one keeping an extra eye out, always willing to defend his group, and mainly you from any who may try to steal their newest member away.


julie was incredibly hesitant when frank brought you to the group, her role already pretty rocky at the moment as she sensed frank had been pretty dismissive of her lately. So of course, when you appear, and brought BY frank no less, its alittle understandable that she would be alittle frustrated and hostile.

essentially, if you want to not end up thrown out in the middle of the woods while youre asleep at mount ormond, not knowing where you are, its better off you just stay away from both julie AND frank. Trust me, for your own benefit.

she will be throwing looks at you whenever frank is talking to her, overly jealous if he even approaches you about something. Frank of course isnt stupid, and knows that to help you settle in, its probably best for him to back off a bit. But his sad*stic side, especially if you do something he deems bad, does it on purpose occasionally, as some form of punishment.

honestly, it takes a long while for her to warm up to you even slightly, susie warming up the quickest, and joey eventually deeming you chill enough. She will pretty much villanise you until something brings you together.

maybe frank and her have a dispute, probably about you, and she comes outside to see you just kinda there with a cigg, probably also mid mental breakdown, and she just cant contain her anger, spilling it out like an overly shaked co*ke can, and the way you take it makes her realise that you really arent a threat. Its either that or you act so disinterested in frank, and so pathetic that she just cannot understand why frank would want you, a survivor here.

so, although it takes longer especially depending on what finally brings you together, theres still that unbreakable bond shared between the legion, that julie eventually gives to you. It could eventually form into some kinda comradarie.

if youre AMAB or identify as female, julie i beleive is definitely the kind to be alittle enstranged from her emotions, coming from a small town, she most definitely has that small town mindset. Moreso than joey if you identify as more masculine, as hes more open minded. But i imagine julie having an especially difficult time coming to accept the fact that she likes women, and then even more to even ask you in the first place.

From then on, its pretty much less like youre walking on eggshells, and more like youre just their less murder-y group member. But when she actually ends up liking you? Well.

All the attention she wasnt getting form frank, shes gonna expect from you. If hes not around, shes gonna cling onto your arm, shes honestly glad to have someone so very understanding, someone whos still so human in comparison. With how long theyve been there, its very much welcomed.

Shes gonna enjoy going out on adventures with you and susie, she feels comfortable around you enough to have girl talks, and generally even if youre masculine leaning, youre gonna be involved in said girl talks.

I imagine shes a big fan of riot grrrl music, and pop music too, so she sometimes lengs you her other headphone, switching between songs on her mp3 to songs youve never heard about by artists youve never heard of, seeing as you came from a dofferent time period than her.


Now wesker is a tricky one. Honestly the chance of manifesting a relationship sith him thats pleasant? Near impossible. He has a god complex, seeing himself as immesurably above everyone else in the entitys realm, heck, once he figures it out, he sees himself as ABOVE the entity itself.

To get his attention in the first place, you gotta do something stupid, and i mean stupid. Like insult him. Hes not the type to single a particular survivor out, and to be fair he doesnt. But if your disrespect continues you can expect him to make trial after trial incredibly brutal for you.

however once hes been in countless trials eith you, you still somehow keep your audacity, he doesnt understand how youre not sh*tting your pants. you only seem to show genuine anguish when physically harmed, and it makes him pretty pissed. He will go as far to bring a mori whenever he knows hes in a trial with you, just to try and control you even alittle.

it honestly pisses him off to no end how little effect he has on you, that group of delinquents somehow making a bigger impact, even if it was something traumatic from your past life. Although, he supposed as the entity did tend to under exaggerate the pain from trials expirienced by the survivors, to give them something to cling onto, it does somewhat male sense.

He will start to wonder where you get the nerve from, and how you arent nearly as terrified of him as you should be. And he mistakes your ties to the entity as some kind of strength, similar to the urobus virus he has that hes immune to. He might finally see you on a somewhat similar level. Of course, hes still far above you though.

This makes him alittle bit more respectful, he will still act the way he does, but when he hears killers speaking of you, or about how they too mori'd you, and lest they speak of you in a more suggestive way, bro is gonna get hella territorial. Not overtly of course, you wont know why hes back to singling you out in trials when you thought you were already over this bullsh*t.

Wesker strikes me as the kind of man that likes his partners to be above everyone else but himself, he wants them to be both intelligent and strong, which youre honestly not sure you qualify for, but with your ties to the entity driving wesker insane trying to figure out, his perception is somewhat warped. Wether thats the entitys way of protecting you or not. However of course, he still stands above you, similar to the way even thinks in a way.


Kazan is someone with very little mercy towards everyone, except perhaps his grandaughter. Who he shares the estate eith. In all honesty, somewhere deep inside, beside all his clouded anger, he feels regretful for the fate of his kin, having a strong sense of pridefulness as far as his lineage. However, like a bear, you poke him and youre not gonna like what happens next.

Honestly, everyone is pretty confused as to how you gained his favor, lets say youre transported to a campfire near the estate, you hear rin crying in anger, and you maybe do something as small as just sitting wordlessly with her until she stops, and thats enough for him to think youre not as deserving of his wrath as the others.

Again, man prides himself heavily on both himself and his family, so any sign of respect is going to impress him somewhat, even if he beleives himself deserving of it. Not that he goes easy on you in trials at this point, still continhing to do his job, he just feels a slight sympathy somewhere buried in that hunk of metal.

Maybe he will see you sat with rin again, just being a good listener, not that you can understand japaneese. But you dont have to for them both to sense some kind of understanding of pain. And with your kindness, and humbleness, thats what eventually attracks kazan in.

Even in trials, you remain a completely neutral force, not treating as the monsterous beast he is, he doesnt understand what youre saying, but youre not shouting venom at him, and nor are you slamming your fists onto his back like the others usually do, merely muttering nervous words and trying to wiggle out.

As a being that constantly seeks revenge, mercilessly slaughtering all lesser beings, its hard to see you the same way he sees them as you are so distinguishable from them. So hes not really sure what to think, or do with you.

If you end up befriending rin, which i think is the only real way to get into contact with kazan, he will notice you more and more around the estate, laughing with his grandaughter. He doesnt disturb you, merely enjoying the presence of a calm force in his mind, no anger.

If you were to actually get into a relationship, hes still the same as he was when he was a young soldier, respectful. You cant expect alot of contact, especially in public our outside of the estate. But he will gladly bring back offerings and trophies to win your affection. Hes not one for kisses or hugs, but he too will show small glimpses of affection regularly.

At this stage? Nobody, not even the other killers can come close, if he even gets so much of a whiff of his scent on his estate, he will say that theyre like dogs in heat, and grab his sword to swiftly deal with the issue. The entity knowing this will typically transport people away, that is unless it F̸̤̖̞͒͝ẹ̵̏̒̎̿e̶̯͖̪̬̔̾̏́ļ̶̼̣̯̓̐̕s̶͉̓̇͂͛ ̸̼̪̈́͆j̸̖̗̾̎ė̵͚̜̪̺͘͘̚-̶̛̫̫̓.. decides otherwise.

The feelings start to rot one wink at a time //various yandere and non yandere dbd x reader// - Chapter 18 - Kornographic (2024)


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Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-12-23

Address: 4653 O'Kon Hill, Lake Juanstad, AR 65469

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Hobby: Reading, Ice skating, Foraging, BASE jumping, Hiking, Skateboarding, Kayaking

Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.