Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 7, 1875 to DECEMBER 30, 1875 (2024)

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 7, 1875.
TISDALE, Jan. 4th, 1875.

New Years is past in Tisdale. A dance in the evening equaling if notexcelling the one held on Christmas Eve.

Our Lyceum is again in full blast. It commenced about three weeks ago.Our little paper, called the Repository, is quite spicy but meetswith a good deal of opposition. Its remarks are sometimes sharp and cutdeep. But our editors are somewhat independent and slash away no matterwhom they offend.

Another relief meeting was held last Wednesday night, electing threeadditional committee members, viz: Seth Chase, Dr. Thompson, Mr. Whittaker.

Sunday school is again organized under the superintendence of Mr. Rounds.Mr. Rounds is a stranger among us, but seems to make a good beginning, andif he continues as he has begun, will make a valuable addition to our neighborhood.


Winfield Courier, January 7, 1875.

Joe North, commonly known as "Buffalo Joe," was taken fromthe jail at Wallace, Kansas, a short time ago by a band of masked men andhung to a telegraph pole. He was charged with killing a man by the nameof Jones a year ago.

Winfield Courier, January 7, 1875.

The Ross faction in opposition to territorializing the Indian countrysouth of us has been finally overcome, and we expect that now before theclose of the present session of Congress, a territorial government willbe there organized and in operationat least, it must soon follow. We regardit as a vast significance to Kansas, and think its effect will be desirableto us in the extreme. We shall watch the movement with much interest andreport. Independence Tribune.

Winfield Courier, January 7, 1875.

The law that has just passed congress allowing pre-emptors and householderswho have been driven from their homes by the destitution caused by the grasshoppersto leave for a year without forfeiting rights does not apply to the Osagelands.

Winfield Courier, January 7, 1875.

The bill pending before congress to establish a Federal court in theIndian Territory makes Fort Gibson the point of holding court. The circuitcourt of Kansas is made a court of appeal from the Territorial court.

Winfield Courier, January 7, 1875.

One row of cells in the military prison at Leavenworth has been completed.

Winfield Courier, January 7, 1875.

Orders have been issued from Washington, requiring every Indian to remainupon the reservations, and only leave when given a written permit by theAgent. If found off the reservation, without a permit, he is to be treatedas a hostile Indian.

Winfield Courier, January 7, 1875.

In anyone thinks the Mennonites came to Kansas on account of poverty,let him be convinced of his error. We learn that a Russian gentleman oftheir persuasion, with half a million dollars capital, is about to builda combined foundry and machine shop at Moscow, in Marion County.

Winfield Courier, January 7, 1875.

Oxford Township has twenty-four hundred acres of wheat growing, and claimsto be the banner township of Sumner County.

Winfield Courier, January 7, 1875.

A dispatch from Tucson says very rich gold mines have been discoveredin Sonora on Star Miguel River. The claims cover a surface of two milessquare.

Winfield Courier, January 7, 1875.

The editor of the Newton Kansan denies, vehemently, the reportof small pox among the Mennonites at Newton. He says it is a lie made ofwhole cloth.

Winfield Courier, January 7, 1875.


More Reading Matter
Than ever. It gives more news,
Than any other paper in the Southwest.
Is well adapted for doing
In the best possible manner.
Call and Examine


Winfield Courier, January 7, 1875.

Snow birds are uncommonly plenty this winter.

Winfield Courier, January 7, 1875.

Floral grange has resolved to proceed against horse thieves.

Winfield Courier, January 7, 1875.

The thermometer stood ten degrees below zero Tuesday morning.

Winfield Courier, January 7, 1875.

MARRIED. At the Baptist church in this city, by the Rev. N. L. Rigby,Mr. Samuel D. Pryor to Miss Llewellyn Waite, all of this city. No cards.

Winfield Courier, January 7, 1875.

The county officers elected last fall take their seats next Monday, atwhich time the present County Attorney, Probate Judge, and District Clerkstep down and out.

Winfield Courier, January 7, 1875.

The Masons have rented the upper story of Sam Myton's new building fora hall. They intend to fit it up in splendid style, and when it is completed,they expect to have the finest Masonic Hall in Southern Kansas.

Winfield Courier, January 7, 1875.

The members of the Christian church gave their free supper last New Year'seve, at their church. A good crowd was in attendance, and from what we canlearn we should judge that everybody was well pleased with the entire arrangement.

Winfield Courier, January 7, 1875.

T. A. Blanchard, the Cowley County grange agent, has received noticethat two carloads of provisions were at Wichita, subject to his order. Halfof one carload is intended for the destitute granges of Sumner County, andthe remaining load and a half is for this county.

Winfield Courier, January 7, 1875.

The boys are making the most of the skating these days. We went downto the ice with a dull pair of skates the other day and know how it is ourself.We have hopes that the numerous joints dislocated in those few hours willregain their rightful positions sometime during the summer.

Winfield Courier, January 7, 1875.

A large number of the horses of this county are dying this winter, althoughthere is no disease perceptible. Some ascribe the difficulty to the feedingof green wheat, while others (and we think they are right) ascribe the causeto the want of any kind of food.

Winfield Courier, January 7, 1875.

The icemen are in their element now, and they are packing away the frigidarticle at a lively rate. A. T. Stewart, A. N. Deming, and Joe Likowskiare among the packers. The ice is clear and nice and eight inches thick,being thicker than it ever was before in this county, within the memoryof the oldest inhabitants.

Winfield Courier, January 7, 1875.

The Floral grange, No. 756 P. of H. will hold a public installation ofofficers on Friday evening, January 15th. The exercises will consist principallyof music and speaking. Refreshments will be served, but the proposed oystersupper will be dispensed with. Everybody is invited to be present.

Winfield Courier, January 7, 1875.

We regret to learn of the severe illness of Mrs. Greenlee, four milessouth of town. Her daughter, Miss Jennie Greenlee, has been relieved ofher duties as a school teacher, for a time, by Miss Mollie Bryant, in orderthat she may give her entire attention to the care of her mother.

Winfield Courier, January 7, 1875.

Dexter Grange, No. 195, P. of H., at their regular meeting January 2nd,1875, installed their officers for the ensuing year as follows: Jessie V.Hines, master; J. B. Williams, overseer, T. R. Bryan, lecturer; T. A. Wagner,secretary; R. Hite, treasurer; G. W. Jones, chaplain; O. P. Darst, steward;James Nicholson, asst. steward; H. L. Laplin, gate keeper; Mrs. M. E. Wagner,Ceres; Miss Lettie A. Smith, Pomona; Mrs. R. HInes, Flora; Mrs. S. A. Williams,lady asst. steward. T. A. WAGNER, Secretary.

Winfield Courier, January 7, 1875.

We doubt if a pleasanter party ever assembled in Cowley County than thatwhich met at the residence of Mr. Thomas Braidwood, 4-1/2 miles east ofWinfield, on the last evening of the year 1874, to watch the coming of theNew Year. The party was composed of a few of the young people of this city,a couple of the young ladies of the neighborhood, and the family of theamiable host and hostess, and the time passed pleasantly with music, vocaland instrumental, dancing, talking, and laughing, and not forgetting thedelicious repast of cake, etc., which occurred just at the time when allwere in a condition to enjoy it. The party broke up shortly after the entranceof 1875, and the guests departed for their homes satisfied of never havingpassed an evening more pleasantly.


Winfield Courier, January 7, 1875.

At a meeting of the Floral Grange No. 756 December 8th, 1874, the followingresolutions were adopted.

WHEREAS, It has become necessary that we organize ourselves into a committeefor self-protection against theft; therefore,

Be it Resolved, 1st, That we organize ourselves into a committeeto be known as the Patron's Detective Committee, with headquarters at theFloral grange;

Resolved, 2nd, That we, the undersigned P. of H. do hereby pledgeourselves that when there is any theft committed we will promptly respondto the call.

Resolved, 3rd, That when there is a theft committed the ownerof the property shall report immediately to the Master and Secretary whoseduty it shall be to notify all the male members of said grange, whose dutyit shall be to proceed immediately to search for and secure said property,if it be in their power, and also to apprehend the thief or thieves, andbring him or them to justice.

Resolved, 4th, That when a theft has been committed, if it beanimals taken, each and every patron shall proceed in various directions,so that a thorough search may be made at all points of the compass.

Resolved, 5th, That after a thorough search has been made forone day, in the surrounding country, all return to their homes at nightfall,except the one getting information of, or a clue, to the thief or animal.It shall be the duty of the one getting such information or clue to pursueit until all hope is exhausted, or the thief or animal found.

Resolved, 6th, That if there be any necessary expense incurredin apprehending a thief or recovering property, it shall be paid by thegrange; and further,

WHEREAS, Floral grange having organized themselves into a detective committeefor the protection of their property against theft, do earnestly requestthat all patrons throughout the state form such committee, and render allassistance in their power, to any patron in search of stolen property, especiallyhorses. We therefore further,

Resolved, That we ask the sanction and cooperation of the stategrange, and that a copy of the above resolutions be handed the WinfieldCOURIER for publication.

Committee on Resolutions: H. L. BARKER, S. W. PHOENIX, L. B. STONE.


Winfield Courier, January 7, 1875.

Read This!

Township Relief committees which have not yet reported, should canvasstheir township and report immediately, in order that a full report may besent to Topeka without delay.

By order of the County Central Committee.


Winfield Courier, January 7, 1875.

The Traveler is in favor of bonding the County indebtedness.

Congress has passed a bill granting the right of way through public landsto all railroads.

The commissioners of Howard County say there are five hundred familiesin that county who must have aid.

On January 10th the four-story stone edifice at Ottawa, known as OttawaUniversity, was destroyed by fire.

A jury has been obtained in the Beecher-Tilton suit, and the show begins.The front seats will undoubtedly be reserved for ladies.

The Elk Falls Journal says that five thousand people assembledat Elk Falls and passed resolutions asking congress to open the Indian Territoryto settlers.

Winfield Courier, January 7, 1875.

The Herd Law.

The question of herd law will undoubtedly receive a large share of publicattention the coming spring. The COURIER has published two articles on thesubject, one for and the other against. We have always advocated a herdlaw and have yet to see or hear anything to change our views on the subject.The columns of the COURIER are always open for a fair and respectful discussionof that or any other subject. And we will volunteer this much, that if thereis anything to be done in the matter, now is the time to do it, for whenspring opens up there will be no time to attend to such business.

Winfield Courier, January 7, 1875.


The above named gentleman took his departure this morning with the viewof locating in some eastern city. Anticipating his departure, the membersof the bar met night before last and passed a series of very appropriateresolutions, which will be found on another page of this paper.

In losing Mr. Torrance, not only Winfield, but Cowley County, loses oneof her choicest citizens. As a lawyer we may say, without disparaging theclaims of any other member, that he ranked foremost at our bar. As a citizen`tis enough to say that he was a gentleman in every sense of the word. Asa friend he was invaluable. As county attorney of this county for four years,he was ever mindful of the public interests and managed his office withsuch skill and ability to say nothing of integrity, that he left it withthe universal commendation and respect of the people. Let him go where hemay, E. S. Torrance will long retain a warm corner in the hearts of thepeople of Cowley County.


Winfield Courier, January 14, 1875.


Tom Scott, president of the Atlantic & Pacific railroad, is beforecongress with a bill asking aid for a railroad through to the Pacific. Wehope he will get the aid. The road will probably pass through the IndianTerritory, east and west, about ninety-five miles south of here.

Put life into this Atlantic & Pacific road. Give it a land grantthrough the Territories.

We hope the legislature will have the moral stamina, to express whatevery sensible man knows to be public sentiment on this one question. Kansasis immensely interested in the construction of this southern line. Let itat once ask our congressional delegation to give this enterprise a helpinghand. This will enable many a befogged politician in Washington to see hisway clear. Gentlemen, speak out on this matter.


Winfield Courier, January 14, 1875.

City Council Proceedings.

Council met December 21st at council room. Present: S. C. Smith, mayor,H. S. Silver, J. D. Cochran, R. B. Saffold, and S. Darrah, councilmen; J.W. Curns, clerk.

The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved after which thefollowing business was transacted.

L. Lippmann presented a bill of $20.63 for building sidewalks, whichwas referred to finance committee and reported unfavorably on.

The bill was rejected on account of its not being signed by Mr. Lippmann.

C. A. Bliss presented a bill of $20.62 for building sidewalks along lots4 and 5 in block 150 in Winfield, which was referred to the finance committeeand reported favorably thereon. On motion the bill was allowed.

Bill of George Gray for removing dead dogs, was referred to finance committee.

A. Rich presented a bill of $15 for grading Main street, which was rejectedon account of the city having no contract with Mr. Rich to do said grading.

A petition asking for a sidewalk from Main Street along the north sideof lot 1 in block number 110 and extending across lots 17 and 18 in block110 in Winfield was presented, signed by Mrs. C. M. Bradish and others,which petition was received and referred to the committee on streets andsidewalks, who reported favorably thereon; the petition was granted andit was ordered that the owner of said lots be notified to build said walkswithin 30 days from this date.

Messrs. C. A. Bliss and Enoch Maris appeared and asked the council tomake provision for the purchasing of a lot in the cemetery grounds for theuse of the city, in pursuance of which, it was moved and seconded that acommittee of three, consisting of S. Darrah, R. B. Saffold, and H. S. Silverbe appointed to confer with the cemetery committee in regard to purchasinga part or the whole of said cemetery. Motion carried.

Motion carried to adjourn to meet Dec. 22, at 4 o'clock p.m. S. C. SMITH,Mayor.

J. W. CURNS, City Clerk.

Council met December 22nd at 4 p.m., in pursuance of adjournment. MayorSmith presiding; councilmen present, R. B. Saffold, H. S. Silver, and S.Darrah.

The committee on streets and sidewalks reported that they had contractedwith John Austin to fill the grade on Main street at the price of $45, whichhad been completed according to contract and reported favorably on the work.On motion the report was adopted.

John Austin presented a bill of $45 for grading main street, which wasreferred to finance committee, who reported favorably thereon and on motionthe bill was allowed.

The committee on (dog) pound was instructed to procure a pound at once.

On motion adjourned. S. C. SMITH, Mayor.

J. W. CURNS, City Clerk.



Winfield Courier, January 14, 1875.

Ice is twelve inches thick.

Winfield Courier, January 14, 1875.

R. B. Saffold has gone to Leavenworth.

Winfield Courier, January 14, 1875.

E. S. Torrance took his final departure from Winfield this morning.

Winfield Courier, January 14, 1875.

Captain James McDermott and Dr. J. P. Wagner were in town last Monday.

Winfield Courier, January 14, 1875.

We had the pleasure of a visit from Captain Hunt and Mr. Bernard theother day.

Winfield Courier, January 14, 1875.

The law firm of Fairbank, Torrance & Green has dissolved. See dissolutionnotice.


NOTICE is hereby given that the co-partnership heretofore existing betweenthe undersigned, under the firm name of Fairbank, Torrance & Green hasbeen dissolved by mutual consent. The firm has no debts, and all accountsdue them will be settled with, by A. H. Green.


Winfield, Kansas, Jan. 11, 1875

Winfield Courier, January 14, 1875.

Judge Johnson goes to Cleveland, Ohio, after his wife next Monday. Heexpects to be gone a month.

Winfield Courier, January 14, 1875.

There have been 301 Marriage Licenses issued since the organization ofCowley County, to the 1st of January, 1875.

Winfield Courier, January 14, 1875.

Our County Treasurer, Mr. E. B. Kager, returned yesterday from his semi-annualtrip to Topeka, where he paid over Cowley's share of the state tax.

Winfield Courier, January 14, 1875.

The third public entertainment of the Winfield Institute will be givenat the courthouse on Wednesday evening, Jan. 20th, consisting of musicaland literary exercises.

Winfield Courier, January 14, 1875.

We hope for lots of hot weather next summer to make a market for thevast amount of ice that is being put up in this place. No less than sixice houses have been filled, amounting to about four hundred tons.

Winfield Courier, January 14, 1875.

The carpenters are at work putting the counters and shelving into SamMyton's new brick. G. W. Prater and Irv. Randall are doing the work. Itis expected that it will be ready for occupation in about four weeks.

Winfield Courier, January 14, 1875.

The Literary and Dramatic Entertainment, which was to have taken placelast Friday evening, was, on account of bad weather, postponed until Saturdayevening, the 16th inst.

Winfield Courier, January 14, 1875.

News has been received from the Surveying Corps in the Territory, ofwhich Tell Walton is a member, contradictory of the report which we publisheda few weeks since. According to the last report, being from Tell himself,he is well and his eyesight all right.

Winfield Courier, January 14, 1875.

Rev. James E. Platter, chairman of the County Central Relief Committee,informs us that there is now on the road from Wichita to this place 5,000pounds of flour and meal and three boxes of goods supposed to be clothing.The Committee have already apportioned the flour and meal to the differenttownships.

Winfield Courier, January 14, 1875.

A heavy theft was perpetrated here a night or two ago. It seems thatSheriff Walker took a threshing machine from somewhere on the Walnut totown and left it in the yard attached to the livery of Morris & Bro.Sometime during the night the machine was spirited away, no one knew whither.It was finally found, however, and brought to town. We have heard of thievesstealing saw mills and such like, but this is the first instance on recordof a threshing machine being stolen.

Winfield Courier, January 14, 1875.

DIED. On Friday evening, Jan. 8th, after a lingering illness, Mrs. MargaretGreenlee, wife of Wm. Greenlee, Esq. The funeral took place last Sunday,at the residence of the family, four and a half miles south of town. Theservices were conducted by Rev. J. E. Platter. "Blessed are the deadthat die in the Lord from henceforth; Yes, saith the spirit that they maynot rest from their labors and their work do follow them." P.

Winfield Courier, January 14, 1875.

Last Friday will long be remembered as perhaps the coldest day ever experiencedin the state of Kansas. The wind which was from the south was light andwarm enough to cause a slight thaw at daybreak, Friday morning. But allat once in the very twinkling of an eye, it leaped to the north, from whenceit burst a perfect tempest, and kept it up with increased vigor until farinto the night, sending the fluid in the Thermometer down to 16 degreesbelow zero. Few casualties worthy of note happened in this vicinity thatwe have heard of. Doubtless many people suffered, as many are illy preparedfor such intense cold. And we have only to thank Him who tempers the windto the shorn lamb that we have yet no deaths by freezing to chronicle.

Winfield Courier, January 14, 1875.

The new county officers entered upon the discharge of their duties lastMonday. A. J. Pyburn is a lawyer of ability, and a gentleman in every wayqualified to discharge the duties of County Attorney. H. D. Gans is a risingyoung man, courteous and affable to all who have business with him, andwith a little experience will make an efficient Probate Judge. Althoughwe opposed the election of both of these gentlemen, we have no doubt butthat their official career will give universal satisfaction. As for E. S.Bedilion, Clerk of the District Court, he is the right man in the rightplace. With his peculiar fitness for the position, and long experience,his duties will be discharged with promptness, ability, and fidelity. Inany event these gentlemen have our best wishes for their future success.

Winfield Courier, January 14, 1875.

Last Monday evening as we were passing the courthouse, the cry of "fire"startled us and we followed Ed Bedilion and N. C. McCulloch up the stairsof Burt Covert's residence. As we entered, the table, from which the supperdishes had not yet been taken, and a board partition against which the tablestood, were blazing brightly. Mr. McCulloch pulled the cloth from the tableand let the dishes fall upon the floor, breaking the major part of them.The blazing cloth he threw out of doors after which the fire was soon extinguished.The trouble was caused by the explosion of a kerosene lamp. Immediatelyupon noticing the fire burning down into the bowl of the lamp, Mrs. Covertgrasped her babe and with her sister (the ladies being alone at the time)went to the courthouse and informed Messrs. Bedilion and McCulloch of thefact. While they were gone the lamp burst with the above result.


Winfield Courier, January 14, 1875.

Maple Grove Grange No. 714, P. of H. at regular meeting on the firstMonday evening in December, the following named members were elected tofill the several offices for the ensuing year.

Master, Wm. Orr; Overseer, T. J. Johnson; Lecturer, A. Frazer; Steward,A. Orr; asst. Steward, D. Ferguson; Chaplain, John C. Roberts; Treasurer,J. H. Land; Secretary, Chas. A. Roberts; gate keeper, G. W. Prater; Ceres,Mrs. C. A. Roberts; Flora, Mrs. A. Frazer; Pomona, Miss Maggie Bush; LadyAsst. Steward, Mrs. Jos. C. Roberts; Trustees: Rev. Sol Ferguson, G. W.Prater, and J. H. Curfman. JOS. C. ROBERTS, Sec'y.

[LOST OR STOLEN: two pointer bird dogs...L. J. WEBB.]

Winfield Courier, January 14, 1875.

Lost or Stolen.

On or about the 10th or 11th day of January, 1875, two pointer bird dogs,one about 3 years old, white with several large cinnamon colored spots;also "double nose." Had on a leather collar with an iron ringin it, and a round brass tax tag for 1874. The other, a pup about six monthsold, same color and spots, with single nose, no collar. Old dog answersto the name of "Jack" and young one "Dick." Anyone givinginformation leading to the recovery of one or both of the dogs will be suitablyrewarded. Call on or address

L. J. WEBB, Winfield.


Winfield Courier, January 14, 1875.

Bar Meeting.

At a meeting of the Winfield bar held at the office of J. E. Allen, Jan.12th, 1875, D. A. Millington, Esq., was chosen chairman, and J. E. Allen,Secy. Col. E. C. Manning, S. D. Pryor, and A. J. Pyburn were appointed acommittee on resolutions, who reported the following which were unanimouslyadopted.

WHEREAS, E. S. Torrance is about to leave us to establish for himselfa more eastern home, therefore, we the members of the bar of Cowley County,state of Kansas, being duly assembled, adopt, as the voice of this meetingthe following resolutions.

Resolved, That it is with deep regret that we part with a brotherattorney so able and eminent in his profession, so urbane and gentlemanlyin his deportment, so noble and generous in his instincts, so honorablein his transactions, so incorruptible in his integrity as is E. S. Torrance.

Resolved, That we lose by his departure one of the brightest ornamentsof the Bar, one of the most promising of the rising young men of our district,true and energetic as an advocate and counselor and faithful as a friend.

Resolved, That as County Attorney of this county for two terms,covering a period of four years last past, he has been ever faithful tothe interests of the public, allowing no personal or political considerationsto swerve him from the strict line of duty, and has ever discharged hisofficial labors with distinguished ability and scrupulous integrity.

Resolved, That we heartily commend him to all with whom his lotmay be cast and that we earnestly hope and believe that he is yet destinedto make a bright record in the history of our county.

Resolved, That the secretary be directed to furnish each of thecounty papers with a copy of these resolutions, requesting their publication.D. A. MILLINGTON, Chairman.

J. E. ALLEN, Secretary.

Note: Skipped Cowley County Treasurer's General Statement; schoolfund and school bond fund; statements made by E. B. Kager, County Treasurer,and M. G. Troup, County Clerk, dated January 6, 1875.


Winfield Courier, January 21, 1875.

We understand that a movement is on foot to vote $10,000 bonds to buildan addition to the schoolhouse in this district. Now while we would takeas much pleasure in having a splendid school building with ample accommodationsas any man in the district, yet we consider it the heighth of folly to votethat, or any other amount of bonds at this time. Nor do we believe the votersof school district No. 1 are crazy enough to let it be done. This districtpays now a tax of seven mills on the dollar on a bond of $5,000, to buildthe one we have already got, and to double or triple that amount in theface of drouth, grasshoppers and everything else, would be sheer lunacy.We hope the movers of this thing will give it up at least until we haverecovered from our present distress.


Winfield Courier, January 21, 1875.

The Old Hog Gets Down To His Wallowing In The Mire!

When the old carpet-bagger started his paper, he promised the publicthat he would not get down to the "dirty pools of blackguardism."We predicted at the time that the old male prostitute's life had been suchthat he could not keep up the "high moral" tone any great lengthof time. However, we were willing to give him a fair trial; knowing thatthe good book said that "while the lamp held out to burn, the vilestsinner might return." But our prediction was verified sooner than weexpected. The old hog that was going to bring about a new order of thingsin the era of Journalism in Cowley County couldn't hold out any longer;but must return to wallowing in the mire, from which he was raised, andin which he has spent his worse then useless life. We did not intend totell the good people of Cowley what kind of a man this Alexander was, whohad made to them such fair promises to get their support for his bastardpaper. Although there are a good many things we might tell on him were weso inclined, every word of which is easily susceptible of proof.

Suppose we should tell the public how this man Alexander had rented hisLeavenworth property to prostitutes. How he had first starved and then abandonedhis wife (if she was his wife); and how he came to Cowley with a young womandressed in male garb, whom he called "Charley;" how he was convictedand fined for selling whiskey without license; how he got money under falsepretenses; how he was the only man to be found in the city of Winfield whowas low enough in the slough of degradation to rent a house in the cityof Winfield to a couple of prostitutes from Wichita, where they might plytheir nefarious trade and inveigle our young men to their ruin. How he keptin this very town, a woman whom he introduced as his "sister,"and cohabited with her for months at a time. Should we tell all these thingsof this old reprobate, people would think we were indulging in somethingpersonal. We have a great many other things we could tell, but we do notpropose to get down to the dirty pools of blackguardism, hence we will saynothing about it.


Winfield Courier, January 21, 1875.

A Bad Law.

We hope that a law will be passed repealing the law enacted last winter,prohibiting trials of speed at Fairs. If this is not done, it might as wellbe understood that fairs in this state will not be held. They cannot bemade successful without good, square, "agricultural horse trots."The state fair last fall was a wretched, miserable failure because of thisabsurd prohibition. The reforming asses of the last legislature who undertookto abolish trials of speed might just as well have entitled their bill,"An act to Abolish Fairs." For that is its practical effect. Wipeit from the statute books and let us have our annual state, district, andcounty fairs. Champion.

Them's our sentiments.


Winfield Courier, January 21, 1875.

From the Territory.
Kiowa and Comanche Reservation,
Indian Territory, Dec. 31st, 1874.

EDITOR COURIER: Dear Sir: Since writing my last I have made one moretrip to Fort Sill with pack ponies, for provisions. Found everything quietthere. There are about 2,500 Kiowas and Comanches camped at the agency drawingrations. There were about 500 ponies that were taken from the Indians shotaccording to orders, and about fifteen hundred sold at auction. The greaterpart of these were bought by Texans at an average price of $5 per head.That will probably cripple the Indians on the warpath to some extent. Itis generally supposed that the Indian war is about at a close; as near asI can learn there have been 16 Indians killed during the whole campaign,and nine of them were killed in a party by buffalo hunters at the Doby Wells,up on the Canadian, leaving 7 killed by the troops. The different commandshave about all come in, on account of not being able to carry on a winter'scampaign. All of the Indians on the warpath have fled to the Guadalupe mountainsfor protection. The government is starting a supply camp about 150 mileswest of Fort Sill, as the Fort is too far from the seat of war to haul supplies.As I write we are having another terrible sleet; every thing is literallycovered. Our stock are suffering for the want of grass that the sleet hascovered.

No more at present; I may write again at some future time. Yours truly,



Winfield Courier, January 21, 1875.


For the year 1875 we shall publish a list of all the strays taken upin Cowley, Howard, Sumner, Butler, and Greenwood counties. We believe thiswill be of great benefit to those who may have stock to stray off.

Cowley CountyM. G. Troup, Clerk.

HORSE. Taken up by W. R. Watkins, Tisdale tp., a roan horse, right handfoot white, right fore foot white, small white spot on forehead, about 14hands high, branded on left shoulder UH, supposed to be three years oldnext spring. Valued $20.

MARE. Also, one iron gray mare, right fore leg very light, white in forehead,inside of left front foot part white, about three years old past, about13 hands high, brand like UH on left shoulder. Both very wild and unbroken.Mare valued $25.

Butler CountyV. Brown, Clerk.

PONY. Taken up by W. Hey, Sycamore tp., one bright bay pony, about 12hands high, TUL on right hip, intelligible brand on left shoulder and leftflank, right hip broken down.

FILLY. Also, one bright bay filly, left hind foot white and stripe inface. Both valued $33.

Greenwood CountyL. N. Faucher, Clerk.

STEER. Taken up by W. Golding, Lane tp., one three year old red Texassteer, SX on right hip, right ear cropped smooth, left ear under half crop,valued $8.

MARE. Taken up by S. T. Stewart, Salem tp., Nov. 20, a bay mare threeyears old, saddle marks, 14-1/2 hands high, 3 on left shoulder, valued $30.

MARE. Also, one bay mare, two years old, 14 hands high, 3 on left shoulder,valued $30.

MARE. Taken up by J. F. Cochran, Eureka tp., Dec. 2, one light bay mare8 years old.

MARE. Also, one dark bay mare about 11 years old, right hind foot white.

COLT. Also, one sucking colt, bay, white stripe in forehead. Altogethervalued $100.

COLT. Taken up by G. W. Hellums, Spring Creek tp., Dec. 7, one dun horsecolt, one year old, dark main and tail, nose black, dark legs. Left hindfoot white half way to pastern joint, unintelligible brand on left shoulder,valued $18.

HORSE. Taken up by I. Kester, Pleasant Grove tp., Dec. 9, one sorrelhorse, star in forehead, 2 years old, medium sized, appraised $20.

Howard CountyM. B. Light, Clerk.

HORSE. Taken up by C. A. Eckart, Nov. 17, a dun-Texas pony horse, aboutten years old, an unknown brand on left hip, appraised $12.


Winfield Courier, January 21, 1875.

The M. K. & T. Railroad is in the hands of a receiver named Wm. Bond.

Winfield Courier, January 21, 1875.

Quite a pleasant little party took place at the Lagonda House Tuesdayevening.

Winfield Courier, January 21, 1875.

Miss Wright of Arkansas City is stopping in town with her brother-in-law,Mr. Kager.

Winfield Courier, January 21, 1875.

Mr. T. A. Wilkinson starts for Wisconsin next Monday to solicit aid forthe destitute of Cowley.

Winfield Courier, January 21, 1875.

L. J. Webb and Mr. Bernard went hunting on Timber Creek Tuesday and slaughtered49 rabbits.

Winfield Courier, January 21, 1875.

James Kelly, late District Clerk of Cowley County, turned the officeover to his successor, Mr. E. S. Bedilion, on the 19th inst.

Winfield Courier, January 21, 1875.

T. H. Johnson started for Cleveland, Ohio, Monday morning last. W. M.Boyer will officiate as Police Judge during his absence.

Winfield Courier, January 21, 1875.

Miss Hawkins and Mr. and Mrs. Baker of Arkansas City have been stoppingwith Mr. Deming of the Lagonda House for the past few days.

Winfield Courier, January 21, 1875.

The entertainment given at the courthouse last week for the benefit ofthe school organ fund, in which the Arkansas City Dramatic Club took part,lacked just two dollars of paying expenses.

Winfield Courier, January 21, 1875.

Rev. James E. Platter, Chairman of the Central Relief Society, has returnedfrom Wichita, where he has been to appoint an agent and rent store roomsfor the reception of relief goods sent to this county.

Winfield Courier, January 21, 1875.

We take particular pleasure in calling the attention of the public tothe law card of Major John R. Fairbank, which appears in this paper. Maj.Fairbank is one of the ablest lawyers in the state; a gentleman of rareculture, strict integrity, and an ornament to his profession.


NOTE: Address not given.

Winfield Courier, January 21, 1875.

A panther measuring between seven and eight feet in length, and threefeet high, was killed at the mouth of Grouse Creek this week by Mr. A. J.Reeves. The animal will be exhibited in this city next Friday and Saturday.

Winfield Courier, January 21, 1875.

The play, "On his last legs," was given here last Saturdaynight by the Arkansas City Dramatic Club to a large and attentive audience.Seeing that they are new beginners, the company did well, and the audienceseemed to appreciate their efforts to please.

Winfield Courier, January 21, 1875.

The Pleasant View schoolMiss Nettie Porter, teacher, assisted by theMaple Grove schoolMiss Kate Millington, teacher, gave an exhibition, ona small scale, at the house of the former, last evening. The exercises consistedof declamations, singing, and spelling. The selections were good, well prepared,and usually well rendered. The whole affair was pleasant and enjoyable.These exhibitions or "spelling schools" as they are called, occurweekly, alternating between the two districts.

Winfield Courier, January 21, 1875.

Esquire Ballou and other farmers living in the vicinity of Dexter, throughthe management of Capt. McDermott, are about to secure a large loan of moneyfrom a capitalist of Hamilton, New York, at the low rate of 12 percent perannum. This they propose to loan in smaller quantities to other farmersat a small advance and secure the same by first mortgages on their farms.If this arrangement be perfected, and it is probable that it will, noneof our 36 or 50 percent men will have to emigrate.

Winfield Courier, January 21, 1875.

We neglected to note the fact last week that the examining board, consistingof Probate Judge Johnson, John B. Fairbank, and Wirt W. Walton, "wentthrough" the Treasurer's office week before last. They found everything,we believe, as contemplated by the late law, except that Mr. Kager had inlieu of the currency which the law requires him to have on hand, some $700or $800 in post office orders and bank checks. We cannot well see how thelaw can be complied with in this respect. Nevertheless it is the law. Thecommittee will make their report to the county board at its April meeting.

Winfield Courier, January 21, 1875.

Seven granges along the Arkansas River have combined their means forthe purpose of erecting a flouring mill at what is known as the big bendon the above mentioned stream, if it shall be deemed feasible by the engineercountysurveyor Waltonwho is now surveying the proposed site. This looks like businessand we would like to see more of the granges adopt the same plan.

Winfield Courier, January 21, 1875.

If persons in the east shipping supplies to our county would take shippingbills from the railroads and send them to the committee here, we could tracegoods which did not come forward in proper time. Simply saying in privateletter, "We have shipped this day," or still worse, "We expectto ship next week, supplies for your county," gives us no informationupon which we can act. Any persons who have railroad receipts for goodsshipped as relief will put the committee in the way of helping them by sendingthem to us. Again, DO NOT have goods marked for individuals care of committee,for in that case, railroads will not ship free. Send them to the committeeas heretofore directed and put the individual's name for whom they are intendedINSIDE the box. You can also mark the box "for _______ blank township"(put the name of the township in the blank), then it will go to your townshipcommittee. Capt. Harrelson of Tisdale Township will look after the interestsof Cowley County at Wichita. J. E. PLATTER, Chairman.

Winfield Courier, January 21, 1875.

A young man named Joe Straidler, formerly in the employ of J. G. Titusof this place, took it into his head to raise the "wind" slightly,on his own hook a day or two ago. So being fully aware of the stringencyin the money market, especially in Cowley, devised a by no means originalplan whereby to replenish his much depleted exchequer. He drew up a note,and unlawfully, and feloniously attached thereto, such "filthy lucre"raising names as J. G. Titus, and C. C. Black. The note, so well endorsed,was presented by this young man to the Arkansas City banks for "shave."Luckily, however, the signatures of the drawers were well known there, andafter a careful comparison with those on the note, they were found not tobe identical. Whereupon word was dispatched to Messrs. Titus and Black,who struck right out in quest of Joe, and much to his discomfiture, foundhim, and brought him before Justice Boyer, where he waived examination andwas sent to jail.

Joe certainly acted cutely in making the note. It was drawn for $114.69,the cents giving it the appearance of exactness. But Joe erred in offeringto shave these gentlemen's paper so ruinously, as their paper is not thekind which goes a begging for buyers. No doubt Joe is well enough satisfiedas he is boarding at the expense of the county.


Winfield Courier, January 21, 1875.

LAZETTE, Kansas, Jan. 19, 1875.

The citizens of Windsor Township met pursuant to a call, to organizean aid society and elect a committee to cooperate with the Cowley Countycommittee on relief, in procuring aid for the needy. The officers of theWindsor Township aid society, are S. M. Tillson, Pres., C. J. Phenis, VicePres., A. J. Pickering, sec. Committee consisting of I. N. McCracken, C.J. Phenis, S. B. Sherman. On motion there was a committee of one electedfor each school district to assist in canvassing the township to ascertainthe exact number of destitute. The following were the appointments: Dist.No. 15, P. McDaniel; Dist. 14, W. E. Gates; Dist. 16, S. D. Tomlin, Dist,87, T. J. Harris, Dist. 57, Jesse Hiatt. By order of the society the committeewill canvass the township and report on Thursday evening, and send in theirreport to the Co. relief committee on Friday. On motion it was ordered bythe society that a copy of the proceedings of this meeting be furnishedthe COURIER and the Traveler for publication. A. J. PICKERING, Secy.


Winfield Courier, January 21, 1875.

January 11th, 1875.

At a meeting of the citizens of School District Number 67 of Cedar Township,Cowley County, Kansas, to take action in regard to the destitute of saidschool district, L. T. Wells was called to the chair, and A. A. Metcalfwas chosen Secretary. The following preamble and resolutions were then readand adopted.

WHEREAS, The citizens of Cedar Township have failed to organize a reliefcommittee in said township, and

WHEREAS, There is already great need of relief, especially in district67. Therefore,

Be it Resolved, That we the citizens of said district appointa committee of three to look after our needy and to correspond with thechairman of the Central Relief Committee of this county and procure suchrelief as is needed or can be procured and be it further

Resolved, That a copy of this resolution and minutes of this meetingbe furnished the Winfield COURIER, with a request that the same be published.

The following gentlemen were chosen as above named committee: S. E. Butler,Ira Patton, A. A. Metcalf. L. T. WELLS, Chairman.

A. A. Metcalf, Secretary.


Winfield Courier, January 21, 1875.

Lazette News.
January 12th, 1875.

Old settlers report the snap of Friday last, as the bluest day ever experiencedin Kansas. The mercury went down from twelve to fourteen degrees below zero.

A protracted meeting was begun on Thursday night by Rev. Mr. Wingar,but the excessive cold compelled its suspension.

The mail line, running from Independence to Wellington, have a fearfultime getting the Lazette mails through. Every sudden gust of wind, or fallof snow, causes a failure in connections. Our citizens have gotten up apetition to the Postmaster General, asking that the nuisance be abated.By this time it takes a letter from one week to ten days to reach the countyseat and return its answer to this place.

The new mill is turning out lumber pretty rapidly, and preparations arepushing forward toward the completion of the flouring department.

Mr. S. M. Fall is again able to walk about and attend to business.

Business is pretty brisk here considering the season and the very coldweather.

Mr. Samuel Wood, one of our best citizens, left with his family on Mondaylast for the Lone Star State. He goes accompanied by the best wishes ofall who know him.

The Grouse Valley Teacher's Association will meet at this place on Saturday,the 23rd inst., when the following programme will be presented:

Essay, Miss Bell Dudley.

Philosophy of Teaching, J. J. Wingar.

American History, J. M. Woollen.

English Grammar, R. C. Story.

Primary Arithmetic, Miss Ida Daggett.

Practical Arithmetic, Mr. Hulse.

All persons interested in educational matters are invited to attend.

Lazette News.
January 20th, 1875.

Thus far in the winter no steps have been taken toward organizing a societyto secure aid for those in this section who may be needy. Doubtless a committeeof investigation would find a number of families along Grouse Creek to whoma little aid would be a blessing.

Several of our citizens have taken advantage of the recent short (?)cold snap to secure ice for the coming summer.

The school taught by Julius Woollen closed its term on the 20th inst.Mr. Woollen is one of the best instructors in the valley, and his schoolhas been a successful one.

The Lazette school closed this week. Fifty-two scholars were enrolled,and the attendance was remarkably good for the greater portion of the time.

The school taught by Roll Maurer some few miles south of Lazette closedits session this week.

Since Judge Gans entered on his official duties, he has been much missedat Lazette. His form is now seldom seen in his old haunts, and his voiceis silent where it was once so often heard. Our loss is Winfield's gain.

Mr. Craft has taken possession of the farms bought by himself just southof town.

Joseph Sweet has purchased the Dudley farm on Spring Creek and intendsturning his attention to sheep raising.


Winfield Courier, January 21, 1875.

The Origin of Indian Names.

A member of Major Powell's expedition, which has been engaged in theGovernment survey of the Territories, furnished the New York Tribunesome interesting notes of the discoveries made in the origin of Indian names.

It seems that each tribe or primary organization of Indians, rarely includingmore than 200 souls, is, in obedience to the traditional laws of these people,attached to some well- defined territory or district, and the tribe takesthe name of such district. Thus the U-in-tats, known to white men as a branchof the Utes, belonged to the Uintah Valley.

U-imp is the name for pine; too-meap, for land or country; U-im-too-meap,pine land; but this has been contracted to U-in-tah, and the tribe inhabitingthe valley were called


The origin of the term Ute is as follows: U is the term signifying arrow;U-too-meap, arrow land. The region of country bordering on Utah Lake iscalled U-too-meap because of the great number of reeds growing there, fromwhich their arrow-shafts were made.

The tribe formerly inhabiting Utah Valley was called U-tah-ats, whichhas been corrupted into the term Ute by the white people of the country.

The name U-tah-ats belonged only to a small tribe living in the vicinityof the lake, but it has been extended so as to include the greater partof the Indians of Utah and Colorado. Another general name used by whitemen is Piutes. A tribe of U-tah-ats being defeated and driven away by astronger tribe, who occupied their country and took their name, were obligedto take a new name corresponding to the new home in which they settled themselves.But they also called themselves Pai U-tah-ats, or true U-tah-ats. The corruptedname Piutes is now applied to the Indians of a large section of country.Several of these tribes have numerous names, and in this way the numberof individual tribes has probably been much overestimated. Galaxy forFebruary.


Winfield Courier, January 28, 1875.

The government stables of Fort Leavenworth were destroyed by fire lastSaturday. The loss is estimated at $100,000.

Winfield Courier, January 28, 1875.


All last week, rumors were rife to the effect that an attempt was beingmade to divide Butler County on the twenty mile strip, take six miles offthe north end of Cowley, and out of said territory, form a new county. Severalgentlemen living at the north side of our county came into this office duringthe week and informed us of the fact, but at the same time we could notbelieve that the report had any well grounded foundation. Saturday, however,D. A. Millington, Esq., received a letter from Captain Shannon, of Augusta,Butler County, warning him that such a move was on foot, and asking ourcooperation in frustrating the measure.

Mr. Millington circulated a remonstrance against any attempt to changethe boundary lines of Cowley County, which remonstrance received three hundredsignatures in a very little while.

A meeting was called the same evening at the courthouse, which was numerouslyattended notwithstanding the fact that only a few hours notice had beengiven. The meeting was organized with D. A. Millington as Chairman, andJames Kelly, Secretary. A resolution was unanimously passed, opposing thegiving away of any part of Cowley County. Speeches were made by A. T. Stewart,Wm. Bartlow, and others.

The meeting resolved unanimously to send Col. E. C. Manning to Topekato watch our interests. Nearly enough money was subscribed on the spot topay his expenses. A committee consisting of A. T. Stewart, Wm. Bartlow,and Wm. Rogers were appointed to canvass the town to raise the balance needed.These gentlemen, acting with their usual zeal and energy, did their workbefore they slept that night, and the result was that Col. Manning was inTopeka Tuesday noon. Now we defy any committee to best that time. The meetingacted wisely in sending Col. Manning. He has brains and experience and isperfectly able to cope with all the divisionists they may send from ButlerCounty. We have not heard from Col. Manning, but expect to before goingto press.


Winfield Courier, January 28, 1875.

Herd Law.

MR. EDITOR: I saw a communication in the COURIER of Dec. 8th from Longhorn(ashamed to give his legitimate name) asking a repeal of the herd law. Hecommences: "Fellow farmers," then "chinch bugs, drouth, grasshoppers,blinky milk, fatting pigs on grasshoppers at one cent per pound," andabout going to "wife's folks." Then talks about "mild climate,sparkling pure water, rich fertile land, making rails on shares, stone fence,"then after all the good and bad things, asks the question, "Is thepresent herd law suited to the best interests of the people of Cowley?"Then to prove that the herd law is a great curse, he commences with a lingoof slang that the farmers won't put out hedges, and about hard times andmortgages, taxes, big cattle men, and what kind nature has done for us,a hundred and one other good and bad things. Just sum it all up, add ittogether, divide it, and then multiply it, and what does it amount to? Justthis: Ought from ought and nothing remains.

I am not acquainted with the gentleman but think he is either a fool,insane, or destitute of a good moral principleeither one is bad enough!Does the herd law curse all these things? If it does, it must be a terriblething in its nature. One of his arguments is making rails on the shares.I ask, where would he make them, in Indiana or maybe in the great valleyand tributaries of Silver Creek, in Cowley County, with only a few twistyelms and sycamore trees, with a little underbrush?

I have been a citizen of Cowley County for most five years. I live nearthe Walnut River, which has more timber on it than all the other riversand creeks in the county, and by strict inquiry, I can't hear of one manwho will let timber to be split into rails on the shares, or any other way.Every sensible, intelligent man knows that the rail timber and saw timberis about used up, and what is left is of very little account for anythingmuch less for rails.

How foolish and inconsistent some men do talk. Selfishness and self-interestcauses a great many men to become dishonest, one side, all for me and mine.Longhorn well knows that there is not enough of rail timber in the countyto fence one township against a Texas steer.

Do be honest and consistent, if you never accomplish your ends. Afterhe gets through with his rails on shares, he then says there is such anabundance of splendid rock for fence building that costs nothing. He didtell one truth, there is an abundance sure enough. I suppose Longhorn hasa good supply on his own farm. Suppose there is, who is able to fence hisplow land with rock, put in his crops, cultivate and harvest them, all againstthe first of November next, pray tell me? I wonder if Longhorn is. I thinknot.

Talk about fencing with rock, supporting his family, raising a crop,and many other things to be attended to, all in so small a space of time,is not talking good sense; and just passing through terrible disaster andscourge, when starvation is staring nine-tenths of the farmers in the face,children crying for bread, thinly and poorly clad, not bed clothes enoughto keep them warm at night, and nearly all their farms heavily mortgaged,paying a terrible interest, trying to get through this disaster so as toraise another crop to keep them and their families alive. And we are notone-fourth of the way through yet after all these hard things and hard times,in the midst of poverty and want and famine, still want to help a worsecurse upon the poor farmers.

It is more than flesh and blood can bear only to please a few and onlya few, selfish, designing, plotting, speculators, who, to accomplish theirhellish ends, would drive three fourths of the people out of the county.

Talk about stock men helping to pay our taxes. Big cattle men, thereis no truth in it. Those who own large herds of cattle do not pay any taxeson them. If they are assessed, they manage to run their cattle out of thecounty before tax paying time.

One of our township assessors told me that it was no use to assess thesebig stock men, for they managed to clear out before tax paying time.

And if some of us don't see fit to invest our means in stock, whose businessis it? We all have some stock and may have more, if we please to. If youwant to have large flocks and herds, go ahead, we can't all be big men.

One of our most successful stock men told me it always paid him big tohire herders, and corral his cattle at night. It made them more gentle andtame and he always knew where they were and lost none.

And if we are so unfortunate that we can't have but small herds, fouror five of us little one horse men can club together and hire a herder.And we can raise you big stock men cheap corn to winter your longhorns on.I believe it is possible that a man can own large herds and flocks and stillbe an honest man. Old Abraham, the father of the faithful, was rich in flocksand herds, and according to bible history was a very good man. Why was he?Because he kept herders all the time, day and night.

And you, who are rich in stock, must have herders all the time or youcan't be honest. If you don't, your longhorns will eat us little men up.So how can you be honest? Some of this same clique call little stock menpaupers. I wonder if they understand the word pauper. I think not. I understandthe meaning of the word skunk, and we have quite a number in Cowley County.

I have been a citizen of Kansas for fifteen years, have never left, neverintend to. I made my way through the big war on our border, and the bigdrouth in sixty. I had to battle with the noted Quantrell and all the bushwhackers.I faced the music and am now passing through another disaster, and thankGod, I am well and hearty and feel good for several more years of hardships.But after all my combats, I, with others, now have the devil to fight withhis long horns. A cloven foot. I intend to fight it out on this line ifit takes the next five years.



Winfield Courier, January 28, 1875.

Tisdale Items.

Thermometers have gone up and the sunny south is again among us, andstill the people are not happy.

And some go around with a very broad grin, that reaches down below thechinbecause relief does not come as fast as anticipated.

A singing school has been organized under the superintendence of ProfessorThomas. It promises to be a complete success.

The Tisdale Lyceum meets every Wednesday evening. At the last meeting,they decided that mortgages should be exempt from taxation, on Wednesdayevening next they are going to clear up the Louisiana trouble, or involvethe whole United States in a civil war.

The chairman of the township relief committee called the citizens togetheron the evening of the 22nd to transact some very important business forthe benefit of the needy, and by 7 p.m. the schoolhouse was filled to overflowingwith as hungry a looking set of men as is often seen in any assembly. Thechairman called the meeting to order and stated that the object of the meetingwas to see what had been done with the aid that had been received up tothat time, as charges had been entered against a member of the committeeliving in the south part of the township.

Alexander Thompson had been charged with receiving 400 pounds of flour,and distributing the same among his needy neighbors without first haulingit to the north part of the township and turning it over to the chairmanof the committee, Mr. J. J. Johnson, and allowing him to distribute thesame among some of his neighbors who were also needy and who had been troublinghim by intruding on his business and premises, by applying to him for rations,when helike the devil on the mounthad nothing to give. A motion was carriedthat the committee make a statement of what they had done with the sufferersof the township. Mr. Thompson was called and stated that he had received400 pounds of flour and some clothing, and had also distributed the sameto the needy, and had the papers to show who and what amount each had received,and further that he had visited thirty-two families and taken a list oftheir wants, and reported the same to the county committee.

Mr. Johnson was next called, and while scratching his head, stated thathe knew there were some families in the north part of the township who weresuffering but he had done nothing to assist them.

Other members reported the same except Mr. McGuire; who gave an accountof 100 pounds of meat received and distributed.

But as Mr. Thompson was the only member of the committee who had takenany active part to relieve the needy and find out the want of the people;and as the Commissioners at their last meeting had made a new township offof the south part of Tisdale, it was moved and carried that the new townshipof Liberty take care of itself. As two of the committee lived in that territory,the chairman appointed two to fill the vacancy.

A vote of thanks was then given to Mr. Thompson for the active part hehad taken as a member of the committee, and the good he had done in assistingthe needy in his part of the township, while hisses loud and long went upagainst those who had been inactive and done nothing, and who were at thesame time trying to censure the only member who had been true to his sufferingneighbors.

But there will be no need of quarreling now, as one of the newly appointedcommittee, E. P. Young, has decided to take care of all the relief goodsreceived, and store them away in his fine stone dwelling where they willbe as safe as the goods he swindled some men of the east out of a few yearsago.

But just now I learn that a request has been forwarded to the CountyCommittee not to issue any relief goods to the said E. P. Young, as thereis another meeting to be called and Mr. Young relieved of all the troublehe was about to be put to, in storing away what the people need, as thecitizens look upon him as a man unfit to handle anything that belongs toa suffering and needy people. I presume they judge the future by the past.

We learn by letter that J. A. McGuire has begun his mission for the grasshoppersufferers in Clark County, Illinois. John is a worker and we may expectto hear from him soon.



Winfield Courier, January 28, 1875.

The Winfield Institute gives a lecture next Wednesday evening.

Winfield Courier, January 28, 1875.

Ask R. B. Waite how it goes to have real good old fashioned shaking ague.

Winfield Courier, January 28, 1875.

The exercises of the indignation meeting last Saturday night, closedwith a fit, by Mr. Barnes.

Winfield Courier, January 28, 1875.

It is astonishing to see how rapidly the sidewalks are being completedon Tenth Avenue.

Winfield Courier, January 28, 1875.

A married daughter of Mr. J. Newman, who has been here on a visit, returnedto her home in Cherryvale this week.

Winfield Courier, January 28, 1875.

Sam Myton has taken the building which has stood so long in the rearof this office, and attached it to the back end of his new brick to be usedas a tinshop.

Winfield Courier, January 28, 1875.

A social by the ladies of the Presbyterian Aid Society will be givenat the residence of the Rev. Mr. Platter on Friday evening, Jan. 27th. Allare cordially invited.

Winfield Courier, January 28, 1875.

The young "bloods," who had made arrangements to visit Capt.Norton's of Arkansas City, last week, changed their programme and had anoyster supper at Capt. Lowry's.

Winfield Courier, January 28, 1875.

The city's exchequer received a handsome donation by a fine of five dollarseach, imposed upon a half dozen members of the gambling fraternity of thiscity, who were called to account by Judge Boyer on Tuesday.

Winfield Courier, January 28, 1875.

Col. Manning and Prof. Wilkinson left this city last Monday morning;Col. Manning bound for Topeka to oppose any scheme which may be on footin regard to a division of Cowley County, and T. A. Wilkinson, on a beggingtrip to Wisconsin.

Winfield Courier, January 28, 1875.

A dog from the country made a flying leap through one of postmaster Johnson'sfront windows yesterday. The unfortunate owner of the canine went down inhis pants and fished up and forked over the amount of damage.

Winfield Courier, January 28, 1875.

The following is the total amount of goods received for distributionby the Cowley Co. Relief Committee up to January 27th, 1875: 2,925 poundsof meal, 2,900 pounds of flour, 9 boxes of clothing, 4 kegs of molasses,1 barrel of hominy, 3 sacks of beans.

N. L. RIGBY, Treas.

Winfield Courier, January 28, 1875.

The County Board met last Thursday in special session and made an orderto bond $15,000 of the county debt. As the entire indebtedness of the countyis something over $30,000, it seems to us that if we bond any, it wouldbe wisdom to bond the whole amount.

Winfield Courier, January 28, 1875.

A Winfield correspondent of the Traveler says that the teachersin the public schools of this city are Prof. Robinson and Miss Greenlee.That correspondent is well posted. Miss Greenlee teaches school four milessouth of town. The Winfield teachers are Prof. Robinson, Miss Melville,and Miss Aldrich. Better change correspondents, Scott.


Winfield Courier, January 28, 1875.


DOUGHERTY - BUSH. At the residence of Wm. Bartlow, in this city, on the22nd inst., by the Rev. McQuiston, Mr. Ben. Dougherty to Miss Maggie Bush.

A few friends were invited to witness the ceremony, which was simpleand unpreten tious. In the course of the evening, the company was calledupon to partake of a rich and bountiful supper, which reflected credit uponMrs. Bartlow and her handsome daughter Fanny's skill in such matters. TheCornet Band favored the company with a serenade and were liberally treatedto wine and cigars. Altogether the occasion was a joyful one and "allwent merry as a marriage bell." The party separated with profuse congratulationsand well wishes for the future happiness and longevity of the happy couple,which will be echoed by all other friends and acquaintances.


Winfield Courier, January 28, 1875.

Winfield Institute.

Dr. W. Q. Mansfield will lecture before this Institute at the courthouseon next Wednesday evening, Feb. 3rd, at 7 o'clock. Subject: Physiology.

Exercises will open and close with vocal and instrumental music.

As is well known the science of Physiology is a specialty with the Doctor,in which he is fully posted up in all the latest discoveries, and in whichhe has ideas. Therefore, this lecture cannot fail to be of great practicalvalue to his hearers. All are invited to attend.

Tickets of admission for sale at the Post Office, and at Mansfield'sdrug store.

Single tickets 15 cents, 2 for 25 cents, 10 for $1.00, admitting to anyof the regular exercises of the Institute. D. A. MILLINGTON, Pres.


Winfield Courier, January 28, 1875.

One week ago last Sunday, Mr. T. A. Blanchard, feeling unwell, laid himselfdown on the sofa in his own house to rest, while the other members of thefamily went to church. The house was closed up, the curtains nearly alldrawn, and the place had a deserted air, which by an outside observer, wouldhave been thought to be real. It was under this impression, no doubt, thatone of his neighbors was laboring, when he walked into the barnyard andcornering a fine ram, threw it across his shoulders, just as our friendBlanchard happened to glance out of the window and observed the proceedings.The neighbor having got the sheep safely secured on his shoulder trudgedoff home, and Mr. Blanchard, happening to be in sight of the law-abidingneighbor's house half an hour afterwards, perceived him making mutton ofthat ram in the quickest possible manner, and as he seemed to take so muchpleasure in the performance, the owner of the meat couldn't have the heartto disturb his operations, so he said nothing about it.


Winfield Courier, January 28, 1875.

City Council Proceedings.
January 4, 1875.

Council met at usual hour. Present: S. C. Smith, mayor; J. P. McMillen,H. S. Silver, S. Darah, councilmen; J. W. Curns, clerk. The minutes of lastmeeting were read and approved.

G. T. Swigart presented a bill of $40 for services as Marshal for themonth ending Dec. 24, 1874, which was referred to finance committee andreported favorably, and allowed.

Finance committee asked further time to report on the fee bill of Cityof Winfield against Beckett, which was granted.

Committee on pound reported they had procured a pound from Nate Robersonat the rent of $1 per month, which was accepted.

Cemetery committee asked further time to report on purchasing a lot inthe cemetery.

Being no other business, on motion adjourned. S. C. SMITH, Mayor.

J. W. Curns, City Clerk.


Council met January 18th, 1875, at usual hour; there not being a quorumpresent, adjourned to meet Jan. 25th. J. W. CURNS, Clerk.


Winfield Courier, January 28, 1875.

At a meeting of the citizens at Cedar Township held at the residenceof Sanford Day, Esq., on the evening of January 19th, 1875, the followingpreamble and resolution was read and adopted.

WHEREAS, Cedar Township of Cowley County, Kansas, having no townshiptrustee, and

WHEREAS, there are numbers of people who are suffering for provisionsand clothing, therefore be it

Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed to canvass thistownship, and make out a report of the destitution that exists, and reportthe same to the chairman of the central relief committee of this county.And be it further

Resolved, That a copy of the proceedings of this meeting be furnishedthe Winfield COURIER, with the request that the same be published.

On motion, Mr. Searle, Mr. John Frazee, Mr. Wm. Morgan, and D. W. Willeywere appointed said committee.

Meeting adjourned. MARK PHILLIPS, Chairman.

J. W. SEARLE, Sec.


Winfield Courier, February 4, 1875.


Col. Manning returned from Topeka last Friday evening. Immediately uponhis arrival at the capital, he ascertained that less was known of the divisionin the legislature than here. There was no lobby there in the interest ofthe measure, and representatives Bryan of this county and Ferguson of ButlerCounty are both opposed to any changes in the county lines of either county.Information has been received at the legislature that the new county projectwould be presented by parties in the interested district and petitions tothat effect were daily expected. Where Capt. Shannon, of Augusta, obtainedhis "creditable" information, we have not learned, but rumorsfrom that locality should have considerable latitude.


Winfield Courier, February 4, 1875.


Quite a respectable show is being made by those who favor issuing countybonds to take up the outstanding scrip of Cowley County. The county commissionershave asked for the passage of a special law on the subject, notwithstandingthere is a general law whereby they can issue bonds by first submittingthe question to a vote of the people. The county council P. of H., is saidto have passed a resolution to the same effect. Some of the county newspapersare in favor of it, although the publishers thereof made political capitalagainst Capt. McDermott a little over one year ago because he procured thepassage of a law allowing the bonding of said debt. As for us, without discussingthe economical features of the proposition, we still hold that a majorityof the people of the county are opposed to bonding the county for any purpose.And as long as that is the sentiment of the majority, we shall not favorany bond proposition unless it be first submitted to a vote of the taxpayers.We cannot advise any short cut to defeat an expression of the sense of thepeople. When the question is submitted in proper form, we shall have somethingto say on its merits. Perhaps the constitutionality of a law issuing bondsby a special act when there is a general law that is applicable, is wortha little consideration.


Winfield Courier, February 4, 1875.


A proposition is before the legislature to issue $95,000 worth of statebonds, said bonds to be sold for not less than ninety-five cents on thedollar, and the money thus obtained is to be used in furnishing food andseed for the destitute in certain parts of the state. This is opposed bymembers from the eastern and taxpaying portion of the state. An amendmentwas voted down that required a pro rata distribution among the destitutein every part of the state. This should have been allowed; and in this way,the bill should pass.

Our warning to "go slow," is addressed to those members whoare favoring a substitute for the above mentioned bill, which substituteproposes to sell the bonds belonging to the permanent school fund of thestate, and then to invest said permanent school fund in county relief bonds.To make this matter more clear, we will state the whole case. Every 16thand 36th section of land in the state is given by the general governmentto Kansas for the support of its common schools. This land is sold and themoney invested in bonds. The interest on the bonds is divided among theschool districts of the state per scholar. The principal remains a sacredfund that cannot be diminished. It happens that over three hundred thousanddollars of this school fund is invested in Kansas state bonds, which aregood, and the interest upon which is regularly paid. Now it is proposedby some members of the legislature to sell these state bonds and authorizethe destitute counties to issue relief bonds which shall be purchased withthis school money. We most solemnly protest against any such investmentof our school money. The bonds of some of those western counties are notworth a farthing. Some of them are already overburdened with debt. Theyare liable to be depopulated any day by a hurricane, hailstorm, drouth,or grasshoppers. Already several thousand dollars of the state school fundis invested in school district bonds issued in said counties, which investmentis a dead loss. School districts No.'s 2 and 3 of Comanche County have eachissued one thousand dollars in bonds which were purchased by said stateschool fund, but no one lives in Comanche County nor ever did. These bondsmight be given to the destitute of Hutchinson, where the fraud originated.Bonds have been issued in those barren counties for railroads, courthouses,bridges, schoolhouses, outstanding indebtedness, and other purposes. Itis the bond voters paradise. There is no limit to their ability to issue,but they should never find a market with the commissioners of the permanentschool fund of the state.


Winfield Courier, February 4, 1875.

A report was given relative to pupils attending grammar and intermediatedepartments of Winfield schools by W. C. Robinson. "The efficiencyof our schools is much hindered by tardiness and irregular attendance. Parentswill oblige us by aiding in overcoming this difficulty." Students indifferent departments were listed.

Intermediate Department.

Georgie Black

Grant Bodwell

Oscar Cochran

Charley Dever

Willie Ferguson

Frank Freeland

Robert Hodson

Joseph Hudson

Willie Leffingwell

John Likowski

Richie Mansfield

Bennie Manning

Georgia McDonald

Willie Prescott

Frank Robinson

Willie Tarrant

Alfred Tarrant

Willie Walker

Charlie Weathers

Robert Hubbard

Hattie Andrews

Mary Bodwell

Cora Bullene

Ida Black

Anna Bishop

Winnie Barnard

Luella Cowen

Sylvia Darrah

Ida Dressel

Julia Deming

Katy Davis

Lila Doty

Annie Hunt

Emma Howland

Alice Hill

Sarah Hudson

Ida Johnson

Edith Kennedy

Josie McMasters

Nannie McGee

Amy McQuiston

Lutie Newman

Minnie Stewart

Jennie Weathers

Effie White

Lillie Lappan

Mary Knowles

Emma Knowles

Leona Corkins

Iola Corkins

Martha Copple

Grammar Department.

Delhe Kennedy

Eddie Whitehead

Frank Howard

Holiday Menor

Addison Powers

Thos. Cochran

Robert Dever

Rolly Milspaugh

Frank Howland

Harry McMillen

Robert Deming

Isaac Johnson

Fred Hunt

Thos. Lowry

Wm. Hudson

Harvey Thomas

Willie McClellan

Harold Mansfield

Eddie Likowski

Ora Lowry

Ella Freeland

Nettie Quarles

Belle Galbrath

Ines Griswold

Ella Manly

Kate Johnson

Jennie Hane

Jennie Lowry

Mary Cochran

Ida McMillen

Mary Hudson

Nellie Powers

Nellie Barnard

Cora Andrews

Bertha Lamb

Eugenie Holmes

Laura McMillen

Pella Bradish

Jessie Millington

Hortense Holmes

Mattie Minnihan

Maggie Dever

Lillie Ford

"Fred Hunt, Miss Jennie Hane, and Miss Ella Freeland are graduatesin spelling, each having spelled 400 words in regular recitation withoutmissing one. We wish those interested would freely visit our schools andremark about anything either satisfactory or unsatisfac tory.



Winfield Courier, February 4, 1875.

These are good times for doctors.

Winfield Courier, February 4, 1875.

Col. Manning returned from Topeka last Friday night.

Winfield Courier, February 4, 1875.

A dog went through one of Charley Black's front windows last Saturday.

Winfield Courier, February 4, 1875.

Mr. S. M. Fall of Lazette graced our streets with his presence the otherday.

Winfield Courier, February 4, 1875.

BIRTH. A. H. Green is so happy because it is a boy, that he can hardlycontain himself. Born to Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Green, January 22, 1875, a boy.Mother and child doing well.

Winfield Courier, February 4, 1875.

Dr. Mansfield's lecture before the Winfield Institute has been postponeduntil next Wednesday evening.

Winfield Courier, February 4, 1875.

Four persons were immersed by Rev. N. L. Rigby last Sunday. A hole wascut in the ice on the river, for the purpose.

Winfield Courier, February 4, 1875.

A. N. Deming and his estimable lady have been very ill for the past twoweeks, but are slowly improving at present.

Winfield Courier, February 4, 1875.

Curns & Manser have purchased the Dr. Egbert office, and have movedit to Main street, next door south of their present office.

Winfield Courier, February 4, 1875.

Some say that Alexander has not stopped running yet. It must be a mistake,however, for we have it from good authority that he did stopa stone withthe back of his head.

Winfield Courier, February 4, 1875.

Prof. T. A. Wilkinson is now in Missouri organizing societies for therelief of the destitute in this county. He will go to Wisconsin in a fewdays.

Winfield Courier, February 4, 1875.

Old Alex, of the Carpet-bagger, sent a petition up to the Legislature,the other day, addressed, "To the Legislature of Kansas in CongressAssembled."

Winfield Courier, February 4, 1875.

Notice is hereby given that Warrants will be issued on all personal taxesdue and unpaid on the 15th day of February, 1875.

E. B. KAGER, Co. Treas.

Winfield Courier, February 4, 1875.

There will be an examination of school teachers at the office of theundersigned in Winfield on Saturday, February 20th, 1875, at 10 o'clocka.m.

T. A. WILKINSON, Co. Supt.

Winfield Courier, February 4, 1875.

Hitchco*ck & Boyle have closed their store and are taking an invoiceof their goods preparatory to dissolving partnership. One of the partnersintends to continue the business. Which one, however, is not definitelyknown at present.

Winfield Courier, February 4, 1875.

Snow fell to a depth of five or six inches at Tisdale and Arkansas Citylast Thursday and the sleighing was good to within about five miles of town,either south or east, but strange to say not enough fell here to whitenthe ground.

Winfield Courier, February 4, 1875.

From the Traveler we learn that our old friend, Wm. Steele, ofGrouse Creek, fell from a load of hay last week, while endeavoring to holda team that was running away, the wagon passing over his back and arm, breakingthe latter. Dr. Hughes was sent for, who reports him seriously hurt.

Winfield Courier, February 4, 1875.

M. S. Roseberry, County Commissioner, while going home from town on aload of lumber one day last week, fell off while crossing the Walnut; thewagon passed over him, breaking three of his ribs and otherwise seriouslyinjuring him.

Winfield Courier, February 4, 1875.

One week from tomorrow (Friday) evening, the ladies of the M. E. Churchwill give a sociable at the residence of Mrs. McMasters. This is the firstof a series of sociables to be givenone by each churchthe proceeds of whichare to be applied toward paying the remaining indebtedness on the courthousebell. The debt amounts to $120. Everyone is invited to attend these sociablesand thus assist in liquidating this debt.

Winfield Courier, February 4, 1875.

Two men after trying to steal corn out of the crib of W. J. Hamilton,near the mouth of Grouse Creek, set it on fire. Mr. Denton, who was concealedunder a wagon to watch for the thieves, fired two shots at them withouteffect. The fire burned four hundred bushels of corn, cultivators, hay fork,plows, and was quite a serious loss such a year as this. Parties are suspected,and will doubtless be brought to punishment. Arkansas City Traveler.

Winfield Courier, February 4, 1875.

DIED. At his residence in Arkansas City last night, of pneumonia, Mr.L. W. Emerson. He was sick but five or six days. Our citizens will rememberhim in the enjoyment of health and vigor, as if it were but yesterday, inthe character of "Dr. Banks" in the play of "On his LastLegs," rendered a short time ago by the Arkansas City Dramatic Clubat our courthouse. He was a young man of good habits and blameless character,and in his death our neighbors of Arkansas City lose a valuable and exemplarycitizen.

Winfield Courier, February 4, 1875.

S. H. Myton has got settled down to business in his new building, andwe think we are safe in saying that he now has one of the finest hardwarestores in the state. Everything pertaining to the building is fitted upin the best possible manner and kept in "apple-pie order." Samis a reliable, capable, and energetic businessman, and he understands hisbusiness well enough to know that the way to control trade and make moneyis to keep handling the goods even though the profits are small. See hisnew advertisem*nt elsewhere.



Winfield Courier, February 4, 1875.

The Presbyterian church holds a communion service on next Sabbath morning.Preaching on Friday evening by S. B. Fleming of Oxford. Also PreparatoryLecture on Saturday after- noon at 2 o'clock p.m., at which time parentshaving children to be baptized will please present them. All these servicesto be held in the courthouse. J. E. PLATTER, Pastor.

Winfield Courier, February 4, 1875.


List of Marriage licenses issued by the Probate Judge for the month ofJanuary, 1875.

Mr. S. D. Pryor to Miss L. J. Waites.

Joseph R. Perry to Phoma H. Spray.

Milton Timmons to Almeda Cartrel.

B. B. Dougherty to M. A. Bush.

S. Dixon to Katy Howe.

Chas. H. Eagin to Annie A. Akers.

Jas. T. Driscol to Mollie L. Jackson.

Milburn Peter to Minerva B. Dudley.

Joseph Furman to Francis Goodwin.

Reuben A. Houghton to Sarah E. Manton.

Winfield Courier, February 4, 1875.

As the Jews were fed with quails and John the Baptist with locusts, sowas Mr. Jennings and family fed with antelope. It was in this wise: Mr.Jennings of Rock Creek with a large family depending on him for supportin these grasshopper times, was reduced to a fearful strait. The other dayhe shouldered his gun to try if perchance Providence would not send somekind of game in his way wherewith his family might stay the pangs of hunger,and enable them to pull through until relief might come.

He had not gone far until he espied an antelope slowly dragging anotherby the horns. He noted that the other was stone dead. Getting within easyrange he shot, and the antelope fell. On coming up to his game, he found,curiously enough, that the horns of the two were locked in such a mannerthat it required all his strength to separate them. He supposes that theyengaged in mortalor rather, antelope combat, and locked horns, and in themelee one broke the neck of the other. Not being able to travel withoutdragging its late antagonist with it, the progress of the live animal wasnecessarily such that our friend stepped up and killed it without troubleand now his family subsist on antelope.


Winfield Courier, February 4, 1875.


ED. COURIER. This being an era of investigation, reformation, etc., Iwould most respectfully suggest to the Mayor and City Council that theyinform themselves and the citizens generally as to the actual receipts anddisbursem*nts of money received from fines, taxes, and all other sourcesof revenue. The merchants and businessmen of this city are forced to paya heavy special tax, and it certainly behooves our worthy solons to lightenour burdens as much as possible.

I find by reference to the Police Justices Docket, that during A. A.Jackson's term of office, which expired in April 1874, there was collectedby him in fines, and accounted for by him on the Docket, $128.50, and alarge number of cases the Docket does not show whether any fine has beenpaid or not. By referring to the City Treasurer's books, I find that theaforesaid Jackson paid into the City Treasury $64.00.

This is too much of a difference for these hard times, and I think itis certainly the duty of some to see what has become of the balance. Willour worthy ex judge please explain. It is now nearly a year since he turnedhis office over to his successor, Mr. Wood, and he has had ample time surelyto place this money where it properly belongs. It may be possible that hehas forgotten all about it. If such should be the case, I will refer himor anyone to the Police Docket.

In closing I would suggest to our worthy City Fathers that in the makingand passing of Ordinances to remember that they are not legislating fortheir own personal benefit, but are supposed to do it for the general benefitof the citizens, and not for individuals.

More anon, A TAXPAYER.


Winfield Courier, February 4, 1875.

Recap Ordinances 45 and 46, published February 4, 1875.

45. An ordinance in relation to the duties of the City Marshal, andthe Prevention of Fires. "Whenever any person shall make complaintto the City Marshal that any chimney,

flue, or stove pipe within the limits of the city is in an unsafe condition,it shall be the duty of the City Marshal to immediately investigate, etc.,and notify the person or persons of the bad condition and that they mustimmediately repair the same. After notice by City Marshal, if the repairsare not made, that person shall be convicted and fined in a sum not exceeding$50.

46. An ordinance in relation to sidewalks.

Called for a sidewalk four feet wide, constructed of hardwood lumberone inch thick, to be placed upon sleepers 2 x 6 inches in size, laid lengthwisethereof, be constructed on the north side of lot 1, and across the northend of lots 17 and 18, all in block 110 in the city of Winfield, and onefoot from said lots.

That the owner or owners of the lots mentioned be allowed to constructthe same at their own expense, provided the same be finished by Feb. 15,1875, in default of which the City of Winfield will construct the same,and for the payment of the construction of the same, an assessment be madeupon said lots, according to the number of feet that said sidewalk bearsto the said lots.


Winfield Courier, February 11, 1875.

The bill establishing a territorial government in the Indian Territoryis virtually killed in congress.

Winfield Courier, February 11, 1875.

The effort to pass a law investing the state school fund in county reliefbonds, of which we spoke last week, failed in the senate. The same thingis up again in another form.

Winfield Courier, February 11, 1875.

Senate bill No. 98, pending before the legislature, so amends the bondlaw of 1874, as to allow counties having no railroad to issue bonds underterms similar to the old law.

Winfield Courier, February 11, 1875.

A bill has passed congress appropriating $50,000 worth of food and clothingto the grasshopper sufferers of the west. This amount will come principallyto Kansas and Nebraska.

Winfield Courier, February 11, 1875.


Hon. B. C. St. Clair, the senator from this district, procured the passageof a resolution through the state senate asking congress to secure the rightof way through the Indian Territory, to a railroad down the Arkansas Valley.

Winfield Courier, February 11, 1875.


We believe one of the much needed reforms in this state is the abolitionof the office of township assessor. One assessor, with one or two assistants,ought and would assess the county at much less expense to the taxpayers,and give more satisfaction. There are twenty- two townships in this county,and be the men of ever so good judgment, they are bound to differ. For instance,the assessor of Creswell Township assessed the Methodist parsonage, in thecity of Arkansas City, for taxation, believing it not to be exempt, andyet no other assessor in the county did the same.

Winfield Courier, February 11, 1875.


From Mr. L. J. Webb, who has recently returned from Topeka, where hehas been attending to some suits in the Supreme Court, we learn that thebill for funding the indebted- ness of Cowley County has been introducedin the house.

It provides for issuing bonds to take up the indebtedness of the county,said bonds to be sold dollar for dollar. Representative Bryan is industriousand keeps track of Legislation, always voting right, but saying little.Capt. Folks, as Secretary of the Senate, is very popular, and has greatinfluence.

The bill to divide Howard County, having passed the House, has been reportedfavorably upon by the committee on counties and county lines in the Senate.

The bill allowing counties to issue relief bonds has passed both branchesof the legislature.

The bill authorizing the issue of $95,000 in state bonds to purchasewood and food for the destitute has passed the House and is likely to passthe Senate. Senator Peters from Marion County is the champion of the measurein the Senate. The democrats and opposition in the Senate are fighting thebill on political grounds, hoping to defeat it and then charge that a republicanlegislature refused aid to the needy.


Winfield Courier, February 11, 1875.

Look a Little Out.

ED. COURIER: A new characteristic in "four percent" jurisprudencehas developed itself in Cowley County. Not long since eastern capitalistsproposed to mitigate the four percent per month loan business in this regionby loaning money on five years' time, at about twenty two and a half percentper annum. This was done by adding about fifty percent to the original amount,and then having the note draw twelve percent per annum interest. One provisionof the mortgage is that if the annual interest is not paid promptly thewhole amount shall be due. Another provision is that in case a petitionof foreclosure is filed in court, an attorney fee of ten percent shall bedue and payable. Of course, these stringent provisions were overlooked inthe anxiety to borrow on long time at comparatively low interest. Duringthe month of January, the first interest on a few of these mortgages becamedue. The hard times that are upon us prevented some of the mortgagors fromcoming to time with the required interest. Suddenly and unexpectedly thereappeared among us a deputy U. S. Marshal, with summonses notifying the delinquentsthat they had been sued in the United States Circuit Court at Leavenworthand unless they answered by a certain day, judgment would be taken. Thisnotification is all a farce. Judgment will be taken anyhow. There is nodefense. The farms are gone up. The fifty percent interest which was addedto the principle, and the attorney fee and the expenses will cut up everyfarm so mortgaged. The expense of hiring an attorney to defend the suitis useless. The terms of the contract have been violated. This is writtento put people who have made such contracts on their guard. Their only safetyis to pay the interest promptly. WARNING.


Winfield Courier, February 11, 1875.

Silver Creek Items.

EDITOR COURIER: Perhaps some of your readers would like to hear fromSilver Creek Township. Well, no one has died of starvation here yet, thepeople keep up quite a lively spirit despite the grasshopper panic. I takenotice that a great many townships in Cowley County cry hard times, butin Silver Creek, which is the land of milk and honey, there are no hardtimes.

Here with us we do not have to work like we used to in days of yore simplybecause we are furnished with an abundance of food and clothing by the aidcommittee.

I consider Kansas to be the best country the sun ever shone upon, andI cannot see that it makes any material difference if the grasshopper eatsus up or not. If we raised corn we would be obliged to eat our own meat,get our own bread, and buy our own clothing. While being as it is, we areprovided with all these things by our kind friends in some eastern state.

Here in Silver Creek Township, aid goods are distributed at the residenceof A. P. Brooks, by the township committee each Saturday evening, impartiallyand regardless of politics, to those who cry hunger the loudest. The feedconsists of flour, corn meal, beans, and hominy, four very substantial articles,indeed. At our last meeting it seems that the people were furnished withvery poor sacks to carry home their week's rations in, for on the next morningthere was a lady's dress found on the road that leads to Lazette. It wasshown to me by the lady who has got it in possession. I am no judge of calico,but I pronounced said dress to be an alpaca pink. It has been cut and madein the latest style with a beautiful large flounce at the bottom. As I wasout rather early that morning myself, and passing by Mr. Brooks, I observedan unusual amount of corn scattered around his dooryard, and on inquiryinto the particulars, I was informed that E. Gatton's hominy sack bursted.As I proceeded on my journey, I soon came on to a bean trail. From the appearanceof the trail, I would judge that some man was carrying home a sack of beanson his back. The sack must have had a hole in the bottom of about one inchin diameter. If the man had stolen the beans, he stood a good chance ofbeing found by this means. I did not follow the trail to its destination,but a little boy who did through curiosity, informed me that it led himto the door of a large white house that stands on the right bank of SilverCreek. I would advise the people to be a little more careful of their goods.If we have got an abundance now, we may not always have. If the recipientsof those goods had Bourbon on the brain or not, I cannot surmise, but somethinglooks suspicious to me. Respectfully, JAS. FITZGERALD.


Winfield Courier, February 11, 1875.

Letter from T. A. Wilkinson.
HOPKINS, MO., Jan. 20, 1875.

REV. J. E. PLATTER: I spoke at the M. E. Church today to the people ofthis place. We closed our meeting by organizing a relief society.

Every businessman and minister was made a committee to solicit suppliesof all kinds, both in the town and adjacent country, and ladies to especiallysolicit women and children's clothing.

I find the people willing enough to give when properly approached. Acar load of general supplies will start from here about Monday, February8th. I shall organize societies from hereon and do my main work by locallyconstituted committees. I had no trouble in my work here as my brother-in-law,John A. Stewart, is a merchant here, and he introduced me. I leave subscriptionpapers, properly headed, at each store; and farmers will make their donationsat any of them at any time between now and next Saturday, when the car willbe loaded. I will leave all necessary instructions for shipping with mybrother-in-law, and a freight bill will be sent to you on day of shipment.Very respectfully yours, T. A. WILKINSON.


Winfield Courier, February 11, 1875.

The Aid Business.

The Governor has transmitted to the Legislature a detailed exhibit ofthe work of the State Central Relief Committee.

"The report of the committee states that it has received and disbursedduring the sixty- five days of its existence $100,000 in money and goods,124 car loads of supplies, and 12,500 packages, at an expense of $300."


Winfield Courier, February 11, 1875.

Our town like all other Kansas towns has been agitating the aid question.Several meetings have been held and Windsor Township has organized to obtainsuch relief as her people may need. A committee has been appointed to makeefforts to secure all seed necessary for spring planting, and two agentshave been appointed to go east to solicit help. One of them, R. W. Jackson,started for Winfield yesterday, intending to go directly to Indiana andlabor in behalf of this township.

Our new mill ground its first grain on Saturday last. All parties pronounceits work excellent, and it is now ready for all customers with corn, wheat,or lumber. The gentlemen who have succeeded in building this improvementto Lazette deserve the thanks of the inhabitants of the entire Grouse Valley.

Rev. J. J. Wingar began a series of meetings last week.

Mr. Oscar Morris, of Winfield, spent the Sabbath with Lazette friends.

It is rumored that we are to have a newspaper established at this point.All wish it a speedy appearance.

Julius Woollen has sold his upland farm to Mr. McDaniels, and now contemplatesgoing to Arkansas.

Mr. S. M. Fall has purchased and moved on his farm the building formerlyowned by the stage company.

Mr. J. Dudley, and family go this week to Missouri, in which state theywill make their future home.


Winfield Courier, February 11, 1875.

Under date of February 6th, Gov. Osborn sends a special message to theLegislature urging immediate action in the matter of doing something forthe needy of the state. He says the impression abroad is that our legislaturewill do something to meet the emergency, and consequently the foreign contributionsare diminishing while the wants of our needy are increasing. His suggestionsare seconded by the State Central Relief Committee. We hope these timelysuggestions will be heeded.

Gov. Osborn had Gen. Pope put Cowley County into the list of countiesto receive government clothing for the needy.


Winfield Courier, February 11, 1875.

JANUARY 25TH, 1875.

Council met at 7 o'clock p.m. in pursuance of adjournment. Present: S.C. Smith, mayor, R. B. Saffold, S. Darrah, H. S. Silver, councilmen, andJ. W. Curns, clerk. The minutes of last meeting were read and approved,after which the following business was taken up.

Bill of Z. T. Swigart for services as marshal for month ending January24, 1875, of $40.

Bill of J. W. Curns for services as clerk, for month ending January 8,$8.33.

Bill of William Bartlow, $18.20 for building sidewalk across Loomis street,was presented and referred to committee on finance, who reported favorablythereon, and they were severally allowed and ordered paid.

The finance committee reported favorably on the ice bill of the Cityof Winfield against V. B. Beckett, and the following order was made. "Thatsaid fee bill be paid as per bill and not in excess of the amount thereincharged to the parties entitled to the same, and that the same be paid underprotest."

On motion the city attorney was instructed to draw an ordinance for theconstruction of sidewalks along the north side of lot 1 in block 110 andalong lots 17 and 18 in block 110.

On motion adjourned. S. W. CURNS, City Clerk.


Winfield Courier, February 11, 1875.


For sale at from $8 to $10 per hundred, or $70 per thousand, and othernursery stock at corresponding low rates. Call and see me for I am boundto sell. 2-1/2 miles southeast of Wichita on the Winfield road. J. H. STURNS.

Winfield Courier, February 11, 1875.

Bankrupt Sale.

In the District Court of the United States for the District of Kansas.

In the matter of Hiram Brotherton, Bankrupt. IN BANKRUPTCY.

By virtue of an order issued out of the aforesaid Court, I will on Monday,the 1st day of March A. D. 1875 at 1 o'clock p.m. of said day at thesouth front door of the courthouse in the City of Winfield, county of Cowley,State of Kansas, sell to the highest and best bidder, for cash, all theopen accounts, and promissory notes against divers persons, remaining unsettledand unpaid, now in my hands belonging to said bankrupt estate. R. L. SAFFOLD.

Assignee of the Estate of Hiram Brotherton, Bankrupt.

Winfield, Feb. 8, 1875.


Winfield Courier, February 11, 1875.

J. C. Weathers & Co. have closed up.

Winfield Courier, February 11, 1875.

L. J. Webb has returned from Topeka.

Winfield Courier, February 11, 1875.

Rev. Wm. Martin has gone to Ohio for relief. Next.

Winfield Courier, February 11, 1875.

Squire T. H. Suits thinks of locating in Galveston, Texas, in the Spring.

Winfield Courier, February 11, 1875.

Frank Gallotti intends to engage in silk culture near Winfield the comingspring.

Winfield Courier, February 11, 1875.

Dr. John Headrick has gone back to his old town in Dansville, Illinois,on a visit.

Winfield Courier, February 11, 1875.

H. Brotherton and A. A. Jackson have opened a general feed store in oneof Jackson's buildings on Main street.

Winfield Courier, February 11, 1875.

Mayor S. C. Smith contemplates visiting California next month with aview to locating in that salubrious clime.

Winfield Courier, February 11, 1875.

An unusual amount of sickness has prevailed in this vicinity recently.Colds and lung fever are the common complaints.

Winfield Courier, February 11, 1875.

Capt. Sam R. Peters, Senator from Marion County, has been confined tohis bed at Topeka, but at last accounts was recovering.

Winfield Courier, February 11, 1875.

Joe Lipscomb has gone to his old home in Tuscola, Illinois, to reside.He was accompanied as far as Iola, Kansas, by Mr. Ireland.

Winfield Courier, February 11, 1875.

Mr. Ira Moore, the owner of the Valley View Cemetery, has donated thecity of Winfield a portion of said cemetery, to be used as a potters field.

Winfield Courier, February 11, 1875.

The Belle Plain Democrat office was attached this week as theproperty of the Belle Plain Town Company, at the suit of E. C. Manning.

Winfield Courier, February 11, 1875.

On the 19th day of January, E. S. Torrance was admitted to the bar ofthe Supreme Court of this state, and on the 8th inst., L. J. Webb was admitted.

Winfield Courier, February 11, 1875.

Dr. Mansfield's lecture on Physiology, which was to have been deliveredto the Winfield Institute last night, was again postponed on account ofthe weather.

Winfield Courier, February 11, 1875.

Mr. A. S. Williams has returned from Iowa, where he has been for sometime soliciting aid. What success he met with we did not learn.

Winfield Courier, February 11, 1875.

The sociable which was to have been given at the residence of Mrs. McMastersnext Friday evening will take place at the courthouse on the same evening.

Winfield Courier, February 11, 1875.

Mrs. T. A. Wilkinson is acting in the capacity of county superintendentin the absence of her husband, and attends punctually to all office business.

Winfield Courier, February 11, 1875.

A new township was formed by the Commissioners at their last meeting,off the south end of Tisdale, and northwest corner of Dexter, and was giventhe suggestive name of Liberty.

Winfield Courier, February 11, 1875.

Two young men of Vernon Township named respectively Kimble and Copple,got into a quarrel last Friday, and during the melee Copple got Kimble'sfinger between his teeth and bit it so badly that it had to be amputated.

Winfield Courier, February 11, 1875.

Floral Grange has put up ice enough to last them through the coming summer.Wouldn't it be a good plan for the other granges of the county to go anddo likewise? If only enough were put up to use in case of sickness, it wouldbe much better than none at all.

Winfield Courier, February 11, 1875.

In the trial of Dr. Mansfield, on Tuesday, for selling liquor withoutlicense, Judge Boyer ruled that it was no violation of the ordinance fora druggist to deal out intoxicating beverage to a customer when the receptaclewas a spirit lamp instead of the nasal bottle.

Winfield Courier, February 11, 1875.

A Butler County jury failing to agree procured an order from Judge Campbellfor supper, upon which they proceeded to a restaurant in charge of the timehonored "sworn officer," where they ordered a supper fit for aking, Oysters, wines, etc., being part of the bill of fare. For all of whichButler County foots the bill.

Winfield Courier, February 11, 1875.

A man 63 years of age has made the trip between Elk Falls and Douglass,a distance of 51 miles, every day this winter, on a buckboard, deliveringthe mail with perfect regularity, never missing a single day, though thewind has been terrible, and the thermometer at times has been down threeor four rods below the freezing point. When the time rolls around and UncleSam "comes to make up his jewels," will not this old stager andhis weather beaten mule form a part of the central setting? Aye, verily.

Winfield Courier, February 11, 1875.

Wm. W. Underwood, Esq., late of Wabash County, Indiana, bought the JohnNicholson farm on the Grouse, near Dexter, last September, and paid $3,000for it. After moving to his new home about the first thing he did was tosubscribe and pay for the COURIER, as all good Hoosiers do, and then wentto work improving his farm. He now furnishes employment for all the menof his neighborhood, who want work. One of the many improvements he hasunder progress is a fine stone fence around his farm, and many who wouldotherwise be calling on the "Relief" are receiving their per diem,or grain from his well filled bins, in payment for work in his stone quarries.Would that we had more Underwoods.

Winfield Courier, February 11, 1875.

Twenty wagon loads of relief arrived here last night for distributionamong the people of this part of the county, and there is still a car loadand more at Wichita. Augusta Gazette.

Just so. Butler County has a lot of dead beat beggars in the east,claiming to represent Cowley and other counties as well as their own, andof course get more aid on that account. But not a pound of it has yet foundits way to this county. We shall insist that just one-half of all the moneyDr. Mitchell raises east be turned over to our County Relief Committee.What say you, men of Butler.

[Note: "Dr. Mitchell," who solicited aid for Cowley andButler counties had no connection with Cowley County.]

Winfield Courier, February 11, 1875.

The following is the list of petit jurors drawn for the March term ofthe District Court: J. B. Nipp, S. W. Chatterson, S. P. Berryman, P. F.Endicott, J. E. Dunn, G. W. Melville,

J. W. Melville, J. W. Weimer, A. T. Gay, Sanford Day, Isaac Howe, B.C. French, S. M. Fall, Thos. Hart.

Winfield Courier, February 11, 1875.

Judge Brown, Congressman elect, has sent the following names to the Commissionerof Agriculture, as proper persons in Cowley County to whom should be sentseeds for distribution. The usual amount of seeds annually distributed throughoutthe United States are to be sent principally to Kansas and Nebraska. Thiswill give a large amount of seeds to the state.

Persons named:

A. T. Stewart of Winfield.

S. M. Fall, Lazette.

T. R. Bryan, Dexter.

Capt. Harrelson, Tisdale.

H. L. Barker, Floral.

John Stalter, Rock.

David Hopkins, Vernon.

Lucius Walton, Arkansas City.

Wm. Norman, Maple.

Wm. Nesmith, Thomasville.

S. D. Klingman, Winfield.

If our friends in townships not represented in the above list will sendthe name of one of their citizens to the COURIER office, we will see thathe also receives seeds for distribution. Send in the names at once as timeis precious.

Winfield Courier, February 11, 1875.

The Winfield Institute has had a complete report of the Smithsonian Institute,Washington, D. C., presented them by that Institute from 1863 to 1872, inclusive.These reports were sent at the instance of Hon. D. P. Lowe, M. C. SenatorHarvey has sent it also as well as a number of government reports and otherdocuments. For all of which these gentlemen will please accept the thanksof the Winfield Institute.

Winfield Courier, February 11, 1875.

A Card.

Allow us to extend our most cordial thanks to the many friends who visitedour home on Monday evening, Feb. 8th, to celebrate the twentieth anniversaryof our married life. The China Wedding left us so many tokens of their kindregards, and also to those who remembered us though not present. Mr. andMrs. C. A. Bliss.


Winfield Courier, February 11, 1875.

If the city of Winfield deserves credit for one thing more than another,it is for the magnificence of her China Weddings. Our people admire theheroic courage, which must be possessed in a very high degree by a couplewhich after twenty years of married life are still willing to resume theyoke matrimonial.

Such may have been the feeling of the merry, laughing set, the most brilliantassemblage of the season, which met at the residence of Mr. C. A. Blisslast Monday evening to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the marriage ofthe host and hostess.

The ceremony was conducted by the Reverends Rigby, Platter, and McQuiston,at the conclusion of which Mr. M. N. Chaffey in an eloquent and happy speechpresented the "happy couple" with an elegant china tea set. Asupper was then spread which would have done honor to any wedding party,our reporter in common with the rest, throwing himself outside of grub enoughto last him a week, forgetting for the nonce that grasshoppers, or anythingelse, had ever devastated the country. The relief committee was there, andviewed the seeming waste of so much that was good to eat; their palms, nodoubt, itching for a chance to distribute it to the poor. Altogether itwas one of the largest and happiest gather ings ever witnessed in Winfield,and it will long be remembered by those who participated as one of the greenfields in the dreary desert of life.


Winfield Courier, February 11, 1875.

The death of Mr. Joseph Foos, which we chronicle in another place, casta gloom over the entire community. But a few days since he was upon ourstreets in the vigor of health and prime of manhood. Blessed with a largeand well poised physical organization, endowed with strong mental facilities,of good habits and happy social circ*mstances, he enjoyed every assurancethat man's allotted three score years and ten were his. Having been oneof the first settlers of the county, his circle of acquaintances was large,and his open hand and heart made him universally loved and respected. Deathcould scarcely have singled out a victim that this people would have givenup with greater sorrow. The sad and unexpected news was an absolute shockas it flew from ear to ear.

The bereavement of the much loved but stricken family chills the mirthof many a fireside.

Joseph Foos was born in Madison County, Ohio. At the age of twenty hemarried the estimable lady who now mourns his death. He moved to Californiain the year 1850, where he resided three years. California is the nativestate of his accomplished daughter, Ada. From California he went to Australia,where he lived twenty years. Again, bidding adieu to friends and loved associations,he turned his face toward his native land.

He, with his family, settled in Cowley County in October, 1870, wherehe lived happy and contented until his death. The widow and orphan daughterhave the heartfelt sympathy of the entire community. He was a member ofthe Masonic and Odd Fellow orders.


Winfield Courier, February 11, 1875.

The Winfield Board of Trade.

We are informed that several of our influential citizens have organizedan organization to be known as the Winfield City Board of Trade. The purposeof the organization is the welfare of the city and county. We have beenpresented with the following resolutions for publication as having beenpassed at their first meeting.

Resolved: That the interests of Winfield are not promoted by thepublication of three papers therein.

Resolved: That the spirit of strife manifested among our peoplebodes no good to the welfare of the place.

Resolved: That the Winfield city organization is an expensiveand useless humbug.

Resolved: That our city schools should be closed by the middleof March and that a three months term should immediately be commenced thereafterwith female teachers at lower wages as an economical measure.

Resolved: That it is the duty of every citizen of Winfield toaid by word and deed the husbandmen of the county who must soon preparefor seed time.

Resolved: That it is the duty of the Winfield Township authoritiesto rebuild the bridge across the Walnut south of town.

Resolved: That in the opinion of this board the money collectedfor liquor licenses in Winfield Township, before the organization of thecity, is sufficient to repair said bridge if the funds could be reached.


Winfield Courier, February 11, 1875.


On Jan. 31st, at the residence of the bride's father in Spring Creekby H. D. Gans, Probate Judge, Mr. Milburn Peter of Butler, Illinois, toMiss M. B. Dudley of Charleston, Illinois.

The wedding was a brilliant affair. After partaking of refreshments,the happy pair started for their future home at New Salem, accompanied bytheir bridesmaid and groomsman, and the hearty congratulations of theirmany friends.


Winfield Courier, February 11, 1875.


At his residence four miles north of Winfield on Monday, the 8th of February,1875, of pleura pneumonia, Mr. Joseph Foos, in the 48th year of his age.


Winfield Courier, February 11, 1875.

For Sale.

25 head of last spring calves and yearlings. 4 miles northwest of Winfield,west side of the Walnut. W. D. CLARKE.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 18, 1875.

Ordinance No. 47

An ordinance relating to animals running at large, and to repeal sectionsNo. 2, 3, 4 & 5 of Ordinance No. 4.

SECTION 1. That all horses, asses, mules, ponies, sheep, swine, and cattleof every description, running at large in the city are hereby declared publicnuisances.

SECTION 2. That it is hereby made the duty of the city marshal to takeup and impound in some safe enclosure, any of the above named animals foundrunning at large in this city, etc. . . .


Winfield Courier, February 18, 1875.

Dr. Houx, our skillful dentist is about to remove to Arkansas.

Winfield Courier, February 18, 1875.

A. T. Stewart went to Topeka this week as the Cowley County delegateto the State Grange.

Winfield Courier, February 18, 1875.

We are told that two carloads of supplies have arrived at Wichita, sentby T. A. Wilkinson.

Winfield Courier, February 18, 1875.

BORN. To H. L. and Cynthia E. Barker, of Floral, on the 10th inst., agirl: weight, 8 pounds.

Winfield Courier, February 18, 1875.

BORN. S. S. Moore is a tall man generally, but he looked a foot tallerlast Saturday, as he told us `twas a boy, and weighed 7-1/2 pounds.

Winfield Courier, February 18, 1875.

Adam Walk's friends are getting uneasy about him. He left Maple Townshipthe middle of January to go east soliciting aid and has not been heard ofsince he left Topeka.

Winfield Courier, February 18, 1875.

The County Council P. of H., of this county, in session last Saturday,after reading and discussing the relief bond bill, passed a resolution infavor of obtaining aid under the provi sions of the bill. However, as willbe seen in another place in the paper, some local granges have resolvedagainst the measure.

Winfield Courier, February 18, 1875.

Maple Grove Grange Resolution.

ED. COURIER: At special meeting of Maple Grange, No. 714, P. of H., thecounty relief bond matter was the principle question for discussion andthe following resolutions were adopted.

WHEREAS, Believing that the act passed by the legislature granting thecounties of the state the right to vote county relief bonds is calculatedto open up a way for intrigue and rascality, is impolitic, and is calculatedto make our deplorable condition worse than it now is, therefore

Resolved, That we the members of Maple Grove Grange, will opposeand use all honorable means to defeat a call for an election, and if anelection be called, will oppose and use all honorable means to defeat saidmeasure.

Resolved, That a copy of this resolution be furnished each ofthe county papers, with request for publication. CHAS. A. ROBERTS, Sec.


Winfield Courier, February 18, 1875.


AN ACT Authorizing Counties to Issue Relief Bonds.

Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas.

SECTION 1. That any county in this state be and the same is hereby authorizedto issue its bonds for the uses and purposes, and subject to the restrictionsand requirements of this act; and where the population of any county doesnot exceed five thousand, the amount of bonds issued under this act shallnot exceed the sum of five thousand dollars; and where the population ofany county does not exceed ten thousand, the amount of bond issued by suchcounty under the provisions of this act shall not exceed ten thousand dollars;and in no case shall the bonds issued by any county under this act exceedthe sum of twenty thousand dollars.

SECTION 2. The bonds provided for in the first section of this act shallbe known as "Relief Bonds" and shall be issued in denominationsof not less than one hundred nor more than five hundred dollars each, andmade payable at the option of the board of county commissioners, not lessthan three nor more than ten years from the date of issue, and shall drawinterest at the rate of ten percent, per annum, payable semi-annually onthe first day of April and October of each year, except the last interestpayment, which shall mature with the bonds; and coupons for the interestshall be attached to each bond, and the bonds and interest shall be madepayable at the fiscal agency of the state in the city of New York.

SECTION 3. The bonds and coupons aforesaid shall be signed by the chairmanof the board of county commissioners, and attested by the county clerk andthe seal of the county, and a registry of the same shall be made by thecounty clerk.

SECTION 4. The county commissioners shall sell the bonds issued underthe provisions of this act for not less than ninety cents on the dollar,and the proceeds when sold shall be paid into the county treasury and placedto the credit of the relief fund, to be paid out only on the order of thecounty commissioners, for the object hereinafter named. No commission ordrawback shall be allowed for negotiating said bonds.

SECTION 5. The attorney general is hereby authorized and required todraw a blank form of bond suitable for the use of counties under the provisionsof this act, and furnish the same to the secretary of state.

SECTION 6. The secretary of state is hereby authorized and directed tohave said bonds printed or lithographed for the use of the several countiesof the state, and shall furnish said blanks only upon the order of the commissionersof the several counties.

SECTION 7. The county commissioners shall, as soon as practicable, investthe proceeds of said bonds, or so much thereof as may, in the opinion ofsaid board of county commis sioners, be necessary to supply the destituteof their respective counties in accordance with the provisions of this act,in wheat, corn, oats, and potatoes only, or in any three of said articles,and distribute the same in such amounts as they shall deem best to personsapplying therefor. Provided, That not more than ten bushels of wheat,fifty bushels of corn, fifteen bushels of oats, and five bushels of potatoesshall be given to the head of any one family; and Provided further,that the party so applying shall take and subscribe the following oath oraffirmation: I do solemnly swear, or affirm, that I am not buying the wheat,corn, oats, and potatoes for which my note is this day given to the boardof county commissioners for speculative purposes, and that the said grainand potatoes by me so purchased, are necessary, as I verily believe, toenable me to raise a crop the coming season, and that I am unable to purchasethe same in the market with my own funds, or upon my own credit, sworn andsubscribed to before me, this _______ day of __________, 1875; and Providedfurther, The county commissioners, in connection with the trustees ofthe several townships, are hereby authorized and empowered to discriminatein favor of such persons as in their judgment must need assistance.

SECTION 8. The county commissioners of the various counties shall provideblank notes in form as follows:

_________ ________ _____________KAS., __________ 187__.

One year after date I promise to pay to the board of county commissionersof ___________ county, Kansas ___________1-100 dollars with interest___________from date at ten percent, per annum, for value received. This note is nottransferable. . . .

[There were 16 sections. It is no wonder that some of the Grangesobjected to this so-called "Relief Bond" Act.]


Winfield Courier, February 18, 1875.

From T. A. Wilkinson.
Keota, Iowa, Feb. 9th, 1875.

REV. J. E. PLATTER: I wrote you while at Hopkins, that a carload wouldstart from there on the 8th. Yesterday morning I learned that the railroadswould not carry coal or grain to sufferers free. I immediately telegraphedfrom here to my brother-in-law at Hopkins, Missouri, to exchange the cornand wheat for flour and meal. This morning I received the following dispatch:"Have exchangedgoods go forward today." This exchange may reducethe amount to less than a carload, as considerable corn would have beensent. You will receive a letter from my brother-in-law, John Stewart, orthe chairman of their aid society, with freight bill and receipt for $11.06which I received to defray expenses.

I have organized an aid society at this place, and intended to ship acarload of corn today, from here, but cannot now ship until I exchange mycorn for flour and meal. I think on Thursday, the 11th, I shall be ready.Will send letter and freight bill when I ship.

I had all kinds of reports circulating and the people in doubt as towhat ought to be done; all are anxious and willing to aid, when satisfiedthat things donated will reach the needy.

Rumors are afloat that the State Central Relief Committee are speculatingout of the funds, etc. But I found Lieut. Gov. E. S. Stover doing all inhis power to distribute fairly, and crowded with business night and daywith a careworn countenance plainly depicting the effect of overwork. Someonementioned: "If this business lasts six months longer, it will killme." Much disappointment is felt because grain cannot be shipped throughfree, but the R. R. companies think they have been imposed upon, and theneedy must suffer on account of imposters.

I think I could raise all the seed corn and oats our destitute wouldneed if this order had not arrived. But I shall go into Wisconsin soon andthere solicit fundsto me back hereand do all I can previous to time forseeding. If I cannot send grain free, my plan will be to take money, paythe freight on seed oats and corn, also on potatoes, as soon as it willdo to ship them.

It is quite cold here now, but clear and pleasant; ground frozen fourfeet deep, very little snow, a coating of ice over the surface of the wholecountry, owing to a thaw and sudden change.

As soon as the supplies reach you from Hopkins, Missouri, I earnestlydesire you to write to John Stewart of that place, acknowledging receipt,etc., because I want the people to know that I am acting in good faith,and that their gifts have reached the needy.

Shall continue to work up this question of seed until time to sow oats,and then ship all I can. Should you choose to write me, my address willbe as follows: La Grange, Walworth County, Wisconsin. Respectfully Yours,T. A. WILKINSON.

Winfield Courier, February 18, 1875.

Mr. S. W. Phoenix, of Richland Township, received $20 the other day fromRichland Township, Michigan, for distribution among his neighbors who mayneed it. The generous donors may rest assured that any contribution theymay send to Sam Phoenix, will be faithfully accounted for by him.

Winfield Courier, February 18, 1875.

At a regular meeting of Center Grange, the following resolution was adopted.

Resolved, That we, the members of Center Grange, No. 957, areopposed as a body, to the bonding of the county as passed by our presentlegislature for the purpose of raising $10,000. ED. MILLARD, Sec.

E. G. HANDY, Master.


Winfield Courier, February 18, 1875.

We did Dr. Mansfield injustice last week, in a short local, which wasto the effect that the Dr. evaded the liquor license ordinance by sellingalcohol in a spirit lamp, etc. The fact is that Dr. Mansfield sold liquorto one of our barbers in a lamp and was arrested therefor. Upon the trial,however, the city attorney dismissed the case, stating that he was wellsatisfied the Dr. had not violated the ordinance. We are always willingto make the amende honorable.

Winfield Courier, February 18, 1875.

On Tuesday last, Charlie Black shot and killed a very large beaver. Onexamination, it was found to have but three legs, one of the fore ones beingoff at the first joint. The knowing ones say that some time or other thisdam builder had been caught in a trap, and to secure freedom, had cut itsown leg off. Charlie was accompanied by Capt. Hunt, Reuben Rogers, JasperCochran, and L. J. Webb. The party killed 51 rabbits and several ducks.

Winfield Courier, February 18, 1875.

Grand Union Temperance Meeting.

At the courthouse on next Sunday evening, Feb. 21st, at 7 o'clock, allthe ministers in the city and some from a distance will be present. Severalspeeches will be made upon the subject of Temperance, and good music isexpected. All are invited. Come one, come all.

By order of Committee.

Winfield Courier, February 18, 1875.


Will the Timber Creek, Silver Creek, Beaver Creek, Pleasant Vale, MapleGrove, and Maple City Baptist Churches appoint a committee of two each,and report to me at once the needs of such members as are actually destitute.I have received means from the Baptist Home Mission Society for distribution,with the promise of more.


Winfield Courier, February 18, 1875.

From Floral.

Nothing of note since my last. My warning to the slayers of the harmlessquail, in last week's COURIER, seems to have had the desired effect.

Nearly everybody up this way favors the bond proposition for relief.The people of Richland as a rule are men who are willing to take care ofthemselves when they have a chance. A few, however, are opposed to it. Whenasked what their objections are, all you can get out of them is "bigsteal," "job," etc. It is notorious that most of these aregetting aid now. I don't think it a violation of the rules of our orderto tell you that eleven applicants will be initiated into our grange nextFriday night. FLORAL.

Winfield Courier, February 18, 1875.


This is not the same "beautiful snow" we have had all winter.

It is not true that the shadow of a twelve year old chicken, reflectedupon a pot of boiling hot water, will make the best of soup.

There is no truth in the report that Allison was drowned in a barrelof swill in the rear of the Valley House one night last week.

W. P. Hackney intends going to New Orleans this spring.

The board of county commissioners meet today.

Several of our city farmers are opposed to the relief bonds.

A grange mill is to be built on Spring Creek, in Beaver Township.

We are under obligations to Alfred Gray, Secretary, State Board of Agriculture,for a copy of report. It is one of the ablest and most comprehensive everissued in the state, and should be in the hands of everybody in any wayinterested in our state.

Winfield Courier, February 18, 1875.

M. S. Roseberry has so far recovered from his accident that he is aboutagain.

See the new "ad" of Boyer & Co., in this paper. Boyer &Co. understand their business, and can give better bargains in their linethan can be had anywhere. Give them a call.


Winfield Courier, February 18, 1875.

When you step into Sam Myton's splendid new brick now, the first thingyou see is the ever smiling face of Mr. J. P. Short, who will wait on youso pleasantly that you feel like spending your last nickel there.

Winfield Courier, February 18, 1875.

See Judge Saffold's notice of Bankrupt Sale.

Bankrupt Sale.

In the District Court of the United States for the District of Kansas.

[In Bankruptcy.]

In the matter of Hiram Brotherton, Bankrupt.

By virtue of an order issued out of the aforesaid Court, I will on Monday,the 1st day of March, A. D. 1875, at 1 o'clock p.m. at said day at the southfront door of the Courthouse in the City of Winfield, county of Cowley,State of Kansas, sell to the highest and first bidder, for cash, all theopen accounts, and promissory notes against divers parties, remaining unsettledand unpaid, now in my hands belonging to the said bankrupt estate.

Assignee of the Estate of Hiram Brotherton, Bankrupt.

Winfield, Feb. 8, 1875.

Winfield Courier, February 18, 1875.

The Traveler says that Samuel Darrah, W. J. Keffer, and J. G.Titus start down the Arkansas in a flatboat with J. C. Lillie, managingEditor. . . .

Winfield Courier, February 18, 1875.


A No. 1 printer, at this office. One who is sober, industrious, and willingto work at grasshopper prices for a while, will get constant employment.Also a boy to learn the trade. Apply at once.


Winfield Courier, February 18, 1875.

Lazette News.

Some of our neighboring townships have taken steps to send east, agents,to petition for aid. Mr. Daniel Miles will go in behalf of Silver CreekTownship, while L. L. Smith, D. D., aided by Mr. Beach, goes in behalf ofHarvey.

The protracted meeting of the M. E. church closed on Friday evening last.Rev. McQuiston of Winfield was in attendance part of the week and assistedin the service.

Joseph Sweet has purchased a fine lot of sheep and is making preparationsto go extensively into the business of handling this kind of stock. He isnot the only one who believes that sheep raising will pay in this part ofCowley County.

Now that the new mill is turning out No. 1 flour, farmers along the Grouseare bringing their grain to Lazette, and the town is assuming new life andvigor.

Doctor Chapman contemplates erecting a building for a new drugstore,and the report is that a tin and hardware store will soon move in.

The other day while quite a number of our good citizens were inspectingthe mill, one of the large bands flew off its wheel. The noise which followedwas like that of a tempest, and the stampede of "brave men" waswonderful to behold. Heroes of a hundred battlefields, famous Indian fighters,and renowned buffalo hunters turned pale and "got up and got,"in double quick time, expecting sections of boilers, scantling, rafters,and the earth itself to hurry them into another world. Fortunately, no liveswere lost and no scalps were damaged, but a "heap" of shoe leatherwas worn out by the terrified stampede.


Winfield Courier, February 18, 1875..

[Note: Most of this item was illegible. Got only part of it.]

The cemetery committee made the following report, which on motion wasadopted, and the committee disbanded. . . . leave to submit the followingreport: During the past week we visited the cemetery north of the city,in company with a committee from the cemetery association, and found twoblocks well located and suited for the use of the city, which were offeredby the committee from the cemetery association for the sum of $125 in citywarrants and your committee was inclined to report favorably for purchasingthe same for the use of the city. Since that time, however, the committeehave been offered by Mr. Ira F. Moore, having charge of the cemetery groundssouth of the city, the same amount of grounds in that cemetery, free ofcharge, and as a donation to the city; we would, therefore, in making thisreport as between the location of the two grounds, favor the one north ofthe city, but as regards the difference in the estimated value of the twogrounds, would favor accepting the proposition offered the city from thecemetery south of the city.

H. S. Silver, S. Darrah, R. B. Saffold, Committee.

On motion, a committee consisting of R. B. Saffold, H. S. Silver,and S. Darrah, was appointed to wait on Mr. Ira E. Moore and accept thedonation to the city, of the cemetery grounds offered by him, and procurea deed to the city of Winfield, of the same.

Ordinance No. 46, in relation to the construction of sidewalks alongthe north side of lot 1, and along the north end of lots 17 and 18, allin block 110, was read by sections and duly passed. The final vote on thepassage of said ordinance was yeas, Saffold, Darrah, Silver, Cochran, andMcMillen. Nays, none.

Ordinance No. 45, in relation to the duties of the city marshal andthe prevention of fires, was read by sections and duly passed. Said ordinancewas passed by the unanimous vote of the council.

C. A. Bliss presented a bill of $37.50 for building sidewalks along thesouth side of lot 12 in block 129, which after being reported favorablyon by the finance committee, was allowed and ordered paid.

It was moved and seconded that on and after Feb. 1st, 1875, the citymarshal's wages be reduced to $30 per month. Motion prevailed.

Being no other business before the council, on motion, adjourned.

S. W. CURNS, City Clerk.


Winfield Courier, February 18, 1875.

For Sale or Trade.

For suitable real estate, a pair of fine Kentucky mules and new wagon.Apply at this office or to Stephen Scotton, 3 miles southwest of Tisdale.

Winfield Courier, February 18, 1875.

For Sale.

25 head of last spring calves and yearlings. 4 miles northwest of Winfield,west side of the Walnut. W. D. CLARKE.


Winfield Courier, February 25, 1875.


As some people do not understand the particulars of the $150,000 donationmade by congress to the needy of the west, we must again inform them thatit is to be distributed as food and clothing only to grasshopper sufferersthroughout the west, embracing Dacotah, Minnesota, Nebraska, and Kansas.But very little will come to Cowley County.

Winfield Courier, February 25, 1875.


According to circulars from the headquarters of the A. T. & S. F.railroad, freights are reduced as follows from Atchison to Wichita: Potatoes,corn, oats, bran, and feed (not meal), $22.00 by the carload, or 25 centsper hundred pounds for less than a carload. This is a very liberal reductionfrom former rates and is in the interest of our grasshopper sufferers.

Winfield Courier, February 25, 1875.


Less than a year ago, portions of the states of Mississippi, Louisiana,and Arkansas were swept over with floods and worms, which destroyed thecrops of the people there. Congress appropriated a large amount of foodand clothing to relieve the destitute. No man in the republican party objected.The other day Col. Cobb, of our own state, asked congress to do the samething for Kansas and Nebraska, and every democrat voted against it. Butthanks to Col. Cobb and the republican party, the bill is now a law.

Winfield Courier, February 25, 1875.


We have just received a letter from Joseph M. Argo, of Vermont, Illinois,informing us that he shipped on the 18th inst., two barrels of flour, threebarrels of corn meal, and a box containing sundries weighing 210 pounds,intended for friends in Richland Township, and asking us to look after it.

Of all the friends that Kansas has had, and still has, none have donemore for her than has Mr. Argo. He has given his time and means withoutstint to aid our people from the very first, having made several trips toour state in charge of supplies for the needy.

When the Kansas of the future comes to rear a monument to her benefactors,the name of Jos. M. Argo, of Fulton County, Illinois, will not be forgotten.

Winfield Courier, February 25, 1875.


The state grange, which has been in Topeka during the past few days,elected the following officers for the ensuing year: Master, M. E. Hudson;Overseer, William Sims; Lecturer, W. S. Hanna; Steward, Chas. S. With; Assistant,James Coffin; Chaplain, _______ Mason; Treasurer, John Boyd; Secretary.P. B. Maxson.

The Executive Committee has been increased to five, which, with the Masterand Overseer, makes seven.

The state will be redistricted. The constitution has been materiallychanged. The state grange will be composed of only Masters and their wives,who are Matrons. They elect two delegates at large from each county, andan additional delegate for every fifteen hundred or fraction equal to onethousand, and they form the legislative body of the state grange. Twenty-fivemembers constitute a quorum, instead of fifty as heretofore. The salariesof the Master and Secretary are fixed at seven hundred dollars each. A planhas been devised for the organization of county granges.

Winfield Courier, February 25, 1875.


This bill, which passed the house of representatives last week and islikely to pass the senate, is a very important one. It comes from the handsand head of Hon. J. F. Legate, one of the noblest men in the state. If itbecomes a law, it insures a more equitable distribution of the burdens oftaxation, securing a larger revenue at less expense. Here are some of itsfeatures.

The bill revises our entire tax law. It provides that taxes shall bedue annually upon the first of November, and adds a penalty of ten percentupon all unpaid taxes the first days of January, April, July, and October,until they have run for four years. At the expiration of that time, theyare advertised and sold absolutely without any redemption.

The semi-annual feature of payment is retained, so that by paying one-halfof one's taxes before the first day of January, the remaining one-half incursno penalty until the following July. The rebate of the present law is however,not retained.

All property is to be assessed at its true value in money. Railroadsare made personal property, and are assessed and treated in all respectslike other personal property. Township trustees are by virtue of their office,assessors of their townships. In cities an assessor is to be chosen eachyear.

One of the most important features of the bill is that the amount oftaxes which may be levied for the expenses of counties is limited to fourmills on the dollar, and of cities to three mills on the dollar. This isexclusive of school tax both in city and country and also of interest onbonded indebtedness.

Winfield Courier, February 25, 1875.


Those persons who have busied themselves in passing resolutions and talkingagainst voting bonds to procure seed and feed for the needy are respectfullyinvited to digest these facts.

From the Cowley County Relief Committee, of which Rev. J. E. Platteris chairman, we learn that thirteen out of twenty-two townships in the countyreport to them seven hundred and twenty three (723) destitute families,containing two thousand eight hundred and ninety- five (2,895) persons.These are principally small farmers. Neither Winfield or Creswell Townshipsare included in the list. These people are not only without aid and feedfor spring planting, but are destitute of food. It is but reasonable tosuppose that in the remaining townships there are at least five hundredand seventy seven (577) families in similar circ*mstances, making in allone thousand (1,000) families, or about four thousand (4,000) persons. Willthose three or four granges who resolved against the relief bonds now turnround and tell us what their plan of relief is, or whether they proposeany relief at all for their needy neighbors?


Winfield Courier, February 25, 1875.


From the Lockport, New York, daily Journal, we clip the followinggraphic account of the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the marriageof Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Fuller of New York. The fact that they are the parentsof one of our own purest and best citizens, J. C. Fuller, Esq., gives itdouble interest. The Journal correspondent describes the occasionthus:

1825 1875

Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Fuller,
At Home
Tuesday, Feb. 2, 1875, at 2 o'clock p.m.
J. Cash Fuller. Eliza Goold.

And such an invitation is not to be slighted, for golden weddings aresomewhat less frequent than those made of tin. Accordingly I repaired tothe house of Mr. Fuller, as per invitation. The house was already filled,in the main, with relatives, together with a few invited guests. The roomswere festooned with evergreens, with mottoes interspersed. Above the entranceto the parlor was seen the significant motto in evergreen, "welcomehome." Upon one of the walls in the parlor was found "1825-1875,"while between them was suspended a golden chain of eleven links to symbolizethe children, binding those years together; but two of those links, thesecond and fifth, told us by their broken condition, how death had twiceentered the family circle and severed the golden chain. In another partof the parlor upon a large table were displayed the presents: a heavy, solidgold headed cane, a pair of gold spectacles, a silver tea set gold lined,oil paintings and chromos in heavy gilt frames, together with some goldcoins as mementoes of this golden occasion.

Further description is unnecessary. To really appreciate these thingsone must visit these fortunate old people, carry that gold headed cane,examine those pictures through those gold bound spectacles, and drink someof Mrs. Fuller's superb tea from those gilded ten cups.

But that dinner! My pen absolutely refuses to enter upon a description.I might talk about turkey, chicken, pastry, preserves, rich cream and buttermade out of cow's milk, and you, shut up in your palaces in the city, wouldknow no more about it than a blind man does of color. It was not serveduntil between five and eight o'clock p.m., and you may judge of my appetiteafter having fasted from an early breakfast hour. That dinner! If your imaginationis good, you can more easily imagine than I can describe it.

Once more in the parlor the following impromptu programme of exerciseswe enjoyed:

A sacred song styled, "Over There," was sung by a few selectedsingers, after which a poem was read, selected from Will Carlton's collectionof Farm Ballads, styled "Out of the Old House Nancy," which wasappropriate in view of a recent corresponding change made by Mr. Fuller.The Rev. R. C. Foote then gave an interesting address, taking for his theme,"Once in a Lifetime;" bringing forward the prominent facts oflife in general, and specially with reference to these elderly people. Theaddress abounded in pleasantry and was heartily enjoyed, while recollectionsof sad experiences caused a tear to stain the cheek of many present.

An address of presentation was then made by C. H. Lum, Esq., Yates, OrleansCounty, New York, following which a prayer was offered by Rev. Mr. Foote,and after singing "Shall we gather at the river," the assemblybroke up or rather was changed into one of life and pleasure. Between music,social conversation and repartee, the hours of the evening sped rapidlyaway.

Much of interest attaches to a couple who have lived happily togethera half century, and that interest would require me to say a few words concerningthem. They were born in what is now Cartlon, Orleans County, New York, theone in 1803, the other in 1808, making Mr. Fuller 72, and Mrs. Fuller 67years of age. They have been members of the M. E. church 48 years, and inthose years have sought to instill into the minds and hearts of their childrenthe truths of christianity, so that now the majority of them are membersof the church and partakers of the same communion.

Two of the children were not permitted to be present; only three areresiding in this state, while the other four came from different parts ofthe west to meet these latter and make the family circle as near completeas possible.

They found their parents enjoying life and health, with forms less bentthan common to such remarkable years, eyes dimmed but not into darkness;hair traced with silver, but still enough of darker hue remaining to tellof a vigorous old age. They together with the other relatives and gueststhere present join us in the prayer, uttered that evening, that this agedcouple may enjoy many happy peaceful years, that having rowed together downthe stream of time, so near the eternal sea, when that little bark bearingtheir united lives and fortune has braved over its last billow, it may cometo another in the haven of everlasting rest; that together they may be receivedby kindred and loved ones; that together they may be introduced to the "Kingin His beauty," and ushered into their eternal mansion; that togetherthey may await the coming of their loved ones, till altogether they joina happy reunion in their eternal home! W. O. B.

Pendleton Center, Feb. 6, 1875.


Winfield Courier, February 25, 1875.


As to the herd law, I am creditably informed that there are thirteenanti-herd lawmen in this township. We have a voting population of sixty-five,but at our last annual election, we only polled a vote of twenty-three,and according to the law, the thirteen anti-herd law petitioners would settlethe question, as far as this township is concerned.

Mr. Editor, we hope you will come out on this question and show thesepeople that without the herd law, we cannot get along, for the abolitionof this law practically abolishes or banishes a large portion of our citizens.

We have had some wrangling over our aid matters, but I trust that therehas been no bad feeling engendered. In the first place, district sixty-sevenof this township organized a relief committee and made preparation to helpthemselves to any aid that they could procure from the County Central Committee.Our committee reported to the chairman of the Central committee and wasaccepted.

Soon after this organization, the township organized and wanted districtsixty-seven to lay aside their organization. This they refused to do, whereuponsome low down sneak, some dirty pauper, some vagabond, went to work to breakup the organization of sixty-seven. I will give you a few words from a letterfrom Mr. Platter, received by the district committee, in order to show youwhat a low down subterfuge this dirty misbegotten mud-thrower resorted to.Here it is.

"To Committee of Dist. No. 67. Dear Sirs: Complaint comes to usthat in Cedar Town- ship your organization embraces so small a portion ofyour township that a majority of your citizens have no representation. Youreport to us from only your district, but we judge from the tenor of lettersreceived, you are supposed to act and want to draw appropriations for thewhole township. I am sure your neighbors misunderstand. You see and explainto them that you meant no such thing and all work together."

Good advice, but there is no need of an explanation for no person inCedar Township thought any such thing. It originated in the lying brainof a miserable liar, who had no business of his own to attend to and hadto meddle with somebody else's business. But enough of that.

The Township Committee, consisting of John Frazee, D. W. Willey, andW. Morgan went to work as men should. District 67 accepted the committeeafter theirs was annulled, and reported to the township committee for theirportion of the hash, and in justice to that committee I will say that therewas no discrimination made. They conscientiously distribute all they canget. Yet there are some who grumble. But it is impossible to please everybody,and he who attempts it, will please nobody. Well, Mr. Editor, talk is cheapbut it takes money to buy grub.

Since writing the above, I was informed that the township committee havecalled a meeting for next Saturday night, the 13th, as they are going toresign.

Your correspondent had this letter ready to mail, but decided to waitand see what was done at the meeting.

Since then the committee received about 360 pounds of corn meal and someclothing, which was distributed among the people.

The meeting just spoken of was held at the Day schoolhouse and was wellattended. William Callahan was called to the chair and J. W. Belles wasappointed secretary of the meeting.

Messrs. Willey and Morgan, of the Committee, were present and tenderedtheir resignations, which were accepted by the people. Sanford Day madea motion that Mr. Frazee be removed from the committee and that there bethree new committeemen elected; motion carried.

Mr. Willey was then nominated, but utterly refused to accept. He saidhe had had all the honors he desired in that line at present.

After considerable filibustering the following gentlemen were electedCommittee: Sanford Day, Esq., Mr. Henry Thompson, and Wm. Morgan. I believethere was no fault found with Mr. Frazee, but he had expressed a wish tosome of his friends that there would be a reorganization of the township,and that he be released. Respectfully, CHEROKEE.


Winfield Courier, February 25, 1875.

The bill appropriating $95,000 among the needy of the state still hangsfire in the legislature.

Winfield Courier, February 25, 1875.

There is a small paper printed at the Osage Indian Agency, called theIndian Herald. It contains considerable spice.

Winfield Courier, February 25, 1875.

Those people who are waiting for the Indian Territory to be opened soas to allow white men to settle therein, may as well give up that hope.The scheme is lost.

Winfield Courier, February 25, 1875.

Gen. Sheridan has written a letter to the secretary of state, thankingthe legislature of Kansas for having passed resolutions endorsing his actionin the Louisiana troubles.

Winfield Courier, February 25, 1875.

While Mr. McIntire was a member of the legislature from Cowley County,the Leaven- worth members secured the passage of a law whereby about $60,000of state and school taxes due from Leavenworth County were turned over tothat county to be used in the construction of an expensive courthouse. Herewas smartness for you.


Winfield Courier, February 25, 1875.


In the Probate Court in and for said county.

In the matter of the estate of Joseph Foos, deceased.

NOTICE is hereby given that letters of administration have been grantedto the undersigned on the estate of Joseph Foos, late of said county, deceased,by the honorable the Probate court of the county and state aforesaid, datedthe 25th day of February A. D. 1875. Now all persons having claims againstthe said estate are hereby notified that they must present the same to theundersigned for allowance within one year from the date of said letters,or they may be precluded from any benefit of such estate, and that if suchclaims be not exhibited within three years after the date of said letters,they shall be forever barred.


Administratrix of the Estate of Joseph Foos, Deceased.

BY WEBB & MILLINGTON, her Attorneys, Winfield, Kansas, February 25,1875.


Winfield Courier, February 25, 1875.

A. H. Green, Esq., has gone to Topeka.

Winfield Courier, February 25, 1875.

A Lodge of Good Templars is being organized in this city.

Winfield Courier, February 25, 1875.

The bond relief business being now out of the scrape, what next?

Winfield Courier, February 25, 1875.

Quite a number of the citizens of Arkansas City were in town Tuesday.

Winfield Courier, February 25, 1875.

T. A. Blanchard has contributed a barrel of pork to the poor of the county.

Winfield Courier, February 25, 1875.

Old soldiers will take notice of Manning's bounty card in another column.

Winfield Courier, February 25, 1875.

Old Soldiers, Take Notice!!

Congress is about to pass a bill equalizing bounties. Under its provisionshonorably discharged soldiers who have not already received bounties amountingthereto will be allowed eight and one third dollars' per month for the timeactually in the service. Soldiers who were discharged for promotion areincluded, as also are the Missouri militia regiments who were mustered intothe U. S. service. I am perfecting arrangements to make this busi ness aspecialty, and all interested are invited to give me a call. E. C. MANNING.

Winfield, Kan., Feb., 1875.

Winfield Courier, February 25, 1875.

We notice that Mr. Whitehead is building an addition to his house onMain street.

Winfield Courier, February 25, 1875.

We are sorry to learn that Mrs. James McDermott of Dexter is dangerouslyill.

Winfield Courier, February 25, 1875.

Sam Myton has the "blazingist" sign in the county mounted onthe tip top of his new brick.

Winfield Courier, February 25, 1875.

Mr. and Mrs. Deming of the Lagonda are slowly recovering from their verysevere illness.

Winfield Courier, February 25, 1875.

Sam Myton is putting a new front onto his old store building, and isrefitting it up generally.

Winfield Courier, February 25, 1875.

Mr. A. T. Stewart of this place is a member of the State Executive Committeeof Patrons of Husbandry.

Winfield Courier, February 25, 1875.

Little Dutch came down en masse to attend the temperance meeting at thecourthouse last Sunday evening.

Winfield Courier, February 25, 1875.

Last Monday was the birthday of George Washington. A dance at Thomasvillewas the only celebration we have any news of.

Winfield Courier, February 25, 1875.

John McGuire of Tisdale, who went east a few weeks ago to solicit aidfor that township, has returned home, he not having met with very markedsuccess.

Winfield Courier, February 25, 1875.

The lecture of Dr. Mansfield last Monday evening before the WinfieldInstitute was highly interesting but was not so well attended as it shouldhave been.

Winfield Courier, February 25, 1875.

W. M. Allison, of the Telegram, is making preparations to starta paper at Wellington, Sumner County. We certainly wish Mr. Allison successin his new field.

Winfield Courier, February 25, 1875.

The only chance the people of this county will have to help themselves,to secure seed, feed, etc., for spring planting has fallen through, therenot being names enough to the petition to call the election.

Winfield Courier, February 25, 1875.

Samuel Darrah and J. G. Titus of this place, and Mr. Keffer of PleasantValley, started last Monday down the Arkansas River in a flat-boat boundfor Fort Smith. We wish those hardy sailors a pleasant voyage.

Winfield Courier, February 25, 1875.

The grand temperance meeting at the Courthouse last Sunday resulted ina full house. J. M. Barrick, Esq., of Rock, was the principal lecturer.His discourse was interesting and well received.

Winfield Courier, February 25, 1875.

The Legislature, will, in all probability, adjourn next Tuesday, as thatis the last day for which the members can draw pay, and it is not likelythey will stay long at their own expense.

Winfield Courier, February 25, 1875.

Some hungry cusses "went through" T. A. Blanchard's house theother day, and helped themselves to everything they could find to eat. Mrs.Blanchard has just finished her week's baking so that the thieves got someten pies and numerous loaves of bread.

Winfield Courier, February 25, 1875.

J. J. Ellis, well known here as the senior member of the firm of Ellis& Black of this place, but who has been out of business for some time,starts for Kentucky next week with his family, where he will reside in thefuture.

Winfield Courier, February 25, 1875.

A great many barrels marked "beans" have been coming as aidover the railroad, because food came through free and grain was subjectto freight charges. The railroad officials became suspicious of the beanbusiness and bored holes in the bean barrels and found shelled corn. Allsach are held and sold for freight at Wichita.

Winfield Courier, February 25, 1875.

Winfield Institute.

The fourth lecture of the winter course will be delivered at the courthouseon Monday evening next, March 1st, by Prof. E. P. Hickok. Subject: OceanCurrents. Tickets 15 cents, 2 for 25 cents, 10 for $1.


Winfield Courier, February 25, 1875.

WINFIELD, Feb., 1875.

At a meeting of the School Board of Dist. No. 1, it was determined tohave a spring term of three months commencing Monday, March 22nd, 1875.The following scale of salaries for teachers was adopted. Principal, $40per month. Intermediate and primary departments, $35 per month each. Applicationfor teachers will be received by

G. S. MANSER, Dist. Clerk.

Winfield Courier, February 25, 1875.

Grange Resolutions.
VERNON GRANGE, P. of H. No. 128.
February 20th, 1875.

WHEREAS, in the dispensation of Divine Providence, Brother Joseph Ettenboroughhas been removed from us by death, therefore be it

Resolved, That in the death of brother Ettenborough we have losta valuable member of our order, and an esteemed member of society, and thatwe sympathize most sincerely with his many friends here and his relativesin the east, in this their great bereavement, caused by the sudden deathof one who bid so fair to take a leading position in society. . . .


T. A. Blanchard, Secretary.

Winfield Courier, February 25, 1875.

A Surprise Party.

At the M. E. Parsonage on Tuesday evening, Feb. 23rd, myself and familywere invited out to take tea with a friend, and on our return about 7 o'clockwe found to our great surprise our house full of friends, all enjoying themselveshugely in singing and social conversation. By half past nine all had dispersed,leaving with us about $25 in cash and other things as good as cash, forwhich we all join in thanks and gratitude, and may Heaven's benedictionrest upon them all. JOHN McQUISTON, B. A. McQUISTON.

Winfield Courier, February 25, 1875.

Grange Resolution.

At a special meeting of Lazette Grange, 1837, P. of H., the county relieffund matter was discussed, and the following resolution was adopted.

WHEREAS, Believing that the act passed by the legislature granting tocounties of this state the right to vote relief bonds is calculated to openup a way for rascality and corruption, therefore,

Resolved, That we, the members of Lazette Grange will oppose anduse all honorable means to defeat said measure.

Resolved, That a copy of this resolution be furnished each ofthe county papers with request for publication. J. M. WOLLEN, Sec.

Winfield Courier, February 25, 1875.

Letter from the State Grange Relief Agent.
TOPEKA, Kansas.

BRO. BLANCHARD: The Legislature has appropriated $5,000 for the use ofour organization, with which to pay freight on grain contributed for thedestitute people of Kansas. As an organization we are charged with an importanttrust, to aid in procuring seed, and feed for animals, for those who arenot members of our order, as well as those who are.

The Executive Committee desires to urge upon you the importance of ajudicious and impartial distribution of whatever supplies of grain may beconsigned to your charge. To do this, please urge upon every grange in thoselocalities where there are people unable to procure seed, or feed for theiranimals, to select a trustworthy and careful brother as agent for theirlocality, who shall make a canvass of his locality and report the namesand number of those unable to procure grainboth members of the order andthose who are notand report the kind and amount of grain needed for seed,and feed for teams. These reports will be made to you as County Relief Agent,from which you will be enabled to guide your judgment in the distributionof whatever supplies of grain you may receive. We trust to your good judgmentand the faithful co-operation of the local agents to make an impartial distribution.

We send you blanks which you will please sign as agent and forward toW. P. Popenoe, Grange Relief Agent, Topeka, Kansas.

For Ex. Com. K. S. Grange.

Winfield Courier, February 25, 1875.

WINFIELD, Kan., Feb. 24th, 1875.

The above letter explains itself, and in pursuance of the same let meurge subordinate granges in this county to take immediate steps, and thatno time may be lost, I recommend the calling of special meetings for thispurpose. Report by mail.

Relief Agent for Cowley County.


Winfield Courier, February 25, 1875.

A Card to the Public.

On Friday evening, Feb. 12th, the first information arrived here concerningthe enactment of the law entitled "An act authorizing counties to issuerelief bonds." Believing that no other action would be taken by thelegislature whereby the people could obtain seed for planting and feed forteams in time to be of any use, and laboring under the impression that seedand feed was badly needed by many in Cowley County, and that it could beobtained under the provisions of that bill if prompt action was taken, Idid so Saturday morning, Feb. 13th, draw three or four petitions askingthe county commissioners to call a special election, and submit the questionof issuing bonds under the law. I expected to obtain signatures enough bythe following Wednesday. In this I failed. The petitions sent to the countrydid not return with as many names as I had expected and several men fromdifferent parts of the county who happened in town during the time mentionedopposed the movement. A very large majority of the voters of Winfield signedthe petition. The principal opposition to the movement came from the country.

Notwithstanding the opposition that was being developed, I perseveredin circulating the petition until last Saturday, at which time the petitionstill lacked a few names of the required number. At this time, owing tothe seeming probability that the proposition would be voted down, the nearapproach of planting time, and the lack of petitioners, I ceased my efforts.

I make this explanation to the petitioners, to those who are very solicitousthe measure should be adopted, and particularly to the very many excellentcitizens who encouraged me in the effort by good words and the assurancethat they knew of no other way whereby they could seed their ground thecoming season.

I have not changed my mind as to the wisdom or necessity of the movement,but could not take the responsibility of pressing an election in the faceof so threatening an opposition.

The future will probably verify the wisdom of the bond proposition andconfound those who opposed it. As the movement may be considered abandoned,I only hope the manifest necessity for relief may be in some way largelymitigated. E. C. MANNING.


Winfield Courier, March 4, 1875.

California has contributed in cash, six thousand dollars, to the destituteof Kansas and the same to Nebraska.

Winfield Courier, March 4, 1875.

A passenger train on the Denver and Pueblo railroad was capsized threetimes by the wind while running broadside to it.

Winfield Courier, March 4, 1875.

The Legislature has changed the name of Grasshopper Falls to Valley Falls,and Grasshopper River to Delaware River.

Winfield Courier, March 4, 1875.

Andy Johnson will meet in the Senate thirteen Senators who voted on hisimpeachment, and Andy knows how they voted, too.

Winfield Courier, March 4, 1875.

The bill authorizing the county board to bond the outstanding indebtednessof the county has passed the senate, and only awaits the Governor's signatureto become a law.

Winfield Courier, March 4, 1875.

It is now stated on the authority of Chas. G. Leland, who has a workon the subject in press, that America was discovered in the fifth centuryby the Chinese Buddhist priests.

Winfield Courier, March 4, 1875.

A war between the Baltimore & Ohio railroad and northern roads resultsin a great reduction of freight and fare between the west and east. Onecan ride from Kansas City to the Atlantic coast for twenty-five dollars.

Winfield Courier, March 4, 1875.

Our legislature has passed a law which makes fearful havoc with the feesand salaries of county officers. The pay received by the officials of CowleyCounty will run about as follows:

County Clerk, in lieu of fees as heretofore, receives $1,200.

County Attorney, $400.

County Superintendent, $400.

The fees of the others are reduced about 50 percent, which makes theoffice of clerk of the court, at least, worth nothing.

In counties of less than 7,000 inhabitants, the Probate Judge is madeex officio register of deeds.

These reductions have created a fearful commotion among officials.

Winfield Courier, March 4, 1875.


Just as we had given up all hope of hearing from "old Bender"more, we were gratified to learn that the old butcher had been capturedat Florence, Arizona. We know it must be old Bender, for he is very reticent,and answers the description to a gnats heel, besides he acknowledges himselfto be old John Bender. Governor Osborn has made a requisition on the Governorof Arizona for the old man, and some old dead beat will get a free rideto Kansas, and free board while here.


Winfield Courier, March 4, 1875.

Lazette News.

Jacob Coleman lost a valuable lot of hay by fire a few days ago. It issupposed to have been the work of incendiaries.

William Underwood, of Dexter, paid his Lazette friends a short visitlast week.

R. W. Jackson is happy. He arrived on last Saturday from Chanute, bringinghis wife and children, who have been spending a few months with friendsin Indiana.

Rev. McQuiston preached here on Friday evening last.

A donation of $14.00 was quietly collected and unexpectedly presentedto Rev. J. J. Wingar, on the 26th ult., and he started for Conference thenext day with a happy heart.

R. W. Jackson has a famous team. Only he himself can handle them withoutdanger. J. M. Woollen, Roll Maurer, and R. C. Story tried it on their returnfrom the teachers' institute last fall, but the smash up was sad to behold.A few days ago Story tried his hand again with the team, but the horsesran away, tumbling him off the wagon, one of the hind wheels running overhim, but with little damage else than a severe bruise. Not satisfied withthis performance, the horses got away twice afterwards on the same day,the last time pulling up before a hay stack.

The excessive cold weather has affected the health of many in this valleyand the doctors have their hands full.

Our merchants have been receiving several loads of new goods, which isa good index of the state of business here.

Mr. James Lee has purchased the Bupp farm above town, and intends stockingit with cattle.

J. M. Woollen started last week for the sunny clime of Arkansas. He leavesa host of friends in Grouse Valley.

J. H. Wedding started eastward last fall, and kept going until he hauledup in Washington County, Virginia. The entire trip was made with a team.

Several families in this part of the county are contemplating a returnto the land of their wives' people.

Mc. D. Stapleton tried his new horse and silver tipped harness on Sunday,and his team of bays seemed proud of their ornaments.

Several small lots of aid goods have been received here, the last donationcoming from New York, and through the kindness of Mr. Redfield of Wichita.

A nice dish can be had these hard times by anyone who has a little wheat.Take half a pint or less, crack it in a coffee mill or with a hammer, cookit in water from twenty to thirty minutes, being careful not to burn. Itmay then be eaten with sugar or cream, butter, molasses, hot or cold, orfried for breakfast; and is a dish good enough for a king. It is cheap,palatable, and very nutritious and healthful.


Winfield Courier, March 4, 1875.

The Howard County division bill was beaten in the senate by a ruse. Havingpassed the house by a large vote, it stuck in the senate several weeks.At last it passed that body with an amendment, submitting the question ofdivision to the people. This will not be concurred in by the house, andthe senate will not recede. The supreme court has already decided that sucha law is unconstitutional, even should the house accept the amendment. Thetricks of legislation are various.


Winfield Courier, March 4, 1875.

The Osages.

Our old friends, the Osages, are doing something at their new home fiftymiles southeast of here. From the Herald published there we learnthat 534 families have selected homes, 324 families have land in cultivation,110 have houses. They have 400 cattle, 8,240 ponies, 176 horses, 110 mules,20 oxen, and 2,400 hogs, besides other stock and improvements.

The tribe numbers about three thousand persons. During the year 1874they built 3,000 rods of fence and near 600 Indians were engaged in agricultureand other civilized departments. They raised about 6,000 bushels of wheat,2,000 bushels of oats, 10,000 bushels of potatoes, and many other vegetables,which are conducive to the comfort and health of the human race.

They have near 17,000 ponies, cattle, and hogs. They have good saw andgrist mills at the agency, where many full bloods have rendered competentservice. There may now be found on the reservation near 140 dwellings, occupiedby members of the tribe, more than half of whom are blanket Osage.


Winfield Courier, March 4, 1875.

Road Law.

For the information of our readers, we give the following section ofthe road law as it is now in force.

SEC. 30. Each road overseer shall, on or before the twentieth day ofMarch of each year, report to the township trustee the names of all personssubject to the two day road tax for the preceding year, the names of thosewho have worked out said tax, the names of those who have paid said taxin money, and the names of those delinquent; and also all moneys receivedby him from all sources and how expended, and the account of said road overseerof work performed by himself, which report shall be approved by said trusteebefore any final settlement be made with such road overseer. Each and everyroad overseer or other officer who shall neglect or refuse to perform theseveral duties enjoined upon him by this act, or who shall under any pretensewhatever give, or sign, a certificate for labor performed or money paid,unless the labor shall have been performed or money paid prior to the signingor giving of such receipt or certificate, shall be guilty of a misdemeanorand every overseer so offending shall forfeit for every such offense notless than five nor more than fifty dollars, to be recovered by an actionbefore any justice of the peace within the township where such overseermay reside; and it is hereby made the duty of every county attorney to prosecuteall offenses against the provisions of this act not otherwise provided for.


Winfield Courier, March 4, 1875.

The Cheyennes Have Surrendered.

The following dispatch from the Cheyenne Agency, which is about one hundredmiles southwest of this place, explains itself. The Indian war in that vicinitymay be considered ended.

Kan., Feb. 25, 1875.

To Maj. Gen. Pope, Ft. Leavenworth.

Stone Calf has come in here to surrender himself and the whole Cheyennetribe, about 1600 in number, with the two German white women. The main bodyis still three days travel from here. I send an ambulance out tomorrow tobring in the white women captives. Stone Calf has agreed that they shallgive up their arms and ponies, go into camp, and attend daily roll call.Gray Bird, Heaps of Birds, and all the principal chiefs except MedicineWater, are with Stone Calf.

Please order flour, sugar, and coffee to be forwarded as soon as possible.I can get plenty of beef.

(Signed) THOS. H. NEIL, Brevet Brig. Gen., Com'g."


Winfield Courier, March 4, 1875.

A. J. Patrick, who used to publish the Censor at this place, hasnot forgotten Kansas. He is interesting himself in his California home incollecting donations for the needy of this state.


Winfield Courier, March 4, 1875.


County Officials in CouncilTheir Indignation at the Reduction of theirfees and SalariesTheir Opinion of the LegislatureThey Adopt a ResolutionExpressive of Their Sentiments.

The most wretchedly wretched pack of fellows we ever beheld was togetheryesterday morning in the office of the County clerk. At first we thoughtit must be a party of pall- bearers practicing for a funeral, or some starvelingscome in for relief who had been denied by the people's volunteer servant,Mr. Silver, because of a scarcity of red tape. But no, it was a gatheringof county officials to condole with each other over the reduction of theirfees and salaries.

A call of the house showed every office represented except that of CountySuperintendent and County Commissioners. A motion was made to d__n the legislature,which gave rise to a spirited debate. An amendment was offered by a "reformer,"to have the motion read "d__n Radical Legislature," which wasopposed by the Republicans and voted down. An effort was then made by aradical to amend so as to read "d dash n Reform Legislature,"but out of consideration for the feelings of some of their number, the republicanshelped to kill that. Finally a gentleman who had sat all the morning gazingintently at a knothole in the floor offered as a compromise a substitute,to read "damphool Legislature," which was unanimously adopted.The meeting then dispersed, each considering himself a special committeeof one to carry out the intention of the resolution.


Winfield Courier, March 4, 1875.

The Legislature adjourns tomorrow.

Winfield Courier, March 4, 1875.

George Morris returned from Topeka last Friday.

Winfield Courier, March 4, 1875.

A down-hearted set. County officials. Caused by a reduction of salaries.

Winfield Courier, March 4, 1875.

E. P. Kinne of Arkansas City was in town a couple of days this week.

Winfield Courier, March 4, 1875.

For the first time in six months the Walnut River at Bliss' mill is damfull.

Winfield Courier, March 4, 1875.

Why don't you bring us the wood that you are owing us? We mean you.

Winfield Courier, March 4, 1875.

Seven wagon loads of aid were received by the county committee last Saturday.

Winfield Courier, March 4, 1875.

Remember Prof. Hickok lectures before the Winfield Institute tomorrownight.

Winfield Courier, March 4, 1875.

Cowley County has less population now than one year ago, and it is growinglesser.

Winfield Courier, March 4, 1875.

Dr. John Headrick returned to his old haunts yesterday looking betterfor his trip.

Winfield Courier, March 4, 1875.

Hundreds of teams are wanted at Wichita immediately, to haul suppliesto the Cheyenne Agency.

Winfield Courier, March 4, 1875.

There is a paper called the Progressive Communist, published atCedarvale, Howard County.

Winfield Courier, March 4, 1875.

Mrs. Dr. Mansfield has again gone to New York, called thither by theillness of her sister.

Winfield Courier, March 4, 1875.

Prof. H. B. Norton and several of the students of the Emporia Normalschool have the mumps.

Winfield Courier, March 4, 1875.

MARRIED. C. W. Richmond and Mrs. M. A. Lappin, were married at the Baptistchurch last Sunday evening.

Winfield Courier, March 4, 1875.

A. T. Stewart, Esq., is detained at Topeka by his duties as one of theState Grange Executive Committee.

Winfield Courier, March 4, 1875.

Miss Kate Johnson started last Monday morning for Canada for an extendedvisit. She expects to make the trip alone.

Winfield Courier, March 4, 1875.

Interested parties who have an opportunity for learning estimate theamount of wheat for sale in the county at this time at three thousand bushels.

Winfield Courier, March 4, 1875.

Last Saturday a man came from the east part of the county, twenty-eightmiles away, to the relief committee for aid. Tobacco was the first thinghe inquired for.

Winfield Courier, March 4, 1875.

Notwithstanding the hard times, several good substantial buildings arebeing erected in town this winter, and others ready to begin as soon asthe spring opens.

Winfield Courier, March 4, 1875.

The dwelling house standing east of L. J. Webb's, occupied by Mr. Fortnerand owned by Mrs. Flint, caught fire this morning, but was put out withoutit* doing much damage.

Winfield Courier, March 4, 1875.

At the St. Nicholas you will find our pleasant and genial friend, JimHill, ever ready to get you up a choice dish of oysters, or hand you outcigars, apples, candies, or anything else in his line.

Winfield Courier, March 4, 1875.

Owing to the slim attendance last Monday night, Prof. Hickok's lectureon "Ocean Currents," was postponed until Friday (tomorrow) evening.

Winfield Courier, March 4, 1875.

We are pleased to notice the pleasant countenance of mine host of theLagonda House around again looking not much the worse from his recent illness.

Winfield Courier, March 4, 1875.

The bill equalizing soldiers' bounties has just passed the U. S. Senateand only awaits the President's signature to become a law. That Gen. Grantwill sign it there can be no doubt. All interested should read the cardof E. C. Manning in another column, and bring in their discharge papers.[Notice was in last issue.]

Winfield Courier, March 4, 1875.

Brown & Markwort have dissolved partnership, and have sold theirstock of goods to A. A. Jackson and Jim Hill, who will continue the businessunder the firm name of Jackson & Hill.

Winfield Courier, March 4, 1875.

The snow storm yesterday was without doubt the most energetic storm ofthe kind we have experienced this winter. Besides leaving at least six incheson the level, it piled itself up in ten feet drifts, and found its way intobarns, stores, house lofts, and every other place a lively driving snowcould by any possibility penetrate.

Winfield Courier, March 4, 1875.

A pair of county officials, no doubt rendered reckless by the reductionof their salaries, engaged in a friendly scuffle the other day, perhapsto decide which should take both offices, when one of them accidentallyput a head on the other, and now Judge Gans carries a portico over his lefteye.

Winfield Courier, March 4, 1875.

We have received a communication from Silver Creek, giving a gloomy accountof the way the relief business is managed, or rather mis-managed, in thattownship. But as the COURIER rule is never to publish a communication unlessthe real name of the author is signed to it, we cannot publish this one.

Winfield Courier, March 4, 1875.


We are indebted to Mr. Gans, our efficient Probate Judge, for the followinglist of marriage licenses issued during the past month.

Noah S. Mounts to Sarah S. Smith.

E. E. Craine to Belle Justice.

James P. Patterson to Jennie Hawkins.

John Rhodes to Mary M. Schneider.

C. W. Richmond to Martha A. Lappin.

John Meeks to Carrie Benedict.

Winfield Courier, March 4, 1875.

Under the new law our county superintendent of public instruction receivesthree dollars a day for each day actually spent in attendance upon the dutiesof his office.

Winfield Courier, March 4, 1875.

Colorado has passed a bill admitting Colorado and New Mexico into theUnion. By the terms of admission, they do not get in until 1876.


Winfield Courier, March 11, 1875. Front Page.

WITCHER AND GORDON, two members of the party which left Sioux City forthe Black Hills in October last, have returned to that place for reinforcementsand supplies. The story of their adventure, as related on their return,is as follows.

The expedition was composed of twenty-seven men and one lady and herson. There were six wagons. The party were well armed, and supplied withprovisions and mining tools. The expedition left Sioux City October 6; struckthe Niobrara about 120 miles above its mouth and followed that stream somedistance, then struck across the country to a point east of the Black Hills,on the Cheyenne River. Met a party of 200 mounted Indians, and held peaceableparley with them. After reaching a pass at the foot of the Hills, they struckinto the mountains, and, after picking their way, reached a point withintwo miles of Harney's Peak in fifteen days from the date of their entryinto the Hills. They erected a stockade, eighty feet long, and built logcabins from the abundant timber. They found that cold weather greatly impededtheir prospecting. They sunk twenty-five prospecting holes and struck goldin every instance, from grass to bed-rock. They found numerous gold andsilver-bearing quartz lodes, and some specimens that Mr. Witcher has broughtback are pronounced very rich. The party never saw an Indian while in theHills. Witcher describes the parts of the Hills they saw as having magnificentvalleys, seemingly limitless forests of pine, abundance of elk, deer, andother game. The greater portion of the return trip was made through snowdrifts, over a trackless country, in most stormy and severe weather. Theydiscovered in coming out of the Hills a good natural road that shortensthe way out by thirteen days. Their animals lived on grass they found beneaththe snow. Witcher says he can take loaded ox-teams into the Hills from SiouxCity in thirty days. The members left in the Hills are in good health andspirits. There is no evidence of other parties being in the Hills. Nothingwas heard or seen of the two disastrous army expeditions sent out to interceptthem.


Winfield Courier, March 11, 1875.

A Letter from a Former Resident of Winfield.
MINER'S CAMP, BLACK HILLS, Dacotah Territory.

MR. J. W. CURNS. Dear Sir: I am sitting in my cabin this night,and as a courier starts for Cheyenne on Monday, I thought I would writeyou a few lines and let you know what I am doing. A party of twenty-fivemen started from Sioux City on the 6th day of October, last, and reachedthis camp on the 23rd of December. We have built a camp and done some prospecting,which has proved very satisfactory. We find gold in every hole we dig, whichreaches as high as fifteen cents to the pan. We have commenced to mine wherewe think it will pay. We started a rocker and run it about one hour andcleaned up two dollars in fine gold. But it is so cold that we cannot domuch just now, but it bids fair now for a fine winter and spring. If weget as good diggings as we are satisfied we have, we will make at leastten dollars to the man per day.

I think this is one of the richest gold fields ever struck in this orany other country, as there is fine quartz cropping out all over, and notonly gold but some of the finest silver ledges in the United States. Abouttwenty miles north of here, the hills are covered with beautiful pine timber.In the fine valleys our oxen and horses have grazed right along ever sincewe got here on what they pick.

I will say to all those wishing to come to this Eldorado, that therewill be one of our party in Sioux City, on or about the first of March,and expects to return immediately, but if there is a company it will befar the best route by way of Cheyenne, as there is no established route.Yet by taking a map you can see the direction as well as I can give. Itwould please this whole party to see your party in here by the first ofApril.

Winfield Courier, March 11, 1875.

Feb. 1st.

FRIEND CURNS: As the messenger did not get started to Cheyenne this morning,but will start in the morning, I will write you what we did today. We ranone rocker; one man rocked while one dug dirt for two hours and one halfand got four dollars. We can get ten dollars if we can work all day. I shouldlike to see some Cowley folks here by the first of April, so I will nothave to leave here, as I think we can better pay large profits to thosewho wish to fetch goods here, than to go out and get them ourselves. Pleasetell all that wish to come to not wait, as the first will get the cream.

Anyone who will fetch a stock of goods here by the first of May willmake at least five hundred percent, above all cost, and by the first ofApril he can double that amount. You can write or come to Sioux City andfind when the messenger will return; but if you or anyone who wishes towill come to Cheyenne and come in with a mule train, it will be far theshortest route, as it is only 198 miles from Harney's peak, which is tenmiles north of us. To reach us you must travel a northeast course, whichwill fetch you direct to our camp.

There are several who wished me to write to them, but you can show thisto all who want to know the good news. I will close by asking you to answerthis at Sioux City, Iowa, in care of Charles Collins, Times office,where all letters will be called for. But don't wait to write, but comeright along and bring all the news.

If the editor of the COURIER will find room enough in his columns, hewill do a great favor by publishing this letter.

Further information may be had by calling on J. W. Curns.

Good bye for the present. J. J. WILLIAMS.


Winfield Courier, March 11, 1875.


The letter from J. J. Williams, which we publish in another column, hasgiven the gold fever to several of our citizens. The writer is well knownhere, and his statements are relied upon. He left here last fall for thehills and in a post script to his letter promises to correspond regularlywith Mr. Curns, as to affairs in that interesting locality. Mr. Williamshas had considerable experience in Colorado as a miner and knows what heis talking about. The government and the Indians undoubtedly will make anattempt to keep the white man out of that country.


Winfield Courier, March 11, 1875.


Vincent B. Beckett severed his connection with the COURIER and left forhis Indiana home last Tuesday. He has been in our employ for nearly twoyears, and local editor for almost the same length of time. We enumeratebut few of his virtues when we say that he is a good printer, a forciblewriter, a kind and devoted friend, and the name of Vincent B. Beckett willyet be written high among those who have achieved distinction in his chosenprofession. We part with him with regret.


Winfield Courier, March 11, 1875.

The bill dividing Howard Countymaking Elk and Chautauqua id finally becomea law without the clause submitting it to a vote of the people.

Winfield Courier, March 11, 1875.

The Kansas Legislature adjourned last Monday. It had three or four datesof adjournment fixed before it finally died.


Winfield Courier, March 11, 1875.


Unfortunately for the west, and particularly for those who were beneficiaries,the bill equalizing bounties failed to become a law.

The following seems to be a history of the bill.

It passed the House of Representatives by a very large vote the lastweek but one of the session. It was sent to the Senate only four or fivedays before the close of the session. On the 2nd day of March a vote onthe bill was taken and it passed by a bare majority of one vote. Two importantamendments were tacked onto the bill. It was returned to the House for concurrenceto said amendments. The House refused to concur and appointed a committeeof conference. The committee of conference reported to both houses a recommendationthat the House concur in the Senate amendments. The House agreed to thereport of the committee, while the Senate refused to adopt the report ofthe committee. This action at the time evidently was thought not to be fatalto the bill, for the President of the Senate and Speaker of the House eachsigned the enrolled bill and the clerks certified to its passage. It waspresented to the president for his signature whereupon several senatorswho had opposed the bill informed him that the bill could not be said tohave passed Congress, for the reason that the Senate had refused to concurin the report of the conference committee. Upon these representations thepresident refused to sign the bill and Congress had expired before the mattercould be rectified.

This result is exceedingly to be regretted. The bill would have sent$50,000,000 into the western states principally. Cowley County would havereceived over twenty thousand dollars of the money. As the next Congressis largely democratic and contains so many ex- confederates, no one willventure to hope that the bill will ever be reenacted by that body.


Winfield Courier, March 11, 1875.

Legislative Work.

The legislature revised and materially modified the fees and salariesof all county and township officers. The allowances have been cut down fromtwenty to forty percent. Unquestionably this reduction was demanded by publicsentiment, and the legislature in taking the action it did, has only obeyedthe instructions of the people. It remains to be seen what effect it willhave. Our judgment is that such a sweeping reduction will lead to bad results,and that there will soon be an imperative demand for an increase. Time willshow.

The legislature also provided for submitting to the people amendmentsto the Constitution providing for biennial sessions. This is another changethat has been urgently demanded by public sentiment, and we believe it isan excellent one. We have no doubt that the people will adopt the proposedamendments by an overwhelming majority.

The $95,000 relief bill failed to pass the senate and all other lawsappropriating money directly for the benefit of the grasshopper sufferers,except the bill giving the state central relief committee $6,000 to payfreights, and that giving the state grange $5,000, for the same purpose,also failed.

The only relief laws on the statute books are:

1st. The law passed last fall at the special session.

2nd. The law under which counties can vote and issue relief bonds, passedat the present session.

3rd. The law under which townships can vote and issue relief bonds, passedthis session.

The system of spring elections for township officers was abolished. Allelections will be held, hereafter, in the fall, on the same day.

All bills changing judicial districts and reducing their number, failed.The salaries of the District Judges were, however, reduced from $2,500 to$2,000.

Atchison Champion.


Winfield Courier, March 11, 1875.


Stone Calf and sixteen hundred warriors reached the Cheyenne Agency lastSaturday, and surrendered themselves to the United States troops. With themwere the two daughters of Mr. German, who, with his wife, one daughter,a son, and an infant child, were brutally murdered at Smoky Hill, Kansas,late in November. Their names are Eliza, aged 17, and Lizzie, aged 11, andthey presented a terrible picture of misery and suffering when brought in.They were immediately taken to the Mission and cared for. From the timethat the massacre was committed, the two unfortunate girls have been themistresses of Stone Calf and Grey Beard. Eliza is now enceinte andin a half crazed condition. Both were dressed in the Indian costume. Elizasays she can identify the Indians participating in the murder of her family.


Winfield Courier, March 11, 1875.


The copartnership heretofore existing under the firm name of Hitchco*ck& Boyle, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The debts due thesaid firm may be paid to O. F. Boyle, and he is hereby authorized to collectthe same. W. H. HITCHco*ck, O. F. BOYLE.

Winfield, Kas., Mar. 11th, 1875.


Winfield Courier, March 11, 1875.

Daylight is stretching.

Winfield Courier, March 11, 1875.

Butter is high and scarce.

Winfield Courier, March 11, 1875.

Capt. Hunt is making up a party for the Black Hills.

Winfield Courier, March 11, 1875.

The Walnut which has been very low for some time, is able to be up again.

Winfield Courier, March 11, 1875.

We had a pleasant call from Mr. W. A. Metcalf, of Cedar Township lastTuesday.

Winfield Courier, March 11, 1875.

The grist mills at this place are not crowded with work as they werea few months ago.

Winfield Courier, March 11, 1875.

The bill providing money to pay the Cowley County militia finally becamea law and they will get their cash in a few days.

Winfield Courier, March 11, 1875.

Since the ice has disappeared there has been less complaint about oursidewalks, that is to say, less are people are down on them.

Winfield Courier, March 11, 1875.

The Silver Creek Baptist church, from all accounts is certainly in avery thriving condition. Twenty-three persons were immersed last Sabbath,and altogether twenty-nine have been added to the church within the lastfew weeks. The church, organized by the Rev. Thomas, less than a year ago,now numbers ninety-six members.

Winfield Courier, March 11, 1875.

The past three months has had less than its usual number of marriages,and as a consequence the ministers have not made much in the line of weddingfees.

Winfield Courier, March 11, 1875.

Geo. D. Graves, agent for the old reliable Atchison Foundry Works, wasin town last Tuesday. This shop, in which Capt. John Seaton is proprietor,is turning out all kinds of machine work and castings, such as steam engines,water wheels, flour mills, saw mills, iron store fronts, iron jails, vaultwork, shutters, kettles of all sizes very cheap, and everything usuallymade in a Foundry and Boiler Yard. Write to them for prices or information.

Winfield Courier, March 11, 1875.

We have heard it rumored for some time that towards spring, numbers ofhorses would be unfitted for work, on account of their not having had grainsufficient to keep them up. On last Monday while Mr. Shepherd was tryingto back his wagon up to the sidewalk in front of Col. E. C. Manning's lawoffice, one of his horses happened to fall, and was unable to gain his equilibriumuntil assisted by a half dozen or so men. It is evident that more aid cornis needed.

Winfield Courier, March 11, 1875.

There will be an entertainment given at the Courthouse tomorrow eveningby the members of the Grammar School of this city. The proceeds will gotowards the School Organ Fund. It is to be conducted by the scholars inthe Grammar Department, no outsiders being in any way allowed to assistthem in their exercises. This entertainment will doubtless disclose someof the heretofore hidden talent of the youth of our city. All should attend.Admission twenty-five cents.

Winfield Courier, March 11, 1875.

ENFIELD, ILL., Feb. 25, 1875.

DEAR BRO. We wrote you yesterday of the shipment of provisions from thispoint, for the relief of your district. There are twelve barrels and sixboxes or about 2-1/2 tons. There are also five boxes for yourself, contributedby your own special friends. They are not designed for distribution. Theweight of your boxes is about fourteen hundred, weighing in all about sixty-fivehundred. We give approximate weights as you may wish to send teams for them.Enclosed please find money order on Winfield for ten dollars, the balanceof money contributed after paying for boxes, domestic, etc.


Winfield Courier, March 11, 1875.

The goods spoken of in the above letter were received at this place onthe 8th day of this month (March) for District 67, of Cedar Township. Theyconsisted of seventeen boxes of meal, beans, and clothing. Four barrelsof flour and two barrels of meal. These goods came through the county centralrelief committee at the trifling cost of $19.60. The district distributingcommittee were elected by the district and consist of the following namedpersons: Metcalf, Butler, and Ira Patten.

Winfield Courier, March 11, 1875.

The members of Adelphi Lodge No. 110, A. F. and A. M., are hereby notifiedthat there will be a special communication of said Lodge Tuesday eveningMarch 16, 1875, at half past seven o'clock sharp, at which time the GrandMaster of the Grand Lodge of Kansas will be present. L. J. WEBB, W. M.

Winfield Courier, March 11, 1875.

Bill Conner, an Osage chief, was recently in Arkansas City. Pausing infront of the little meeting house for a moment, he went in and took hisseat among the congregation. The preacher was discoursing on the text ofthe "sheep and the wolves," and had evidently been drawing a contrastbetween the two subjects. "We who assemble here from week to week andperform our duty are the sheep, now who are the wolves?" A pause, andour friend Conner rose to his feet: "Wa'al, stranger, rather than seethe play stopped, I will be the wolves!" The preacher was vanquished.


Winfield Courier, March 11, 1875.

The Public Schools give an exhibition at the Courthouse Friday evening,the 12th of March, and the following is the programme.

Opening song: "Come join our Choral Number."

Salutatory: Miss Ella Manly.

Song: Primary School.

Essay: "The American Indian"Fred Hunt.

Violin Duet: Willie Leffingwell and Harold Mansfield.

Recitation: "Paul Revere's Ride"Miss Ella Freeland.

Song and Conversation: "The Bell kept Ringing for Sarah"MissMattie Minnihan.

Dialogue: "How they kept a Secret."Misses Laura and Ida McMillen,Nellie Powers, Eugenie Holmes, Jennie Hane, Maggie Dever, Mary Cochran andHarold Mansfield. . . .

Other participants:

Mattie Minnihan, Inez Griswold, Harvey Thomas, Eugenie Holmes, Cora Andrews,Jessie Millington, Lillie Ford, Nettie Quarles, I. E. Johnson, Raleigh Millspaugh,and Frank Howland.


Winfield Courier, March 11, 1875.

School Report of District No. 46.

The winter term of four months, closed one week ago last Friday (Feb.26th). The following show the general attendance and other statistics: Numberof pupils enrolled, 41. Average attendance, 21-1/2. Whole number of timespupils were tardy during the term, 217.

Some of the scholars were very irregular in their attendance, and othersmoved away. A few did very well.

I would call attention to the register for Miss Ella Kelly, who attended76 days, was absent but one day after entering school, walked two milespart of the time, and for about two months did the house work for her threebrothers. For a girl only twelve years of age, the above record shows adetermined spirit, and good scholarship.

Second in number of days at school is Master George Newton, who walkedone and one half miles, was absent but four days during the term, and isonly eight years old.

Miss Mattie West was absent but five and one half days, and five of thoseon account of sickness.

Others of regular attendance were Misses Rose Rounds, Ella Rounds, HettieRounds, Mary Higbee, Connie Gay, Libbie West, Hattie Young, Mary Bates,and Nettie Handy.

Also, Masters Eddy Kelly, Ellsworth Whittaker, Harry Whittaker, and AllenBates. (Glennie Moore, seventy-four days attendance.)

The school under the management of Ed. Millard, gave an exhibition onSaturday evening, March 6th, which was ably carried through, and I hereinreturn my sincere thanks to the manager, Mr. Ed. Millard, and Messrs. McGuire,Creek, Morse, and Bates, together with the scholars in general, for takingthe exhibition off my hands, and rendering it so successfully.

Miss Libbie West deserves special notice for so perfectly acting "PollyEvergreen." Misses Ella Kelly, Mattie West, Rose Rounds, and SadieDavis also did very well.



Winfield Courier, March 11, 1875.

City Council Proceedings.
WINFIELD, February 15, 1875.

The Council met at the usual hour. Present: S. C. Smith, Mayor; H. S.Silver, S. Darrah, J. D. Cochran, R. B. Saffold, Councilmen; J. W. Curns,Clerk.

The minutes of the meeting of February 1st were read and approved.

Ordinance No. 47, in relation to animals running at large, and to repealsections No. 2, 3, 4, and 5 of ordinance No. 4, was read and duly passed.The vote on the final passage of said ordinance was, yeas, Saffold, Silver,Darrah, and Cochran.

Johnston & Lockwood presented a bill of $3.25 for stationery, whichwas allowed.

The mayor recommended that the fine assessed against W. M. Boyer forviolation of Ordinance No. 1 be remitted, on the grounds that the offensecharged was not a violation of the spirit of said ordinance. On motion thefine was remitted.

W. M. Boyer appeared and remitted his fees in the case of the city ofWinfield vs. A. H. Green, being $6.30.

The acting Police Judge, T. H. Suits, presented a fee bill of $19.95,for fees in case of the city of Winfield [next part of minutes torn outof paper. Only portions remained.]

E. C. Manning presented ___________ the fine assessed against him ____________Ordinance No. 1, be remitted, which was granted.

Moved and carried that a committee of three be appointed to employ anattorney to attend to the suits pending in the District Court in which thecity is a party, and that the committee be authorized to fix the compensationfor such services. Messrs. Saffold, Darrah, and Cochran were appointed onsaid committee.

The committee on Cemetery reported that they had accepted the donationof Mr. L. E. Moore of a lot in Valley View Cemetery, and presented the deedfor the same. On motion the committee was discharged.

It was moved and carried that a committee of three be appointed to waitupon the Winfield Cemetery committee in regard to any proposition they maymake with reference to their Cemetery. Saffold, Cochran, and Darrah wereappointed on said committee.

Being no other business before the council, on motion adjourned.

S. W. CURNS, City Clerk.


Winfield Courier, March 11, 1875.

Flower and Vegetable Plants.

I shall have for sale, at my garden, early in the planting season, Flower,Tomato, Sweet-potato, and Cabbage plants of the earliest and best varieties,having constructed a large hot bed for the purpose of raising them in quantities.



Winfield Courier, March 18, 1875.

There is a rumor that the government will follow the plan suggested byGen. Pope, and confine all Indians now held at different reservations asprisoners of war, on the Fort Leavenworth reservation.


Winfield Courier, March 18, 1875.

The Story of the German Girls.
Taken From Their Own Lips.

The following story given to the reporter of the Kansas City Times,at Cheyenne Agency, by the German girls, is of shocking interest.

On the 19th of February, Stone Calf, a chief, came to Gen. Neil, at theAgency and informed him that the Cheyennes, eight hundred in number, wantedto surrender. They were three days away. He told the chief to bring themin, and sent an ambulance out after the white girls. As the ambulance wasdriving away from the Indian encampment with the rescued captives, the Indiansrode alongside and threw forty-two splendid buffalo robes into the wagonas an atonement for the release of the girls. When they arrived at the Agencythey were taken care of by Mrs. Miles, the agent's wife, in whose care theystill remain and with whom they desire to stay.

Catharine, aged 17, the eldest, is not enceinte, as previouslyreported, but is in a very forlorn condition. She was not considered theslave of any one chief but was carnally known by nearly every demon in thetribe.

Sophia, aged 11, looked better and had not been subject to all the horrorsof her older sister.

We now give Catharine German's story.

"In September, 1872, our family moved from Missouri to Elgin, HowardCounty, Kansas. In August, 1874, we started for Colorado. The family consistedof father and motherJohn German and Lydia GermanRebecca, aged 21; Stephen,19; Johanna, 15; Catherine, 17; Sophia, 11; Julia, 7; and Nancy, 5. We hadan ordinary covered wagon, some provisions, and an ox team. When we arrivedat Smoky Hill River, about 14 miles south of the track of the Kansas Pacific,and within 30 miles of Ft. Wallace, we encamped and spent the night there,and on the morning of Friday, September 11, 1874, were up early and preparingto resume our journey.

"Just as the sun was rising, and while engaged in driving the cattleup the river bank towards the wagon, I heard shots and yells, and, runningcloser, saw my father fall, shot through the back by an Indian. I was terriblyfrightened, but I can never forget the spectacle that then ensued.


was a half mile away hunting up some stock, and he had a gun with him.As poor father fell, mother rushed towards him only to receive a shot fromanother Indian, who fired at her head, killing her almost instantly. Myfather was not killed at once, for he moved his arms about as he was scalpedby one of the party. They also scalped my mother. An old squaw picked upour axe and stuck it in my father's head, leaving it fixed


During the time this was going on, one party rode after Stephen and shotand scalped him. My sister, Rebecca, made a brave defense with an axe. Sheknocked down one of the Indians and would have killed him if she had notbeen tomahawked from behind. While half insensible, and scarcely alive,the Indiansfive or six of themdespoiled her person, and after that theyscalped her. Then they carried her near the wagon, tore off her clothes,piled them up over her with some other things from the wagon, and whileshe was still alive, set fire to the pile and


Here the broken-hearted girl broke down, and the reporter waited sometime before she could proceed. Amidst sobs and tears and in broken utterances,she continued as follows, occasionally assisted by Sophia.

"After all were killed but we five sisters, they gathered aroundus to see which one should be put out of the way, as they said they couldonly take four along. One Indian, who seemed to be a chief, came up, andlooking at Johannie and me, suddenly drew up his gun and shot sister's headoff. I was so frightened that I could not stir for a long time. As soonas they got everything they wanted, they set the wagon on fire and killedthe cattle; then made Sophia and I get on horses and tied us on, took ourtwo little sisters up in front of them and started off as fast as the horsescould go. We traveled all day, going due south, I should judge. One squawtried to save Rebecca's life, but the Indian she hit with the axe said hewould have her scalp, and so she was shot.

"After traveling two days we crossed a railroad track (probablyA., T. & S. F.). The day after we got over the railroad,


with a small party left, and were gone until late in the afternoon. Whenthey came up to us, they had three fresh scalps and a number of articlesof wearing apparel that must have belonged to a man, woman, and small child;also had a lot of canned fruit and oysters. After keeping us riding nearlytwo weeks, the main camp near the Staked Plains was reached. Stone Calfhad command, and when they brought us in, all the tribe turned out and hada great time. The same night they had a big scalp dance over the scalpsof our family, and made us all look at it.

"Two days after the main body of Indians were reached. They tooksisters


away from the camp and I have never see them since. Sophia saw them once,about December, but only for a few minutes. All of us were one day placedon horses, and after the Indian fashion, made to ride as fast as the horsescould go, and the Indian who caught us had to take care of us for good.

"Soon after this the whole body started north to get out of theway of the troops which, it was reported, were close at hand. Stone Calf,with Sophia, was left behind with about 100 more, and the rest, under chargeof Gray Beard, Eagle Head, Heaps of Birds, and Lean Bear, still kept onnorth.

"In about a week, while encamped on Wolf Creek, the soldiers againmade the Indians run. I did not see them, but heard the guns. All of thistime I was on horseback and a good deal of the time very sick; had to rideall the time, and at night was


and beaten, because I could not carry as much wood and water as someof the squaws. All this time I was under charge of Long Back. At times Iwas nearly frozen, having nothing but a blanket to keep warm with at night.Sometimes there would be a foot of snow on the ground, but they made mework just as hard. This was about December 1st. My feet were frozen, andthe nails of my right foot all came off. In January I met sister Sophiafor a short time, and she told me we were better to be killed."

The reporter asked Catharine if she thought they would kill her, andshe answered, "No, I always thought the soldiers would release us sometime, and told Sophia not to be afraid. In the latter part of January Ireceived a letter from Gen. Neil, brought to the camp by a Kiowa scout,telling me to keep up good spirits and the soldiers would soon capture us.


was received soon after this, but the Indians would not let me open it.They used to let me look at it, but would not let me take it into my ownhands.

"As soon as these letters were received, I felt ever so much better.From this time until Romeo met us, the Indians treated me much better. Wehad but little to eat. Horses and dogs were all the meat we had. When theKiowas were in camp with the letter, they would not let me out of the lodge,for fear they would steal me and take me to Fort Sill.

"One squaw was at times very kind to me, but all the rest used tostrike me every chance they had.

"They used to paint me every few days. About


I was sure the Indians were going to surrender, as Stone Calf and EagleHead with their bands joined ours and all started north. I did not see Sophiaall this time, but knew she was near me, as the squaw who had been goodto me said, `Little sister with Stone Calf.' At last Medicine Water cameto my lodge and told me I was to be given up. I asked him to let me seeSophia, and he answered, `Sister dead.' I did not believe him, and one dayStone Calf told me she was alive and well. About two weeks ago I saw a four-horsewagon coming toward our camp, and as soon as it was near enough, I startedto run out and meet it. The Indians would not let me, but made me go intoa tent. Soon Romeo, the driver of the ambulance, came to me and spoke tome in English. It was the first time I had heard it for months. He saidI might go with him and he would take


"I got into the ambulance, and there for the first time in two monthssaw Sophia. We at once left the Indians behind, and in two days came insight of the soldier's tents, where I saw Gen. Neil, Mrs. Miles, and allthe rest who were so kind to me. I could not help crying. Mrs. Miles isas kind as a mother to us."

"Did they take all the clothes away from you at the time you werecaptured?"

"Yes; and only gave me an old blanket to keep warm with."

"Can you identify the Indians who made the attack on your family?"

"I have seen them fifty times since, and can tell them all."

"How many of them were there?"

"Seventeen men and two squaws."

"Have you seen the squaw that hit your father with an axe, since?"

"Only once."

"Was Medicine Water one of the party?"

"He seemed to be the leader."

"Did they scalp all the family after they were killed?"

"All except Johanna. She had been sick and her hair was very short."

"How was Sophia treated after she left you?"

"From what she tells me, she had a much easier time than I did.She was only whipped once or twice, and did not have to carry so much woodand water."

"Where will you go, now that you are rescued from the Indians?"

"I don't know yet," she replied. "I would prefer to remainhere than to go back to Georgia. If I and Sophia can get a good school educationhere, I would rather stay here than go anywherethey are so good to me."


Winfield Courier, March 18, 1875.

To the Subordinate Granges of Cowley County.

We received a copy of Art. X of the new Grange Constitution too latefor publication entire this week. We give below two sections of the Act.The executive member for the 3rd district says:

Subordinate Granges wishing to avail themselves of its benefit and assistin forming such District Grange, will please send delegates as per Sec.1 and 2 to Winfield, Saturday, March 27th, at 10 o'clock a.m.


SEC. 1. County or District Granges may be established in this State notto exceed one to each county composed of such fourth degree members of SubordinateGranges as may be elected thereto, not to exceed three from each Grangeat one time, and Masters and Past- Masters of Subordinate Granges and theirwives who are Matrons.

SEC. 2. Each Subordinate Grange within the jurisdiction of a County orDistrict Grange, shall be entitled to one delegate for every thirty membersor fraction thereof equal to fifteen, to be elected by ballot annually atthe last regular meeting in December. Provided; the first election of delegatesmay take place at any regular meeting, and provided further, that no SubordinateGrange shall send more than three delegates.


Winfield Courier, March 18, 1875.

The spring term of school begins Monday next.

Winfield Courier, March 18, 1875.

The Peru, Indiana, papers contain Rev. Parmelee's sermons in full.

Winfield Courier, March 18, 1875.

Scott, of the Traveler, thinks of going to Galveston with theKansas editors.

Winfield Courier, March 18, 1875.

A new minister is to be here soon to take charge of the Congregationalsociety.

Winfield Courier, March 18, 1875.

Mr. Wm. Bartlow proposes to start for the Black Hills with his steamsaw mill about the first of April.

Winfield Courier, March 18, 1875.

Messrs. Jackson & Hill now keep on hand at their restaurant suchluxuries as oranges and lemons.

Winfield Courier, March 18, 1875.

S. C. Smith gave the City Council an oyster supper at the St. Nicholas,on the eve of his departure for California.

Winfield Courier, March 18, 1875.

E. C. Manning says he has ten bushels of choice seed corn of a largeand early variety for sale on terms to suit purchasers.

Winfield Courier, March 18, 1875.

The coal seekers are down fifty feet with their drill, on Mr. Parr'splace, west of town. Two hundred feet or coal, is the watchword.

Winfield Courier, March 18, 1875.

The Commonwealth says: "The name of the relief agent in CowleyCounty is Platter. The people have about licked him clean."

Winfield Courier, March 18, 1875.

The St. Louis Democrat contains an interview in which Gen. Shermansays, most emphatically, that the miners will be kept out of the Black Hillsby the military.

Winfield Courier, March 18, 1875.

The New York Tribune says that those fruit trees which bloomeda second time last year will not be likely to bloom this season. A greatmany trees in this region cut that caper.

Winfield Courier, March 18, 1875.

Judge O. A. Basset, a high official in the Masonic order, was in townlast Wednesday on a visit to the lodge of this place. He is distributingfunds donated by the Grand Lodge to needy members.

Winfield Courier, March 18, 1875.

Wells, a noted scout in the employ of Gen. Neil, rode from Cheyenne Agencyto Wichita and return, bearing important dispatches, a distance of 328 miles,in forty-eight hours, without changing horses recently.

Winfield Courier, March 18, 1875.

The Militia boys say that they found last fall, on the salt plains, greatwinrows of dead grasshoppers. They had starved to death or were killed bybrine or alkali, and the wind has swept them up in piles.

Winfield Courier, March 18, 1875.

Vernon Township voted, last Monday, on the question of issuing two thousanddollars in township bonds to be used in purchasing seed and feed for springplanting. The bonds failed by four majority. The vote was light.

Winfield Courier, March 18, 1875.

Mayor S. C. Smith and M. W. Everleth have departed for California. Inthe removal of Mr. Smith from our town, Winfield loses a very useful citizen.Mr. Everleth was also a very good citizen, but not so active and prominentas his companion.

Winfield Courier, March 18, 1875.

The Chicago Inter-Ocean publishes the list of enterprising adventurerswho, in defiance of the Indians, the military, and the threatening winter,pushed into the Black Hills last fall. The name of J. J. Williams, Winfield,Kansas, appears in the list.

Winfield Courier, March 18, 1875.

Mr. George Bull, who purchased the property of the Rev. J. B. Parmelee,arrived here with his son and daughter the other day, intending to settlepermanently with us. Mr. Bull and family come highly recommended from Bloomington,Illinois, and we have no doubt but they will prove to be a valuable acquisitionto our county.

Winfield Courier, March 18, 1875.

Sam Darrah, J. G. Titus, and Jake Keffer, the three hardy mariners wholeft Arkansas City a few weeks ago to test the navigability of the ArkansasRiver, returned home last Saturday. They report the navigation of the riverimpracticable for boats larger than the Great Eastern. The party floateddown in a skiff as far as Fort Gibson, where they bought ponies to bringthem back.

Winfield Courier, March 18, 1875.

Under the law passed in 1872, authorizing the county board to issue bondsto the amount of $15,000, the board has issued $9,300$7,000 of which wasdelivered to J. C. Horton of Lawrence, in payment of the judgment renderedagainst the county, and in favor of Geo. L. Thompson. The $5,400 in favorof M. L. Read, and $300 in favor of E. C. Haywood, await the signature ofthe chairman of the board.


Winfield Courier, March 18, 1875.

The Exhibition.

The exhibition given by the schools of this city last Friday night atthe courthouse was a genuine success, reflecting credit alike on scholarsand teachers. The exercises differed somewhat from the printed programmeand we were unable to keep the "run of the play"; consequently,we can only speak of it in general terms. There was a paper, or rather afling, read by I. E. Johnson about some of our citizens, including ourself,which we thought at the time we would notice at length, but will pass itfor the present by simply saying that the spirit evinced by the perpetratorsin seizing the occasion of a school exhibition, and innocent children, asinstruments through which to vent their petty spites, is, to say the least,contemptible.

Winfield Courier, March 18, 1875.

The Public School Exhibition given at the courthouse last Friday eveningwas financially a success, as well as otherwise, as the following will show.

Total receipts: $35.50

Total expenditures: 8.00

Credit to Organ Fund: $27.50


Winfield Courier, March 18, 1875.

Quarterly Meeting.

The first Quarterly Meeting for Winfield charge will be held at Winfield,March the 20th and 21st. Preaching at 11 o'clock on Saturday by A. Buckner,P. E., and Quarterly Conference at 2 o'clock p.m. A full attendance of allthe members of the Quarterly Conference and all others is desired. J. McQUISTON,Pastor.


Winfield Courier, March 18, 1875.


At the residence of the bride's father, Oscar Miles, Esq., Feb. 22, 1875,by Rev. S. Woodruff, Mr. Thornton N. James, of Floral, Kansas, and MissSallie B. Miles.

They have the wishes of many friends to accompany them on their new journeyand fortunes through life. Saline County, Missouri, Democrat.

Mr. James is an old resident of Cowley County, and we hope that heand his fair bride will make it their home.


Winfield Courier, March 18, 1875.

A bill has passed both branches of the Legislature to allow Cowley Countyto fund its indebtedness. We thought Cowley County funded its indebtednessonly two years ago. Wilson County Citizen.

Two years ago a bill passed the legislature allowing Cowley to fundits indebtedness. No action was taken at that time under the bill. Capt.McDermott, who was the member at the time the bill was passed, was a candidatethe next fall for the House. His action in passing said bill was used againsthim by the opposition and contributed largely to his defeat. Now, in thepresent month, the County Commissioners are funding the county's indebtednessunder said bill, and propose to fund the remainder under the new bill. Altogether,our indebtedness amounts to about $30,000. This action of the Commissionerswould seem a vindication of Capt. McDermott's course on the funding measure.Tardy justice.


Winfield Courier, March 18, 1875.

School ReportIntermediate Department.

The whole number of pupils enrolled during the term was 78. Of this number18 were afterwards transferred to the Primary Department. The average attendancefor the six months has been 52. For the second, third, and fourth monthsthe average attendance was 60. At the close of the fourth month, a classof ten was sent to the Primary Department, which reduced the attendancefor the past two months.

During the term there were eight scholars who were never absent, twowho were never absent, but did not attend the first week of school, fourwho were absent only one day, three who were absent two days, and ten otherswho were absent from three to six days. Seventeen pupils were present everyday of the first three months, and fourteen were present every day of thesecond three months. Several of the pupils last sent to the Primary Departmentwere not absent while in this department. SARAH E. ALDRICH, Teacher.


Winfield Courier, March 18, 1875.

Traveler Items.

Amos Walton will apply for admission to the bar next week before JudgeCampbell.

Dick Walker, the best sheriff Cowley County ever had, was in town yesterday.

Parties experimenting in the raising of tobacco can secure a valuablepamphlet on the subject by writing to J. F. Weber, St. Louis, Mo.

The county council of the Patrons of Husbandry will meet at WinfieldSaturday, March 27, to elect officers and form a district grange.

At a meeting of the directors of the grange mills, M. S. Roseberry waselected president, L. Small, secretary, and M. R. Leonard, treasurer. Itwas decided to begin work June 1st, or as soon as the $5,000 in stock wastaken in.


Winfield Courier, March 18, 1875.

A Petition.

To the Honorable Board of County Commissioners of Cowley County.

We, the undersigned citizens of Cedar Township, being legal voters, askyour honorable body to appoint Mr. F. M. Osborn Township Trustee in andfor this township, and we will ever, etc., this March 3, 1875.

Thomas Bowles Peter Quigley

John W. Belles John Haughney

G. W. Burroughs Wm. Gallagher

Hamilton Gerard Hugh Gallagher

John Frazee D. C. Swank

John Hanhan Wm. Morgan

J. P. Gregg J. W. Blair

James Baker F. P. Myers

W. H. Phillips J. W. Tedlie

Alec. Moses Zenis Condid

C. E. Victory John Gallagher

S. J. McCamey James Phillips

James A. Patton D. M. Patton

S. G. Butler Ennis Patton

L. T. Wells Wm. Callahan

Sanford Day Daniel Belles

The above petition will be presented to the Board of County Commissionersof this county at their next regular session. There is an address petitionin the field, the rival candidates being our two J. P.'s. QUID NUNC.


Winfield Courier, March 18, 1875.

District Court Docket.

The following is a list of cases that will stand for trial at the Marchterm, A. D., 1875, of the District Court of Cowley County, to be holdenon and from the 22nd day, and have been placed on the Trial Docket in thefollowing order.


State of Kansas versus

Thomas T. Rucker.

Elmer Kinne.

Elmer Kinne.

Elmer Kinne.

Willoughby Nugent.

Will. M. Allison.

Charles Snow.

L. Lippmann.

Charles W. Saunders.

Henry Mowry.

A. D. Lee.

Jas. A. Brake.

J. W. Shidler.

Jasper Hartsock.


No. 164. Zimri Stubbs, vs. Samuel Jay, et al.

No. 168. John C. Smith, vs. Samuel P. Berryman.

No. 209. Clifton M. Wood, vs. John W. Millspaugh.

No. 273. James Headley, vs. Brainard Goff.

No. 335. Emerson & Co., vs. Nelson C. Clark.

No. 347. Earnest Wadco*ck, vs. Christian Kemry.

No. 353. A. Sumner, vs. John R. Davis.

No. 357. Ottman & King, vs. Thos. H. Crone.

No. 371. John Swain, vs. Seymour Tarrant.

No. 380. Robert B. Finney, vs. Alexander Dixon, et al.

No. 381. Able D. Bent, vs. Alonzo F. Tryon.

No. 392. E. S. Babco*ck, Jr., vs. Sylvanus Pehlan, et al.

No. 393. Soranus S. Brettun, vs. Edward Fredrick, et al.

No. 394. Mark Phillips, vs. Hannah Phillips.

No. 412. J. C. Musgrove, vs. Laban L. Williams.

No. 413. Allen Carlson, vs. Charles A. Bliss.

No. 416. E. B. Wheitzell, vs. Em. Chase.


No. 417. Farrar, Houghton, et al, vs. Martin Hammond.

No. 418. Wheeler & Wilson, vs. John R. Davis.

No. 421. Margaret Somers, vs. Patrick Somers.

No. 430. John A. Himebaugh, vs. Amos E. Mahaney, et al.

No. 437. Edwin C. Manning, vs. Will. M. Allison.

No. 440. Wm. D. Fredrick, vs. John Jones.

No. 444. Arthur Graham, vs. Ludolphus Holcomb.

No. 445. J. C. Musgrove, vs. James O. Vanorsdall, et al.

No. 446. Ephraim Simpson, vs. George W. Gardenhire.

No. 448. A. V. Polk, vs. R. L. Walker, et al.

No. 452. Lewis C. Strales, vs. Andrew Jackson.

No. 454. Alfred H. Caywood, vs. Sarah Whiteneck.

No. 455. R. L. Walker, vs. David Huston.

No. 456. R. L. Walker, vs. Mary M. Huston.


No. 464. John B. Lauffer, vs. W. J. Keffer, et al.

No. 465. Diantha T. Thompson, vs. David Thompson.

No. 466. Francis R. Titus, vs. Daniel T. Titus.

No. 467. George Warner, vs. James Jordan.

No. 469. Wyland J. Keffer, vs. Albert A. Newman, et al.

No. 470. Samuel A. Wier, vs. John S. Sprague, et al.

No. 471. Edward J. Hoyt, vs. John Eskin, et al.

No. 472. Nichols, Shepherd & Co., vs. A. D. Lee.

No. 473. Valney Beard, vs. Chas. J. Weeley.

No. 474. S. M. Kline, vs. Benj. G. Sones, et al.

No. 475. M. Brettun, vs. Frank Akers.

No. 476. Emily J. Houston, vs. H. Thompson, et al.

No. 477. John F. Graham, vs. Geo. Black, et al.

No. 478. John Brooks, vs. E. B. Kager.


No. 480. J. C. Musgrove, vs. Frank Manny.

No. 481. Wyland J. Keffer, vs. Henry C. Mowry, et al.

No. 482. S. C. Smith, vs. Ed. C. Fisk.

No. 483. M. Brettun, vs. Henry Schanghuise.

No. 484. Able D. Bent, vs. S. B. Stone.

No. 485. Benj. G. Jones, et al, vs. A. T. Shenneman.

No. 486. John Beers, vs. R. J. Johnson.

No. 487. Aaron J. Arnett, vs. Udocia Arnett.

No. 488. J. C. Fuller, vs. S. B. Stewart, et al.

No. 489. Sarah Callahan, vs. Thos. Callahan.

No. 490. Frances Black, vs. Edward Patton.

No. 491. Nathan Hughes, vs. Board of County Commissioners.

No. 492. Frances Black, vs. Jesse Stuller.

No. 494. L. I. Pryor, vs. Geo. W. Ballou

No. 495. L. I. Pryor, vs. Geo. W. Ballou.

No. 496. Amy G. Smith, vs. Chas. M. Kellogg, et al.

No. 497. S. C. Smith, vs. J. C. Weathers.

No. 498. Arthur Graham, vs. A. H. Caywood, et al.

No. 499. Hitchco*ck & Boyle, vs. William Greenlee, et al.

No. 500. Francis Black vs. J. C. Weathers, et al.

No. 501. John C. Hays vs. E. P. Kinne.

No. 502. City of Winfield, vs. A. H. Green.

No. 503. John W. Micklam vs. Thos. H. Turner.


No. 504. Morgan R. Leonard vs. County Commissioners.

No. 505. State of Kansas vs. E. P. Kinney, et al.

No. 506. J. C. Fuller vs. A. H. Caywood.

No. 507. Francis Black vs. Lucinda Bryant, et al.

No. 508. D. B. McCollum vs. J. R. Smith.

No. 509. R. T. Jordan vs. A. D. Lee, et al.

No. 512. Jonathan Newman vs. L. J. Webb.

No. 513. R. B. Wait vs. E. B. Kager.

No. 514. S. D. Pryor vs. E. B. Kager.

No. 515. S. B. Sherman vs. B. H. Clover.

No. 517. David Thompson vs. E. B. Kager, et al.

No. 518. Samuel Hoyt vs. E. B. Kager, et al.

No. 519. City of Winfield vs. Frank Lutz.

No. 520. City of Winfield vs. Frank Lutz.

E. S. BEDILION, Clerk, District Court.


Winfield Courier, March 18, 1875.

[Published March 18th, 1875.]
Ordinance No. 48.

An Ordinance providing for the holding of an Annual Election for CityOfficers.

Be it Ordained by the Mayor and Councilmen of the City of Winfield.

Sec. 1. That the place for voting for city officers, at the annual electionto be held in the city of Winfield, on the 5th day of April, A. D., 1875,for the ensuing year, shall be held in the building situated on lot No.12, in block No. 109, in the said city, being the property of C. A. Bliss& Co.

Sec. 2. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and afterits publication in the Winfield COURIER.

Approved March 15, 1875. S. C. SMITH, Mayor.

J. W. CURNS, City Clerk.

Ordinance Number 49.

An Ordinance repealing Ordinances No. 36 and 39, providing for taxingdifferent kinds of business for the city of Winfield.

Be it Ordained by the Mayor and Council of the City of Winfield.

Sec. 1. That Ordinances No. 36 and 39 is hereby repealed.

Sec. 2. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and afterthe first day of May, A. D., 1875, and its publication once in the WinfieldCOURIER.

Approved March 15, 1875.

S. C. SMITH, Mayor.

J. W. CURNS, City Clerk.


Winfield Courier, March 25, 1875. Front Page.

The Secretary of War has addressed a communication to General Sherman,saying that all expeditions into that portion of the Indian Territory knownas the Black Hills country must be prevented as long as the present treatyexists. Efforts are now being made for the extinguishment of the Indiantitle, and all proper means will be used to accomplish this. If, however,the steps which are to be taken towards the opening of this country to settlersare not successful, those persons at present within that territory withoutauthority must be expelled.


Winfield Courier, March 25, 1875. Front Page.

The Secretary of War has addressed a letter to the Secretary of the Interiorconveying the President's instructions regarding the disposition to be madeof the recently captured Cheyenne Indians. The ringleaders and such as havebeen guilty of crimes are to be sent to military posts, and will not beaccompanied by their families. The remainder of the captured Indians, withthe exception of the two chiefs guilty of outraging the German girls, areto be turned over to the Indian Department, at their respective agencies.The two chiefs are to be held in confinement in such place as the CommandingGeneral of the Military Division of the Missouri may direct.


The captured Indians are to be placed on the military reservation atFort Leavenworth. The plan is a good one as they can be fed at less cost,and will be surrounded by all the elements of civilization, such as whiskey,Leavenworth, and Missouri. Wichita Beacon.


Winfield Courier, March 25, 1875.

A writer in the Wichita Beacon predicts a flood this spring andwarns those living along the Arkansas bottom to look out.


Winfield Courier, March 25, 1875.

City Council Proceedings.
March 1, 1875.

Council met at the usual hour. Present: S. C. Smith, Mayor; R. B. Saffold,J. P. McMillen, H. S. Silver, Councilmen; J. W. Curns, Clerk.

The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.

M. Miller presented a bill of $6.00 for one padlock.

A. T. Swigart presented a bill of $40.00 for services as Marshal forthe month ending February 24, 1875, which were referred to the finance committee,who reported favorably thereon, and said bill was allowed.

On motion the finance committee was instructed to examine the PoliceJudge's docket and ascertain whether the fines collected have been paidover to the city treasurer.

On motion adjourned. J. W. CURNS, City Clerk.


Winfield Courier, March 25, 1875.

R. B. Waite, Esq., planted corn yesterday.

Winfield Courier, March 25, 1875.

It has been decided to have no state fair next fall.

Winfield Courier, March 25, 1875.

Prayers for the recent Legislature cost the State $300.

Winfield Courier, March 25, 1875.

An increased cattle trade is anticipated this year.

Winfield Courier, March 25, 1875.

R. C. Story, of Lazette, Amos Walton, of Arkansas City, and W. M. Boyer,of Winfield were this week admitted to the bar.

Winfield Courier, March 25, 1875.

J. J. Barrett paid our office a visit yesterday and renewed his subscriptionto the COURIER. He has just returned from Miami County, where he has beenspending the winter.

Winfield Courier, March 25, 1875.

Mr. S. A. Weir, formerly, of this place, but now of Columbus, CherokeeCounty, is in town attending court. Mr. Weir has many friends here who arepleased to see him on our streets again.

Winfield Courier, March 25, 1875.

Captain James McDermott sent a few days ago a request to Senator Ingallsto have sixty or thereabouts packages of seeds sent to him for distributionat Dexter. In response the Senator sent one hundred packages of vegetableseeds to the Captain.

Winfield Courier, March 25, 1875.

Mr. A. B. Odell returned last week from a visit to his former home inIndiana. He informs us that times are good where he has been, and he certainlygives evidence of good living. Mr. Odell returns, however, with more confidencethan ever in the future of Kansas and especially of Cowley County.

Winfield Courier, March 25, 1875.

The Valley House has again changed hands. Mr. Robert Hudson, the proprietor,this time taking charge. Mr. Hudson has completely renovated the house fromtop to bottom, and as he is an experienced hand at the hotel business, theValley House will no doubt be one of the most popular hotels in the city.

Winfield Courier, March 25, 1875.

We have received No. 1, Vol. 1, of the Osage City Free Press,published at Osage City by J. P. Campbell, brother of Judge Campbell, ofthis district.

Winfield Courier, March 25, 1875.

The District Court is in full blast, Hon. W. P. Campbell presiding. Thefollowing attorneys are in attendance: Webb & Millington, Hackney &McDonald, E. C. Manning, J. B. Fairbank, Pryor & Kager, T. H. Suits,John E. Allen, A. H. Green, Alexander & Saffold, T. H. Johnson, M. S.Adams of Wichita, C. R. Mitchell and L. B. Kellogg of Arkansas City, JamesMcDermott of Dexter, and A. J. Pyburn, County Attorney.

Winfield Courier, March 25, 1875.

Now that the winter is over, our relief committees are receiving largelots of government clothing. It is expected that the overcoats and blanketswill continue to come in until the 4th of July, at least.

Winfield Courier, March 25, 1875.

We were pleased to make the acquaintance of Mr. J. B. Callison, of Dexter,who called at the COURIER office last Tuesday. Mr. Callison was for thirtyyears a resident of LaFayette County, Missouri. Being a staunch Union man,he suffered much during the war from Guerillas and Bushwhackers. He entertainedus for an hour with thrilling reminiscences of the war in Missouri. TheCOURIER is always pleased to make the acquaintance of such men.

Winfield Courier, March 25, 1875.

School Exhibition.

In the notice of the School Exhibition of the 12th, in the Plow andAnvil, last week, the best exercise of the evening was unintentionallyomitted. A list of the exercises was given them too late for the correctionof any omission. In reading the report, I was very sorry to find this, soI take this occasion to correct. I refer to the recitation of "ThePolish Boy," by Miss Jessie Millington. Every one present pronouncedit superior, and it certainly should receive proper notice and deservedcommendation. Miss Jessie worked earnestly to make good preparation forthis exercise and I think her success in rendering it so true to the spiritof the composition was ample reward. W. C. R.


Winfield Courier, March 25, 1875.

ELDORADO, KAN., Mar. 19, 1875.

ED. COURIER. Dear Sir: On the 9th of August, 1870, I printed and sentto your county 1,500 personal property statements (Assessors blanks) onthe order of your county clerk. I sent down the bill with the blanks ($17.50).I have repeatedly made out my bill, sworn to it, and sent it to your countyclerk, but your commissioners have never allowed the bill. Last year I sentthe account to L. J. Webb, and asked him to see to it for me. He wrote backto me that it was outlawed, and that the commissioners refused to pay it.

I wish to ask your people a question or two through your columns:

In the first place, I printed the blanks in good faith for your countybefore you had a printing office to do it for you in your own county.

I have made no fuss about the bill, believing your commissioners wouldpay it.

I write to ask some gentleman in the county to appear before the commissionersat their next meeting and ask them if they will pay it, and inform me throughyour columns what they say.

The bill is just and right, and ought to be paid. I cannot afford tolose it.

My bill, $17.50, with interest at ten percent for four and a half years,will be $26.85.

The question arises, does your county pay its honest debts, or does ittake advantage of the statute of limitations, and stand its creditors offfrom time to eternity? Will Mr. Kelly, Col. Manning, D. A. Millington, Mr.Webb, or some other gentleman present my claim to the commissioners? Yoursfor Justice. T. B. MURDOCK.

The bill mentioned in the above letter ought to have been paid longago. Surely our county has no intention of pleading the statutes of limitations,the baby act, or anything else to avoid paying its honest debts. It strikesus that the bill is a reasonable one, at least, for those early days, andour county, instead of taking advantage of the lapse of time, ought to bethankful to Mr. Murdock for his leniency. Cowley County can't afford todefraud her creditors in such a way.


Winfield Courier, March 25, 1875.

Cedar Township Items.

Sanford Day, Esq., has 20 acres of oats sown.

A majority of our farmers have their corn land ready for planting, butthe seedask of the grasshopper that with fragments strewed our fields.

All that have early potatoes have planted.

Onion setts are in good demand.

Our cattle are doing fine.

Despite the hard times and scarcity of grub, D. W. Willey is the fattestman in the township.

A destructive fire raged up Beaver Monday night last. It came up outof the Nation and licked up Ira Patten's hay on short notice.

The lucky ones wear Uncle Sam's clothes around, much to the chagrin ofthe unlucky ones.

There was a ludicrous scene at Squire Day's when the government clothingcame on. A man who had gone bootless and shoeless every night this winter,went down to get himself shod. There was nothing larger than a number 12;it was no go, a number 12 wasn't anywhere to his feet. Somebody out of sympathysuggested that he try on the box, and he did so, but it was too low in theinstep. He has our heartfelt sympathy. CHOW CHOW.


Winfield Courier, March 25, 1875.

Disposition of cases in the District Court up to Wednesday night.

State of Kansas Versus

Thomas T. Rucker, continued.

Elmer Kinne, continued.

Elmer Kinne, continued.

Elmer Kinne, continued.

Willoughby Nugent, continued.

Charles Snow, dismissed.

L. Lippmann, acquitted.

A. D. Lee, dismissed at cost of plaintiff.

Jas. A. Brake, dismissed at cost of plaintiff.

Jasper Hartsock, dismissed.

209. Clifton M. Wood, vs. John W. Millspaugh; continued.

273. James Headley, vs. Brainard Goff, judgment for plaintiff.

357. Ottman & King, vs. Thos H. Crone; judgment for plaintiff.

381. Able D. Bent, vs. Alonzo F. Tryon, continued.

394. Mark Phillips, vs. Hannah Phillips, dismissed.

412. J. C. Musgrove, vs. Laban L. Williams, judgment for plaintiff.

417. Farrar, Houghton, et al, vs. Martin Hammond, judgment for plaintiff.

421. Margaret Somers, vs. Patrick Somers, dismissed.

430. John A. Himebaugh, vs. Amos E. Mahaney, et al, continued.

444. Arthur Graham, vs. Ludolphus Holcomb, dismissed.

445. J. C. Musgrove, vs. James O. Vanorsdall, et al, judgment for plaintiff.

465. Diantha T. Thompson, vs. David Thompson, dismissed at plaintiff'scost.

475. M. Brettun, vs. Frank Akers, judgment for plaintiff.

477. John F. Graham, vs. Geo. Black, et al, judgment for plaintiff.

480. J. C. Musgrove, vs. Frank Manny, judgment for plaintiff.

482. S. C. Smith, vs. Ed. C. Fisk; judgment for plaintiff.

484. Able D. Bent, vs. S. B. Stone, judgment for plaintiff.

488. J. C. Fuller, vs. S. B. Stewart, et al, judgment for plaintiff.

490. Frances Black, vs. Edward Patton, continued.

492. Frances Black, vs. Jesse Stuller, judgment for plaintiff.

496. Amy G. Smith, vs. Chas M. Kellogg, et al, judgment for plaintiff.

497. S. C. Smith, vs. J. C. Weathers, judgment for plaintiff.

499. Hitchco*ck & Boyle, vs. William Greenlee, et al, judgment forplaintiff.

500. Francis Black vs. J. C. Weathers, et al., judgment for plaintiff.

503. John W. Micklam vs. Thos. H. Turner, judgment for plaintiff.

505. State of Kansas vs. E. P. Kinne, et al, judgment for plaintiff.

506. J. C. Fuller vs. A. H. Caywood, judgment for plaintiff.

507. Francis Black vs. Lucinda Bryant, et al, judgment for plaintiff.


Winfield Courier, March 25, 1875.


There will be a meeting of the stockholders of the Winfield CemeteryAssociation on Wednesday, March 31, 1875, at W. H. H. Maris' store. Allpersons owning a lot in the Winfield Cemetery are stockholders, and entitledto vote at the meeting. A full attendance is requested. The following isa list of the said stockholders.


John Lowrey, C. A. Bliss, Mrs. Clara Flint, Robert Hudson, W. L. Fortner,W. H. Dunn, Mallard, Dr. D. N. Egbert, J. H. Land, W. M. Boyer, A. Menor,S. J. Swanson, Mrs. Eliza Davis, M. L. Read. S. C. Smith, Kenton, Marshall,Henry Martin, W. H. H. Maris, Mrs. K. Maris, E. Maris, J. Newman, L. J.Webb, J. W. Smiley, George W. Brown, John Rhoads, H. H. Lacy, L. T. Michner,George Gray, N. H. Holmes, John Mentch, M. Steward, J. J. Barrett, J. W.Johnson, J. Evans, Cutting, W. G. Graham, S. W. Greer, Dr. W. Q. Mansfield,J. D. Cochran, C. C. Stephens, W. H. South, J. C. Weathers, Mrs. JosephFoos, G. S. Manser, Mrs. Southworth, A. A. Jackson, J. F. Graham, Mrs. H.McMasters, S. H. Myton, S. H. Darrah, M. L. Robinson, D. H. Rodocker, R.H. Tucker, James Kelly, W. Dibble, D. F. Best, Z. T. Swigart, R. Rogers.


Winfield Courier, March 25, 1875.

NEW SALEM, Cowley Co., Kan.

The school in district No. 39 closes on Saturday, March 27. Examinationwill commence on Friday, at 9 o'clock a.m, according to the following programme.


Devotional exercises, primary reading, history, recess, primary arithmetic,B class arithmetic, primary spelling, Singing, primary readings, Grammar,penmanship, A class Geography, Calisthenics and miscellaneous exercises,spelling, music, and adjournment for Friday.

Devotional exercises, reading, B class Geography, first lessons in Arithmetic,recess, A class Arithmetic, spelling, music, class drill in music on Saturday.

The remainder of Saturday afternoon will be occupied by the pupils withselect reading, declamations, music, essays, dialogues, and reading thepaper.

We extend a cordial invitation to all, especially the patrons of theschool.

IDA E. DAGGETT, Teacher.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 1, 1875.

C. M. Scott of the Arkansas City Traveler will attend the KansasEditorial Association at Manhattan, on the 7th inst., and will also jointhe excursion to Galveston. We wish C. M. a pleasant trip and hope he mayenjoy himself to his heart's content.


Winfield Courier, April 1, 1875.

An attempt was made the other night to rob the relief store.

Winfield Courier, April 1, 1875.

We understand that the Grangers of this county have so far failed toorganize a County Grange.

Winfield Courier, April 1, 1875.

Owing to an accident to Mr. A. H. Hane of this office, we are unableto give our readers full rations this week.

Winfield Courier, April 1, 1875.

C. C. Harris, Esq., one of the cleverest and best boys that ever leftold Georgia, has returned after a winter sojourn at his old home.

Winfield Courier, April 1, 1875.

Several people from Arkansas City were in town last Saturday. Among thenumber we noticed H. O. Meigs, S. P. Channell, Mr. Haywood, and E. P. Kinne,Esq.

Winfield Courier, April 1, 1875.

We understand that Mr. Geo. W. Ballou, of Grouse Creek, had a yoke ofoxen burned up in a prairie fire one day last week, and several more headbarely escaped.

Winfield Courier, April 1, 1875.

A Good Templars Lodge was organized here last Monday night, with 42 Chartermembers. We trust that this organization may prove a blessing to our townand the county at large.

Winfield Courier, April 1, 1875.

MARRIED. In another column will be found the marriage notice of Will.M. Allison to Miss Annie Braidwood. Did we have the time we might writeecstatically on the subject; but as we have not, the "happy pair"must be content with our best wishes for their future happiness and prosperity.


ALLISON - BRAIDWOOD. At the residence of Charles Black, Esq., Winfield,March 31st, 1875, by Rev. N. L. Rigby, Mr. W. M. Allison and Miss AnnieBraidwood.


Winfield Courier, April 1, 1875.

Winfield takes a Blaze.

Last Sunday night, about 12 o'clock, the Bradish House, one of the largesthotels in this city, was discovered to be on fire. The proprietor, Mrs.C. M. Bradish, made the discovery just as the fiend was getting well underway and immediately gave the alarm. Soon the deep tones of the Courthousebell conveyed the fearful tidings to the entire city. Men and women, standingnot on the order of their going, but with a garment stuck on here and there,rushed to the scene. Every effort was put forth to subdue the flames, butwithout avail, and the bystanders turned their attention to the protectionof the nearest buildings.

Fortunately the night was calm, with what little wind there was blowingfrom exactly the right quarter. It seemed, indeed, that this, our firstmisfortune, had been largely mixed with mercy. For it is conceded by allthat had the wind blown from any other quarter, or had it been as strongas usual, at least half of the city would have been now in ashes.

Several incidents connected with the fire we think worth relating. Mr.S. H. Myton, who roomed there, on hearing the alarm, hastily dressed himselfby sticking but one leg in his pantaloons, drew one suspender between hislegs and the other over his shoulder. Thus arrayed he mounted gallantlyon the roof, and, with water supplied him by Mr. B. F. Baldwin, succeededfor a time in keeping the fire at bay. But, alas, his victory was of shortduration. Just as he had received a fresh bucket of water, he missed hisfooting and tumbled head over heals to the ground. Curiously enough Mr.Myton sustained but little injury from his perilous fall.

Another: the next morning Mr. Isaac L. Comfort, who boarded there butslept in another part of the town, started as usual for his breakfast, entirelyignorant of the destruction of the house, and did not discover it untilhe had reached the ashes. His feelings can be better imagined than described.

Several of the boarders sustained more or less loss by the burning ofclothes, trunks, etc. Mrs. Bradish succeeded in saving considerable furniture.The house and furniture, we understand, is mostly covered by insurance.

Thus have we received our baptism of fire.


Winfield Courier, April 1, 1875.

And now, by the powers of Saint Patrick, Winfield is threatened witha scandal, the full particulars of which have been offered to us for publication.If all that is claimed for this pretty little affair be true, it knocksthe spots off the Beecher-"tiltin'" or Pendery-Hensley- Mrs. McNultyscandal. While we are willing to give the names of the parties, when theproper time comes, never so long as we control the COURIER will it publishthe disgusting details.

Winfield Courier, April 1, 1875.

Many of our readers will remember the old man with his one "hoss"wagon with the wheels of the vehicle made of log ends, who used to sellfurs and buffalo meat on our streets. It will also be remembered by somethat he was found on the plains, last winter a year ago, killed and scalpedby the Indians. Well, the old man is killed again! A gentleman writing tothe Wichita Eagle says he found his body fifteen miles west of BluffCity, in Harper County, with his wagon, bedding, cooking utensils, etc.We are afraid the old man is gone this time sure.


Winfield Courier, April 1, 1875.

Dogs vs. Sheep.

Mr. John Stalter, of Rock Township, is one of the most estimable citizensof this county, and is doing very much for the good of the county in theway of stock growing. He has about nine hundred sheep, of the Merino breed,and is earnestly striving to establish the fact that sheep may as well beraised and kept here as elsewhere. He should have the assistance of everyman in the county in this undertaking, especially his neighbors. We aresorry to learn that some of the latter have taken so much fancy in growingsheep-killing dogs as Mr. Stalter has in sheep raising. Mr. Stalter haslost several valuable sheep by the depredations of the dogs and, we areinformed, quite a number have been seriously injured. At this time of yearwhen the ewes are raising their young, it is essentially necessary thatthey should not be harassed by dogs. Some of Mr. Stalter's neighbors havelost a dog or two and are making an attack on Mr. Stalter therefor. We sayto them that if they want to raise dogs, it is their business, but it isalso their business to keep them at home and they should do so. We alsosay to Mr. Stalter that he is justified in shooting all dogs he finds chasingor otherwise interfering with his sheep, if it results in depopulating CowleyCounty of the canine race.


Winfield Courier, April 1, 1875.

A Horrible Accident.

W. K. Davis, Esq., a worthy citizen of our county, living some twelveor thirteen miles from this place, met with a shocking accident last Saturday.It seems that the prairie fire had been burning for some time in his neighborhood,but Mr. Davis, being well prepared with "fire-breaks," felt little,if any, uneasiness so far as his premises were concerned. But the wind blowingin the direction of his house blew a spark from the fire, which lodged inhis stable door, some seventy-five feet distant. The stable being constructedof hay and dry as a powder-flask, ignited in an instant, and was just gettingunder headway when discovered. Mr. Davis, seeing the stable doomed, ranto liberate a pair of mules which were at that moment in the stable, andsucceeded in cutting one of them loose. When he approached the other, however,it kicked him in the breast and head, knocking him down. The poor man, notwithstandinghis injuries, was still sensible enough to see his peril, crawled out throughthe scorching flames, which by this time had assumed fearful proportions.Mr. Davis reached the open air with his life only. His eyes, ears, nose,hands, and feet were burned to a crisp. And even should he recover, it willbe at the expense of the above members. The mule which he failed to liberateperished in the flames, together with harness, plows, and other farmingimplements, hay, etc., as well as a crib of seventy-five or one hundredbushels of corn. Mr. Davis is now lying in a very critical condition withbut little hope of his recovery.


Winfield Courier, April 1, 1875.


DIED. At her residence in West Virginia, March 12th, 1875, Miss AddieD. Young, of cancer, aged 46 years.

At a meeting of Center Grange, No. 157, Tisdale, Cowley County, Kansas,March 27th, the following preamble and resolutions were passed.

WHEREAS, Our Great and All-wise Creator has taken from among us our muchesteemed sister and called her to a higher life, be it therefore

Resolved, That in her death our Grange has lost a faithful andefficient member.

Resolved, That we feel to deeply sympathize with the relationsin this bereavement and commend them to the care of Him who doeth all thingswell, who also can sustain them in this great affliction.

Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be sent for publicationto the county papers.

Committee: Mrs. R. M. FOUGHTY, Mrs. E. C. HEDGES, Mrs. J. A.GAY.


Winfield Courier, April 1, 1875.

Cowley CountyM. G. Troup, Clerk.

HORSE. Taken up by Joseph Bertach, of Beaver Township, one horse, 15hands high, color between bay and roan, 6 years old, saddle marks, brandedU D on left shoulder, valued at $25.

ALSO: One horse 14 hands high, color bay, star in forehead, white nose,white hind feet, 8 or 9 years old, no brands, value $15.


Winfield Courier, April 1, 1875.

Is the most popular House in Winfield.
The best accommodation for Commercial Travelers.
Stages arrive and depart daily.
Just north of the Lagonda House, Winfield, Kansas.


Winfield Courier, April 1, 1875.

Publication Notice.

In the District Court of the 13th Judicial District, in and for CowleyCounty, State of Kansas.

Frank Gallotti, Plaintiff, vs. Orrin P. Houghton, Administrator of theestate of Lucien W. Emerson, late of Cowley County, Kansas, and the unknownheirs of said Lucien W. Emerson, Defendants.

Recap: Unknown heirs must answer on or before May 15, 1875, etc. Otherwise,property will be conveyed to plaintiff. Lots 10 and 20 in block 12, lot8 in block 34, lot 24 in block 64, lot 7 in block 31, and lots 17 and 18in block 155 in Arkansas City.

E. S. BEDILION, Clerk Dist. Court.

Pryor & Kager, Plaintiff's Attorneys.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 8, 1875. Front Page.

Information has been received by the Government that on the 26th ult.,a band of armed Mexicans robbed and burned the Post-office at Nueces, Texas,and also robbed and took prisoner a mail-carrier. The Mexicans came withinseven miles of Corpus Christi, robbed several stores and houses, and tooka large number of American prisoners, among them Judge Gilpin, formerlya member of the Legislature, and two women. They compelled the captivesto walk in front of them till they were exhausted, then mounted them onbare-back horses and hurried them off. It is further stated that these Mexicanbands are continually raiding through the country bordering on the Rio Grande,robbing, murdering, and driving stock across the river; that they have becomeso daring of late that nearly all travel on the highways has ceased, andeven stock men are deterred from hunting their cattle and horses, for fearof falling into the hands of these ruffians.

A Washington dispatch of the 28th says that instructions will immediatelybe issued, through the War Department, to the General commanding in Texas,to take such measures as may be possible to deal summarily with these Mexicanraiders. Those best conversant with affairs apprehend that a general borderwar will ensue, in which event the invasion of Mexico by our armed citizensin pursuit of robbers is not among the improbabilities.


Winfield Courier, April 8, 1875.

H. B. Lacy, Esq., has left the city and gone somewhere.

Winfield Courier, April 8, 1875.

Armstrong Menor and son have gone to the Black Hills.

Winfield Courier, April 8, 1875.

S. W. Phoenix, Esq., of Richland, is in attendance at court as a juror.

Winfield Courier, April 8, 1875.

The city election was rather a peaceful affair: only two knockdowns theentire day.

Winfield Courier, April 8, 1875.

Col. Manning is making some extensive improvements this spring, bothin town and on his farm near town.

Winfield Courier, April 8, 1875.

DIED. Mr. W. K. Davis, who was so terribly burned lately, an accountof which we published last week, died yesterday.

Winfield Courier, April 8, 1875.

From our exchanges we would gather that more people have burned up inprairie fires this spring than ever before.

Winfield Courier, April 8, 1875.

Col. J. C. McMullen hires the bad boys of Arkansas City to go to churchand Sunday school by giving them, each, a new suit of clothes.

Winfield Courier, April 8, 1875.

Mr. James Stewart, who has been wintering at his old Pennsylvania home,returned last week, ready for another hand with grasshoppers and chinchbugs.

Winfield Courier, April 8, 1875.

Max Shoeb has cut another door in his stone shop, and now he can comeout on the street when the gentle zephyr blows from the south, without havingto go round the hog pen.

Winfield Courier, April 8, 1875.

Mr. Clarkson, late superintendent of insurance, has been in town a fewdays as special agent of the company in which the Bradish House was insured,looking after the interests of the company.

Winfield Courier, April 8, 1875.

C. M. Scott, of the Traveler, struts around Arkansas City nowwith the scalp of a Cheyenne chief dangling to his belt. It was not takenby C. M., but was given to him by an Osage admirer, who has taken elevenin his time.

C. M. Scott passed through town Tuesday morning on his way to Manhattanto meet his brother quill drivers.

Winfield Courier, April 8, 1875.

I. W. Randall, whose marriage notice will be found elsewhere, boundedinto our office yesterday to tell us of his good fortune. We wished himlots of happiness and sich, and Irv. went away satisfied that he had thebest wife in the world.

Winfield Courier, April 8, 1875.


RANDALL - WARD. At the residence of the bride's father, near Winfield,on Sunday, April 4, 1875, by Rev. N. L. Rigby, Mr. Irvin W. Randall andMiss Virulia E. Ward.

Winfield Courier, April 8, 1875.

Prof. T. A. Wilkinson, who has been east soliciting aid, reached homelast Sunday evening. He succeeded in getting two carloads of provisions,which he sent to Winfield for general distribution. The Prof. looks as ifhe has at least been well cared for while away.

Winfield Courier, April 8, 1875.

From the Sacramento, California, papers we see that our friend, Ed. Johnson,is the patentee of a Quartz mill, which is spoken highly of by the goldminers. Mr. Johnson has associated with a gentleman by the name of Cowles,under the firm name of Cowles & Johnson. We hope Ed. will yet make afortune.

Winfield Courier, April 8, 1875.

Prof. Allan B. Lemmon, who has been for the past year principal of theIndependence, Montgomery County, schools, returned last week to his farmeast of town. Everybody is glad to meet Prof. Lemmon and we only hope hewill stay with us now and quit his fooling around being principal of schools.

Winfield Courier, April 8, 1875.

We neglected last week to notice the return of Mr. Frank Cox, ex-chairmanof the board of County Commissioners, from a winter's visit among friendsin Illinois. Those who have received aid have occasion to thank Mr. Coxfor a good deal that came from Fulton County, Illinois, to Cowley County.We are glad to see Frank back once more.

Winfield Courier, April 8, 1875.

At the city election held here last Monday, the following city officerswere elected.

Mayor: D. A. Millington.

Police Judge: W. M. Boyer.

Councilmen: Charles C. Black, James M. Dever, Jonathan Newman, N. H.Powers, and M. G. Troup.

The contest was very close, there being a tie for Mayor, which was decidedby lot for Millington.

Winfield Courier, April 8, 1875.

It has often been quite a mystery to us where all the old clothes wentto in this county, as we had no rag or paper mills to use them up. But themystery was solved the other day when Kingsbury cleaned out the public well,and now the query with us is where all the old clothes came from. Somebodymust have a particular spite at the well or else they like rag soap, forit seems to me now that all the rags, old hats, boots, and shoes that hadever been worn in the county were taken out of that well.

Winfield Courier, April 8, 1875.

Some score or so of the young folks of the city, in full mask, gatheredat the residence of Captain John Lowrey last Thursday night to have a goodtime. We are not sufficiently versed in this business to know who or whatthe masqueraders intended to represent. So perhaps the less said in thatdirection the better. However, there were noticeably three young ladiesobserved that we cannot pass without special mention. Their plump, wellrounded figures and elegant bearing were the envy alike of the other ladiesand the admiration of the men. So much so that a collision seemed imminentat any time between the young men as to which would secure their companyfor the evening. One, the tallest of the lovely trio, was dressedwellwitha dress, and so were the others. These three perambulated up and down theCaptain's elegant parlors, very queens of grace until the time to unmask.Off came the head gear, when, lo and behold, there stood O. F. Boyle, FrankGallotti, and Jimmy Simpson, and the three graces had fled forever, to theinfinite disgust of the admiring young men.


Winfield Courier, April 8, 1875.

Mr. Parmelee Retained.

"The ruling officers of the Presbyterian church have done themselveshonor and secured the approbation of the entire congregation by contractingfor the services of Rev. J. B. Parmelee as pastor for another year.

"When the announcement was made last Sunday morning there was almosta universal murmur of applause in the audience. The preacher, thus encouragedand supported, delivered one of the finest and best sermons we have heardin a long time. His theme was personal freedom, religious liberty, and evidentlymuch labor had been bestowed upon the preparation of the discourse. Theclosest attention was given to the speaker, who was unable to speak withhis accustomed force and animation, owing to the painful condition of histhroat. He was just recovering from a severe attack of quinsy.

"Mr. Parmelee is a classical scholar, a pungent thinker, a closestudent, a terse and smooth writer, a pleasant speaker, and a genial, companiablegentleman, whose knowledge of the world and the world's people, and liberalreligious education and belief give him a power of influence not possessedby those corseted preachers who are bound by the iron-clad creeds of a formerage. We congratulate the church and the community, on securing the continuedresidence of such a man."

The above, concerning the Rev. J. B. Parmelee, we take from the Peru,Indiana, Republican, which shows the estimation in which Mr. Parmeleeis held by his new charge.

The people of this community sustained a serious loss, one which willbe very hard to repair, and the good people of Peru are fortunate in securingthe services of so able a minister and so good a man.


Winfield Courier, April 8, 1875.

To Township Trustees.
WINFIELD, April 6, 1875.

I have at my office for distribution garden seeds donated by John Kern,seed man of St. Louis. Please call and get your township's quota. M. G.TROUP, County Clerk.


Winfield Courier, April 8, 1875.

Items From the Traveler.

In several reports we have seen Cowley County credited with thirty-fivecarloads of provisions. We have not received one-third of that amount.

Prof. Kellogg goes to Emporia this week.

DIED. Capt. Nipp's child, a boy two years old, died of pneumonia lastSaturday.

CITY OFFICERS. The following city officers were elected on Monday, April5th.

For Mayor: S. P. Channell.

Councilmen: H. Godehard, E. D. Bowen, J. H. Sherburne, Dr. Shephard,and I. H. Bonsall.

Police Judge: T. McIntire.

GOES TO CHURCH. Col. McMullen made a proposition to Henry Endicott, thatif he would attend church regularly once every Sabbath, he would give hima new suit of clothes. Henry accepted, and has a new suit, and attends church.We know of several others who would like to make a similar bargain.

STOLEN. A horse belonging to old Mr. Houser was taken from his stableseveral days ago.

DIED. On Tuesday morning, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Endicott, agednine months.

BIRTH. A. D. Keith and wife were made happy last Wednesday afternoonby the arrival of a young daughter.

BIDS FOR BREAKING. Agent Spray wants bids on 600 acres of breaking, tobe done this spring at the Kaw Agency.

The back numbers of the News with John Rankin's biography areall exhausted.

Emporia News.

So is the Subject.

SCALP. We are the recipient of a scalp lock of a Cheyenne Indian, takenand presented to us by an Osage brave, who has killed his eleven.


Winfield Courier, April 8, 1875.

List of Marriage Licenses issued during the month of March,1875.

Phillip Stout and Mary Parr.

Nathan E. Carter and Mary Akers.

James E. Lindley and Effie E. Wells.

David A. Byers and Hettie Boyd.

James H. Wagoner and Elizabeth Parsons.

John S. Loder and Malinda J. Bonaman.

Frederick Arnold and Mary Tibbets.

Irvin W. Randall and Virulia E. Ward.

W. M. Allison and Annie Braidwood.

O. W. Loucks and Mary Finch.


Winfield Courier, April 8, 1875.

MONEY TO LOAN on mortgage security at reduced rates, by C. C. Harris,at Winfield Bank.

Winfield Courier, April 8, 1875.

KNOBBY SUITS just received from Chicago, at Requa's Clothing House.

Winfield Courier, April 8, 1875.

OSAGE ORANGE seed at 30 cts. per pound or 10 pounds for $2.50, at Brotherton& Jackson's.


Winfield Courier, April 15, 1875.

Among those who departed for Manhattan day before yesterday was Capt.John H. Folks, who a few hours before "train time," was marriedto Miss Francis A. Norton, of this city, who, consequently, accompaniedhim on his trip as Mrs. John H. Folks. Honors have crowded thick upon Folks.At sunrise, on Wednesday, he was simply secretary of the senate; a few hourslater he was promoted to be a married man, and yesterday he was electedsecretary of the Kansas Editorial Association." Everybody who knowsthem, overflows with good wishes for Capt. Folks, Mrs. Folks, and theirfolks. Commonwealth.

Captain, we cannot do the subject justice, and can only wish yourselfand bride a happy and prosperous voyage through life. You deserve it.


Winfield Courier, April 15, 1875.

From the Indian Territory.

From the Leavenworth Times we clip the following startling dispatch.

A dispatch received in the city yesterday afternoon imparts the startlinginformation that the Cheyenne Indians at the Cheyenne Agency have succeededin whipping the cavalry posted there and, as a consequence, the men havebeen withdrawn from that part of the country, leaving it to the mercy ofthe savages. The troops made three charges, and were each time repulsedwith great slaughter. The number of killed among the savages is not reported.They were murdering and robbing at last accounts, with no one to check themin their bloody career. Advices from the different frontier forts statethat the troops stationed there are ready at any time to receive marchingorders, and at Fort Leavenworth active preparations are being made for theprotection of the settlers on the Southern Kansas frontier. More troubleis expected with the red devils, and life in their vicinity is not safe.Bayonets are the only things worth using in a controversy with them.


Winfield Courier, April 15, 1875.

The new City Council organized last Monday night.

Winfield Courier, April 15, 1875.

Col. Manning is in Topeka, attending the U. S. District court as a GrandJuror.

Winfield Courier, April 15, 1875.

BIRTH. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Black, April the 14th, 1875, an8 lb. daughtertheir first born child.

Winfield Courier, April 15, 1875.

The Rev. Mr. Buckner, presiding elder of this district, served with distinctionduring the war as colonel of the 79th Ohio Vol., In. Now we know that heis a good presiding Elder.

Winfield Courier, April 15, 1875.

By the new law the tax on tobacco has been increased four cents per pound,cigars one dollar a thousand, whiskey twenty cents per gallon. Down witha government which will thus persist in enhancing the cost of the necessariesof life.

Winfield Courier, April 15, 1875.

From the Atchison Champion we learn that Prof. H. B. Norton hasaccepted a position in the State Normal school of California and will leaveKansas some time in June next. We will be very sorry to lose Prof. Nortonfrom among the educators and good men of our state.

Winfield Courier, April 15, 1875.

Sheriff Walker has gone to Leavenworth with the darkey who was convictedof stealing, at the recent term of our district court. He was also accompaniedby Mr. C. P. Spalding, of Tisdale, who is wanted for something or otherby the U. S. court now in session at Topeka.

Winfield Courier, April 15, 1875.

Township Trustees have a very important duty to perform this spring.Besides listing property, they are required to take the census also, andwe believe the law to be, that unless the census part of the job is performed,they receive no pay for any of it. So, Gentlemen Trustees, you want to looka "leedle oud."

Winfield Courier, April 15, 1875.

There is at least one man in Kansas who does not intend to leave it.That man is Mr. Joseph Requa. Mr. Requa, last week, bought and paid a handsomesum for a piece of timber, where he intends to make one of the finest corralsin the country. This week he bought a quarter section adjoining the other,for which he paid the snug sum of $1,209. Would that we had more men whowould invest their surplus in real estate instead of loaning it at cut-throat interest.

Winfield Courier, April 15, 1875.

In the case of the State of Kansas vs. Sridler, for forgery, the juryfailed to agree on a verdict. County Attorney Pyburn entered a nolleprosequi and the defendant went free. In the conduct of the suit forthe defense, L. J. Webb, Esq., added new laurels to his already good reputationas a lawyer. His argument on the close was perhaps one of the best evermade to a jury in Cowley County, eliciting the highest encomiums from everyonepresent, and Sridler may thank his stars that L. J. Webb was his attorney.

Winfield Courier, April 15, 1875.

DIED. Mrs. Mary Baldwin, an estimable lady and an old resident, diedat Yankee Point on Thursday, of consumption. Danville (Illinois) Commercial.

The above named is the mother of our own highly esteemed townsman, B.F. Baldwin, of the firm of Maris & Baldwin, druggists. It is a sad thingto lose friends, but doubly so, to mourn the loss of a kind and loving mother.Mr. Baldwin has the sincere sympathy of his many friends, in this, his sadbereavement.

Winfield Courier, April 15, 1875.

Mrs. Callahan brought suit against Thomas Callahan for divorce, on theground of habitual drunkenness and extreme cruelty. During the progressof the trial, one witness, being asked the question as to whether he hadseen the defendant drunk, said, "Well now, I don't know what you calldrunk," and turning to the court continued, "I would like to havethe Judge tell me what drunkenness is. Will your honor just explain to mehow a man feels when he's drunk?" Judge Campbell had to join in thegeneral roar that followed.

Winfield Courier, April 15, 1875.


There will be a Teachers' examination held at Winfield, on Friday andSaturday, April 30th and May 1st, 1875. This will be the only examinationgiven until fall. All teachers wishing to teach in Cowley County the comingsummer will bear this in mind and be present.

By order of the examining board.

T. A. WILKINSON, County Superintendent.

Winfield Courier, April 15, 1875.

Card of Thanks.

The young folks who met at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Blisson Friday evening last unite in tendering their sincere thanks to the hostand hostess for the cordial and hospitable manner in which they were received.After they had all arrived a series of games and plays were introduced whichmade the time pass pleasantly, and amid laughter and social converse, thehappy evening glided into eternity, leaving nought but pleasant remembrancesof the happy occasion on the minds of the assembled guests.

Winfield Courier, April 15, 1875.

We have for sometime taken quite an interest in the welfare of our friend,A. Walton, of Arkansas City; and when last summer, he abandoned the realestate business and crossed the river to engage in the manly art of tillingthe soil, we confess that we had some misgivings as to the result. But whenwe learned that he had actually broken three quarters of an acre of soilin two and a half weeks, it gave us some confidence in our friend's abilityto wrestle with the problem of agriculture. But again, when he abandonedthe farm and resumed the practice of the law, and was actually admittedto the bar, then did flee all the hope we had. Will he abandon his pet theories?Will he leave the farmers to grope in the dark without his teachings andexample to guide them? But no; Amos don't intend, although he has abandonedthe farm and gone to practice law, that the farmer shall do without hisprofound knowledge of agriculture, or rather broommolassesculture.

In last week's Traveler, Amos wrote an article in which he saysthat the raising of broome is profitable, and that "molasses is anotherplant as easily raised." That is "something for farmers to thinkabout," says Amos. We should think so, for broome and molasses arecertainly good things to have in a family, and if they are as easily raisedas he says they are, it is certainly worth thinking about. We hope Amoswill continue to give us his views on this interesting subject.


Winfield Courier, April 15, 1875.

TISDALE, April 12th, 1875.

Tisdale has been making a general move this spring.

The Napier house standing west of town has been moved to the east partof town.

Rev. Koons has moved his dwelling a half mile north of town. The Well'shouse, and the old stage stable, now used as a wagon shop, have changedtheir location.

The old printing office, which caused so much trouble in the town companyfor some time, and also a lawsuit between Allison, of the Telegram,and C. P. Spalding, was put on trucks to be moved out of town, but trueto its litigating principle, refused to move. As the teams made a move tostart, the building began to crack and fell to pieces on the ground.

G. W. Foughty moved into town this spring, but the place was not largeenough to hold him. The boys got up a subscription of a large amount tobuild him a law office, which was not to occupy more than a square, buteven that could not entice him to remain.


Winfield Courier, April 15, 1875.

SILVER CREEK, March 28th, 1875.

DEAR COURIER: Perhaps you would like to hear from this part of God'sfootstool once more. Well, in the first place there has been a terribleshaking of dry bones among the inhabitants of the southwest corner of thistownship. Elder Thomas has been among them, and many of them have been convincedof the error of their ways, and have been led like lambs to the foldfromthe gray haired brethren down to the tottering infant, a goodly number havebeen led to the brink of Wilson's spring, and there plunged beneath itswaves to wash their sins away. But now we are stuck. We wish old friendSolomon was here to help us out. You know he said he had been young, butwas now old, yet he had never seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed beggingbread. Now Solomon, how is this? Even our deacon and all of the others ofElder Thomas' flock not only beg their bread but their beans and clothing.Every Saturday they wend their steps to the residence of A. P. Brooksreliefheadquarterswith pipes in their mouths which would be a load for the jawsof a hyena, while the good old man of the house mildly reminds them thatthe fumes of tobacco are offensivewhile at the same time his wife chews.

Verily old things have passed away and all things have become new. M.A. M.


Winfield Courier, April 15, 1875.


FINCH - LOUCKS. At the residence of the bride's father, one half mileeast of Winfield, on the evening of the 7th of April, 1875, by the Rev.J. McQuiston, Mr. O. W. Loucks to Miss Mary Finch. All of Cowley County,Kansas.


Winfield Courier, April 15, 1875.

[Published April 15th, 1875.]
Ordinance No. 50.

An Ordinance prescribing the time of holding the regular meetings ofthe City Council.

Be it Ordained by the Mayor and Councilmen of the City of Winfield.

SEC. 1. All regular meetings of the City Council, of the city of Winfield,shall hereafter be held on the first and third Mondays of each month, commencingat 7 o'clock, p.m.

SEC. 2. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and afterits publication in the Winfield COURIER.

Approved April 12, A. D., 1875. D. A. MILLINGTON, Mayor.

Attest: J. W. CURNS, City Clerk.


Winfield Courier, April 15, 1875.

City Council Proceedings.

The City Council met at the office of Curns & Manser, April 12th,1875, at 7-1/2 o'clock, in pursuance of a call. Present: D. A. Millington,Mayor; Jonathan Newman, James M. Dever, M. G. Troup, Chas. C. Black, Councilmen;J. W. Curns, City Clerk.

The call was read as follows:

STATE OF KANSAS, County of Cowley, City of Winfield,

To D. A. Millington, Mayor of the City of Winfield, greeting:

The undersigned members of the Council of said city would respectfullyrequest that you call a special meeting of the Council of said city to beheld on Monday, the 12th day of April, 1875, at 7-1/2 o'clock, p.m., atthe office of Curns & Manser, in said city, for the object and purposeof prescribing, by Ordinance, the times for holding the regular meetingsof the Council of said city.



In pursuance of the above request, I hereby call a meeting of the Councilof the said city of Winfield, to be held at the time and place, and forthe object and purpose in said request specified.

Mayor of the City of Winfield.

Ordinance No. 50, fixing the times of holding the regular meetings ofthe Council was read, and on motion adopted by section as read.

The vote on the final passage of said Ordinance resulted as follows:YeasChas. G. Black, Jonathan Newman, James M. Dever, M. G. Trouptotal 4.Naysnone.

On motion Council adjourned. J. W. CURNS, City Clerk.


Winfield Courier, April 22, 1875.

Sixteen Soldiers WoundedTwo Fatally.
Five Indians Killed.

News up from Cheyenne Agency last Thursday brought reliable intelligenceof the escape of the Cheyenne prisoners, three hundred in number, arrestedand held as hostages for the murder of a part of the German family, andthe torture and outrages perpetrated upon the German girls, reserved fora worse fate than the tomahawk.

Our information comes from an eye witness of the affair and does notdiffer from Gen. Neil's report, except in the number of Indians killed,which Gen. Neil puts at three instead of five, probably owing to a mistakeon the part of the operator, who mistook a figure five for a figure three.

The outbreak occurred at 2 o'clock p.m., Tuesday, April 6th, and uponthe very afternoon the thirty Indian prisoners in irons, en route from Sillto Wichita, were due at the agency. The previous day the Indian prisonershad all been searched for arms and nothing was found except a few old guns.These were taken by the guard, it being a precautionary measure againsttrouble during the next day's ironing process. The object failed, as thevery next afternoon, upon the outbreak, nearly every Indian had side armsand plenty of ammunition.

The first Indian it was attempted to put irons upon demonstrated thisfact, and brought into requisition upon the soldiers, a mere handful, opposingthree hundred blood-thirsty savages, overwhelming in numbers, well armedfor the attack.

A young Cheyenne warrior, noted for his dash and mischief-creating proclivities,was selected out from the rest, the irons got ready, and while the partydetailed for this work were approaching to perform their duty, the youngIndian broke and ran from the stockade, and was immediately fired upon andkilled by the guard.

This was the signal for a general fight. The savages massed upon thefew soldiers, but were held in check until company M, sixth cavalry, wasbrought upon the scene when the Indians fell back and ran to the Sand hills,about a quarter of a mile away. Here the soldiers came upon them and foundto their astonishment that rifle pits had been made, and that every Indiantook from the sand a gun of the best pattern, and all the ammunition theyneeded for a protracted fight.

The Indians held the rifle pits, wounding sixteen soldiers, four mortally,while five Indians were killed and left on the field. How many were woundedcannot be told as they carried the wounded with them.

The fight lasted from 2 o'clock till 10 o'clock p.m. During the nightthe entire body of Indians, barring the dead ones, escaped under cover ofthe Sand hills, and the next morning a company of cavalry was sent in pursuit,since which time neither have been heard of, except by unfounded rumor fromLarned, that nearly three hundred Cheyennes had passed that post late Thursdaynight, going north.

There is still something strange in the fact that the thirty prisonersdue from Fort Sill, in charge of two companies of cavalry and one of infantry,have not yet arrived at Cheyenne, for this point, thence to Leavenworth,though due last Friday. That the rise was preconcerted and the arms concealedby others of the tribe, there is no room for doubt. That it was the intent,after self-liberation, to rescue the Indian prisoners due that afternoon,as a part of the general plan, is alike apparent.

What action will be taken by the government remains to be seen. Thatthe Indians have been petted until they are spoiled is a fact patent toevery white man on the frontier. Many whites have, under the present misleadingpolicy, been made to pay for their confidence in government and Indian promiseswith the forfeit of their lives. Hundreds of innocent women and childrenhave been brutally murdered without mercy, because of too much mercy. WichitaEagle.

Skipped County Commissioners' Proceedings in April 22, 1875, issue.Very long! Very hard to read. Total amount of bills claimed: $4,051.64.Total amount of bills allowed: $3,349.03. Also skipped numerous road noticesin this issue.


Winfield Courier, April 22, 1875.

Materialized Spirit Caught.

For about a year past there have been spiritual meetings held by MajorF. Strout, formerly from Gridley, Illinois, at the houses of Esq. Butterfieldand a Mr. Adams, living on Grouse Creek, near Silver Dale, and claimed tohave very strange and mysterious demonstrations in the way of "MaterializedSpirits," appearing in life-like form, and conversing with friendson earth. A number of persons in that vicinity have frequently been invited.Fifteen attended their meetings and conversed and joined hands with thematerialized forms of their departed friends, and for those who could believeall they saw, it was a grand entertainment, and made lasting impressionson their minds by being honored by the returning spirits of departed friends.

But there were some in the neighborhood who were slow to believe allthey saw; consequently, it was talked up by a few to put it to the testtoprove it to be a fraud or true.

So on the night of the 14th inst., there were quite a number invitedto attend a meeting at Esq. Butterfield's, among whom were Messrs. Lippmann,Blendin and brother, Allison and lady, Harlow, Hilton, Dornall, and myself,and several others besides their own circle. We went prepared with lampand plenty of matches, and with an understanding that when the signal wasgiven that we make a rush.

When the medium, Mr. Strout, was put under control of the spirits, therewas considerable discussion as to the propriety of so large an audience,as it was feared they would not be able to produce satisfactory result;but at length all were admitted, and seated by Esq. Butterfield, who gavea brief lecture as to how we should conform to certain rules and laws duringthe exercise, in order that satisfactory results might be produced.

Then it was voted that I should witness the tying of the medium in anadjoining room, with a curtain hung over the door. After he was securelytied in his seat by Mr. Butterfield, the curtain dropped, and the musiccommenced. In about three minutes something com- menced poking at the curtainand calling through a French harp to lower the lights, which was in themain room in rear of the audience, and also doubly curtained. At first thespirits seemed very shy, but as one and another scene seemed to producethe desired effect, and was undisturbed, they became more bold, and showedsome wonderful scenes, provided the same were Heavenly spirits and the mediumstill bound in his seat.

But that was the question we wished to solve. So at about the usual time,the controlling spirit called for a quick step by the musicians, and therewould be an Indian spirit in material form come forward and dance the wardance, which was done to the satisfaction of the audience, he coming forthdancing and waving his war club, letting the curtain drop behind him, andcoming out in the main room among the audience.

At this moment the signal was given and there was a grand charge forthe spirit, which did not vanish into the ethereal regions, but fought manfullywith his club and pulled hair. There was hurrying to and fro, upsettingseats, lighting matches and lamps, women screaming, and cries of don't killthe medium, etc. When the room was sufficiently lighted, I saw some of theboys kindly caressing the stranger from the happy hunting ground, but itturned out to be the materialized form of Major F. Strout, instead of theIndian dancer. On the opposite side of the room, I saw another person loppingagainst the wall. It was Butterfield and it seemed as though some fellowwas feeling his coat collar.

If there were any spirits or angels hovering around there that nightto behold the exposure of the fraud, I am quite sure they turned away indisgust when they heard the benediction pronounced on the head of Stroutby those who had grasped his clammy hand instead of (as they supposed) afather, mother, sister, or brother, who had long before departed. In thecloset overhead was found left open a board in the ceiling, that slippedin its place very readily, and there is where he kept his spiritual trimmings.J. G. TITUS.

April 20th, 1875.


Winfield Courier, April 22, 1875.

Emigrants arrive daily.

Winfield Courier, April 22, 1875.

Croquet fever is raging now.

Winfield Courier, April 22, 1875.

Spelling matches are very popular.

Winfield Courier, April 22, 1875.

Judge Saffold is now alone in the law business. He can be found at hisold stand.

Winfield Courier, April 22, 1875.

Johnny Reed is painting the numbers on the boxes in the post office andis doing a good job.

Winfield Courier, April 22, 1875.

Several parties in this city, confident that they will "strike itrich," will start for the Black Hills shortly.

Winfield Courier, April 22, 1875.

W. P. Hackney left for San Francisco yesterday, in search of a new location.His family will remain here until fall.

Winfield Courier, April 22, 1875.

We suggest to the new council that the funds and labor of residents ofthis city be applied on the streets instead of outside of the district.

Winfield Courier, April 22, 1875.

The soldiers at Cheyenne Agency, Indian Territory, had a little "misunderstanding"with the Cheyenne prisoners confined at that post, on the 6th inst.

Winfield Courier, April 22, 1875.

We are out of an editor this week, owing to the fact that he is fixingup the post office. He has 263 new boxes; 27 are lock boxes.

Rice and Swain made the boxes and did the work in the post office. Theyare good workmen, as is shown by the appearance of things downstairs.

Winfield Courier, April 22, 1875.

The prospects are that the "noble red men" will make it "redhot" for frontier settlers this season. Several depredations have alreadybeen committed.

Winfield Courier, April 22, 1875.

Councilmen Newman and Powers are confined to their beds with sickness.We learn that Mr. Powers is improving, but that Mr. Newman is quite low.We hope to see both about soon.

Winfield Courier, April 22, 1875.

Our new city dads mean business. They have provided by ordinance a timefor holding their regular meetings, and by another they prescribe the dutiesof the various officers of the city, and the Police Judge, Clerk, Marshal,and Treasurer will have to give bonds. `Tis well.

Winfield Courier, April 22, 1875.

It will be seen by the council proceedings that our worthy banker, J.C. Fuller, is now a resident of this city, owing, probably to the fact thatthe council did not have a stranger whom they could "take in,"and being anxious to take somebody, took Fuller. They might have done worse.

Winfield Courier, April 22, 1875.

Just as we go press we learn that the decision of Judge Campbell, inthe town site case, has been affirmed by the Supreme Court. As the caseswere passed upon nearly two years ago, and the matter probably has beenforgotten by all outside of this city, we will say for their informationthat the decision is in favor of the town company.

Winfield Courier, April 22, 1875.

The Union Sunday School will meet hereafter at 9-1/2 o'clock a.m., atthe Baptist church. Friends of the school will please note the change oftime, and be present at the opening of the school, which will be promptlyat the second ringing of the bell. All who feel an interest in the prosperityof the school are requested to be present next Sunday morning.

By order of the teachers.

Winfield Courier, April 22, 1875.

The following is a list of the officers elected at the meeting of theDistrict Grange, on Saturday the 17th inst.

Bro. Williams. W. M.; Bro. White, Overseer; Bro. Vanorsdal, Steward;Bro. Parker, Asst. Steward; Bro. Sparks, Chaplain; Bro. Graham, Treasurer;Bro. Walton, Secretary; Bro. Menich, Gate Keeper; Sister Hundy, Ceres; SisterGay, Pomona; Sister Waite, Flora; Sister White, Lady Asst. Steward; Bro.T. A. Wilkinson, Business Agent.


Winfield Courier, April 22, 1875.

Bar Meeting.

At a meeting of the Cowley County Bar held at the office of J. E. Allen,in the city of Winfield, April 26th, 1875, Judge R. B. Saffold was calledto the chair and J. E. Allen appointed Secretary. The following were appointeda committee on resolutions: L. J. Webb, A. J. Pyburn, Amos Walton, and W.M. Boyer, who reported the following resolutions, which were unanimouslyadopted.

WHEREAS, The Hon. W. P. Hackney is about to remove from our midst, thereforebe it Resolved, That we, the members of the bar of Cowley County,do most sincerely regret the loss we sustain in his removal.

Resolved, That in Mr. Hackney we recognize a true lawyer, andone who graces the profession to which he belongs.

Resolved, That we recommend him as one in whom the people whereverhe may locate may repose implicit confidence, not only as a lawyer, butas a citizen and neighbor.

Resolved, That the Secretary furnish a copy of these resolutionsto Mr. Hackney, and a copy to each of the county papers for publication.R. B. SAFFOLD, Chairman.

J. B. ALLEN, Secretary.


Winfield Courier, April 22, 1875.

Council Proceedings.
April 19th, 1875.

The Council met at Curns & Manser's office at the usual hour. Present:D. A. Millington, Mayor; M. G. Troup, C. C. Black, James M. Dever, Councilmen.

The minutes of the called meeting of April 12th were read and approved.M. G. Troup was placed in nomination and duly elected as president of theCouncil for the ensuing year.

It was moved and carried that the Mayor be empowered to appoint a financecommittee for the ensuing year. M. G. Troup, C. C. Black, and James M. Deverwere appointed as said finance committee.

It was moved and seconded that the council agree to pay four dollarsper month for the use of the upper room of the building situate on lot 6,in block 102, from this date until April 1st, 1876, to be used as a councilroom. Motion carried.

The following bills were presented and referred to the finance committeeand reported favorably thereon and allowed.

Bill of J. M. Reed, clerk of election: $2.00

Bill of John Austin, removing dead dogs: $.50

An ordinance to provide for the appointment of a Clerk, Treasurer, Marshal,and City Attorney for the city of Winfield, and defining the duties andpay of the same, and providing for bonds of city officers was presentedand read. On motion said ordinance was referred to a committee of the whole.

J. C. Fuller filed his consent and petition as the occupying residentowner of out lots No. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14, in said city, and ofthe territory adjacent thereto on the east, and outside of the city, tohave added from said adjacent territory to the city so much land as willmake said out lots 150 feet wide east and west, and make the eastern limitof said city 150 feet east of the east line of Andrews street, in said city.

An ordinance in relation to extending the city limits on the east waspresented and read. On motion said ordinance was duly adopted by sections.The vote on the final passage of said ordinance was as follows:

YeasM. G. Troup, C. C. Black, James M. Dever. Naysnone.

On motion the ordinance in relation to liquor license and the subjectof general license was referred to a committee of the whole.

On motion adjourned to meet Monday, April 26th, 1875, at 7-1/2 o'clockp.m.

J. W. CURNS, City Clerk.


Winfield Courier, April 22, 1875.

[Published April 22d, 1875.]
Ordinance No. 51.

In relation to extending the city limits on the east.

Be it Ordained by the Mayor and Councilmen of the City of Winfield.

SECTION 1. That so much of the territory in the east 1/2 of the northeast1/4 of section 23, in township 32, south of range 4 east, adjacent to theeastern limit of this city, and out lots No. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14,as will make said out lots 150 feet wide east and west, be added to thiscity, and to the said out lots, and that the eastern limit shall be a lineparallel to, and 150 feet east of the east line of Andrews street, in thiscity.

SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect, and be in force, from andafter its publica- tion once in the Winfield COURIER.

Approved April 19th, 1875. D. A. MILLINGTON, Mayor.

J. W. CURNS, City Clerk.


Winfield Courier, April 22, 1875.

Township Assessors.
WINFIELD, KAN., April 21, 1875.

The township assessors met pursuant to previous notice, to agree upona basis of valuation of property. The house being called to order, W. A.Freeman was chosen Chairman and W. M. Berkey, Secretary.

The following reported their names.

W. A. Freeman, Beaver Township.

John Layton, Bolton Township.

W. H. Gilliard, Omnia Township.

R. S. Strother, Harvey Township.

A. P. Brooks, Silver Creek Township.

Geo. Melville, Pleasant Valley Township.

J. M. Harcourt, Rock Creek Township.

J. W. Miller, Richland Township.

D. V. Killion, Maple Township.

Leonard Stout, Nenescah Township.

J. R. Smith, Sheridan Township.

Philip Hedges, Tisdale Township.

E. D. Skinner, Vernon Township.

H. C. McDermott, Dexter Township.

H. C. Silvers, Winfield Township.

W. M. Berkey, Creswell Township.

Moved that land be valued at $1.25, $2, $2,50, $3, $4, $5, $6, $8, and$10.00 per acre. Motion carried.

Moved that the trustees of Winfield and Creswell townships be allowedto use their discretion in valuing lands within two miles of Winfield andArkansas City. Carried.

Moved that horses be valued at $10, $20, $30, $40, $50, and $75 each.Carried.

Moved that stallions be valued at one hundred dollars and upwards. Carried.

Moved that work cattle be valued at $30 to $60 per yoke. Carried.

Moved that one year old neat cattle be valued at three to five dollars.Two year olds five to eight dollars. Three years old eight to fifteen dollars.Cows ten to twenty-five dollars. Beef cattle twenty to thirty-five dollars.Carried.

Moved to deduct twenty percent for Texas stock. Carried.

Moved that mules be valued at $15, $25, $35, $45, $60, $70, and $100.each. Carried.

Moved that jacks be valued at $100.00 and upwards. Carried.

Moved that sheep be valued at one, two, and three dollars. Carried.

Moved that hogs be valued at fifty cents to ten dollars. Carried.

Moved that farming implements be left to the discretion of the assessor.Carried.

Moved that wagons be valued at from five to sixty dollars. Carried.

Moved that pleasure carriages be valued at from ten to one hundred andfifty dollars. Carried.

Moved that gold watches be valued at from twenty-five to one hundredand fifty dollars. Carried.

Moved that silver watches be valued at from three to forty dollars. Carried.

Moved that the balance be left to the discretion of the assessors. Carried.

Moved that the Secretary furnish a copy of these proceedings to the papersfor publication. Carried.

Moved that we adjourn. Carried. W. M. BERKEY, Secretary.


Winfield Courier, April 29, 1875. Front Page.

The Mexican Minister at Washington, having charged that Americans, mostlyex- Confederate soldiers, disguised as Mexicans and Indians, were the actorsin many of the forays upon the border, a committee was appointed at Brownsville,Texas, to ascertain the facts in the case. The committee comprised amongits members the Collector of the Port, the Deputy Collector, and the Postmaster.They reported, after a full investigation, that the charge is absolutelyfalse; that no American has ever been caught among the many captured, noris there known to be a single one in the frontier States of Mexico, andthey challenge any proof or name of a single individual subject to the charges.


Winfield Courier, April 29, 1875. Front Page.

[Black Hills]

A dispatch from Fort Laramie, 16th, says that Captain Meyer's company,who were sent after the mining party, at Harney's Peak, has secured thewhole of them, consisting of fifteen men, one woman, and a boy. They wereexpected to arrive at Fort Laramie on the 18th. There have been heavy snowsin the Black Hills, and high waters everywhere.

Winfield Courier, April 29, 1875.

[Cheyenne Indians]

It is reported that 800 Cheyenne warriors crossed the track of the Atchison,Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad on the night of the 15th, fifteen miles eastof Lakin. They were going north, passing through the state of Kansas. Acompany of troops was sent from Fort Dodge in pursuit, and the Indian trailwas followed about twenty miles, when it became evident that the Indianshad separated and scattered over the prairies. They are undoubtedly on thewar- path, and bloody work may be expected any day.


Winfield Courier, April 29, 1875.


Commissioner Smith, of the Indian Bureau, has issued a circular to IndianAgents, calling their attention to the fact that Congress last session incorporateda clause in the act making appropriation for the Indian service for thepresent fiscal year, which requires "all able-bodied male Indians betweenthe ages of eighteen and forty-five, to perform service upon the reservationfor the benefit of themselves or of the tribe, at a reasonable rate, tobe fixed by the agent in charge, and to an amount equal in value to thesupplies to be delivered." The Commissioner directs the Indian Agentsto offer the Indians every possible encourage ment to give up their nomadichabits and live like white men.


Winfield Courier, April 29, 1875.


T. P. Arnold was sentenced to the penitentiary recently from Cowley County,for the crime of fraud. Something new for Kansas, certainly. EmporiaNews.

No such person was sent to the penitentiary from this county.

Winfield Courier, April 29, 1875.

Titus and Darrah, of Winfield, who went down the Arkansas River to FortGibson in a flat boat in February last, report the route practicable, andintend to ship grain that way this fall. Give us a rest. [Newspaper sourcenot given.]

Skipped Cowley County Treasurer's General Statement [April 1, 1875];also School Fund and School Bond Fund Report in April 29, 1875, issue.


Winfield Courier, April 29, 1875.

Grass ten inches high.

Winfield Courier, April 29, 1875.

Peach trees are in bloom.

Winfield Courier, April 29, 1875.

Arkansas City had a spelling match last week.

Winfield Courier, April 29, 1875.

Small boys amuse themselves by sailing miniature boats in the duck pondin front of this office.

Winfield Courier, April 29, 1875.

Several lazy-good-for-nothing-ill-looking-thieving Kaw Indians, accompaniedby their smiling squaws, were in this city yesterday. They are out on abegging tour.

Winfield Courier, April 29, 1875.

We had the pleasure of tasting a piece of wedding cake, which was sentto Mr. John Swain by a sister, all the way from merry England. It tastedfresh and nice after its long voyage across the briny deep.

Winfield Courier, April 29, 1875.

We learn from John Murphy, one of Oxford's leading businessmen, thatMr. Hewitt, of Red Oak, Iowa, has let the contract for building a $15,000flouring mill on the Arkansas River near that point. The building is tobe 30 x 40 feet, three stories high, and will have four run of burrs. Mr.D. N. Cook, County Surveyor, has the contract and will commence work immediately.

Winfield Courier, April 29, 1875.

Mr. Haskins, brother-in-law of Mr. C. A. Bliss, is here paying his friendsa visit. He has with him the model of a farm gate, which is one of the handiestthings imaginable. It is so arranged that the driver of a team or a personon horseback can open or shut it with ease, without getting out of the wagonor down off the horse. The gate is on exhibition at the store of C. A. Bliss& Co., and will repay any man a visit.

Winfield Courier, April 29, 1875.

The enterprising firm of C. A. Bliss & Co., in order to keep pacewith the time, and also be in readiness to grind the new wheat cropthe prospectfor which is simply im mensehave been making extensive improvements in theirfine stone flouring mills. They have added, among other things, a new bolt,and now turn off some of the best flour possible to be manufactured.

Their mills are situated on one of the best water powers in the State;with apparatus second to none, with experienced and accommodating millers,and the flouring mills of C. A. Bliss & Co., richly deserve the patronageof the public.


Winfield Courier, April 29, 1875.

City Council Proceedings.

The Council met at Council room, April 26th, 1875. A quorum being present,and there being no fire in said room, on motion adjourned to meet immediatelyat the office of Curns & Manser.

The Council met at the office of Curns & Manser in pursuance of adjournment.

Present: D. A. Millington, Mayor; J. M. Dever, M. G. Troup, C. C. Black,N. M. Powers, Councilmen; J. W. Curns, Clerk.

The minutes of last meeting were read and approved.

It was moved and carried that the City Clerk be authorized to procurea warrant record for this city.

Joseph Likowski and Rheinhart Ehret made application by petition fora dram shop license. Said petitions were read and on motion were referredto a special committee of three, appointed by the Mayor, to report on saidpetition to this Council at an adjourned meeting to be held on Friday eveningnext. J. M. Dever, M. G. Troup, and N. M. Powers were appointed on saidcommittee.

W. M. Allison presented a bill of $4.60 for printing; Z. T. Swigart presenteda bill of $40.00 for marshal; John Austin presented a bill of $1.50 forremoving dead dogs; all of which were referred to the finance committee.

It was moved and seconded that the Council go into the committee of thewhole to consider the Ordinances in relation to license. A motion was madeto amend by inserting the words "with the Mayor in the chair,"which carried. The question recurring on the original motion with the amendmentwas carried.

After duly considering the subject of licenses, the committee preparedan Ordinance in relation to the sale of intoxicating liquors, and one inrelation to the appointment, duties, and pay of city officers, which wererecommended for passage by the committee.

On motion the committee arose from a committee of the whole, and theCouncil proceeded to pass on an Ordinance in relation to the sale of intoxicatingliquors. On motion said Ordinance was read and duly passed by sections.The vote on the final passage resulted as follows: YeasJ. M. Dever, M. G.Troup, N. M. Powers, C. C. Black. Naysnone.

On motion adjourned to meet Friday evening next. J. W. CURNS, City Clerk.


Winfield Courier, April 29, 1875.

WINFIELD KAN., April 21st, 1875.

To friends and brethren who have contributed aid to the destituteof Cowley County, Kansas, who reside in Indiana, at points I shall mentionbelow:

I have delayed writing to you until all should arrive that was solicitedand shipped by me, and according to my directions.

The car load of grain, flour, etc., contributed to this county, in thevicinity of Brookfield, and London, mostly by relations, friends, and personalacquaintances of mine, was sent to another county, where some of Wm. Mason'sfriends reside, without the knowledge or consent of the donorsdone in myabsence by Mr. Mason, who was acting as chairman of our neighborhood committee,and who agreed to ship the car when loaded to our county committee, accordingto directions given by me. Consequently, our county received nothing fromthose points except $5.00 given by Frank Shaffer, who refused to give grainunless I would return with it.

The car load raised in the vicinity of Mount Pisga, and shipped fromShelbyville, came after a long time with freight charges for most of theroute. The $41.60 in cash was received by our committee in due time.

The $184.00 raised by the sale of the Sumner car load of grain was dulyreceived by the committee, and also the $18.00 subscribed. The boxes ofclothing, fruit, etc., arrived about the first of this month.

The car sent from Acton, contributed by the citizens of the Fry neighborhoodand New Bethel, principally, came in most a week ago.

Western railroads have been charging freight on relief supply for severalweeks.

The above acknowledgment I hope you will accept as a receipt for thesupplies so generously bestowed upon the destitute of our county. It affordsme pleasure to say to you, that our County Relief Committee have faithfully,and honorably, discharged their duty, and I believe, given general satisfaction.

I tender my hearty thanks to many friends for their kindness to me, andfor their assistance. Among whom I will name Rev. John Reace, the McCabesand others, of Mt. Pisga; Jesse Leonard and family, N. Neasuer, and manyother good Quakers, of Sumner; Wm. McGregor, Mr. Moore, Jas. Carroll, andseven others that space will not permit me to mention, who reside in thevicinity of Acton and Bethel.

I reached home March 26th, and was delighted to see farmers so hopefullyand industriously sowing spring grain, and preparing the fields for plantingcorn. Many at this date have finished planting. Cattle have been livingon the range for a month nearly, and are now beginning to thrive nicely.The prospect for wheat is fair, though we need a little rain just now. Weare having some immigration this spring, and property is gradually advancingin value. Hoping that we may never again be so unfortunate as to requirehelp from abroad, and thanking you in behalf of the people, I remain yourstruly, T. J. JOHNSON.


Winfield Courier, April 29, 1875.

Winfield Institute.

The public is informed that an entertainment of unusual interest, forthe benefit of the above Institute, will take place at the Courthouse onFriday evening, May 7th. The most notable feature of the exercises willconsist of a Big Spelling Matcha mighty wrestle with Webster and Worcester,by volunteers of both sexes. This projected raid on the "unabridged"will be governed by rules similar to those adopted at all spelling matchesnow so popular throughout the country.

At a meeting of the directors of the Institute, held on Wednesday eveninglast, Prof. W. C. Robinson and Prof. A. B. Lemmon were appointed captains,Mr. J. B. Fairbank, pronouncer, Mr. E. S. Bedillion and Mr. B. F. Baldwin,referees.

In this war of words, Worcester's comprehensive speller will be used.It is hoped that everyone friendly to the movement, regardless of age orsex, whether living in the city or out of it, will take a lively interestin this contemplated frolic with the vowels and consonants, and promptlyenter the list in this intellectual and friendly contest. The exercisesof the evening will be interspersed with vocal and instrumental music.

Tickets 15 cents, admitting two 25 cents, 10 for one dollar.

W. Q. MANSFIELD, Secretary.



Winfield Courier, April 29, 1875.


The partnership heretofore existing between E. Davis and C. Fergusonhas this day been dissolved by mutual consent. E. DAVIS, C. FERGUSON. April28th, 1875.


Winfield Courier, April 29, 1875. Back Page.

Notes From Along the Border.
The Pawnees and Their New Reservation.
The Sioux and the Black Hills.
The Cheyenne Revolt.
[From the St. Louis Democrat, 21st.]

The Hon. Francis F. Smith, Chairman of the Executive Committee of theIndian Commission, and B. B. Roberts, also a member of the Commission, arrivedin St. Louis yesterday from Omaha, on their way East. These gentlemen havebeen on a tour for observa tion and negotiation in the Pawnee country, whichis located in Nebraska, on the Platte River.

Their visit had for its main object the removal of the tribe to a newreservation located in Indian Territory, between the Cimarron and ArkansasRivers, and belonging formerly to the Cherokees. The old reservation containsnearly 300,000 acres, which, by an act of Congress passed in June, 1872,is to be sold in sections.

Last fall a large share of the tribe left for their new reservation ona buffalo hunt, and to join a party that had started the year previous.After a successful winter they met Agent Burges, and agreed upon a sitefor their reservation, in March last. Something over 400, consisting mainlyof the aged, infirm, and the children in school, remain at the reservationin Nebraska, and will be subsisted there until the latter portion of thepresent season, when, it is hoped, quarters will be prepared for their occupationin their new location.

The entire failure of Congress to make preparation for the expense ofthe removal causes great embarrassment to the authorities.


Commissioner Smith, in a recent conversation regarding the Black Hillsand the probability of the extinguishment of the Indian title, said to arepresentative of the Omaha Herald:

Three delegations of Sioux are starting to Washington about this time,one of the Ogallallas, in charge of Agent Saville, of the Red Cloud Agency,another from the Brule Sioux, under charge of Agent Howard, of Spotted TailAgency, and the third delegation is made up of chiefs from the NorthernIndiansthe Winneconjons, Sans Arcs and Unepapas, in charge of Agent Bingham,of the Grand River Agency.

They are going to Washington for the purpose of consultation, mainlyupon the Black Hills question. Congress, however, made provisions for twonew agencies to be established, into one of which the Northern Sioux areto be gathered, and the location of these agencies is another object ofthis visit.

After they have returned to their own country, it is expected a commissionwill be sent out from Washington, which will complete the negotiations inrespect to the extinguishment of their title to the Black Hills, and alsoselect a point in the reservation for the new agencies.

Regarding the making of a treaty, I do not think the chiefs will go onwith sufficient authority to do that. Obtaining their consent to give upthe Black Hills will be so difficult to accomplish that it will probablyrequire considerable machinery to bring it about.

I think the object of their going to Washington is to secure in advancethe cooperation of a considerable number of their prominent men when theyconduct the negotiations with their tribes.

The Black Hills have been regarded as a kind of "sacred soil"and a common ground by all the Northern Indians. They have threatened hostilityto any white man who should visit there at all. They have made it theircommon rendezvous whenever they contemplated any incursion or emergency.One of their strongest feelings is against any white man going to the BlackHills, and, of course, to induce them to give up that objection and to relinquishtheir own right to go there will require a great deal of persuasion. Theirlove for the Hills is simply because it is in the center of their reservation,the various bands of the Sioux being located on three different sides. Theyvalue it also on account of its comparative inaccessibility.

Mr. Smith is of the opinion that, while there may be rich gold depositsin the hills; the reports thereof have been greatly exaggerated. As a huntingground for the Indians, it is worthless, the game being almost exhausted,and as there is a strong desire on the part of the Government to open thecountry to the whites, it is probable matters will be settled with all possibleexpediency.


An officer who was present at the Indian revolt, which occurred at theCheyenne and Arapaho Agency on the 6th inst., an account of which has alreadybeen given from military sources, says that from the beginning of the fight,the Indians fought with great desperation, and time after time, when thesoldiers, under Captain Rafferty, charged up the sand hills, were drivenback. Bear Shield, the chief who first started the fight, was instantlykilled, four bullets entering his head. Stone Calf did all in his powerto prevent the young men going into the fight, but his counsels were notheeded.

It is thought impossible for the Cheyennes to escape the military, asnearly the whole of the Tenth Cavalry are in pursuit. On the 15th instantfour soldiers from Fort Wallace were corralled on Bear Creek, about twentymiles south of the fort, by thirty-five Indians. They kept them at bay forsome time, and finally escaped, reaching Granada on Saturday. Word was atonce sent to Fort Lyon, and troops were sent out to capture the red devils.This last outrage occurred nearly in the same place where the German massacretook place last September.


A dispatch from Kansas City says that news from the frontier is veryexciting as to the Indian outrages. Four soldiers were surrounded near Granada,Kansas, last week by a band of Indians, and the fight lasted for severalhours. A number of savages were killed before they were repulsed. GeneralPope is active in preparation for the approaching troubles.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 6, 1875. Front Page.


JUDGE SHANNON, of the United States District Court of Dakota, has recentlyrendered a decision, that under the Territorial laws, an Indian cannot beconvicted of murdering one of his kind. The question arose in a recent prosecutionof two Santees for the murder of a Ponca Indian. The murderers were acquittedunder the decision, and were at liberty to depart, but fearing that prowlingPoncaswho were not satisfied with the decision might kill them, they wereremanded to jail for protection. Much excitement prevails among the aboriginesin Southern Dakota, and a battle between them in the streets of Yanktonis considered imminent.

Winfield Courier, May 6, 1875.


According to the New Orleans correspondent of the Chicago Inter-Ocean,the excursionists who have just returned to that city from Mexico do notgive a very encouraging report of the state of affairs in our sister republic.They state that the Mexican Government is not making the slightest effortto prevent raids across the Rio Grande. Although the attention of the Mexicanauthorities has been officially called to this matter, it is treated withthe utmost indifference, and no notice will be taken of it until the UnitedStates Government sends troops across the Rio Grande to punish the invaders.Then the Mexicans will commence hostilities. This is the settled opinionof Americans residing in the City of Mexico, and they state also that thecountry there even now is getting too warm for them; that they will haveto leave upon the first indications of hostilities.

It is stated that at a recent session of the Cabinet, the disturbed conditionof affairs upon the Mexican border was the subject of a long consultation.The official reports as to the raiding parties were formally presented andconsidered. They consisted of the report received by the Postmaster-Generalfrom the Postmasters who have been molested, and of the reports of armyofficers. These documents substantiated most of the dispatches from theMexican border. The Postmaster-General showed that several of his officershave been killed.

The Secretary of State manifested some restiveness at these raids. Itis understood that the Mexican Government has disclaimed all responsibilityfor these incursions. It is evident that if these raids are to continue,the border mail service, will, of necessity, be discontinued. No formalconclusion was reached, but it was generally understood that a note of protestwould soon be prepared to be presented to the Mexican Government as a preliminaryto the preparation of a formal note. Mr. Jewell is arranging for the Presidentall the correspondence of the Post-office Department on this subject.


Winfield Courier, May 6, 1875.

The party of miners who were brought out of the Black Hills by the militarypassed through Omaha on their way east, and hundreds more are on their way.

Winfield Courier, May 6, 1875.

We learn that the authorities of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa FeRailroad have made a tour of their road, and find that all reports of grasshoppersalong the line are without founda tion. They have had a meeting East, atwhich they have agreed to take passengers who are seeking homes, at oneand one-half cent per mile, instead of five cents as heretofore, a reductionwhich is sure to gain many passengers and a great number of settlers alongthis line of road.


Winfield Courier, May 6, 1875.

Last week the Supreme Court of our state rendered the following decision:The act of the legislature of 1875 entitled "An act authorizing townshipsto issue bonds for relief purposes," in that it provides for the issueof bonds and the levy of taxes for other than public purposes, is unconstitutionaland void.

Winfield Courier, May 6, 1875.

The Interior Department will shortly send out an advertisem*nt invitingproposals to purchase the so-called "Cherokee Strip," comprising300,000 acres of Indian lands of Kansas, adjoining the Indian Territory.These lands will, under the act of Congress, be sold in tracts not exceeding160 acres to any one persons, and at not less than $1.50 per acre for landswest of the Arkansas River, or $2 per acre for the portion east of thatriver.


Winfield Courier, May 6, 1875.

Joe Jim, Chief of the Kaws, in town today.

Winfield Courier, May 6, 1875.

The Indian camp was visited by many last Sunday.

Winfield Courier, May 6, 1875.

Col. Manning has returned from serving the people as a U. S. Grand Jurorat Topeka.

Winfield Courier, May 6, 1875.

Land speculators claim that land has increased in value 20 percent sincethe late rains.

Winfield Courier, May 6, 1875.

Mr. Combs of this place has put out 7,000 young cottonwoods on his farmin Sumner County.

Winfield Courier, May 6, 1875.

Most of the boys have purchased bows and arrows from the Kaws who havebeen visiting our city.

Winfield Courier, May 6, 1875.

The Kaw Indians, who have been visiting our city for several days, leftfor their reservation on Monday afternoon last.

Winfield Courier, May 6, 1875.

DIED. Sarah Ann, wife of Fredrick Brown, of Beaver Township, on the 28thof April, 1875, aged 44 years, of typhoid fever.

Winfield Courier, May 6, 1875.

S. H. Myton has returned from Kansas City, and now sells all kinds ofmachinery and farming implements cheaper than ever.

Winfield Courier, May 6, 1875.

T. A. Wilkinson has now on hand for free distribution something overone hundred bushels of corn for seed for the Granges of the county.

Winfield Courier, May 6, 1875.

George Miller has fitted up his butcher shop at the old stand in a veryhandsome style, and it is now the most popular steak dispensing shop inthe city.

Winfield Courier, May 6, 1875.

The winter wheat through central and northern Kansas is about one halffroze out. Cowley will certainly have to furnish that barren country withflour next winter.

Winfield Courier, May 6, 1875.

Hon. Thos. R. Bryan, of Dexter, made us a friendly call last Saturday.He informs us that Meigs & Kinne, of Arkansas City, are about to erecta steam flouring mill at Dexter.

Winfield Courier, May 6, 1875.

M. S. Roseberry, of the board of County Commissioners, was in town lastMonday looking after the distribution of the Government rations for whichhe has been appointed agent.

Winfield Courier, May 6, 1875.

Maj. Chas. Reynolds, U. S. Post Chaplain, at Ft. Riley, is in town distributingthe proportion of government rations assigned to Cowley County. It consistsof 19,000 pounds of meat, meal, beans, coffee, and sugar. It is given outon lists of needy furnished by the county commissioners.

Winfield Courier, May 6, 1875.

Andrew co*ck, and old and valued citizen of this county, came here someyears ago and improved a farm. Under the stringent laws of congress in relationto the Osage Lands and harsh rulings of the Interior Department, Mr. co*ckhad to mortgage his claim to raise the money with which to enter the same.Unfortunately for him, he fell into the hands of the genus money shark.And now, at the end of two years, the mortgage of $200 reaches the sum of$442, and the old man loses his home. Yesterday morning he departed forCalifornia to end his days. Let us hope, without again falling into thehands of robbers.


Winfield Courier, May 6, 1875.

A Bad Sell.

Through the kindness of Curns & Manser, we are permitted to copyan extract from a private letter received by them from Ex-Mayor S. C. Smith,who is now at Los Angeles, California. Mr. Smith is a close observer ofmen and things, cautious and reliable, and his statements should and willreceive considerable weight. Here is what he says about the over- much laudedCalifornia.

"Everything is red hot here. Hundreds of emigrants arriving, someblessing the country and climate, and others cursing the newspapers forbringing them here where there is nothing to do. It is a worse place thanKansas for one without money, and whether a better place for one with it,I am not sure yet. Respectfully Yours, S. C. SMITH."


Winfield Courier, May 6, 1875.


The death of Mrs. Sarah Ann Brown, of which notice is made in anotherplace, is a severe blow to a loving husband and interesting family. Mrs.Brown was the daughter of Jesse Summers, one of the first settlers of BatesCounty, Missouri, where she was born and subsequently married to Mr. FredBrown in the year 1847. About fifteen years ago, Mrs. Brown connected herselfwith the Christian church and lived happily and died resignedly in thatfaith.

Her Christian hope had robbed death of its terrors and she entered thecold stream in a realizing sense of what was before her, with her eyes fixedupon the other shore. She was the mother of six children, the youngest beingonly three years of age. She left a large circle of friends in the neighborhoodwhere the family resides and has resided since the first settle ment ofour county. Having experienced patiently all the privations and hardshipsof the new settlement of our county, she was about to realize a better homeand circ*mstances than here on earth. All the attention of skilled physiciansand loving friends could not save her. In this bereavement Mr. Brown andfamily have the sympathies of many friends.


Winfield Courier, May 6, 1875.

At the examination of teachers last week, eighteen applicants were present.Certificates were granted as follows.


Mrs. L. A. Parsons.

Miss Carrie Morris.

Mr. J. C. Armstrong.


Mrs. L. M. Theaker.

Miss Emma Burden.

Miss Ella Davis.

Miss K. Fitzgerald.


Mrs. L. M. Page.

Miss C. E. Taplin.

Miss S. E. Ketchum.

Mr. Z. McKnight.

Mrs. M. F. Hawkins.

Miss A. Harden.

Mr. A. K. Stevenson.

Mr. Z. Foster.

Mr. C. C. Holland.


Winfield Courier, May 6, 1875.

Notice to the Patrons of Husbandry.

The meeting which was to have been held at the Eagle Hall, Wichita, onSaturday, the 8th day of May next, has been postponed until Saturday, the22nd of May. Will the newspapers in the counties of Cowley, Butler, Sedgwick,Sumner, Harvey, and Reno please copy this notice. A. T. STEWART.


Winfield Courier, May 6, 1875.

BETHEL GRANGE, No. 715, P. of H., May 1st, 1875.

MR. KELLY: The within resolutions were passed at a regular meeting ofthe above Grange and a request that you print the same in your paper.

WHEREAS, Brother T. A. Blanchard has been a good and faithful memberand an efficient officer of Bethel Grange, No. 715, P. of H., and whereasbusiness calls him to another field of labor, therefore be it

Resolved, That we, the members of Bethel Grange, deeply regretto part with Brother Blanchard, and that we hereby tender him our sincerethanks, and that our best wishes and good will be with him hoping his lotmay fall in pleasant places.

Resolved, That a copy of the above be furnished the Winfield COURIERfor publication.


Winfield Courier, May 6, 1875.

City Council Proceedings.

The Council met at council room, May 1st, in pursuance of adjournment.Present: D. A. Millington, Mayor; N. M. Powers, M. G. Troup, C. C. Black,Councilmen; J. W. Curns, City Clerk.

The minutes of the last meeting read and approved.

The bill of John Austin of $1.50 for removing dead, bill of Z. T. Swigartof $40.00, services as Marshal for the month ending April 24th, 1875, billof W. M. Allison of $4.60 for publishing election proclamation, were reportedfavorably on by the finance committee and duly allowed and ordered paid.

The special committee to whom was referred the petitions of Joseph Likowskiand Reinhart Ehret for draft shop license, reported that after examiningsaid petitions that they were of the opinion that the petitions containeda majority of the bonafide residents of lawful age. On motion report ofthe committee was received.

Moved and seconded that a license be granted to both petitions. Motioncarried.

On motion adjourned. J. W. CURNS, City Clerk.


Council met May 3rd. Present: D. A. Millington, Mayor; N. M. Powers,M. G. Troup, C. C. Black, and J. M. Dever, Councilmen. Minutes of last meetingread and approved.

An ordinance to provide for the appointment of a clerk, treasurer, marshal,and city attorney, and defining the duties and pay of the same, was readand duly passed. The vote on the final passage was as follows: Yeas, Dever,Black, Powers, Troup. Nays, none.

The mayor with the consent of the council appointed J. C. Fuller, treasurer,and J. E. Allen, city attorney, in and for the city of Winfield.

An ordinance in relation to riding or driving upon sidewalks, was readand duly passed. Vote on final passage as follows: YeasDever, Troup, Black,Powers. Naysnone.

On motion adjourned. J. W. CURNS, City Clerk.

[ORDINANCE NUMBER 53 - MAY 6, 1875.]

Winfield Courier, May 6, 1875.

[Published May 6th, 1875.]
Ordinance Number 53.

An ordinance to provide for the appointment of a clerk, treasurer, marshal,and city attorney for the city of Winfield, and defining the duties andpay of the same, and providing for bonds of city officers.

Be it Ordained by the Mayor and Councilmen of the City of Winfield.

SECTION 1. The mayor with the consent of the council shall appoint thefollowing city officers, to-wit: A clerk, a treasurer, a marshal, and acity attorney, whose terms of office shall each respectively be one year,but shall expire on the first day of May next ensuing after he shall enterupon the duties of his office.

SECTION 2. Before any person appointed as provided in the preceding section,shall enter upon the duties of his office, he shall take and subscribe anoath to be filed with the clerk to the effect that he will support the constitutionsof the United States and the state of Kansas, and perform the duties ofhis office (naming it) to the best of his ability.

SECTION 3. Before the entering upon the duties of his office the followingnamed officers shall each file with the clerk, a bond to the city of Winfield,with security approved by the council, to the effect that he will faithfullyperform the duties of his office (naming it) and will deliver to his successorin office all moneys, books, papers, and other property pertaining to hisoffice, in amount as follows, to-wit: The treasurer shall give bond in thesum of $2,000. The marshal shall give bond in the sum of $800. The policejudge shall give bond in the sum of $500.

SECTION 4. It shall be the duty of the treasurer to collect and receiveall moneys due or belonging to the city, and give duplicate receipts foreach sum paid to him, describing on what account, purpose, and object suchsum was paid, to pay out the moneys of the city in his hands on the ordersof the mayor, attested by the clerk, to keep an account of such receiptand payments in a book provided for that purpose, to make to the mayor andcouncil a statement of said account in writing on the first day of eachmonth, and to perform any other duties usually pertaining to such office,without pay by either fee, salary, or percentage; provided that no receiptfor money given by the treasurer as provided in this section shall be ofany validity as against the city, unless the clerk shall certify thereonthat he has filed in his office a duplicate thereof. Provided further thatafter the clerk shall have furnished him a list of outstanding orders, thetreasurer shall not pay any such order, unless he have sufficient fundsof the city to pay all orders outstanding of earlier date and number, whichshall have been presented for payment.

SECTION 5. It shall be the duty of the clerk to receive and file in hisoffice the duplicates of receipts of the treasurer, contemplated in thepreceding section, and certify that he has done so on the original to beheld by the payer, and to charge the treasurer therewith in a book to beprovided for the purpose. To attest and keep an account and record of allorders drawn on the treasurer, and to furnish the treasurer with abstractsof the same, to file and keep in his office all oaths, bonds, and otherinstruments of writing belonging to the city, to attend all the meetingsof the council and keep a record of the proceedings thereof, in books providedfor that purpose; to keep a record of the ordinances of the city, in a bookprovided for that purpose; to furnish copies of papers, ordinances, andproceedings, in his office, when required by the Mayor, Council, or PoliceJudge; and to perform any other duties which usually pertain to such office.

SECTION 6. The pay of the clerk shall be a salary of $100.00 per year,payable monthly, which shall be in lieu of all fees chargeable to the city.When required to furnish copies by others than the city and its officers,he may collect and receive a fee of such persons of 25 cents for first folio,or fraction thereof, and 15 cents for each additional folio.

SECTION 7. It shall be the duty of the marshal to serve all processesissued by the police judge, to attend the police court at its sittings,to arrest persons found disturbing the peace, or violating any of the cityordinances, bring them before the police judge, and make complaint againstthem, to keep a vigilant watch to prevent violations of the city ordinances,and guard the interests of the city, to collect fines, costs, and taxes,when required by the Mayor, Council, or police judge, and pay the same overto the city treasurer without delay, to perform the duties of fire warder,of pound keeper, of street commissioner, and of road overseer, and to performany duties which usually pertain to the office of city marshal and policeman.

SECTION 8. The pay of the marshal shall be a salary of $25.00 per month,which shall be in lieu of all fees, costs, and other claims, for serviceschargeable to the city, and shall be entitled to the following fees to becharged as cost.

For arresting each person, bringing him before the police judge, andmaking complaint: $1.00.

For attending police court in contested trial, each day: $1.00

For each commitment: $.25

For bringing prisoner again into court: $.25

For serving each subpoena, first person: $.25

Each additional person: $.25

For impounding first animal: $.75

For impounding each additional animal, in same lot, owned by same person:$.25

SECTION 9. It shall be the duty of the City Attorney to attend and conducttrials in the police and other courts, held within the city, on behalf ofthe city, when it is a party inter- ested, to draw complaints, ordinances,contracts, and other instruments of writing for the city, when required,and to give legal advice to the council and officers of the city when required.

SECTION 10. The pay of the attorney shall be a salary of $50.00 per year,which shall be in lieu of all fees, costs, and other claims for serviceschargeable to the city. He shall also be entitled to a fee of $3.00 foreach conviction before the police judge, to be charged as cost and collectedof the defendant, and in cases of conviction of any person in the districtcourt, the attorney shall be entitled to a fee of not less than $10.00,nor more than $25.00, at the discretion of the court, to be taxed as costsagainst the defendant.

SECTION 11. All ordinances, and parts of ordinances, in conflict herewith,or in any way inconsistent with this ordinance, are hereby repealed.

SECTION 12. This ordinance shall take effect, and be in force, from andafter its publication once in the Winfield COURIER.

Approved May 3d, 1875. D. A. MILLINGTON, Mayor.

J. W. CURNS, City Clerk.

[Note: The following issues of Courier not microfilmedMay6, May 13, May 20.]


Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 27, 1875. Front Page.

The Black Hills.

The fever to go to the Black Hills in search of gold is abroad. The Indians,according to all precedent and regardless of treaties, will have to lookup some other hunting grounds. The white man wants the gold, and the wholearmy won't keep him out of the land that promises to "pan out."We call it the march of civilization. When we desire to violate a treaty,we secure possession of territory occupied by Indians, select some remoteterritory, sign new treaties, sacredly giving our pledges never to intrudeupon their new hunting grounds, which in the future will again be violatedin the interests of what we call civilization. It is not this phase of thequestion, however, that we started to say a word upon, but to utter a cautionto the many restless spirits among the young men on the farms.

With the glittering stories of these new gold fields where fortunes areto be easily made, and their labors having shown such meager results thepast two years, it is only natural that a feeling of dissatisfaction mayarise, and a hope be entertained that possibly the money would come easierin the New Eldorado. But there is another side to this which we only wishnow to foreshadow. In the first place, the story of the great gold depositsof the Black Hills rests upon the most indefinite heresay and lacks practicalproof. Far removed from supplies, with the government troops harassing allwho may endeavor to prospect for gold, it seems to men of common sense thatstarting on such a venture is an evidence of lunacy. Beyond this there aresuspicions that there is a future railroad enterprise at the bottom of theexcitement, that this is the preliminary step to asking for a grant of landto build a branch road.

We say to the young men on the farm, don't let a bubble excite you. Thereare thousands of old experienced miners in the territory west of Kansaswho will develop the gold of the Black Hills if there is any there. It willpay to stick to the honest labor of a farmer, rather than become a wanderingadventurer, vainly hoping to find riches easier than by useful labor.

Kansas Farmer.


Winfield Courier, May 27, 1875.


The greatest disadvantage that people of Cowley labor under is the highrate of interest on money. No money is loaned for less than twenty-fivepercent per annum. Thirty percent per annum is the average interest. Fiftyand sixty percent is no uncommon interest.

Since July 1st, 1871, the citizens of Cowley County have paid in interestalone nearly or quite $500,000. This is an awful drain upon us. It is aparalysis upon our enterprise. It makes the poor poorer without hope, andthe rich richer without labor. If the money that has been absorbed in usuriousinterest during the past four years could be distributed through the countyin improvements, it would make a marked difference in the appearance ofthe country and condition of our farmers.

In most cases this interest is collected by non-residents and is noteven expended in building homes or substantial improvements here. It alsoescapes taxation. One device or another is resorted to to keep the principaloff the tax rolls of the county.

We cannot censure men for taking all the interest they can get. A manis allowed to charge what he pleases for the use of a team, a reaper, athresher, a saw mill, a grist mill, an axe, or a jack plane. What we deploreis the necessity that compels, or the folly that persuades men to borrowat such ruinous rates. No business, no circ*mstances will justify it. Itmust stop in some way.

There are several legitimate remedies. One is economy in expenditures;another is a repeal of the usury law; another is a prompt payment of maturedobligations; another and more effectual method would be the establishmentof a fiscal agency that should have credit and character abroad throughwhich eastern capital could be loaned without commission.

These are matters which the Grange of Cowley County could appropriateand successfully address itself to the consideration of. There is no reasonwhy the accruing liabilities in the county should not be renewed at abouttwelve percent per annum. Who will put this matter in shape?


Winfield Courier, May 27, 1875.


Mrs. Lincoln, the widow of our late president, is insane. She was removedfrom Chicago to a private asylum at Batavia last week. The day previousto the one on which she was removed to Batavia, she made three unsuccessfulattempts at suicide. She visited three different drug stores and calledfor laudanum; and as soon as she reached the sidewalk, swallowed the potion.But the druggists had been put on their guard by a person who had been watchingher and only gave her a harmless fluid resembling laudanum in appearance.


Winfield Courier, May 27, 1875.


A courier arrived at Sioux City, Iowa, on the 21st inst., bringing informationthat Gordon's train, consisting of 47 four-mule teams and 170 men, wellarmed, were captured on the 13th inst., by a detachment of 37 soldiers fromFort Randall, D. T., and are now en route to that post in charge of thetroops. No resistance was offered to the troops. The point where the partywas captured was in Nebraska, some 350 miles west of that place and 40 milessouth of the Indian reservation. The party had given up the idea of goingto the Black Hills and concluded to move on to the Big Horn country tillthe Hills were opened.


Winfield Courier, May 27, 1875.

SILVER CREEK, MAY 24th, 1875.

ED. COURIER: We see in your paper a correspondence from this part ofthe county, which bears evidence of falsehood from stem to stern. Mr. Millard,well does he remember the old adage, "that self praise is half scandal;"consequently, he looks out for someone to pile glory on himself and that"sixteen year old team" of his; first, he received a double sharefor himself, secondly, his team, thirdly, his neighbors that live in thedirection of Grouse Creek; and lo! where does he find that humiliating soul?Is it his neighbor? No. Is it some correspondent seeking truths that arereliable and interesting to your readers? No. No, it is that darling wifeof his, that leaps upon the wings of a grasshopper; soars high in eloquence,and, while she remains in the zenith of her glory, she pens some nice thingsfor her dear darling hubby; but as she grows weary in "much speaking,"she gradually descends in an eastward direction, tapering off her luminoustower by merely mentioning the names of a few farmers that come directlyunder her notice.

Now, Mr. COURIER, as facts will stand the test of fire and shame thedevil, we will communicate the truth without partiality, if there be anysuch thing as truth.

Mr. Z. W. Hoge has labored under as many embarrassments as Mr. Millard,and doubled him in acreage of corn, and thribbled him in wheat.

Also, Ed. Collans, with no team of any kind, has worked for his neighborsand paid for the plowing of twenty acres for corn. Each of the above namedfarmers have a promising prospect for a full crop.

We will say in behalf of the farmers of Silver Creek, as they deserveit, that we have no idle birds singing their drowsy souls to sleep, butevery farmer is up and moving things with a determined will to excel ina bounteous crop this fall. God, give all of them a bountiful and earlyharvest. M. J. BROOKS.


Winfield Courier, May 27, 1875.

Where is Lacy?

Winfield Courier, May 27, 1875.

Green peas for fifteen cents a quart.

Winfield Courier, May 27, 1875.

New potatoes have made their appearance in this market.

Winfield Courier, May 27, 1875.

Gus Bullene is building a nice little stone barn near his residence.

Winfield Courier, May 27, 1875.

The season for ice cream, soda water, and iced lemonades has arrived.

Winfield Courier, May 27, 1875.

Winfield is not to be backward in the way of an extensive cheese factory.

Winfield Courier, May 27, 1875.

No grasshoppers so far as we can learn doing any damage in Cowley County.

Winfield Courier, May 27, 1875.

The Walnut River raised one foot above its usual stage last Saturdaynight.

Winfield Courier, May 27, 1875.

Only five cents per glass for the best Soda Water in town at Green'sdrug store.

Winfield Courier, May 27, 1875.

The Presbyterians of Winfield contemplate erecting a house of worshipthis summer.

Winfield Courier, May 27, 1875.

Who is the distinguished Spaniard, Don Pedro, that writes from Winfieldto the Traveler?

Winfield Courier, May 27, 1875.

That newly painted Rockaway carriage of the Morris Bro.'s is the finestturn out in the county.

Winfield Courier, May 27, 1875.

Sixty families are on their way to locate in Cowley and Sumner counties.

Sumner County Press.

Winfield Courier, May 27, 1875.

There are to be 25 head of cows and young stock sold in Winfield on Saturday,June 5th, 1875, at auction, on credit.

Winfield Courier, May 27, 1875.

The boarders at the Valley House feasted upon the first new potatoesof the season yesterday. "Snap" beans will be the next thing onthe bill of fare.

Winfield Courier, May 27, 1875.

Fuller measures his Alfalfa every day. During the past eight days ithas averaged growing an inch in height and spread in proportion daily.

Winfield Courier, May 27, 1875.

Mr. Holmes, of Rock Township, has eighty acres of blue grass. John J.Ingalls is coming down to visit Cowley this summer and we propose takinghim on to that blue grass for a roll.

Winfield Courier, May 27, 1875.

L. J. Webb, Burt Covert, A. D. Speed, and Will Doty started last Mondayfor Kansas City to attend a trial of Speed's in regard to some Texas cattle.They went in a spring wagon across the country, emigrant style.

Winfield Courier, May 27, 1875.

Jackson & Hill have just received a bran splinter new Soda Fountain,from which gushes forth the best Soda Water you ever had the pleasure ofdrinking. Boys, don't be afraid, your girls will never refuse to take aglass with you.

Winfield Courier, May 27, 1875.

Maj. John M. Crowell, special agent of the Post Office Department, andone of the ablest and most energetic officers of the Government, is in town.He expresses himself highly pleased with the appearance of things in ournew Post Office.

Winfield Courier, May 27, 1875.

SNAKE BIT. The little daughter of Mr. Frank Cox, of Richland Township,an interesting child about six years old, was bitten by a rattlesnake lastMonday. The child will likely recover, but in all probability will loseher arm. The parents have our sincere sympathy in their misfortune.

Winfield Courier, May 27, 1875.

Mrs. Gibson and Kennedy, of the Ladies Bazar, would desire to call theattention of the Ladies to their large and well selected stock of New Goodsjust received, including hats of all kinds, flowers, ribbons, ties, gloves,hosiery, corsets, fans, parasols, shoulder and hat scarfs, twills, and HamburgEdges. Laces of all varieties sold at lowest possible prices. Dress makinga specialty, also bridal outfits. Please call and examine.

Winfield Courier, May 27, 1875.

Mr. Wm. Vorhis, living south of town a few miles, found the skeletonof an enormous beast on his farm a short time ago. One of the teeth is ina very good state of preservation and is now on exhibition at the Post Office.We will match it against any tooth in the United States. So just bring onyour teeth.

Winfield Courier, May 27, 1875.

In response to an inquiry by B. E. Smith, Esq., the Commissioner of theLand Office, S. S. Burdett, says that there is no authority of law for movinga corner of the public surveys which can in any way be identified as theoriginal corner established by the U. S. Deputy Surveyor and approved bythe Surveyor General.

Winfield Courier, May 27, 1875.

Young ladies and gents desiring to mate should come to Winfield and engagein the Cantata of Esther. One year ago the Cantata was presented to a Winfieldaudience. Of the company which took part in the exhibition, sixteen wereunmarried. Since that time eleven of the sixteen have married and are aliveand "doing as well as could be expected."

Winfield Courier, May 27, 1875.

Two of the town b-hoys in attempting to cross the Walnut at the Breweryford the other night drove in where the water was about seven feet deep,and went to the bottom. As George came up he was accosted by Frank, whowas hanging bat-fashion to the buggy top, with "Where have you been,George?" Blowing the water like a porpoise from his mouth and rubbinghis eyes, he replied, "I've been down looking for a better ford, wheredo you reckon I've been?" They reached the opposite bank without furthermisfortune than a very strong resemblance to Winfield boarding house milk,and passed on their way rejoicing.

Winfield Courier, May 27, 1875.

MARRIED. By reference to another column it will be seen that our friend,S. H. Myton, sick nigh unto death of single cussedness, has taken unto himselfa wife. Sensible man. We have more than suspected for some time, from littlepeculiarities and eccentricities, so well understood by those who do understandthem, in Sam, conduct and dress, two or three times in each week, that somethingwas going to happen. It has. And for the kindness with which the COURIERforce was remembered by the happy couple, as well as the high estimationin which they are held, we wish Mr. Myton and his accomplished bride a long,happy, and prosperous life.

Winfield Courier, May 27, 1875.

In view of the fearful ravages of the grasshoppers last year, and theprospect that they will be as bad in many localities this year, the significanceof the resolution offered by Mr. Manning, in the Congressional Conventionat Emporia last fall, will be fully appreciated. That resolution was tothe effect that the general government should appoint a commissioner toinvestigate the origin of these pests, and devise some plan for their preventionor destruction. The government will yet have to take the matter in hand,and the sooner the better. It is of vastly more concern to the western peopleto have their crops protected from grasshoppers, than the solution of theproblem of gold in the Black Hills, and yet Uncle Sam makes haste to makea geological survey of that country to solve it. And that just for the gratificationof a hand-full of greedy adventurers.

Winfield Courier, May 27, 1875.

Mrs. S. D. Gans, living up in Nennescah Township, surprised the familyof A. H. Beck, last Thursday morning, by firing eleven shots in quick successionat his well curb. She lives just across the road and selecting this as atarget, just for fun, you know, emptied two revolvers at it. Some of theballs glancing went whizzing over Mr. Beck's head, who was at work nearby,but being an old soldier he considered it a good joke and told her to keepit up. Mrs. Beck, however, after a ball passed through the pantry whereshe was standing, concluded that there wasn't any fun in such proceedings,so she went into hysterics, the place where nervous ladies go under suchcirc*mstances, and at last accounts she had not recovered. People have gotto die some way and as long as children and careless people are permittedto use deadly weapons, we may expect obituary notices to emanate from suchcauses.

Winfield Courier, May 27, 1875.

One day last week the boys at the Courthouse attempted to illustratethe cold water ritual of the Methodists by sprinkling each other. JudgeGans, an old hand at the business, "frowed de last water fust"on Dick Walker, and Dick, not being partial to water in any form, handeda pitcher full to Troup, which, owing to his carelessness, landed on topof his head. This set the ball to rolling. Troup returned the complimentby emptying his coal scuttle of dirty water in Walker's left ear. Then Bedilionand Walton joined in only to get treated to more cold water than they hadbeen used to lately, and they retired satisfied. Then Walker and Gans formedan alliance, which they were just sealing with a "shake," whenthe irrepressible Troup put in his ladle and sent them off shaking themselvesand swearing vengeance against him. They soon proved too much for Troup,for while he was guarding the pump and watching Dick, Gans stole upstairs,and emptied four gallons of muddy water down his shirt collar, and in attemptingto retreat, he was overhauled by long Dick and treated to another bath,which closed the circus for that day. They are now suffering from bad colds,the penalty for using too much cold water when their constitutions werenot used to it.


Winfield Courier, May 27, 1875.


MYTON - READ. At the residence of M. L. Read, Esq., Thursday evening,the 20th inst., Mr. S. H. Myton, Esq., and Miss Mollie C. Read, all of Winfield.

[Note: June 3, 1875, issue of Courier was not microfilmed.]


Winfield Courier, June 10, 1875. Front Page.

The Parker Captives.
[Galveston News.]

Many old Texans will remember the massacre at Fort Houston, Texas, in1838; the capture of women and children by the Indians, and the subsequentrecovery of Cynthia Parker, after some twenty years of captivity among thesavages. The following letter of inquiry, will doubtless, meet the eyesof someone who can give the desired information. The last information onthis subject possessed by the News placed Cynthia Anne Parker withher relatives in Parker County, probably in the family of her uncle, thevenerable Isaac Parker, long a member of the Texas congress, who spent yearsin endeavoring to recover the captives.

Indian Territory, May 19, 1875.

Capt. E. J. Strang, A. Q. M., U. S. A., Denison, Texas:

SIR: Citra, a Qua-ha-de Comanche, who came into this post a few daysago, is the son of Cynthia, or Cynthia Anne Parker, a white woman, and isvery desirous of finding out the whereabouts of his mother, if still alive,who was captured by the Indians near the falls of the Brazos nearly fortyyears ago, while yet a girl, and captured by the United States troops eighteenyears ago, since which time she has remained in Texas.

She took with her to Texas a little girl and left with the Indians twoboys, one of whom has since died, and the surviving one (Citra), who washere, makes inquiry concerning her and his sister.

Any information you can obtain as to this woman, dead or alive, or ofher daughter, will be gratefully received. Very respectfully, your obedientservant.

Colonel Fourth Cavalry, commanding post.


Winfield Courier, June 10, 1875. Front Page.

Osage Lands. An Important Decision.

WASHINGTON, May 24. The commissioner of the general land office decidesthat the benefits extended by law to preemptors who, by reason of the ravagesof the grasshoppers, are compelled to leave or be absent from their lands,may also be extended to preemptors where crops have, in like manner, beendestroyed, but who have nevertheless continued their residence upon theirclaims.

Those whose crops were destroyed or seriously injured in 1874, will beentitled to an extension of one year from said affair July 1st, 1875, andwhen injury occurs in 1875, the extension will date from July 1st, 1876.


Winfield Courier, June 10, 1875.

The Walnut Valley Times copies two items from the COURIER, andcomments on them after crediting them to some journal called the Plow andAnvil. We have heard of such a publication somewhere, but cannot place itjust now.

Winfield Courier, June 10, 1875.

Red Cloud is becoming civilized. In Washington yesterday, he refusedto have his picture taken unless the photographer paid him $25 for the privilege.He evidently understands the way of Washington as well as the white people.


Winfield Courier, June 10, 1875.

The first load of new hay arrived in town last Monday.

Winfield Courier, June 10, 1875.

Charles M. Truitt was the lucky candidate for a Cadetship at West Point.

Winfield Courier, June 10, 1875.

We learn that the Good Templars Lodge is steadily increasing in strength.

Winfield Courier, June 10, 1875.

Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Pryor have gone on a visit to IllinoisMr. Pryor'sformer home.

Winfield Courier, June 10, 1875.

Ice cream and strawberry festival tonight at the Courthouse.

Winfield Courier, June 10, 1875.

Col. E. C. Manning is now in Leavenworth attending to business beforethe U. S. District Court.

Winfield Courier, June 10, 1875.

Harold Mansfield, at the Post Office, has a very choice selection ofstationery, newspapers, mottoes, etc.

Winfield Courier, June 10, 1875.

Two "kivered" wagons passed through this city last Saturday,loaded with young men, bound for the Indian Territory.

Winfield Courier, June 10, 1875.

Col. J. M. Alexander, formerly of the Plow and Anvil, has returnedto Winfield. He reports the grasshoppers fearfully bad in the Northeasternpart of the state.

Winfield Courier, June 10, 1875.

The ladies of the Presbyterian and Congregational churches will givean ice cream and strawberry festival tonight, at the Courthouse.

Winfield Courier, June 10, 1875.

Owing to a typographical error in the "Tisdale Items" of lastweek's COURIER, it appeared as if Mr. Henseley's son had been kicked bya woman, which was a mistake. It was a horse that did the kicking.


Winfield Courier, June 10, 1875.

Winfield Institute Library.

Members of the above Institute and the public are informed that the Libraryis now open to all readers who desire to avail themselves of its advantages.Terms and rules, relating to the loaning of books to members and others,may be had of the Secretary. The Library will be open every Wednesday from2 to 5 p.m., and for the present, located at the law office of Mr. Millington,the President of the Institute, who will act as the Librarian.



Winfield Courier, June 10, 1875.

Tisdale Items.

Pleasant weather.

Splendid showers.

Our town has been in mourning since the departure of C. P. Spaulding.

As everybody is in a hurry to "prove up," it keeps Sim Moorebusy making out proofs.

J. M. Napier started to Greenfield yesterday to buy a set of blacksmithtools.

Two men passed through town yesterday from the Indian Territory, aftera horse thief.

J. A. McGuire still grinds away. His prospects are good.

Arthur Morse and John Bates are digging a cellar for G. W. Foughty.


Tisdale, June 2nd, 1875.


Winfield Courier, June 10, 1875.


Winfield Courier, June 10, 1875.

TISDALE, MAY 5, 1875.

In looking over the last issue of the COURIER, I notice that you haveseveral correspondents from this place. If you will give me space, I wouldlike to correct some of the errors over the signature of "Skip."

The millions of grasshoppers that he speaks of, must have hatched inhis own fertile brain, as I have seen but few myself, and can hear of noothers that have seen them in any numbers, except on Sabbath last, one swarmlit on the prairie near Grouse Creek, but they left on Monday, doing usno damage. Another near New Salem on the same day, and left as the above,doing us no harm.

The Good Templars lodge has not broken up, but is just as prosperousas it was four months ago, and likely to be so.

The Grangers had no dance on the night spoken of, as dancing was notin their programme at that time.

We have no such man as Boston living in this neighborhood, and none leftfor home at that time.

Jim Napier's rattlesnake happens to be a boarder he has on hand, andwhose tongue is continually rattling, and Jim calls him the rattlesnakein his house. But "Skip" is a genius. From rolling logs at Shriver'smill, on Grouse, he has risen to a druggist in Tisdale, and now correspondentof the Traveler and COURIER, and not only that, but he keeps Tisdalein amusem*nt by his rough stories and uncouth jokes.

Business is rather lively in Tisdale at present. S. S. Moore is busymaking out proofs for the land office. J. A. McGuire is doing a fine businessand selling cheap. Napier, Smiley & Co., have more work on hand thanthey can do. A cow, belonging to Mrs. Lawson, living three miles north ofTisdale, was killed by lightning last Friday morning. Old Dr. Thompson isabout as usual, but judging from the way he has to ride about, we shouldjudge business was brisk.

Our school is doing well this summer. Eugene is teaching well ever sincethe first excitement of the honeymoon has passed over.

Crops look well and farmers seem buoyant and happy.

Perhaps you may hear from me again. SKIPPER.

[ORDINANCES 55, 56, AND 57 - JUNE 10, 1875.]

Winfield Courier, June 10, 1875.

[Published June 10th, 1875.]
Ordinance No. 55.

An ordinance regulating the running at large of dogs and bitches,and taxing the owners or harborers thereof.


SECTION 1. An annual tax of one dollar shall be levied and collectedfor each dog over six months old, owned, harbored, or running at large inthe city of Winfield.

SECTION 2. An annual tax of three dollars shall be levied and collectedfor each bitch over six months old, owned, harbored, or running at largein the city of Winfield.

SECTION 3. Taxes due and payable on or before the first day of July,A. D., 1875, for the present year, etc.

SECTION 4. Covered issuance of metal tag stamped "T. P.," whichwas to be attached to the neck of such dog or bitch by means of a collaror otherwise.

SECTION 5. Called for shooting dogs running at large without tag.

SECTION 6. Called for fining lawbreakers in a sum not to exceed $10.


Ordinance No. 56.

An ordinance to provide for special taxes and licenses.

SECTION 1. Before any person or association of persons shall within thecorporate limits of the city of Winfield, exhibit for pay, any animal, menagerie,circus, curiosity, painting, performance, or other show, any musical, literary,dramatic, jugglers, slight of hand, clairvoyance, lecture or other performance,he or they shall first procure a license which shall be signed by the Mayorand attested by the Clerk, shall state the nature and kind of exhibitionor performance licensed, and the dates and number of days such person orpersons are licensed to exhibit. Such license shall not issue until thereshall be paid to the city Treasurer the sum of money as license tax, whichthe Mayor in his discretion shall require, not less than $1. nor more than$100.00 for each days exhibition. Provided that for literary and scientificlectures and entertainments, and for concerts and musical or other entertainments,given exclusively by the citizens of Winfield, no tax shall be levied orlicense required.

SECTION 2. Any person violating the provisions of the preceding sectionshall on conviction, be fined in any sum not less than $5. nor more than$100. for each day's violation.

SECTION 3. Each person or firm who shall within the limits of the cityof Winfield, engage in either of the following named occupations, shallbe taxed as follows:

Auctioneer: $10.00

Billiard table keeper, first table: $10.00

Each additional table: $ 5.00

Pedlar or Hawker: $10.00

Provided that no person shall be taxed as pedlar or hawker for sellingwithout outcry his own productions of any kind, grain, fruit, vegetables,fresh meats, game or fish, or to dealers.


Ordinance No. 57.

An Ordinance for the preservation of order, peace, and quiet in thecity of Winfield.

SECTION 1. Each and every person who shall within the limits of the cityof Winfield, curse or swear, or use any threatening language, or make agreat noise so as to disturb the peace and quiet of any person, upon conviction,shall be fined in any sum not exceeding ten dollars.

SECTION 2. Each and every person who shall, within the city of Winfield,quarrel or fight, or make any indecent exposure of his or her person, ordischarge any gun or pistol or other fire arm without the consent of theMayor of said city, shall upon conviction be fined in any sum not exceedingtwenty-five dollars.

SECTION 3. If any person or persons shall, within the limits of the cityof Winfield, ride or drive any horse or other animal at any immoderate speed,or leave any horse or other animal, attached to a vehicle, upon any road,street, alley, or avenue of said city, without being securely tied or fastenedto some firmly fixed object, upon conviction, shall be fined in a sum notexceeding ten dollars.

SECTION 4. Any person, within the limits of the city of Winfield, whoshall bet any money, property, or valuable thing whatever, upon any horseracing, or game of faro, roulette, billiards, cards, or upon any other game,shall upon conviction, be fined in any sum not exceeding twenty-five dollars.

SECTION 5. Every keeper or exhibitor, within the city of Winfield, ofany of the tables commonly called A B C or E O tables, or faro bank, orkeno, or any other gaming table of the same kind or like, under any denominationwhatsoever, or whether the same be played with cards or dice, or in anyother manner whatsoever, shall upon conviction, be fined in any sum notexceeding fifty dollars.

SECTION 6. Every person, within the limits of the city of Winfield, whoshall set up or keep a gaming house or place where games of chance or skillare played for money or other valuable thing, or a disorderly house, ora bawdy-house or brothel, upon conviction, shall be fined in any sum notexceeding one hundred dollars.

SECTION 7. If within the limits of the city of Winfield, three or morepersons shall assemble or meet together upon a common cause or quarrel,to do an unlawful act, and make any advances towards it, they shall be deemedguilty of a riot, and on conviction, shall be severally fined in a sum notexceeding fifty dollars.

SECTION 8. If within the limits of the city of Winfield, three or morepersons shall do an unlawful act, with force or violence, either with orwithout a common cause, or quarrel, or even do a lawful act in a violentand tumultuous manner, the persons so offending shall be deemed guilty ofa riot, and on conviction, shall severally be fined in a sum not exceedingone hundred dollars.

SECTION 9. In all prosecutions under this ordinance, it shall be a sufficientdesignation of the offense to charge it substantially in the language ofthe ordinance.

SECTION 10. Ordinance No. 1, and all ordinances or parts of ordinances,inconsistent with this ordinance, are hereby repealed.

SECTION 11. This ordinance shall take effect, and be in force, from andafter its publication once in the Winfield COURIER.

Approved June 7th, A. D., 1875. D. A. MILLINGTON, Mayor.

J. W. CURNS, City Clerk.



Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 17, 1875.

T. H. Johnson and family left last Monday for Cleveland, Ohio, wherethey will make their future home.

Winfield Courier, June 17, 1875.

Prof. H. B. Norton was presented with a gold watch and chain by the citizensof Emporia, on the eve of his departure for California.

Winfield Courier, June 17, 1875.

School District No. 77 is, according to all accounts, one of the bestcirc*mstanced of any in the county. It has a commodious schoolhouse, onlythree quarters sections of land mortgaged in the entire district, and that,too, with nearly all the land deeded. Where is the district that can comparewith 77?

Winfield Courier, June 17, 1875.

Mr. Samuel S. Holloway, of Chillicothe, Illinois, who has been here withhis son looking at the country, bought the farm of Mr. D. S. Brown's, onBadger Creek, for which he paid the sum of $2,000. Mr. Holloway expresseshimself well pleased with our country. From what we have seen of Mr. Holloway,we hope he will locate with us with his family.

Winfield Courier, June 17, 1875.

President Schofield, of the Kansas City, Burlington & Santa Fe R.R. Co., writes from New York that he has made arrangements for procuringenough iron to track the road from Ottawa to Burlington. It is forty milesfrom Ottawa to Burlington. That road is a favorite line with Cowley Countypeople. Its natural route is from Burlington to Eureka, and thence to Winfield.

Winfield Courier, June 17, 1875.

Our readers will be pained to learn that Mr. Roseberry, member of theboard of county commissioners, met with a painful accident last Monday.It appears he fell while working in the second story of his house; and strikinghis head against a sleeper below, fractured his skull, cutting a large gashin his scalp nine inches in length, and tearing the scalp from his headtwo inches back from the gash. He was taken up unconscious and his recoveryis thought to be doubtful.


Winfield Courier, June 17, 1875.

Important to Settlers.

The following is the latest from headquarters in regard to the OsageTrust and Diminished Reserve lands. Notwithstanding the hint thrown outby the Hon. Commissioner, we would advise settlers to bide their time, ratherthan mortgage at a ruinous interest.

Washington, D. C., May 31st, 1875.

The Receiver's letter of the 21st inst., concerning the matter of allowingentries on the Osage Trust and Diminished Reserve lands after June 23rd,1875, has been received.

Claimants for these lands under the act of July 15th, 1870, will be allowedto make entries on due proof after June 23rd, 1875, when their settlementswere initiated prior to June 23rd, 1874; and after the expiration of oneyear from settlement when the same was made subsequent to June 23rd, 1875,and the payment of 5 percent interest from the date when the entry shouldhave been made, to the time of actual settlement; providing no adverseclaim shall have intervened. They will, however, postpone entry beyond thelegal period at their peril. S. S. BURDETT, Com.

To U. S. Land Office, Wichita, Kan.


Winfield Courier, June 17, 1875.

From Tisdale.

ED. COURIER: Hearing of the great excitement that the communicationsof "Skip" and "Rattlehead" had created in the vicinityof Tisdale, I dropped the plow and made my way on "Charger" tohear the news.

As I arrived at the post office, the mail had just arrived; and so greatwas the crowd that it was about impossible to find standing room inside.All at once I heard the sound, "COURIER, this way please;" andthe items from Tisdale were first on hand, every man trying to find themfirst.

Rattlehead was not out, but Skipper had taken his place; and there Isat and listened to the great wisdom of these correspondents, and I saidto myself, "If I could only write to a paper, if I could only sit likethose sages and hear such flattering remarks about my productions, yes,I would be a correspondent."

But nobody knew who wrote them. Who was it? But as I had studied horseologyin my time (Euclid, I meant to say), and being a profound reasoner, I saidto myself, "I can find out."

And there sat three sages in the profoundest silence. Yes sir, therethey are! "I gazed and I wonder, and till the wonder grew, that threesmall heads would carry all they knew."

As quick as thought, I procured paper and pen to write, but I could findno news.

I started for Sam Moore's and found him sick. He had been confined tohis bed for a week and had not made out any papers for some time.

Jim Napier had killed his "rattlesnake" that morning.

The blacksmith had done nothing for the last hour.

John Mann had locked up and was busy hoeing his garden.

Started for Squire Foughty's, and he gravely informed me that he wasgoing to start for Great Bend, on the Arkansas River, the 20th of June.

Bound not to be beat, I started for the news men to pick up items. Ifound "Skip" delivering an oration to a large crowd. "Rattlehead"was making such a noise it was impossible to get any news from him; butin the corner I saw "Skipper" busy taking notes.

Walking up to him, I said, "How do you do, Mr. Skipper."

"My name is not Skipper, sir."

"I beg your pardon, sir, but were you not the gentleman that wrotethat communication published in the COURIER last week?"

Rising quietly to his feet, he drew a revolver from his pocket, and pointingstraight at my eye, said:

"Call me that again and I will kill you deader than any skipperwas ever killed in this world."

Here was a predicament; no news and expecting every moment to see mybrains on the floor, I walked out backwards; and oh! the feeling of delightwhen I found myself again outside and a living man. I jumped on "Charger"and away we went. The lightning that killed that cow did not go half asfast over rolling prairie. So far had I forgotten myself that I was notaware of being near my house, until "Charger" stopped suddenly,and I went over his head and lay prostrate on the ground.

My loving frow brought out the smelling bottle, put it to my nose, andbathed my head in cold water. When I came out of my swoon, the first wordsI heard were:

"Oh Dan, Dan! what is the matter with you?"

"I have been trying to write for the COURIER."

"You great fool," she said, "you might have known youhadn't brains enough to write for a paper."

I slept sound all night and what was my great joy in the morning to hearthat there was no news in Tisdale and "Skip" had gone to Grouseto pick up items.

Yours as ever until death, PEGLEG.


Winfield Courier, June 17, 1875.

Swede and Cheyenne.

Sometime ago a Swede came to this city direct from his native country,but from the fact that he knew nothing of our language and could not makehimself understood, his efforts to secure work were unsuccessful. Finallyas a last resort he went to Fort Leavenworth and enlisted in the regulararmy. One day, shortly after the arrival of the Indian prisoners here, hestrolled around to the guard house in which they were confined, and overhearingsome of the conversation going on between the Cheyennes, was struck withthe similarity between their language and his own. He entered the cell andbegan to talk with several, and found that he could, by talking to themin his mother tongue, make them understand.

This fact coming to the ears of Gen. Pope, that gentleman has sent onto Washington, recommending that the Swede be sent to St. Augustine, Florida,where the Indians are at present confined, to act as interpreter. LeavenworthTimes.

A Swede that could not speak our language would make a poor interpreter.


Winfield Courier, June 17, 1875.

No-pa-wal-la is Dead.

The old settlers of Cowley remember No-pa-wal-la. He is gone. We takethe following from the Coffeeville Courier.

From Jessie Morgan we learn of the death, at the Osage Agency, last Friday,of No-pa- wal-la, Chief of the Little Osage Band. He was well advanced inyears, and at one time the most noted warrior of the tribe. Of late years,however, he has taken a peculiar interest in the work of Indian civilization,and proved a valuable assistant to the agents and others engaged in thework. He was respected and admired by all who knew him, both white and red,and his funeral, which took place last Saturday, was perhaps the largestever witnessed in the Territory. His remains were taken to agent Gibson'shouse, where an appropriate ceremony took place. During the ceremony speecheswere made by several Indian chiefs, and many were moved by the touchingpathos and sensible points contained in those impromptu addresses.

The remains were deposited in the Agency Cemetery, and were followedto the grave by an immense concourse of Indians and white men.


Winfield Courier, June 17, 1875.

Where is Boyle?

Winfield Courier, June 17, 1875.

Rev. Platter drives a new team of grays.

Winfield Courier, June 17, 1875.

Ed. Evans is the new Marshal of Winfield.

Winfield Courier, June 17, 1875.

W. W. Walton returned from Boston last Saturday.

Winfield Courier, June 17, 1875.

John D. Pryor is chaplain of the "Basique Club."

Winfield Courier, June 17, 1875.

C. C. Harris is the champion croquet player of Winfield.

Winfield Courier, June 17, 1875.

Our City Clerk has a nice new sign, in front of his office.

Winfield Courier, June 17, 1875.

Farmers come from Sumner County to buy machines from Sam Myton.

Winfield Courier, June 17, 1875.

Anyone can afford the luxury of ice now. It costs only 3/4 of a centper pound.

Winfield Courier, June 17, 1875.

Uncle Peter G. Smith, one of Dexter's good citizens, was in town Tuesday.

Winfield Courier, June 17, 1875.

Ira E. Moore has invested in a herd of about fifty cows, and expectsto start a dairy.

Winfield Courier, June 17, 1875.

A new livery stable has been started in Col. Quarrel's barn on NinthAvenue. The proprietor is from Elk Falls.

Winfield Courier, June 17, 1875.

Our new Marshal is superintending the building of some much needed culvertson our streets, and is having some good work done.

Winfield Courier, June 17, 1875.

W. M. Underwood, one of our subscribers, living on Grouse, was over Mondayafter machinery to turn loose on that big crop of wheat.

Winfield Courier, June 17, 1875.

Speed and the boys have returned from Kansas City. His case was postponedagain by his K. C. attorneys, a procedure rather questionable.

Winfield Courier, June 17, 1875.

The "Bazique Club" gave an ice-cream and strawberry supperat Hill's Saturday night, in honor of the return to town of two of theirmembers. It was a n(ice) affair.

Winfield Courier, June 17, 1875.

Fred Hunt, our P. O. Clerk, tried his hand at binding wheat in his father'sfield Monday morning. About 10 o'clock he was seen around town "lookingfor a man" to take his place. Two hours satisfied him.

Winfield Courier, June 17, 1875.

Peter T. Walton, of Parsons, passed through here last Saturday, en routefor Fort Sill and Western Texas, where he expects to buy up a herd of matchponies, and ship them East this fall. Tell Walton, his brother, went fromhere with him. Hope they will have success and return to the State withtheir "top hair" in due course of time.

Winfield Courier, June 17, 1875.

The first gathering of the new hay crop came to town this week.

Winfield Courier, June 17, 1875.

A. Menor has returned from the Black Hills. His party was turned backby the military after having their arms taken from them and their transportationburned.

Winfield Courier, June 17, 1875.

T. A. Wilkinson and E. C. Manning have been invited to address the multitudeat the granger's Fourth of July celebration to be held at Little Dutch.

Winfield Courier, June 17, 1875.

There is Hungarian in the Post Office, and a few heads of rye, each measuring7-1/4 inches in length, raised on the farm of Mrs. Fred Leighman. Thereare also a half dozen heads of wheat grown by Mr. Burns, living on the Walnut.It is the California May, and Kentucky Blue Stem. The Blue Stem measuresplump six inches and the May five inches. It is well filled, and the fieldwill no doubt produce 40 bushels to the acre.

Winfield Courier, June 17, 1875.

John Stalter, our sheep man, of Rock Township, sold 6,300 lbs. of unwashedwool last Monday to an Emporia firm for $2,000. His sheep averaged sevenpounds or more to the head. The wool was weighed on Nates' scales, and weknow whereof we speak. John has also raised 250 lambs from his flock thisyear, and the total cost of keeping his sheep since last December has notbeen one hundred dollars. Who says that raising sheep will not pay in Cowley?


Winfield Courier, June 17, 1875.

Attention, Company G!

In pursuance with an order from Headquarters, Co. G., of Cowley CountyMilitia, will meet at the Courthouse in Winfield, Saturday evening, the19th, inst., at 8 o'clock sharp, to elect officers to fill the present vacanciesin said company, and to transact such other business as may possibly comebefore them. By order.

1st Lieut. and Acting Com.

Winfield Courier, June 17, 1875.

The Festival.

The festival of the Presbyterian and Congregationalists last Thursdaynight, at the Courthouse, was a very pleasant affair. Strawberries, icecream, lemonade, and all sorts of cake in great abundance. The receiptsof the evening was some $60.

Winfield Courier, June 17, 1875.


By reference to the statement furnished by our efficient county clerk,which appears in another column, something of the extent of the incomingwheat crop may be learned. The assessors of ten of the twenty-three townshipsin the county have reported. They are below the average townships in wealthand cultivated acreage. From the reports we learn that the breadth of winterwheat is nearly three times what it was last year. And we know that theyield will also be greater. Hurrah for the farmers of Cowley! At twentybushels per acre (a low estimate), these townships will yield 132,120 bushels.

Winfield Courier, June 17, 1875.

[Comment from Troup relative to report covering 14 Townshipsin Cowley County.]

"From the above it will readily be seen that notwithstanding theG. Hoppers, chinch bugs, and hard times, Cowley County has increased herwealth very materially during the last year.

"While it is true we have decreased in `personal property,' we havelargely increased our `real wealth' and breadth of several crops. Upon thewhole, the comparison affords no cause for alarm as to the future prospectsof our county."


Winfield Courier, June 17, 1875.

An Accident.

Thos. Baker, our tonsorial artist up on the north end of Main, is thekind of a man ye local likes to see in a town. If business is dull, thefarmers too busy with their crops to come to town, no row, no dog fights,no accidents to report; in fact, nothing occurring from which a man evenwith a fertile imagination could work into a readable local, then is thetime when such men as our friend Baker turns on with something to stop thecry of the devil for "copy!"

Last Friday night in filling the gasoline lamps of his billiard hallwhile they were burning, the gas in the can caught fire (the most naturalthing in the world), and the flames flew in every direction. Several personsrushed in, the flames were subdued in a moment, and a general conflagrationnipped in the bud.

No damage done, only a little scare caused by carelessly filling a burninglamp is the verdict.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 24, 1875. Front Page.

They Arrive at Fort Leavenworth, and are Interviewed
By a Reporter.
[Leavenworth Commercial, 11th.]

Yesterday afternoon Gen. Miles called at the Commercial officeand informed us that the German girls had just arrived, and we at once wentup to interview them.

As already stated, there are four of them: Catherine Elizabeth, aged18; Sophia Louisa, aged 12; Julia Ann Amanda, aged 8; and Nancy Adline,aged 6.

The family came from Georgia to Missouri in 1870, and from Missouri toHoward County, Kansas, in 1873, and in October, 1874, started for Colorado,when the father, John German, the mother, Lydia, the oldest daughter, RebeccaJane, aged 21, the son, Stephen Wise, aged 17, and younger sister, JoannaCleveland, were brutally killed by the Indians.

Stephen was about a mile from the wagon hunting antelope, and was chaseddown and murdered. Catherine was 75 or 100 yards from the wagon lookingafter some stock, and escaped the first massacre.

As soon as the Indians came up, they shot the father down, and killedthe other three at the wagon in a few seconds; then rushed off and dispatchedStephen.

The four girls were captured, and as already stated, the two little oneswere left on the prairie to perish when the savages were hotly pursued bythe soldiers, but were fortunately found by the troops and cared for.

Catherine and Sophia were compelled, as previously reported, to rideupon ponies at a fearful rate, and in bad weather, to escape the troopsin pursuit. They were treated very roughly, and had nothing to eat muchof the time but raw buffalo meat without salt. Catherine was forced to cutwood and carry it for fires, etc., and when she did not do the work fastenough, the squaws would beat her. Most of the squaws were rough and cruel;but a few of them were kind and protected the girls whenever they could.The men never struck them; and they were never outraged by the chief orany other Indian, as was reported by sensational reporters at first. Weare happy to relieve the story of their captivity of this horrible feature.

Mr. Cleveland, the agent's clerk, came up with the girls from the CheyenneAgency. They expect to return to Lawrence shortly. They appear to be withouta home or a definite purpose in life; but are now kindly cared for by thoseunder whose care they are placed for the time. They deserve all the kindnessand consideration which can be bestowed upon them.


Winfield Courier, June 24, 1875.

Mr. J. C. Fuller showed us a letter, which he received from his brotherat Chicago. Mr. Fuller had been sent out by the Chicago board of trade tolook after the wheat prospect in the states of Minnesota, Wisconsin, andIowa. Upon his return he reports that in the sections visited by him, thewheat crop was never better.


Winfield Courier, June 24, 1875.


The following letter, as will readily be seen, was written by Col. J.M. Alexander of this place to the Leavenworth Times, from which weclip it.


Editor Times: I write, because I think that the people of thatportion of the state which has lately suffered from the locusts, will feelrefreshed on learning that other portions of the country are extraordinarilyblessed with good and abundant crops. The inhabitants of this section ofKansas are exultant over their prospects. An extensive acreage of wheatwas sown in this, and adjoining counties, last fall; and now, the eye ofthe traveler becomes almost wearied at gazing over so vast an area of wavygolden grain, about ready for the reaper, and which is expected to yieldan average of 25 bushels to the acre.

My friend, Mr. Frazier, of the celebrated Occidental Hotel in Wichita,in riding from that city to this, a distance of 45 miles, counted 169 wheatand rye fields on his way.

Our farmers are beginning to catch the inspiration of the true and noblescience of agriculture, and are becoming laudably ambitious. Hundreds ofacres of sod are being turned over this season for an extended wheat andrye culture; and if the corn crop follows with proportional exuberance,this land will soon teem with wealth.

The opinion that I have heretofore expressed that, this (Cowley) countyis superior in beauty and landscape, in her area of forests, in her numerous,clear, and copiously running brooks, and in her fertility of soil, to anycounty in the state, I am more than ever confirmed in. And such I believewill be the candid judgment of everyone who becomes versed in the geographyof the state. Nor is the population inferior in average intelligence andaccomplishments to that of the elder counties.

Last night I attended a strawberry and ice-cream festival at the courthousegiven by the Presbyterian and Congregational churches; and there I met asintelligent gentlemen and as accomplished ladiesas recherche in mode,save the costliness in apparelas I have witnessed in far older and largercities. It is true, the absence of wealth forbade any particular attentionto the elegant arts of Pompadour and Maintenon, in matterof wardrobe; but I may say in truth, and without intending invidiousness,that Miss M. and Miss G., late teachers in Winfield; Miss S., late fromVirginia; Miss H., late from Mississippi, and others had I time to namethem, were as graceful and lovable young ladies as any critical gentlemanwould wish to meet.

Almost everyone I meet inquires anxiously after the condition of Col.Anthony. I find a deep-seated feeling prevailing in the country that a greatwrong has been done his case; and even those who never knew the Colonelpersonally, appear to feel an unusual anxiety for his recovery.

J. M. A.


Winfield Courier, June 24, 1875.

We have a new "devil."

Winfield Courier, June 24, 1875.

Many prospectors in town.

Winfield Courier, June 24, 1875.

The Cornet Band has been resurrected.

Winfield Courier, June 24, 1875.

Ed. Evans is pushing along the work on the streets.

Winfield Courier, June 24, 1875.

A. T. Shenneman was elected captain of the militia.

Winfield Courier, June 24, 1875.

The militiamen held a meeting last Saturday night.

Winfield Courier, June 24, 1875.

C. C. Harris and Frank Lutz paid Oxford a visit last week.

Winfield Courier, June 24, 1875.

The stone work has been commenced on Col. Manning's new building.

Winfield Courier, June 24, 1875.

Some cows that were running at large last Sunday night destroyed Mrs.Winner's garden.

Winfield Courier, June 24, 1875.

T. A. Blanchard, Esq., has returned from the Black Hills to await theopening of that Territory.

Winfield Courier, June 24, 1875.

Valley View Cemetery contains six new graves. Mr. Moore has nearly surroundedthe grounds with shade trees.

Winfield Courier, June 24, 1875.

There are one hundred and six wheat fields along the road from Winfieldto Wichita, a distance of forty-two miles.

Winfield Courier, June 24, 1875.

We call special attention to D. Rodocker's card, in another column. Allwishing photographs would do well to give him a call.


All work done in the latest and most artistic style. Satisfaction guaranteed.Gallery opposite Valley House, Winfield, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, June 24, 1875.

Singing school every Tuesday night at the Methodist Church.

Winfield Courier, June 24, 1875.

Mr. Manning has moved the body of his deceased wife to Valley View Cemeteryand erected a beautiful monument over the last resting place of the deardeparted.

Winfield Courier, June 24, 1875.

Cowley County takes its name from Mathew Cowley, First Lieutenant Co.I., 9th Kansas Cavalry, who died in the service at Little Rock, Ark., August1864.

Winfield Courier, June 24, 1875.

H. B. Lacy is the kind of a man we like. He thinks of the wants of thepoor abused, oppressed printers of this office and brings us a bountifulsupply of ice every morning. Accept our thanks, H. B.

Winfield Courier, June 24, 1875.

While Shenneman was trying the speed of his mustang in the Northeastpart of town last Saturday, it became unruly and succeeded in running ona pile of stone containing about nineteen cords, and then capped the thingoff by jumping sideways through a crack in Bedilion's fence, without damaginganythingexcept the fence.

Winfield Courier, June 24, 1875.

On the 2nd of July, at Thomasville, there will be given a dance and supper,to which all are invited.

Winfield Courier, June 24, 1875.

Lost. A bunch of keys last Tuesday morning. The finder will confer afavor by leaving them at the Winfield Post Office. H. N. BANNER.

Winfield Courier, June 24, 1875.

Lost. Mrs. W. B. Doty lost a nice summer shawl last Thursday night oneweek ago at the festival held at the Courthouse. It is evident that someother lady took it by mistake, as she left one in place of it. The shawlmay be left at the livery stable of Darrah & Doty, or at this office,where the owner can get it.

Winfield Courier, June 24, 1875.

Basket Meeting. There will be a Basket Meeting in connection with thesecond Quarterly Meeting of Winfield charge held in Mr. Scoles' grove one-halfmile south of Little Dutch schoolhouse, commencing on next Saturday, June26th, at 2 o'clock, and preaching at 3 o'clock. Love feast at 9-1/2 o'clockand preaching at 11 a.m., and 5 p.m. Children meeting at 8 o'clock on Sabbath.All are invited and a good time is expected.


Winfield Courier, June 24, 1875.


Notice is hereby given that the Board of County Commissioners of CowleyCounty, Kansas, will meet at the office of the County Clerk of said countyon Monday the 5th day of July, A. D., 1875, at 10 o'clock a.m., of saidday, for the purpose of equalizing the assessment of the Real Property ofsaid county. All persons feeling themselves aggrieved with the assessmentwill please meet the Board at the time and place mentioned, and have suchcorrections made, as equity and justice may demand.

M. G. TROUP, County Clerk.


Winfield Courier, June 24, 1875.

Statistics of Dexter Township.


Males: 226. Females: 184. Total: 415.

Taxable Property.

Real Estate: $46,940. Personal: $14,207. Total: $61,147.

Growing Crops.

Acres of Winter Wheat: 1,513.

Acres of Corn: 1,806.


Horses and Mules: 202.

Cattle: 587.

Sheep: 145.

Hogs: 516.

Rods of fence.

Stone: 1,833.

Rail: 3,860.

Board: 1,822.

Hedge: 4,660.

Total: 12,175.

H. C. McDORNAN, Assessor.


Winfield Courier, June 24, 1875.

SILVER CREEK, June 18th, 1875.

Crop prospects: corn is looking well. Will average three feet high. Anumber of our farmers are going through their corn the third time.

We notice Messrs. Luck and Kempton have entered the harvest fields withtheir reaper. They cut the wheat on Mr. Kempton's farm on the 16th, andare now cutting forty acres belonging to Gildhouse, Miller, and May.

Wheat is good. We hear no complaints of chinch bugs.

We are informed that the Stout brothers, in the Northwest part of thetownship, have thirty acres, which promises a large yield.

No grasshoppers doing any damage.

We notice John Cunningham and the Fitzgerald brothers are turning overprairie and quite lively this summer. We claim them as among our most industriousand worthy young men.

Miss Kate Fitzgerald teaches the school in the southeast district ofthis township, and her school is highly spoken of.

And now last, but not least, I will tell your readers what I have donethis summer in the poultry business. Starvation and wolves left me fourhens and one turkey hen to start with. I now have fifty young chickens andfifteen wide-a-wake little turkeys, which proved a terror to the hoppersand a blessing to their owner's garden. If any have done better than this,please let us hear from them through the COURIER. M. A. M.


Winfield Courier, June 24, 1875.

Lazette News.

Farmers report an abundance of weeds this spring, and some few piecesof corn have been surrendered to them. In general the corn is doing well,but needs rain.

Some few fields of grain were cut last week, but the great raid on thewheat will be made this week. The crop promises to be all that could bewished.

Joseph Lumt reports a fine lot of wool from his sheep. A friendly wolftook lunch with him a few days ago, and only two sheep were required tomeet the bill of fare.

Jacob Moser recently received a similar visit, though turkey was theprincipal dish called for by the guest.

Rev. Mr. Swarts held services in the schoolhouse last Sabbath.

Judge T. H. Johnson and wife visited friends in Grouse Valley, a fewdays before their departure for the East.

Cowley County's accommodating Sheriff called on some of his friends inthis neighbor- hood last week. Dick always makes a sensation when he dropsin to see his friends.

Amos Walton, of the Plow and Anvil, was in town last week, makinga short visit for business and pleasure.

Charley Phenis has completed his work as assessor. So far as can be judged,he was entirely successful in enrolling the odds and ends left by the chinchbugs and hoppers of last summer.

There will be an effort made next Sunday to organize a Union SabbathSchool at Lazette. All interested are invited to attend.

A traveler from the far west put in an appearance not long since, accompaniedby a full representation of prairie dogs, owls, and rattlesnakes. No chargewas made for a visit to his menagerie. He moved off toward the northeast,evidently in search of Barnum's great show.

Mr. T. M. Platts has been occupying his new house for some time.

Mr. Batrom has commenced work on his lots and dwelling house.

The hot weather has driven our citizens to raid upon the ice houses,and ice cream is the only dose that will bring relief.

Preparations are being made for a celebration on the 4th, at Jones' grove,south of Lazette.

Doctor Hood, formerly of this place, arrived with his family last week.They are from Greenwood County.

Fred Ward and John Smiley turned out forty-three hundred feet of lumberone day last week.

On the 19tth inst. Reason Treadway was bitten on the right hand by acopperhead.

Trains of emigrants still continue to pass through Lazette, going toArizona, Montana, and elsewhere in the far west.

Rev. Mr. Thomas, of Winfield, preached at the Armstrong schoolhouse onthe 13th, and at Baltimore on the 20th inst.

Rev. Mr. Swarts will administer the ordinance of baptism to several partieson Sabbath next.


Winfield Courier, June 24, 1875.

Patrons of Husbandry.

National Lecturer Thompson will be in Winfield July 29th next. The programmewill be announced after the next meeting of the District Grange. It is desiredby the Executive Committee of the Kansas State Grange, that each Grangein the several counties send the Executive member of their District, thename and number of Grange, its post office address, name of Master and Secretary,and their post office address, by July 10th.

Member Ex. Com. K. S. Grange.


Winfield Courier, June 24, 1875.

Recap: Jarvis writes about local affairs at Fandon, Illinois, in letterdated June 14, 1875, and requests a renewal of his subscription.


Winfield Courier, June 24, 1875.

Frank Gallotti wants another Indian war since he is Quartermaster Sergeantof company "G."

At the meeting held by Company "G," last Saturday night, A.T. Shenneman was elected Captain, W. M. Boyer, 1st Lieut.; and J. E. Saint,1st Sergeant. 2nd Lieut. Webb gave notice of his intention to resign, andWirt W. Walton was recommended to fill the vacancy.


Winfield Courier, July 1, 1875.

New Flour. J. P. Woodyard purchased 300 bushels of wheat of A. A. Newmanlast week, at ninety cents per bushel, and will grind it this week.

Sale. Cass and Sam Endicott sold their cattle last week to Mead, of Wichita,for $20 per head, numbering fifty-one head. They were large and fat.


Winfield Courier, July 1, 1875.


Hon. John J. Ingalls honored Winfield last Saturday with a visit. Incompany with Hon. M. M. Murdock, he arrived here about one hour before sundownfrom Arkansas City, having entered the county on the west at Oxford. Immediatelyupon his arrival, our citizens began calling upon him. He was taken in acarriage around the town to the places of interest, and out upon the moundeast of the village he obtained, as he said, "one of the most enchantingviews his eyes ever beheld."

Upon his return at dusk, callers continued to flock about him to formhis acquaintance and do him honor. Finally so many citizens expressed adesire to hear some public declara- tion of his sentiments upon affairsof state and nation, the assembly was called to order by nominating MayorMillington as chairman and the Senator spoke for a half hour or more, pleasantly,forcibly, and decidedly upon matters of interest to southwestern Kansas.

His compliments to our crops, soil, climate, and enterprising peoplewere very flattering. He pledged himself unequivocally to aid in every possibleway in opening railroad communi cation direct south through the Territoryto the gulf. He spoke frankly and fully against the present Indian policy,whereby a barrier to commerce and national intercourse was being establishedto the south of us. He repudiated the present Quaker Indian policy, andavowed his purpose to withhold no efforts in attempting its overthrow andthe establishment of a territorial government in the Indian Territory. Heespecially deprecated the effort now being made by the administration totransfer 40,000 Sioux from the north to the fair lands of the Territorysouth of us.

His opinions and purposes were heartily applauded, and his hearers feltthat they had a man truly in sympathy with them as a representative in thecouncils of the nation. He assured his audience of a desire to become acquaintedwith their wants and necessities, and invited communications and informationupon all important questions.

The social intercourse was kept up until a late hour.

On Sunday morning the Senator departed for Wichita, more than well pleasedwith his visit, our people, and our country.

It was the first visit either he or Mr. Murdock ever made to this sectionof the country, and they pronounced the region over which they had traveledthe garden of the state.

By his short visit here, the Senator made many friends and won the confidenceand esteem of all who met him.


Winfield Courier, July 1, 1875.

From Tisdale.
TISDALE, KANSAS, June 25th, 1875.

Ed. Millard had a fight with a bull a few days ago. The bull came outfirst, striking Ed. under the arm and upsetting him, and beat him out thefirst round. He has got his arm out of the sling now and reports himselfbetter.

Rev. Koons, of this place, found one of his horses dead last Sabbathmorningsupposed to be struck by lightning.

A son of Mr. Perkins living three and a half miles southwest of Tisdalewas bit by a rattlesnake last Wednesday morning. Dr. Thomas reports theboy better.

A heavy rain fell here yesterday, drenching the ground completely. Thefarmers are happy.

George Foughty, reports say, will start for Great Bend, on the Arkansas,next Monday.



Winfield Courier, July 1, 1875.

We had a pleasant call from Mr. T. M. James, of Floral, who has justreturned from a trip to Missouri. Mr. James informs us that in the countiesof Saline, Henry, Bates, Jackson, Missouri, and Johnson, Miami, Lyon, Anderson,and Franklin, Kansas, the grasshoppers have left nothing. In the portionof Missouri traversed by our informant, especially, the destitution is verygreat, they having raised little or nothing, last year, on account of thedrouth. He says that in many cases the destitute are driven to such desperationthat they actually watch the travelers and steal all they can. Mr. Jameshad part of a load of shelled corn, and, on several occasions, narrowlyescaped having it taken from him by forceso desperate were some of the people.


Winfield Courier, July 1, 1875.

News from the Black Hills.

The scientific exploring party sent out by the government report thefollowing.

Gold in large quantities and of good quality has been discovered in Custer'sGulch, on French Creek, and along this stream for a distance of upward ofseven miles toward the source.

Since my latest advices sent to you at Chicago from the expedition ofexplorations, the plans of the scientific corps have been entirely changed,and Camp Jenney, on the east fork of Beaver Creek, has ceased to be thepermanent point from which investigation radiates. We were to have beenthrough the hills on Tuesday, June 9th, but were delayed.

Colonel Dodge, with three cavalry companies as a military escort, leftCamp Jenney for the purpose of locating a permanent camp in some availableplace in the vicinity of Harney's Peak. The command marched almost due northalong Beaver Creek, then northeast, when, at the end of the second day'smarch, Custer's trail was struck in the midst of snow and rain. That officer'sline of march was pursued in a southeasterly direction along Castle Creek,where


were discovered.

The event induced Prof. Jenney, of the scientific corps, to remain inCastle Creek Valley for three days in order to prospect, a cavalry companybeing left with them. The place at which the geologists camped is located1,400 feet east of the 104th meridian, and was named Camp Tuttle. With theremainder of the command, Colonel Dodge proceeded in a southeast erly directionuntil Custer's Peak was reached, and last Monday camp was reached on Custer'sGulch, and in close contiguity to the stockade built by the miners whomCaptain Mix brought out of the hills this spring. On General Custer's cavalrycamp ground prospects were speedily made, and


of gold that was a fine quality. This was done in the presence of yourcorrespondent. The gold fever spread so rapidly that there was hardly onein the command who had not seen and panned out gold color from these placersor gulch mines. About Camp Harney for a distance of seven miles there arescattered along French Creek four different mining parties, numbering twenty-fivemen, that have taken up claims, from all of which good color has been panned.There are also


which promise rich returns, but the greatest stress should be placedon the gulch gold diggings. When gold was discovered the scientists wereat Camp Tuttle, and only arrived here yesterday afternoon. They were somewhatastonished at the discovery. It is intended to make this the permanent camp,where the command will remain until the return of the supply train fromLaramie.


Winfield Courier, July 1, 1875.

C. B. Graves, of Neosho Falls, has received a letter from Wichita statingthat one of the four men hung by "Vigilantes" at Wellington, Kansas,was Tom Cook, of Woodson County, and a widow of Sumner County has writtento Peter Bell, stating that Tom's body was at her house. Kansas CityTimes.

The young man mentioned above as having been hung is well known inthis county, and has several friends and relations living on Timber Creek.We hope that the rumor will prove a canard.


Winfield Courier, July 1, 1875.

Dispatches from the frontier state that large parties of Sioux, Cheyennes,and Arapahos started on the warpath lately. The objective points are thoughtto be the Pawnee, Ponca, Ute, and Shoshone agencies, which have been warnedof the impending raids. It is believed by men well posted in savage waysthat the Sioux and other hostile tribes are preparing for a gigantic Indianwar, and that the government will have to decide which course it will pursueprotectthe peaceful tribes and the settlers, or leave them to their fate and keepminers out of the Black Hills. The troops are not strong enough to do both.


Winfield Courier, July 1, 1875.

Cliff Wood has five acres of tip-top millet.

Winfield Courier, July 1, 1875.

Dr. Houx is fixing up a nice dental office one door south of C. A. Bliss'.

Winfield Courier, July 1, 1875.

They have commenced work on Main street at last. That's business.

Winfield Courier, July 1, 1875.

Hon. James McDermott is to make the oration at Lazette next Saturday.

Winfield Courier, July 1, 1875.

The Good Templars here now number over sixty persons, with new accessionsevery night.

Winfield Courier, July 1, 1875.

Doty has sold out his interest in the livery barn on Main street to Mr.Wilson, of Elk Falls.

Winfield Courier, July 1, 1875.

We noticed Thos. H. Henderson and E. B. Green, of Pleasant Valley Townshipon our streets last Tuesday.

Winfield Courier, July 1, 1875.

Big times are expected at Little Dutch next Saturday. Col. Manning andProfessor Wilkinson are the orators.

Winfield Courier, July 1, 1875.

Charley Way, a printer in this office, will spend his "fourth andfifteen cents" at Augusta, where he has relatives.

Winfield Courier, July 1, 1875.

C. A. Bliss and I. E. Moore, our millers, are making negotiations tofurnish the agencies and others south of us with flour.

Winfield Courier, July 1, 1875.

Who wrote that order for a gallon of beer and signed Sheriff Walker'sname to it? That's what Dick wants to find out too.

Winfield Courier, July 1, 1875.

A grand ball will be given at the Courthouse in Winfield Monday eveningJuly 5th. Good music will be in attendance.

Winfield Courier, July 1, 1875.

The 4th of July occurs on the 3rd and 5th this year.

Winfield Courier, July 1, 1875.

George Morris has some silk worms that came from Gallotti's silk orchard.They are spinning cocoons now and are quite a curiosity.

Winfield Courier, July 1, 1875.

Mrs. Vandever and daughter, of Taylorville, Illinois, are visiting friendsin this countty. They are stopping at present with our friend, Joel Vandever,of Pleasant Valley Township.

Winfield Courier, July 1, 1875.

There will be a Grand Basket Picnic at Kennedy's grove in Beaver TownshipSaturday the 3rd. Everyone is invited to take a full basket and enjoy theirown hospitality.

Winfield Courier, July 1, 1875.

That corn stalk, "big as a tree," ten feet high when pulled,that Senator Ingalls mentioned in his speech, is standing in the Post Office.Granger Manning raised it; and it's a whopper!

Winfield Courier, July 1, 1875.

There is hanging in the Post Office a potato of this year's growth, whichwas raised on the farm of A. Menor, just south of town, and weighs withina fraction of a pound, and is sound to the core.

Winfield Courier, July 1, 1875.

Henry W. Cook, senior member of an extensive law firm of Wyandotte andKansas City, passed through here last Sunday en route for the Osage Agency,to attend to business concerning a cattle lawsuit.

Winfield Courier, July 1, 1875.

Mr. S. L. Brettun and family, who have been visiting Charlie Black, ofthis place, left for their home in Illinois last Monday morning. Burt Crapsterwent with them, and will attend college there this summer.

Winfield Courier, July 1, 1875.

H. O. Meigs, one of the old residents of Cowley County, came over fromDexter last Saturday, where he is building a fine stone steam mill. Themill will have two run of burrs, and will commence work by the first ofAugust.

Winfield Courier, July 1, 1875.

Winfield may have an electroplate showing the town, valley, and surroundingspublished in the next Kansas Agricultural Report, provided her citizensfoot the bill. The cost of the artist's visit, who takes the view, and theplate and other expenses, will amount to ninety dollars. The plate afterbeing used in the report will be the property of the city, and can be usedfor letterheads, display cards, etc. Who will raise the necessary ninety?

Winfield Courier, July 1, 1875.

Dog Notice. Notice is hereby given to owners of dogs upon which the taxhas not been paid, that all dogs will be shot, when found without the taxtag upon them, on and after the 1st day of July. ED. EVANS, Marshall.

Winfield Courier, July 1, 1875.

D. S. Brown has bought the Jos. C. Roberts farm, and is not going toleave Cowley by any means. He sold his farm to Mr. Holloway, of Chillicothe,Illinois, for $2,000, and now pays $1,700 for one in the same school district.Tally one for Brown.

Winfield Courier, July 1, 1875.

Col. E. C. Manning will orate about the "glorious 99th anniversaryof American Independence" at Little Dutch, and Mr. Amos Walton willworry the tail feathers of the proud bird of liberty at Arkansas City onthe 4th. Winfield furnishes two orators! Hip! hip!!

Winfield Courier, July 1, 1875.

Capt. Shenneman, Frank Lutz, and C. C. Harris started to Ft. Sill lastSaturday to attend the government sale of ponies to be held there on the5th of July. Considering the number of buyers going there, we think therewill be about one pony, and a half mule for each person.

Winfield Courier, July 1, 1875.

Fish oil is not kept at the Post Office, or "garden truck"bought. Persons having a surplus of the latter can trade it for the Plowand Anvil. Traveler.

We are sorry for you, Scott. Amos will think you are poking fun athim, and of all things, he can neither stand nor understand is a joke.

Winfield Courier, July 1, 1875.

Miss Melville's sister, Emma, is complimented by the Emporia News,on an essay read before the Normal school last week, of which she is a newgraduate. Marion county Record.

Miss Emma is also a sister of Miss Anna Melville, late teacher inour public school here.

Winfield Courier, July 1, 1875.

Our defunct Frontier B. B. Club received an invitation to attend a grandbase ball tournament at Wichita next Monday. Twelve different clubs areexpected to be present, and take part in the great national game, and extensivepreparations are being made for their reception. A big dance in the eveningwill be one of the features of the occasion.

Winfield Courier, July 1, 1875.

Mr. A. G. Wilson, late of Elk Falls, has bought out Mr. Doty's interestin the livery stable of Darrah & Doty. Mr. Wilson comes well recommendedas a first-class liveryman, and we know that Sam. Darrah has few superiorsin that line. They have now one of the largest and most complete liveryestablishments south of Emporia, and all who patronize them will be fairlyand liberally dealt with.

Winfield Courier, July 1, 1875.

From a private letter from Cheyenne, of the 19th inst., we learn thatthe Arapahos and Cheyennes have gone out on a big buffalo hunt, but as theywere accompanied by a body of Uncle Sam's cavalry, they will do no harm.What a fine Indian policy this Quaker peace- making business is! Every timean Indian wants to go on a buffalo (?) hunt, he has to have a couple ofbayonets at his side to prevent him from stealing into the state and murderingsome defenseless settler or cattle herder along the border.

Winfield Courier, July 1, 1875.

We were shown the other day at the St. Nicholas Restaurant a monsterhead of lettuce. It was raised by Mr. J. W. Thomas, of Tisdale, from seedsent out by the Agricultural Department last winter. It was as large asan ordinary cabbage head with stock as thick as a man's wrist. Mr. Thomasinforms us that all the seeds obtained from the Agricultural Departmenthave produced the largest and best of anything ever brought to this country.Keep sending, Uncle Sam, Cowley County soil and Cowley County farmers arejust what can test your seeds to your entire satisfaction.

Winfield Courier, July 1, 1875.

The following is a list of the names registered at the Lagonda House,Saturday the 26th inst.

Hon. John J. Ingalls, Atchison, Kansas.

Hon. M. M. Murdock, Wichita, Kansas.

Hon. H. W. Cook, Wyandotte, Kansas.

W. H. Kingsberry, Wyandotte, Kansas.

Robt. Jeff, Emporia, Kansas.

B. H. Tisdale, Lawrence, Kansas.

C. D. Murphy, Cedarvale, Kansas.

W. H. Gibbs, Arkansas City, Kansas

L. Hyde, Arkansas City, Kansas.

Jas. A. Simpson, Arkansas City, Kansas

B. Shriver, County.

C. Krow, County.

Geo. N. Byers, Kansas City, Missouri.

Phillip Farmington, Iowa.

H. C. Fisher, Rock Creek, Kentucky.

A. T. Shenneman, Ft. Sill, Indian Territory.

G. A. Haight, Ft. Sill, Indian Territory.

Geo. Shryack, Ft. Sill, Indian Territory.

[Skipped Cowley County Delinquent Tax List given in July 8, July 15,July 22, and July 29 issues of Winfield Courier.]


Winfield Courier, July 8, 1875.

OFFICE OF A. C. S., FT. RILEY, KANSAS, June 24th, 1875.

M. S. ROSEBERRY, Esq., Arkansas City.

DEAR SIR: I have the honor to inform you that I have this day shippedfor your county (Cowley) 21,590 rations of shoulders, corn-meal and beans,also one sack of coffee. Please have teams on readiness, and notify thepeople to come in promptly so that there will be no delay in issuing.

41,021 pounds to haul.

E. SMITH, U. S. C.
WINFIELD, COWLEY CO., KAN., July 1st, 1875.


DEAR SIR: Your letter of the 24th ult., addressed to Mr. Roseberry statingthat you had shipped for this (Cowley) county 21,590 rations of shoulders,corn-meal, etc., is received.

Last autumn our people sowed a very large area in wheata bounteous harvesthas just been gatheredthreshing has been commenced, and this week the millsare converting the new grain into flour. The gardens are now yielding plenteously.The pasturage is excellent, and the milch cows are contributing liberallyto the sustenance of the people. Corn and other late crops were never morepromising at this season of the year. Where but a few months ago was destitutionnow is sufficiency with prospects of abundance.

The people of this county are grateful for the timely aid furnished themin their extremity, both by private bounty and the government; and no longerrequire assistance from abroad. We cannot in honor and good conscience receivethese rations (although appropriated to us when threatened with starvation)now, while our present needs are supplied from our fields and the futureis so full of promise. Indeed, to accept this gift of the government underthese circ*mstances and in view of the further fact that a considerableportion of our country has been again devastated by grasshoppers, whichthus far this year have done us no injury, would be an infamy to which thepeople of Cowley County have not yet fallen.

We therefore decline to accept the rations, 41,021 pounds, and ask thatthey be distributed among those in want, whose field this year, as last,have been made desolate.

Very Respectfully, County Committee, Cowley Co., Kansas.



Winfield Courier, July 15, 1875.

No railroad mail on Mondays now-a-days.

Winfield Courier, July 15, 1875.

Biggest rain in four years: Monday and Tuesday.

Winfield Courier, July 15, 1875.

E. B. Kager and wife are visiting friends in Missouri.

Winfield Courier, July 15, 1875.

Mr. Elijah Cravens, of Osage Mission, agent for Garr Scott & Co.threshing machines, called on us Monday. He has sold two of these popularmachines in this county.

Winfield Courier, July 15, 1875.

Capt. R. E. Mansfield, head clerk of U. S. mail route from Louisvilleto Nashville, Tennessee, has been spending a week in our midst on a visitto his father, Dr. Mansfield, of our city. He is well pleased with our beautifulcountry. He returned to his home last Wednesday.

Winfield Courier, July 15, 1875.

Some gentleman at Hutchinson has been appointed Brig. Gen. of the militiain this southwest district, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the removalof Gen. McMillen from the state. Hutchinson is the seat of the military,judicial, and congressional power in the southwest. Wichita and Emporiawill have to look out.

Winfield Courier, July 15, 1875.

Two articles were printed re incorporation of the St. Louis, OsageCity & Walnut Valley R. R. Co. Articles specify that the road is torun from Osage City to the South Line of the State, traversing the countiesof Osage, Lyon, Chase, and Butler.

Among the directors: Robert Milliken, of Cowley County.

Winfield Courier, July 15, 1875.

County Clerk M. G. Troup showed the following in lengthy report of CountyCom- missioners' Proceedings held July 12, 1875:

Total amount claimed: $4,241.21

Total amount allowed: $3,625.78


Winfield Courier, July 22, 1875.

A New Feature.

By an arrangement with T. A. Wilkinson, County Agent, P. of H., we thisweek begin a new feature in the columns of the COURIER. Professor Wilkinsonwill have charge of from one to two columns each week, which he will conductin the special interest of the farmers of Cowley County, and particularlyin the interest of the Patrons of Husbandry. We do this simply because weknow the interests of the farmers of Cowley is our interest, and Prof. Wilkinson'sability to conduct that department. We certainly hope it may be receivedby the farmers of the county in the same spirit in which it is given.

[Article in this issue skipped. Told farmers what they should or shouldnot do to make money.]



Winfield Courier, July 22, 1875.

Roasting ears have come.

Winfield Courier, July 22, 1875.

Wheat is selling at 75 cents.

Winfield Courier, July 22, 1875.

The pony fever is raging in town

Winfield Courier, July 22, 1875.

The Black Hills business is fizzling out.

Winfield Courier, July 22, 1875.

Lynn & Co. have issued an advertising paper.

Winfield Courier, July 22, 1875.

Wheat is selling from $1.30 to $1.56 in St. Louis.

Winfield Courier, July 22, 1875.

William T. Estus is the new postmaster at Silver Dale.

Winfield Courier, July 22, 1875.

"Amanda," a contributor to the Plow and Anvil, is a"he."

Winfield Courier, July 22, 1875.

Wagon loads of plums in the market selling at three dollars per bushel.

Winfield Courier, July 22, 1875.

Ex-Gov. S. J. Crawford and L. B. Kellogg, late of Arkansas City, haveformed a law partnership at Emporia.

Winfield Courier, July 22, 1875.

A brother of Phillip Stump, our miller at Bliss', has come on from Ohioand will help him through the wheat campaign this fall.

Winfield Courier, July 22, 1875.

B. F. Peaco*ck, of the Arkansas City mills, and B. F. Smith, a merchantof Oxford, called on the COURIER boys this week.

Winfield Courier, July 22, 1875.

Squire Boyer bought two of last summer's colts for five year old ponies.Will you drive them through to the centennial, W. M.?

Winfield Courier, July 22, 1875.

Capt. Shenneman and the boys returned from Ft. Sill. They brought upsome nice ponies, but had to pay all they were worth for them.

Winfield Courier, July 22, 1875.

Mrs. I. N. Ripley, of Iowa, recently well-known here as Miss Mollie Millspaugh,is down visiting her relatives and friends in this vicinity.

Winfield Courier, July 22, 1875.

Southern Colorado has had no rain for the past two months till last Sunday,and the whole country is flooded and much damage has been done.

Winfield Courier, July 22, 1875.

We saw Frank Lutz and thirty-four other men and boys watching one ofthose Comanchee ponies last Tuesday and wondering what it would do next.

Winfield Courier, July 22, 1875.

Uncle Isaac wants more wood to cut, and says he may be found three timesa day at the southeast corner of the northwest quarter of the Lagonda Housedining-room.

Winfield Courier, July 22, 1875.

Sam Phoenix, one of the jolly farmers of Richland Township, was in townMonday. He reports no wheat damaged in that part of the county in consequenceof late rains.

Winfield Courier, July 22, 1875.

Tell W. and Peter Walton passed through town yesterday with a herd ofmatch ponies. They had some very fine ones. Tell amused the boys awhileby lassoing and riding the wildest.

Winfield Courier, July 22, 1875.

Saturday night a violent wind and thunderstorm passed over town, completelydemolishing an unfinished building belonging to Johnnie Read, and one chimneyof the Courthouse.

Winfield Courier, July 22, 1875.

We noticed Hon. James McDermott and Messrs. Harden and Hines, of Dexter,C. R. Mitchell of the City, McD. Stapleton of Lazette, and J. R. Musgroveof South Haven, in town yesterday.

Winfield Courier, July 22, 1875.

The Winfield school will commence in the September with Prof. A. B. Lemmonas principal, Miss Jennie Greenlee in charge of the intermediate department,and Miss Ada Millington the primary.

Winfield Courier, July 22, 1875.

Old friends of Mrs. J. O. Houx are pleased to see her back here oncemore. We knew that she and "Doc" could no better afford to dowithout Winfield than Winfield could do without them.

Winfield Courier, July 22, 1875.

Ingalls and Osborn are working hand in hand in the effort to change theIndian policy of the Administration. Harvey is looking over the top of aroasting ear after some other fellow to turn out of office.

Winfield Courier, July 22, 1875.

It took 147,200 pieces of type to set up the tax list as printed in ourpaper last week. These pieces lying end and end would reach a distance of12,266 feet, or from the Courthouse to thebrewery and back again.

Winfield Courier, July 22, 1875.

The faces of our M. D.'s are now wreathed in smiles in consequence ofthe decomposi tion of the luxuriant vegetation, and the resultant miasmaticgases arising therefrom. Or in other words, the ague season is coming on.

Winfield Courier, July 22, 1875.

What has become of our street commissioner? They say there are weedsgrowing along the sidewalk on 10th Avenue that a horse couldn't pull, andthat the citizens down there cross the street by swinging from the top ofthem.

Winfield Courier, July 22, 1875.

Fred Hunt is clerking at Black's. Wilber Dever at Green's. Robert Demingat Myton's, and Billy Hudson at Yerger's. That's right, boys; stick to itand it will make men of you. A. T. Stewart and old man Vanderbilt used tobe clerks.

Winfield Courier, July 22, 1875.

Mr. O. F. McKim, of Decatur, Illinois, has taken up his abode with usand will soon hang out his shingle as an attorney at law. Though a strangeramong us, his appearance and gentle manly bearing are all in his favor,and we wish him success.

Winfield Courier, July 22, 1875.

Mr. Amos Walton, editor of the Plow and Anvil, started for DouglassCounty last Monday, to be gone about twenty days. Charlie McIntire willhold the plow and Tom Copeland will sit on the anvil till he returns. Thepaper shows marked improvement already.

Winfield Courier, July 22, 1875.

We neglected to call attention to the new lumber advertisem*nt of W.H. H. Maris last week. Mr. Maris keeps the largest and best stock in thecounty, and those in need of lumber should examine his stock and pricesbefore purchasing. Rest assured you will be fairly dealt with.





Winfield Courier, July 22, 1875.

E. B. Kager has the biggest turnip in Cowley County. It measures 32 inchesin circum- ference, and weighs 4½ pounds. He also has a radish thatmeasures six inches across the top and it ain't done growing either. How'sthat, you peanut raisers of the "great Arkansas Valley?"

Winfield Courier, July 22, 1875.

Serviss & Merydith have commenced threshing wheat in the vicinityof Dexter. They threshed twenty-two acres of upland wheat for Mr. H. L.Laplin which averaged fourteen bushels per acre, and one hundred and thirtyacres for Mr. R. S. Wells which averaged thirty- five bushels per acre.

Winfield Courier, July 22, 1875.

Geo. Melville and several others on Posey Creek sent a cargo of unthreshedwheat down to Ft. Smith via the Walnut & Arkansas rivers. If they getgood returns from it, they may try it again. They weren't quite ready tosend it, but Posey came along on a "high," so they let it go.

Winfield Courier, July 22, 1875.

Mr. H. B. Lacy delivers nice crystal ice every morning and evening tothe desiring. He never skips ye printer or anyone else that leaves an orderwith him. His team may not make "the fastest time on record,"but it is quiet and honest, never frightens, never runs away, and is alwayson time.

Winfield Courier, July 22, 1875.

On the principle of "better late than never," we tender thanksto Mrs. Benedict, Mrs. Sipes, and Mr. Will. Mowry, of Arkansas City, forcourtesies received while at their place on July 3rd, and for genuine old-fashionedhospitality. We recommend the citizens of Arkansas City and vicinity aspar excellence at all times.

Winfield Courier, July 22, 1875.

"Ikie Bordie," is the name of the new club organized by theyoung ladies of town in opposition to the young men's "Bazique Club."We learn they have five cents in the treasury and are now trying to "strikea dividend." Don't undertake the solution of that problem, girls. Buychewing gum with it and then dividend that.

Winfield Courier, July 22, 1875.

We call special attention to the new advertisem*nt of Cedar Grove Nursery,at Olathe, Kansas. They have a large assortment of the best varieties offruits, flowers, climbers, and shade trees. Judge H. D. Gans, of this city,is agent for this nursery and all who may desire to purchase anything inthis line will profit by purchasing of him.


Wm. GANS, Proprietor.
Make Home Beautiful.
One Million Hedge Plants for Sale.

An Experience of Fifteen Years in the Fruit Growing and Nursery Businessin Kansas, together with facts gathered from the experience of others, convinceme that the following varieties of apples are those best adapted to thesoil and climate of Kansas, and are the earliest bearers ever introducedinto this State. We have for sale

50,000 Apple Trees From One to Three Years Old.
(Fall and Winter)

Mo. Pippin, New York Pippin, Rand Pippin, Florence Bellflower, YellowBellflower, McAppee Nonsuch, W. W. Paremane, Willow Twig, Rome Beauty, Baile'sSweet, Golden Sweet, Big Romanite, Pound Apple, Pennsylvania Red Streakand Maiden Blush, Swaar, Rambo, Porter, Janiton, Johnathan, Winesap, Wagoner,Janitor.


Summer Queen, Earley Harvest, Summer Pennock, and Red June.


I have many varieties other than those named, but the man who wants applesin Kansas should have in his orchard some of those mentioned above.



Flemish Beauty, duch*esse de Angouleme, Osborn Summer, and other varieties.


Cherries, Dwarf Service Berry, Grapes, Currants, Blackberries, Gooseberries,and Raspberries.



After a trial of eight years, I pronounce this the best of the manydifferent kinds, including Wilson's Albany, Russells, and others. In eightyears it has not failed to give me a fair yield. Every family should havesome of the plants.


Mammoth Pie Plant, Flowering Shrubs, Flowering Plants, Rose, RunningRoses, Climbers, evergreens and

Shade Trees.

All of which I offer for sale on the most reasonable terms. Will takeCorn, Wheat, and Cattle at the market price for the same at time of deliveryin exchange, or will sell on short time.

WILLIAM GANS, Proprietor.
H. D. GANS, Agent, Winfield, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, July 22, 1875.

As will be seen in another column, Mrs. Martha A. Richmond sues for adivorce from Charles W. Richmond, and prays the court to grant her alimony(or all his money) and the privilege of taking up her old name of MarthaA. Lappan. We suppose if the court grant her petition, she will go roundLappa(o)n up some other member of the sterner sex.

Winfield Courier, July 22, 1875.

To the person bringing us the largest watermelon this season, we willsend the COURIER one whole year free.

Winfield Courier, July 22, 1875.

John Manly threshed 7-1/2 acres of Wheat last Friday that measured fifty-twobushels of clean wheat heaped measure to the acre. It was the big May varietyand was sown the 5th of September. Two bushels per acre was the seed.

Winfield Courier, July 22, 1875.

Attention, Sir Knights!

There will be a meeting of the "Bazique Club" at the Bachelorrooms over Read's bank on Friday evening next, for the purpose of electingofficers for the ensuing year and transacting such other business as mayproperly come before them. Sir Knights will govern themselves accordingly.

By order of the


Winfield Courier, July 22, 1875.

Wanted Every One to Know

That Jackson & Hill have the largest stock of candies in Winfield,and that they keep the best Five Cent Cigars in town. You can get a goodglass of Soda for a Nickel, or a glass of Lemonade that will make you feelgood all over for a dime. They keep their Ice Cream parlor open every night,and always keep plenty of Lemons on hand, with which to make Lemonade with.Remember the St. Nicholas is still kept by


Winfield Courier, July 22, 1875.

The Festival.

The Congregational festival at the courthouse last Thursday evening waswell attended. The tables over which Mrs. Howland and Mrs. Wait presidedwere well patronized, and we think the ladies at the other end of the hallhad no reason to complain as we noticed the frank and open countenancesof Prof. Lemmon and the senior editor of the COURIER up there the greaterpart of the evening. A lemonade stand from behind which Misses Manley andPowers handed out the cooling beverage and took in the nickels was a featureof the evening. Several old fashioned songs were sung by an impromptu "gleeclub," and everybody seemed to enjoy themselves.


Winfield Courier, July 22, 1875.

City Council Proceedings, July 19, 1875.

Present: D. A. Millington, Mayor; N. M. Powers, M. G. Troup, and C. C.Black, Councilmen; B. F. Baldwin, City Clerk.

The following bills were presented, referred to the finance Committee,and reported favorably on by them, and duly approved and ordered paid.

Bill of Z. T. Swigart, services as Marshal, 7 days, ending June 7th:$5.90.

Bill of E. R. Evans, services as Marshal, 23 days, ending July 1st: $19.10.

Bill of S. H. Myton, fixtures for public well: $2.70.

Bill of Ge. Gray; removing dead dogs: $1.00.

Bill of Bert Covert, boarding prisoners, referred to the finance committeeat a previous meeting, reported favorably and ordered paid: $5.55.

Bills of W. M. Boyer, fees as Police Judge in two cases of City of Winfieldvs. W. Q. Mansfield, and one City of Winfield vs. Seymour Tarrant, werereferred to finance committee.

Bond of E. R. Evans, as Marshal of the City of Winfield, was duly approvedby the Council.

On motion Council adjourned. B. F. BALDWIN, City Clerk.


Winfield Courier, July 22, 1875.

One on "Dick."

By way of retaliation the boys are circulating a good joke on Dick Walkerthis week. It is well known, far and wide, that he has an unusual sizedunderstanding (he wears boots numbered somewhere away up in the teens),and that he never fails to embellish a joke when it passes through his hands.

While at the picnic on the 3rd, at Arkansas City, he stood leaning againsta tree, with his feet extended, listening to the sweet music of the BeethovenSociety, perfectly unconscious of his surroundings. While standing thereunobservedby hima young couple from Bolton Township came along, and, as they supposed,took a seat on a log under this same tree. The music stopped, and Dick,for the first time, noticed them. But as they were chatting merrily, hethought he wouldn't disturb them, till the conversation took a turn wherehe thought, "Two is company, and three a crowd." So he modestlysuggested that he was "sorry, he didn't like to disturb them, but thefact was Harter wanted to see him over there by the lemonade stand."

The young man said nothing, but his sweetheart allowed "He (Dick)could go as nobody was holden him." "Well," said Dick, atthe same time bowing gracefully with the upper part of himself, "Ican't, you see, as you are sitting on my left foot." It is needlessto say that they moved, and rather suddenly too; and as they passed roundthe speaker's stand, the girl was heard to remark, "Well! That mustbe that sheriff Dick Walker, of Winfield, for nobody else has such feetoutside of a museum."


Winfield Courier, July 22, 1875.

TO RENT by R. B. Waite, the Tansey Farm, near town, 50 acres wheat ground;also Isaac Silver's Farm, 16 acres under cultivation.

Winfield Courier, July 22, 1875.

FOLLOW THE CROWD to J. B. Lynn & Co.'s for Black Alpacas and summerdress goods.

Winfield Courier, July 22, 1875.

SHIRTS 50 Cents, Linen Pants 90 Cents, Coats $1.00, Suits from $6.00to $25.00, at Requa's Clothing House.

Winfield Courier, July 22, 1875.

GO TO George Miller's and get some of that corned beef.

Winfield Courier, July 22, 1875.

IF YOU WANT nice juicy, fresh beef, get it at George Miller's. He hasthe best refrigerator this side of Emporia, and his meats are always cooland fresh.

Winfield Courier, July 22, 1875.

WANTED. To exchange a medium sized mule for a larger one. The differencepaid in cash. For particulars apply to Pryor & Kager, or at this office.

Winfield Courier, July 22, 1875.

A FEW THOUSAND choice 2 year old Hedge plants for sale. Inquire at thisoffice.

Winfield Courier, July 22, 1875.

GRAHAM FLOUR at C. A. Bliss & Co.

Winfield Courier, July 22, 1875.

CORN & WHEAT taken in exchange for goods at C. A. Bliss & Co.'s.

Winfield Courier, July 22, 1875.

Rates Reduced. MONEY to loan for one, two, and five years, by Curns &Manser.


Winfield Courier, July 22, 1875.


E. S. BEDILION, Clerk of District Court.

Pryor & Kager, Plaintiff's Attorneys.


Winfield Courier, July 29, 1875.

Farmer Will Allison sends us in a giant stalk of Japan wheat raised onhis farm three miles southeast of town. It is over six feet high, has tenjoints, and the head is thirteen inches. He only sowed a small amount tosee what it would do and is so well pleased that he intends sowing morenext year. It very much resembles hungarian grass and like it, is only goodfor feed.

Mr. Fairbank handed us a cucumber curiosity last Monday. W. C. Haydenof Nennescah Township raised it. It has been named "The Mutual Friend."Three perfect and well formed cucumbers all clinging to one little stemsuggested the idea.

Winfield Courier, July 29, 1875.

Prof. H. B. Norton in an excellent letter from California comparing Kansasthereto said the following.

To sum the thing up: Kansas has the best soil, and the most arable land;the best summer climate; abundant grass and coal.

California has the best winter climate, and a good supply of timber,but no coal. Kansas is the best agricultural state.

The wealth of California has come from a wise use of capital and labor.The poverty of Kansas has been developed by insane speculation, and a generaldisregard of the conditions needful to success.

Kansas has better facilities for irrigation than California, but everythingin California is raised by irrigation.

[Notice from County Supt. Wilkinson to Cowley County Teachers.]

Winfield Courier, July 29, 1875.

To the Teachers of Cowley County.

We have arranged with Prof. E. W. Hulse, of Arkansas City, and Prof.A. B. Lemmon, of Winfield, to assist in organizing and conducting a Teachers'Normal school, of four weeks, during the month of August next. We desireto learn immediately the names of all teachers who will enroll themselvesas members. Arrangements will be made to secure reasonable rates of boardand lodging. A small tuition fee will be charged to cover incidental expenses,but the enterprise is not calculated to make money and will be carried outon the strictest principles of economy. The school will close with an examinationfor teachers who desire to teach the coming fall and winter. All dependson the number of applicants who report their names within the next ten days.Teachers will see the necessity of being prompt in joining us in this praiseworthyenterprise. T. A. WILKINSON, County Supt.


Winfield Courier, July 29, 1875.

Indian Affairs.

By request of Mr. Berkey, of Arkansas City, on the 14th of this monthwe wrote Mr. Enoch Hoag, inquiring whether it would be any violation toexisting government regulations of Indian Affairs to sell flour or wheatat the intermediate points along the Arkansas River in the territory shouldflat boating prove successful down said river. The following letter is ananswer to ours.

LAWRENCE, KAN., July 22, 1875.

T. A. WILKINSON, Supt. Pub. Instruction, Winfield, Kansas.

I am in receipt of the communication of 14th instant, inquiring whetherthe sale of wheat and flour along the Arkansas River, in the Indian Territoryat points where the demand and price would be sufficient to induce suchsale, would be any violation of Government regulations, etc.

In reply I have to call thy attention to the 2nd section of the "IntercourseLaw," the first clause of which I quote, to-wit:

"That no person shall be permitted to trade with any of the Indians(in the Indian country), without a license therefor from a Superintendentof Indian Affairs, or Indian Agent, or Sub Agent," etc.

Section 4 says: "And be it further enacted, That any person, otherthan an Indian, who shall attempt to reside in the Indian country as a trader,or to introduce goods, or to trade therein without such license, shall forfeitall merchandise offered for sale to the Indians or found in his possession,and shall moreover forfeit and pay the sum of five hundred dollars."

I am of the opinion that the traffic proposed would be a violation ofthe foregoing, and perhaps other clauses of the "Intercourse Law."Very Respectfully, ENOCH HOAG, Supt.



Winfield Courier, July 29, 1875.

A Harvest Ball at the Courthouse tonight. All are invited to attend.

Winfield Courier, July 29, 1875.

The Band are giving us some nice music.

Winfield Courier, July 29, 1875.

Oscar Morris is building an addition to his residence on Tenth Avenue.

Winfield Courier, July 29, 1875.

A little child of J. B. Lynn's was bitten by a copper-head snake lastSunday.

Winfield Courier, July 29, 1875.

BORN. To Mr. and Mrs. James Kelly, on the 23rd inst., a son, weight 11-1/4pounds.

Winfield Courier, July 29, 1875.

To W. L. Mullen, our jolly groceryman, we extend our thanks for a bigwatermelon.

Winfield Courier, July 29, 1875.

Dr. Maggard of Oxford came over and shook hands with us yesterday. Hereports it distressingly healthy on the Arkansas.

Winfield Courier, July 29, 1875.

Rev. J. H. Roberts preached at the Brane schoolhouse six miles belowtown last Sunday and Rev. Platter preached to an unusually large audienceat the Courthouse at the same hour.

Winfield Courier, July 29, 1875.

Mr. I. N. Ury and mother, of Ft. Scott, are here visiting O. N. Morrisand family. Mrs. Ury expresses herself as well pleased with our town andthinks she will locate here permanently so as to be near her daughter, Mrs.Morris.

Winfield Courier, July 29, 1875.

Excelsior School District.

Singing meeting at the schoolhouse Friday evening, to practice Sundayschool songs. Remember and come.

Winfield Courier, July 29, 1875.

Chop Feed.

Ten thousand, more or less, Grangers in town today.

Winfield Courier, July 29, 1875.

Mr. and Mrs. Black and baby Esq. started on a visit to Leavenworth yesterday.

Winfield Courier, July 29, 1875.

99 men, women, and children were watching the dam, mill, and bridge westof town MondayMore rainA drouth did you say?And still another rain!

Winfield Courier, July 29, 1875.

Did you see that "eye" of Kelly's? The new boy kicked him.

Winfield Courier, July 29, 1875.

Muddy roads, something new for Cowley.

Winfield Courier, July 29, 1875.

Maris and Baldwin invoicing.

Winfield Courier, July 29, 1875.

Buckboard stopped running this week; high water the cause.

Winfield Courier, July 29, 1875.

W. H. Walker, Will Mowry, and H. P. Farrar all visited the county seatsince our last issue.

Winfield Courier, July 29, 1875.

More fun at the Courthouse: a "horned toad" this time withGans and Bedilion as chief mourners!

Winfield Courier, July 29, 1875.

Grasshoppers vs. Small Frys on old Frontier ball ground today.

Winfield Courier, July 29, 1875.

Criminal court case commenced in District Court.

Winfield Courier, July 29, 1875.

Candidates buttonholeing and cigar men happy.


Winfield Courier, July 29, 1875.

Our Senior Editor.

He came in Friday morning with a paregoric smell about his clothes, swinginghis old ten cent straw hat and smiling serenely. He sat down and hastilyknocked off a quarter column leader, headed "Duties of Parents to theirChildren," took it over to the foreman's case and said, "Youngman, on your honor, if you ever expect to have anyone call you father, justset that up in first class style and charge it to me." Then he waltzedabout the room a couple of times, sat himself down on the paste-pot, whirledit round and round all the time murmuring, "Eureka," "Eureka."He was restless, kind of uneasy like, he couldn't sit nor stand still, andwe didn't know what was the matter with him. Some said hydrophobia, othersthought it an ordinary "high," but no one could tell. He onlystaid a few moments, laid us to run the COURIER in the interest of the republicanparty and the post office for the benefit of self and government for thatday, then started down 9th Avenue towards home saying, "Hurrah! It'sa boy, weighs 11-1/4 pounds and looks just like its father."


Winfield Courier, July 29, 1875.

Crazy Man.

Tolles was his name, Dan Tolles, he said, and he was from Beaver Creek,in the southeast corner of the county. He had run all the way from the statelineon a hair line. The Osage Indians had killed his brother, Sam Tolles,and he, Dan Tolles, had killed as many of them as they had of him and theremainder of them pursued, fired at, and tried to kill him again, but hehad out winded `em and give them the slip, and now he wanted to raise acompany of men (Capt. Shenneman and his militia company would do if he couldn'tget boys and private citizens enough) to go down and massacre these cruelsavages, recover the body of his brother, and stop them in their murderouswork.

The above we caught from the hurried and excited conversation of a travel-soiled,hair- disheveled, badly frightened, crazy looking individual who suddenlyappeared on our streets last Thursday.

We thought at the time the man was crazy and our surmises have sincebeen proved to be correct. From Mr. Wm. Bartlow, of town, we learn thatlast Thursday morning while coming home from his mill on Grouse Creek, hewas overtaken by this same man, who was at the time terribly excited. Hesaid the Indians were just behind him and were trying to kill him. He wantedMr. Bartlow to hide him. Mr. Bartlow thinking there might be some truthin the statement, hurriedly helped him into his wagon, covered him up withsome blankets, and drove on. Soon, however, he came to a place where theroad was new, being in doubt, got out and went ahead to reconnoiter. Returningin a few moments to his team, he saw this strange man jump from the wagon,and on seeing him, started off down the hill at breakneck speed, screamingat every jump, and he only stopped, as we suppose, when he reached our cityas above described.

From parties living in the neighborhood we learn that there have beenno Indians except a few begging Kaws down there since the Indian war andthat this man Tolles must actually be crazy. He left town Friday and wehave heard nothing of him since.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 5, 1875.

The Wellington Press says:

"The Osage Indians who have been collecting toll from the Texascattle herds on the trail near Skeleton Creek, have been attacked and dispersedby United States cavalry. The Indians fled in confusion, their camp andequipage in possession of the soldiers. This will probably stop their depredationsfor some time to come."


Winfield Courier, August 5, 1875.

Hot - 104 and no breeze yesterday.

Winfield Courier, August 5, 1875.

Hon. T. R. Bryan in town yesterday.

Winfield Courier, August 5, 1875.

246 letters left the Winfield P. O. Tuesday.

Winfield Courier, August 5, 1875.

Mr. R. C. Story, of Lazette, was in town last week.

Winfield Courier, August 5, 1875.

Big stalk of corn at P. O. Raised by Titus15 footer.

Winfield Courier, August 5, 1875.

The Lagonda has a new sign. Prof. T. J. Jones was the artist.

Winfield Courier, August 5, 1875.

Mr. Newt. Ury and mother left for their home in Fort Scott yesterdaymorning.

Winfield Courier, August 5, 1875.

John E. Allen has returned and has settled down to the practice of lawand croquet again.

Winfield Courier, August 5, 1875.

Bread from new corn is the latest arrival except Charlie McIntire atthe Valley House.

Winfield Courier, August 5, 1875.

W. M. Boyer has some spicy novels and magazines now. They got wet crossingBitter Creek.

Winfield Courier, August 5, 1875.

Winfield has a new dentist in the person of Dr. W. C. Hare of KansasCity; a young man, who comes well recommended. We wish him success.

Winfield Courier, August 5, 1875.

John Cottingham lost fifteen acres of wheat by the Timber Creek floodlast week.

Winfield Courier, August 5, 1875.

W. B. Norman, postmaster at Redbud, called in one day last week. He reportseverything flourishing in Maple Township.

Winfield Courier, August 5, 1875.

Vinnie B. Beckett is foreman of the Burlington, Iowa, Hawk-Eye,and Arthur H. Hane is at work on the Kansas Farmerboth old friends,and late attaches of this office.

Winfield Courier, August 5, 1875.

Frank Gallotti, the GRAND KHEDHIVE of the "Bazique Club," gavea royal supper at the St. Nicholas last Friday night to its members, itbeing the anniversary of his birthday.

Winfield Courier, August 5, 1875.

Charley Way, an attache of this office, has been on the sick list forseveral days, and has been confined to his bed most of the time. He is recoveringrapidly and will be out in a few days.

Winfield Courier, August 5, 1875.

E. P. Kinne, of Arkansas City, finished threshing last Monday night at11 o'clock. One piece of wheat, upon which only eighteen bushels of seedwas sown, threshed out five hundred and twenty bushels.

Winfield Courier, August 5, 1875.

From a private letter to Mr. Frank Baldwin, we learn that our esteemedfellow townsman, Johnathan Newman, is lying very dangerously ill at CherryVale. There seems to be little chance for his recovery.

Winfield Courier, August 5, 1875.

The most dilapidated thing "barrin'" in the reform party inCowley County today, is the fair ground fence and buildings below town.Not less than fifteen thousand feet of lumber have been maliciously, feloniously,or otherwise, been carried away from there the present year. It's a burningshame, and our lumber men should rise up in their might and scoop the agriculturalsociety in. They need never expect to sell their lumber when the choicestpine can be got for the taking.

Winfield Courier, August 5, 1875.

Hon. T. R. Bryan, of Dexter, came to town one day last week with a grist,which he says is the last that he will be obliged to bring here, for thenew steam grist mill at Dexter will be running soon. The proprietors willuse Cowley County coal for fuel.

Winfield Courier, August 5, 1875.

Today (Wednesday) we go up to Maple Township to make a survey for Mr.Daniel Haynes and others. J. D. Cochran (weight 240 and strikes a ton) haskindly consented to do our fighting till we return.

Winfield Courier, August 5, 1875.

W. H. Walker, familiarly known as "Old Dad" of the city, isresponsible for saying that the Arkansas City Town Company cuts a watermelonevery afternoon, and call up all the boys to a three cent treat, and thatsunflowers grow as large as trees in the rear of the postoffice.

Winfield Courier, August 5, 1875.

As will be seen in another column, the firm of Maris & Baldwin havedissolved partnership. B. Frank will go it alone now. He deserves additionalpatronage for this new venture, and we are sure the public will give itto him. This has been one of the best drug firms in our city, and if itwere not that one of the firm still remains, we would be loth to chronicleany change.

[Notice did not appear until August 26, 1875, issue.]

Winfield Courier, August 5, 1875.

"It never rains but it pours." Mr. Kelly now has another PostOffice. Floral, nine miles up Timber Creek, has been discontinued as "unnecessary,"and all the business will be done at this office. This will be somewhatinconvenient for our Floral friends, but considering the irregular mannerin which they have received their mail for the past six months, it may bethe best in the long run.

Winfield Courier, August 5, 1875.

John Easton, our gunsmith, is not only a good workman in that line, buthe can do you a good job on your broken sewing machines, apple parers, cherryseed pickers, or anything else that requires skill or patience.

Winfield Courier, August 5, 1875.

J. W. Thomas, the champion vegetable producer of Cowley, the man whoraised those enormous lettuces, that whoppin' cabbage, that awful onion,and those immense beets, placed us under obligations by handing us somefine peaches Tuesday morning.

Winfield Courier, August 5, 1875.

The teams that went to Wichita after W. H. H. Marris' lumber were fourdays making the trip. They were compelled to pontoon and corduroy Bitter,Dog, and Dry creeks with the lumber off their wagons. A more dirt-begrimed,weary-looking set of individuals, judging from the appearance of the wagonbosses, Mell. Graham and Mr. Bartlett, would be hard to find.

Winfield Courier, August 5, 1875.

Notice to Builders.

The Building Committee of the Presbyterian Church, at Winfield, willreceive bids for laying the stone foundation of the Church building accordingto the plans and specifications in the hands of the Clerk of said Committee,at Winfield. All bids must be in writing and handed to said Committee, onor before 8 o'clock p.m., August 10th, 1875. The Committee reserve the rightto reject any part or all of any or all bids.

By order of the Committee. E. B. KAGER, Clerk.

Winfield Courier, August 5, 1875.

Items from the Traveler.

It was a noticeable fact that the best number of the Plow and Anvilwas issued during Amos' visit at Lawrence.

The toll for grinding is one-fifth of both wheat and corn.

The COURIER issued an extra last week. Enterprise.

It costs $100 to freight one car load of lumber from Wichita to ArkansasCity, and the experiment of rafting it down the Arkansas is to be testedsoon. It is estimated that it can be brought down on the river for fifteendollars per car load.

Skipped County Treasurer's Quarterly Statement up to July 1, 1875,as well as School District Tax Fund and Bond Tax Fund, in this issue.


Winfield Courier, August 12, 1875.

The miners are ordered out of the Black Hills in dead earnest this timeby the Government. Two companies of cavalry and one of infantry are nowen route, to carry into effect this order in case of opposition.


Winfield Courier, August 12, 1875.

The Government has at last found a practical solution of the vexed Indianquestion. The President insists on placing the Sioux tribe, numbering some40,000 in the Territory just south of Kansas, notwithstanding the manlyprotest of Governor Osborn. If this be done, then the Indian question isspeedily settled. There are not troops enough in the United States to keepthese rascally Sioux on their reservation. Friend Enoch can't keep a handfulof peaceable Kaws at home, then what is he to do with 40,000 wild, war like,scalp-lifting Sioux? These Indians take to theft and plunder as naturallyas a duck takes to water, and in order to find something to steal they mustcome over into Kansas, or cross to Missouri, Arkansas, or Texas. In eithercase, their doom is sealed. The war of extermination begins, and does anyonedoubt the result? Of course not. Seventy-five thousand people on the Kansasborder alone, each man a regular half-dozen Buffalo Bill's when his goods,say nothing of his hair, is the prize, will soon put the last redskin onhis way to the happy hunting grounds.


Winfield Courier, August 12, 1875.

The prices of wheat quoted in St. Louis are such as should assure ourfarmers fair prices for their surplus. The best quality, which means a perfectberry, and perfectly cleaned, was quoted on the 14th at $1.56. The nextgrade, which corresponds to the most of what is called good wheat, was quotedat $1.31 and $1.32. These are good figures which should give our farmersmore than a dollar a bushel for wheat.

Bro. A. T. Stewart, Director for Cowley County, in the Patrons CommercialAgency at Wichita, informs us that the Agency is ready to receive and shipwheat as soon as the farmers are satisfied it has passed through the sweat.

Those about to ship will make money by cleaning it, and putting it ina marketable condition. Brother Stewart also says Cowley County, the secondlargest producing county in the organization, has subscribed the least amountof stock in the Association. This should not be so. It is to be hoped thateach Subordinate Grange will subscribe to five shares of stock ($5.00 each),payable one dollar per month until paid, on each share.

Subscribe at once, and help the enterprise, and more especiallyyourselves,and prove your ability to do your own shipping and business.

Send subscription to Bro. A. T. Stewart, or T. A. Wilkinson, Winfield,Kansas.


Mr. T. A. Wilkinson,

DEAR SIR: Will you please inform me through the COURIER, of next week,what variety of wheat yields the best, and stood the winter best? I wouldlike to get wheat that yields well, and stands the winter well. I read inthe COURIER that "John Manly threshed 7-1/2 acres of wheat that measured52 bushels of clean wheat, heaped measure, to the acre." The wheatwas the Big May, and sown two bushels to the acre. Will you find out itscorrect ness, and let me know. If the statement is correct, I would liketo get some of that variety of wheat. Yours Truly, J. S. BAKER, Vernon Township.


The above letter reached us too late to answer all questions thistime. In regard to the wheat raised on Mr. Manly's place, Mr. William Storm,the gentleman who worked the farm, says he has measured the ground accuratelyand knows the statement to be true. The Big May wheat was the kind raised.


Winfield Courier, August 12, 1875.

Charlie Way is on his pegs once more.

Winfield Courier, August 12, 1875.

Leon Lippmann is able to be around again.

Winfield Courier, August 12, 1875.

Capt. Shenneman is cultivating a mustache.

Winfield Courier, August 12, 1875.

The Dexter mail comes in occasionally in a two horse wagon.

Winfield Courier, August 12, 1875.

Dr. Mansfield has the most beautiful flower garden in the city.

Winfield Courier, August 12, 1875.

Old Bender has been caught again. This time near Salmon City, Idaho Territory.

Winfield Courier, August 12, 1875.

Rev. Father Shurz will hold service in Winfield on Sunday morning, the15th inst.

Winfield Courier, August 12, 1875.

Our small boys have organized a base ball club. The "Stars"is their brilliant appellative.

Winfield Courier, August 12, 1875.

Prof. Lemmon and Will. C. Robinson are to be masters of ceremonies atthe singing school.

Winfield Courier, August 12, 1875.

Mr. Isaac T. Morris and family, of Tec*mseh, Shawnee County, are downvisiting the Morris brothers of this city.

Winfield Courier, August 12, 1875.

Jimmie Simpson came very near being drowned while attempting to crossthe Walnut River six miles above here last Thursday.

Winfield Courier, August 12, 1875.

The many friends of M. L. Read, Esq., will be glad to learn that he isrecovering from his sickness and will be able to be about soon.

Winfield Courier, August 12, 1875.

DIED. Just as we go to press we learn the sad news of Mr. Johnathan Newman'sdeath. He died at Cherryvale, Sunday morning.

Winfield Courier, August 12, 1875.

Thanks to Mr. Vandeventer for a 22 pound watermelon.

Winfield Courier, August 12, 1875.

Judge R. B. Saffold started Sunday morning on a trip to Galveston, Texas.He will visit friends in Georgia and other southern states before he returns.

Winfield Courier, August 12, 1875.

D. Rodocker, our popular photographer, will take wheat, corn, flour,or wood, in exchange for work.

Winfield Courier, August 12, 1875.

Saint has accomplished the difficult task of driving a two horse teamfour miles and back without using his hands. Further more, deponent sayethnot.

Winfield Courier, August 12, 1875.

MARRIED. On the evening of the 3rd last, at the residence of the bride'sfather, near Dexter, by the Rev. P. G. Smith, Mr. John C. Armstrong to MissMary Hite. All of Cowley County.

Winfield Courier, August 12, 1875.

There will be a match game of Base Ball between the Star club, of thiscity, and the "Hot- Brick-bats," of the country, next Saturdayevening at the Frontier grounds. Both are junior clubs.

Winfield Courier, August 12, 1875.

On last Sunday evening Miss Florence Prater was thrown violently froma moving wagon, and severely injured. Dr. Austin was called out, and reportsno bones broken, but several bad bruises and a severe shock of the nervoussystem.

Winfield Courier, August 12, 1875.

Horneman and Willitt have been having another difficulty up at LittleDutch. Horneman is trying to prevent a nephew of Willitt's from returningto his guardianship, and Willitt is angry about it. Revolvers, shot-guns,and loud talk was part of the programme.

Winfield Courier, August 12, 1875.

Charlie Smith, of Vernon, hauled his wheat to Wichita last week and got$1.10 per bushel for it. He ain't one of the common Smiths, but a live Yankeefrom "Vairmount," always up, if not ahead of the times. He hasone of the best improved farms in the Arkansas Valley.

Winfield Courier, August 12, 1875.

That wasn't an immigrant train that came in late Saturday night fromthe south. That old wagon sheet had under it Tom. Lowry, Tom. Copeland,Will. Slemmons, and Add Powers, and we don't know how many more. They hadbeen out to the picnic, and were taking advantage of the moon.

Winfield Courier, August 12, 1875.

The County Treasurers elected this fall will not take possession of theiroffice till the second Tuesday in October of next year. The present Treasurerswill hold till the first of July, 1876, and the County Boards will makeappointments to fill the vacancies which will exist from July to October.

Winfield Courier, August 12, 1875.

The Indians will hold a grand "Indian Inter-National Fair"on the 15th, 16th, and 17th, at Muskogee, on the M. K. & T. R. R., whilethe Osages, only a hundred miles west, will keep right on bagging cattledrovers as they pass up and down the trail. The one will not conflict withthe others in the least.

Winfield Courier, August 12, 1875.

A. Read Robinson, traveling man for Henry W. King & Co. clothinghouse, Chicago, has been visiting his brother and other relatives here.Will C. has been introducing us to his "brothers" until we havelost all count, and if it were not that the last is always an improvement,we'd say "dis was about blayed oudt."

Winfield Courier, August 12, 1875.

Mr. Taylor, of Chillicothe, Ohio, is out on a visit to this place. Hisnephew, Platter, is showing him around the country, trying to find a goodbreathing place for him, a task rather difficult when we consider his avoirdupois,which is two hundred and fifty. Like every good sensible Ohioan, he is wellpleased with our country.

Winfield Courier, August 12, 1875.

An old-fashioned Sunday-school picnic was held at Kennedy's grove lastSaturday. The farmers stopped their work, and with their families went outand spent a gala day feasting and fanning themselves. Outside of the grovewe doubt whether there were enough people left in Vernon or Beaver townshipsto run a threshing machine.

Winfield Courier, August 12, 1875.

Will S. Paul, with his tooth-brush and collar box, arrived at the LagondaSaturday evening, looking as "natural as life." He comes downto attend to business intimately connected with thirty-six percent mortgages,Register of Deeds office, and the District Court. Be careful, young man,that some young lady don't foreclose a long-time mortgage on you.

Winfield Courier, August 12, 1875.

DIED. In this city on the 7th inst., of dysentery, Ira, only son of Mr.and Mrs. M. G. Troup.

DIED. On the 10th last, Frank, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Perry Hill,aged 5 years, 2 months, and 23 days.

They have crossed the rolling river,

Clinging close to Jesus hand;

Crossed the surging, rolling river,

Over to the Angel land.

Winfield Courier, August 12, 1875.

The copartnership heretofore existing, under the firm name of A. H. Gibson& Co., has been dissolved. I have opened a lady's furnishing store threedoors south of Read's Bank, where I will keep constantly on hand a fullsupply of lady's wear of every description. Thankful to my many friendsfor their past favor, I hope to continue their patronage.


Winfield Courier, August 12, 1875.

Perhaps it is not so widely known as it ought to be, that Messrs. Moore& Searles are engaged in the manufacture of cheese, but such is thefact. Mr. Searles informs us that this county is superior for milk, butter,and cheese, to the far-famed dairy region of New York. Their cheese is agood article, and should be used entirely by our merchants and people.

Winfield Courier, August 12, 1875.

And now we learn that Tell W. Walton has been struck by lightning. Whatwith shooting himself, being thrown from Comanche ponies, arrested by theU. S. soldiers, writing for the Plow and Anvil and now being struckby lightning, all within six months, we begin to think that boy can standanything. He was a brother of ours before he wrote for the above mentionedmachine shop.

Winfield Courier, August 12, 1875.

During the present month five hundred prominent businessmen from thenorthern part of Illinois will visit this state. The A. T. & S. F. R.R. will give them the use of their road to excurt on, and the towns alongthe line will trot out their usual number of reception committees. Wichitawill no doubt set out ham and eggs to these distinguished gentlemen, andfeed her own citizens oat-meal gruel for the next six months to make itup. The Eagle man will then draw up his belt to suit his rationsand give us sixteen more columns of "what they say about us."

Winfield Courier, August 12, 1875.

Dr. Austin got badly lost last Saturday night in coming home from Mr.Prater's. It was very dark and slightly raining. He found two roads, thefront and rear end of one we suppose, about every ten minutes, and alwaystook the right one, but that of course was the wrong one. After wanderinground, as he supposed some length of time, he came to a house, aroused thesleeping occupants, and found to his astonishment that he was in Winfield,only a few steps from home, and hadn't been lost at all. His horse had takenthe straight road and come directly home.

Winfield Courier, August 12, 1875.


To Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Klingman and their fair and accomplished daughter,Miss Allie, for their kind and generous treatment and well appreciated hospitalityto their visitors of last Tuesday evening: Will S. Paul, Miss Kate Millington,A. B. Lemmon, Clara L. Flint, Jno. D. Pryor, Jennie Greenlee, O. F. Boyle,Annie Melville, Will C. Robinson, Ella Silvers, J. E. Saint, May Deming,D. Frank Baldwin, Ada Millington, James Simpson, W. W. Walton, and MissDollie Morris. They desire to express their sincere thanks. May they livelong, enjoy life, and always be as happy as were their visitors of lastTuesday evening, is the wish of their friends enumerated above.

Winfield Courier, August 12, 1875.

WINFIELD, KANSAS, August 9th, 1875.

I hereby forbid anyone trusting my wife, Francis R. Hudson, on my account,as I will not pay any debts of her contracting. ROBERT HUDSON.


Winfield Courier, August 12, 1875.

Ice Cream Festival.

The ladies of School District No. 9 will hold an Ice Cream Festival atthe Excelsior Schoolhouse, two miles below town, on Tuesday evening, August17th. Everybody is very cordially invited to attend. The proceeds to beused for benevolent purposes. Come one, come all.


Winfield Courier, August 12, 1875.

A Normal Institute

Begins at Winfield, August 17th inst., continuing three weeks.


Incidental Fee: $2.50.

Boarding per week: $3.50.

Rooms can be rented cheap, in which Teachers can board themselves.

The Board of Examiners have determined to raise the grade of Certificates,and offer this opportunity for Teachers to improve themselves. In connectionwith the Institute, Prof. Hulse and Mr. Wilkinson will conduct a MusicalConvention. A tuition fee of $1. will be charged. The Convention to closewith a concert.

Committee: T. A. WILKINSON, Co. Supt., A. B. LEMMON, E. W. HULSE.


Winfield Courier, August 12, 1875.

Inquire at the Blacksmith Shop of
Winfield, Cowley County, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, August 12, 1875.

FOUR DOLLAR PANTS for $3.00 and shirts at cost, to make room for anew stock to be here in a few days at Requa's Clothing House.

Winfield Courier, August 12, 1875.

WHEAT TAKEN AT W. L. Mullen's in exchange for goods.

Winfield Courier, August 12, 1875.

Mr. Ira E. Moore is now prepared to furnish the city with milk. Allthose who wish it delivered at their residence can leave their orders atthe Post Office.


Winfield Courier, August 19, 1875.

The Southwestern Kansas papers are running over with the St. Louis, OsageCity & Walnut Valley Railroad, a projected thoroughfare from Osage Cityto Arkansas City. Superior Township, Osage County, is to vote on the propositionon the 16th inst., to issue eighteen thousand dollars thereto, providingwork "in good faith" shall be commenced in that county in sixmonths.

Winfield Courier, August 19, 1875.

We were highly pleased to receive a visit last Saturday from Gen. L.F. Ross and Dr. R. A. Saunders, of Avon, Illinois. They have been lookingaround through the country with a view to start a cattle ranch. They areboth gentlemen of means and experience and would be quite an addition tothe already good community here, could they be induced to settle. They expressedthemselves as highly pleased with Cowley County, as is everybody who comeshere with an eye to business.


Winfield Courier, August 19, 1875.


The following is a list of the teachers in attendance at the Normal Institute,now in session at this place.

James Tull, Lazette.

Z. Foster, Red Bud.

Belle Seibert, Winfield.

Rachael Nauman, Winfield.

Ella Davis, New Salem.

Harvey Thomas, Winfield.

John M. Reed, Winfield.

Xisa Cowles, Arkansas City.

Ada Millington, Winfield.

Amy Chapin, Winfield.

Lettie Smith, Dexter.

Amy Robertson, Winfield.

Celia Taplin, Dexter.

J. T. Tarbet, Rock.

L. C. Furner, Nenescah.

Ettie Fowler, Little Dutch.

Mary Stansberry, Winfield.

Mary Houston, Little Dutch.

L. Graham, Winfield.

We publish this list for the purpose of showing to the different schoolboards who the teachers are that have the interest of our public schoolsat heart.

They have come here for the purpose of getting thoroughly informed asto the best modes of teaching. They are devoting their whole time to thiswork, and we predict that Cowley County will have a better grade of teachersin consequence thereof. If the school boards do their duty, they will makea note of this and take it into consideration when they come to employ teachersthis fall.


Winfield Courier, August 19, 1875.

Mr. Shenneman is still selling ponies.

Winfield Courier, August 19, 1875.

Oats are selling at 20 cents per bushel.

Winfield Courier, August 19, 1875.

Considerable sickness in the neighborhood, mostly of a bilious nature.

Winfield Courier, August 19, 1875.

99 candidates for Register of Deeds, and all afraid to announce the factto the public.

Winfield Courier, August 19, 1875.

Mr. Joel P. Vandever last week threshed two hundred bushels of wheat,grown upon five acres of ground.

Winfield Courier, August 19, 1875.

The friends of Rev. J. E. Platter, who have been visiting him, left fortheir home in Ohio Tuesday morning.

Winfield Courier, August 19, 1875.

Capt. J. S. Hunt has sold his right to the Johnson farm to Will. Doty,who will cut and put up about three hundred tons of hay.

Winfield Courier, August 19, 1875.

The mosquitoes on Joe Stansberry's farm are unusually large and fierce.

Winfield Courier, August 19, 1875.

Mr. J. B. Fairbank started yesterday morning on a visit to his old homein Massachusetts.

Winfield Courier, August 19, 1875.

Mr. Enoch Maris has moved to Eldorado to open up a lumber yard.

Winfield Courier, August 19, 1875.

The approaches to the Timber Creek Bridge, just north of town, are ina terrible condi- tion. It is unsafe to attempt to drive over this bridgeas it is now. The Road Supervisor should attend to it at once, and whilehe is at it, he might go and fix up the one west of town, as it is but littlebetter.


Winfield Courier, August 19, 1875.

Adelphi Lodge Resolutions.
August 13th, A. L. 5,875.

At a special Communication held on the 13th inst., the following wasadopted.

WHEREAS, In the dispensation of an All-wise and Overruling Providence,the families of our worthy brothers, M. G. Troup and Perry Hill, have beenafflicted by the death of each of their eldest children since our last Communication;and while we submit with becoming christian resignation to the decree ofan All-wise God; yet had it been agreeable to His Divine Will, we wouldthat they could have been spared this great trial.

Resolved, That we tender to the bereaved brethren and their familiesour sincere, christian and brotherly sympathy, and our humble and ferventprayers to God that they may be sustained in this, their hour of trial.



Note: A similar resolution was done by Lodge August 13, 1875, forJonathan Newman, brother (and chaplain). They resolved to wear badges ofmourning for 30 days.


Winfield Courier, August 19, 1875.

Notice of Final Settlement.


Winfield Courier, August 19, 1875.



Winfield Courier, August 26, 1875.

The Sioux Indians have unanimously resolved not to treat away the BlackHills country.

Three or four thousand Indians are expected to attend a grand councilat Red Cloud shortly.

The miners in the Black Hills are most all leaving in obedience to militaryorders. They report rich mines.

Mrs. Abraham Lincoln has so far recovered from insanity as to be restoredfrom the asylum to the care of her friends.


Winfield Courier, August 26, 1875.

Arthur Hane has journeyed to St. Louis.

Winfield Courier, August 26, 1875.

They have revived the old game of "Smut" in Winfield.

Winfield Courier, August 26, 1875.

Musical Institute three nights each week at the Courthouse.

Winfield Courier, August 26, 1875.

A wagon load of apples in town Saturday.

Winfield Courier, August 26, 1875.

The first veterinary surgeon ever seen in this county came along lastSaturday.

Winfield Courier, August 26, 1875.

One day last week Wichita shipped north on the railroad ten tons of watermelons.

Winfield Courier, August 26, 1875.

Capt. Hunt is wrestling with the ague.

Winfield Courier, August 26, 1875.

Jim Hill keeps the "Senator Ingalls" cigar. They are as goodas the name would imply.

Winfield Courier, August 26, 1875.

The first invoice of new corn sold on the street this week at twenty-fivecents per bushel.

Winfield Courier, August 26, 1875.

The Frontier Juniors have been challenged again by the Grasshoppers ofVernon Township.

Winfield Courier, August 26, 1875.

Will Paul cripples morewatermelons than any sportsman in Winfield, whenhe goes hunting.

Winfield Courier, August 26, 1875.

Miss Sadie, and her sister, Mary Webb, of Topeka, are down visiting theirbrother, L. J. Webb, of this place.

Winfield Courier, August 26, 1875.

CHILD DIED. Charlie Black has returned from Leavenworth. His friendswere pained to learn of the death of his little child during his absence.

Winfield Courier, August 26, 1875.

Joe Sherburne, one of Arkansas City's leading merchants, passed throughtown Monday, en route for the cold Cape Cod country.

Winfield Courier, August 26, 1875.

Our friend, A. T. Stewart, received a premium on his splendid sampleof wheat sent to the board of Centennial Managers at Topeka.

Winfield Courier, August 26, 1875.

Mr. Holmes, the wheat raiser of Rock Township, threshed over six thousandbushels of wheat of his own raising, averaging twenty-five bushels to theacre.

Winfield Courier, August 26, 1875.

The viewers reported favorably on the change in the Wichita and WinfieldState Road, as petitioned by W. L. Mullen et al. Joe Carter was awardedten dollars damage.

Winfield Courier, August 26, 1875.

Eight more County Roads to survey before the 5th of September. UncleAmos can have it all his own way till we return. We will pay him up then,and it won't be in silver, either.

Winfield Courier, August 26, 1875.

Mr. V. R. Bartlett has received a letter from Kansas City, saying thatsamples of wheat sent by him were the best seen in Kansas City this year.Add one more laurel to Cowley's wreath.

Winfield Courier, August 26, 1875.

The annual school meeting in this district held on the 12th inst., leviedsix mills tax for teachers' wages, and two mills for incidental fund. Thisprovides for nine months' school, beginning in September with three teachers.

Winfield Courier, August 26, 1875.

DIED. On the morning of the 24th inst., the infant daughter of Mr. andMrs. J. C. Fuller, aged ten days.

Winfield Courier, August 26, 1875.

The Winfield Public School will reopen September 6th, 1875. During thefall term


will be sustained, which will offer superior advantages to all who wishto fit themselves for the teacher's work.

Non-resident students will be received on paying tuition fee as follows:

Normal and High School Dept., per month: $2.00.

Intermediate Department, per month: $1.25.

Primary Department, per month: $1.00

Good boarding can be secured at from $3.50 to $5.00 per week; or by rentingrooms and boarding themselves, the expense can be reduced to $1.50 per week.

For further information, apply to ALLEN B. LEMMON, Principal.

Or G. S. MANSER, District Clerk.

Winfield Courier, August 26, 1875.

We visited the schoolhouse yesterday, and watched with interest the workingsof the Institute now in session there. We have not the space to notice itas it deserves. It is strictly speaking, a high grade Normal school. Theteachers are the pupils; and Professors Wilkinson, Hulse, and Lemmon, thefaculty. The programme for each day is prepared in advance, and followedout to the letter. The afternoons are devoted entirely to study. We witnessedthe exercises in English grammar and geography, and like their methods ofinstruction. To teachers who are "waiting to see how it will turn out,"we would say, come immediately, enroll your name, get down to square work,and you will be well paid for your trouble.

Winfield Courier, August 26, 1875.

Take Notice.

All persons knowing themselves indebted to J. B. Lynn & Co. are requestedto call and settle before September 5th. A word to the wise is sufficient.J. B. LYNN & CO.

Winfield Courier, August 26, 1875.


Would hereby respectfully announce that he is a candidate for the Officeof Sheriff, of Cowley County, Kansas, subject to a decision of the votersof said county, as represented in the Convention of the Independent ReformParty.

Winfield Courier, August 26, 1875.


There will be a Teachers Examination held at Winfield Friday and Saturday,Sept. 3rd and 4th, 1875. A Teachers Normal Institute is now in session,and all teachers are requested to attend the last week of said Institute,which closes Thursday, September 2nd. There will be no other examinationthis fall, except for teachers absent from the county or sick when saidexamination is held. T. A. WILKINSON, County Superintendent.


Winfield Courier, August 26, 1875.


DIED. August 22nd, at the residence of his son, C. C. Pierce, near Winfield,Cowley County, Kansas, Elisha Pierce, in the 76th year of his age.

Father Pierce was born in Pennsylvania, removed to Ohio, and from thenceto Desmoine, Iowa, where he resided for 25 years. We are informed that FatherPierce and his estimable companion were very acceptable members of the M.E. church during their residence at Desmoine; but after the death of Mrs.Pierce, he removed to Kansas, and being an invalid and living some distancefrom any organized church, he lost his church membership; but we trust nothis religion.

His death was sudden, but he has gone to his reward, where the wickedcease from troubling and the weary are at rest.

May the great head of the church have compassion on the children andthe friends of the diseased, and this dispensation of God's providence leadthem all to the Lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the world. J. McQUISTON,Pastor.


Winfield Courier, August 26, 1875.

Dissolution Notice.

The partnership heretofore existing between Maris & Baldwin is thisday dissolved by mutual consentMr. Maris retiring from the business. Allparties indebted to the firm will please call and settle at once, whichthey can do by calling on either of the old firm.


Winfield, Kansas, August 2nd, 1875.


Winfield Courier, September 2, 1875.

Cowley County, away down here on the Indian border, is running over withpeace and plenty. Her crops were so abundant, the days so delightful, thenights so delicious, her people happy and contented, that indeed:

"If there's peace to be found in the world,

A heart that was humble, might hope for it here!"

The rivalries existing between the beautiful towns of Winfield and ArkansasCity have long since subsided, and the most perfect good will now prevails.The people of one place share the pride of the people of the other place,in all good fortune which befalls them.

Winfield is the largest, does a greater variety of business, and hasa greater number of merchants and mechanics, and two newspapers very poorlysustained by the traders.

Arkansas City has the most enterprise, the wealthier merchants, and onenewspaper well supported by her businessmen. Her merchants advertise extensively,and are drawing a large trade which naturally belongs to Winfield. One ofher firms, A. A. Newman & Co., have the government contract to furnishPawnee Agency with 750,000 pounds of flour, delivered at the Agency. This,besides aiding our wheat market, will furnish employment for a large numberof teams. The distance is ninety miles.

Among the improvements going on in Winfield is the building of a PresbyterianChurch, creditable to the town. Its dimensions are 40 x 60 feet, with acorner tower 13 feet square. It will be a Gothic structure, with brick wallson a heavy stone foundation, and will cost about $6,000. The pastor, Rev.J. C. Platter, is a young man of fine abilities, a graduate of Princeton,and of most exemplary christian character, which commends him to every acquaintance.He is wealthy, owning and cultivating several fine farms, and has considerablemoney loaned out, refusing to take usury. He is married, to the ferventsorrow of the single ladies of his church; for, he is what may be termed,emphatically, a handsome man. With Beecher proclivities, it is hard to tellwhat woeful disasters might follow in this community. But fortunately, heis not one of that kind.

Winfield Courier, September 2, 1875.

Several of our farmers are about to introduce sheep into their businessof stock raising, and with every prospect of success. Read & Robinson,Bankers, will soon send into Missouri for a large herd. A late article inthe Times on the subject of sheep-raising has had its influence,and would be well if the Press, generally, would inform itself on all suchsubjects, and, in turn, inform the public. J. M. A.

Leavenworth Times.


Winfield Courier, September 2, 1875.

Conducted by T. A. Wilkinson.
Low Freight on Grain.

One of the most significant features of the transportation problem isthe steady and constant reduction which has taken place, ever since theclose of the war, in the through freight rates from the West to the East.Whether this fact is consistent with the dictum that where combination doesnot take place, we do not stop to discuss. We only notice the fact thatyear by year the rates have been becoming less and less, until recentlythe rates on wheat and corn from Chicago to Buffalo have fallen to the lowestpoint ever known.

By the Michigan Southern & Lake shore road the rate on wheat haslately been reduced to 2-1/2 cents per bushel and to 2-1/4 cents for corn.This, says the Railway Review, is less than 1/6 of a cent per ton per mile.If rates like these can be maintained, the recent rise in the prices ofgrain will redound almost entirely to the producer.


Winfield Courier, September 2, 1875.

Grange Activities.

A correspondent of Spirit of Kansas, on leaving Bro. W. H. Pierce,Grange Master, Sumner County, reported:

"We crossed a large iron bridge in Bro. Pierce's township, whichcharged us seventy-five cents toll, which passed into the hands of a company,yet the bridge was built by bonds voted by the township. This is a fairsample of the way things used to be managed in Kansas, and is a subjectfor the Patrons to deal with and correct such injustice.

"We soon reached A. T. Stewart's fine villa just in the suburbsof Winfield. He is a prominent member of the executive committee. He belongsto that class who have had extensive business experience and are now engagedin farming, and always being successful, he is now a first class farmer,owning one of the finest farms in Kansas. His plans for the state Grangeare so large that they are not always comprehended by the brethren of lessexperience, and perhaps his only fault is, that his policy is so liberalthat like Fremont, he may get ahead of the people. Certainly he is a powerin the southwest and the celebration in Cowley County was perhaps the finestone in Kansas.

"The heavy rains flooded their chosen grounds in the morning, andtheir enterprising business agent, T. A. Wilkinson, immediately hired menand cleared another place and at dinner time they were carrying out a trueGrange programme. Some counties don't seem to know what to do. They eitherlack the talent, energy, or enterprise to carry out a programme of theirown. Their lecturers have been but little better than a piece of statuaryfilling a chair, and never what the Order intended they should be, livemen who have something to say and then say it.

"I will send you specimens of their work in order to encourage others.Think of a lady stepping forward and presiding as toast master with greatcredit to herself and the assembly that chose her. Fine music, good singing,and the following are some of the toasts offered: Kansas in the past andpresent, Capital and Labor, One Brotherhood, Unity in the Grange, Womenin the Grange, Old Bachelors. They met with prompt responses and the culturehere exhibited, placed Cowley County in the front rank in the Grange movement.

"At the Commercial Agency, we found some two dozen fanning mills,plows, etc., coffee, sugar, tea, rice, and beans, direct from Wetmore GrangeAgency, at New Orleans, Louisiana. Once in my life I drank some of the finestof coffee that had only passed through two middlemen's hands between theproducer and the consumer. Their experience is that they save from twentyto sixty percent, by dealing directly through our own agents, and the suppliesbought could not have amounted to fifty dollars.

"So any Grange could easily make up a bill of twenty-five dollars,send on their money, and order and soon receive back a first class articlebetterthan I ever used in Kansas before and it is all done in two weeks. Who elsewill try it? As their business has just commenced, any brother can learnmore about their results by writing T. A. Wilkinson, Winfield, Kansas."

Spirit of Kansas.


Winfield Courier, September 2, 1875.

Cool nights.

Winfield Courier, September 2, 1875.

A new invoice of choice candies at Jim Hill's.

Winfield Courier, September 2, 1875.

Uncle Amos has gone down to his reservation.

Winfield Courier, September 2, 1875.

Thirty-eight car loads of wheat left Wichita last week.

Winfield Courier, September 2, 1875.

This is the most approved season for sowing blue grass.

Winfield Courier, September 2, 1875.

Capt. Cheneworth, of the State Line, was in town Saturday.

Winfield Courier, September 2, 1875.

Geo. Woner has the only tobacco field in the county that we have seen.

Winfield Courier, September 2, 1875.

Capt. Isaac Morris and family have returned to their home at Tec*mseh.

Winfield Courier, September 2, 1875.

Mrs. Black, of the firm of Howard & Black, is visiting friends inDexter.

Winfield Courier, September 2, 1875.

Several fields of sod corn will yield over fifty bushels to the acrein Maple Township.

Winfield Courier, September 2, 1875.

Geo. L. Walker has returned from a three months visit to friends andrelatives in Lawrence.

Winfield Courier, September 2, 1875.

Andrew Dawson will sow twenty acres of timber land in rye this fall forwinter pasturage.

Winfield Courier, September 2, 1875.

Arkansas City men have taken contracts to furnish 1,000,000 pounds offlour to the Indians.

Winfield Courier, September 2, 1875.

Grain buyers are almost as thick in the Arkansas Valley, as were thegrasshoppers a year ago.

Winfield Courier, September 2, 1875.

Rev. J. E. Platter will preach a sermon on the Divinity of Christ onnext Sabbath morning.

Winfield Courier, September 2, 1875.

Prof. E. W. Hulse has been quite unwell for several days, but is nowon the fair road to recovery.

Winfield Courier, September 2, 1875.

We neglected at the proper time to say that M. L. Robinson was reelectedTreasurer of School District No. 1.

Winfield Courier, September 2, 1875.

Rev. J. H. Roberts has returned "to the home of childhood."He made many friends during his brief stay with us.

Winfield Courier, September 2, 1875.

Sam Burger has just finished threshing 179 bushels of wheat from fouracres of ground, making a little over 44-1/2 bushels per acre.

Winfield Courier, September 2, 1875.

We saw more teams on the streets of Arkansas City last Monday eveningthan we have seen there at any one time for four years.

Winfield Courier, September 2, 1875.

Cowley has a new post office. Otto is the name, and Arthur H. Smith thepostmaster. It is situated in the Southeast corner of the county.

Winfield Courier, September 2, 1875.

C. M. Scott is one of the directors of the Southwestern Kansas DistrictFair, to be held at Emporia, from 21st to 24th prox., inclusive.

Winfield Courier, September 2, 1875.

Winfield City flouring mills sent off 18,000 lbs. to the railroad yesterday.Part of it goes to Los Animas, the terminus of the A., T. & S. F. R.R.

Winfield Courier, September 2, 1875.

Mr. Samuel Burger, living two miles north of town, threshed his wheatlast week, and upon actual measurement, obtained forty-four bushels to theacre.

Winfield Courier, September 2, 1875.

We wiped our mustache at the City Hotel Monday evening, while at theCity. Scott "vouched" for us on the register, which probably accountsfor it.

Winfield Courier, September 2, 1875.

Mr. Fairbank, when last heard from, had picked up the ear-ripressibleE. S. Torrance, and together they were journeying toward their father-land.Happy, two.

Winfield Courier, September 2, 1875.

Judge Saffold is eating bananas and oranges on the "promenade"at Galveston, Texas, while his friends are fighting flies and cholera morbushere. Such is life.

Winfield Courier, September 2, 1875.

E. Spencer Bliss has returned from his summer sojourn in the States.He skips round the counter at "229" as lively as a grasshopperin a roasting ear patch.

Winfield Courier, September 2, 1875.

Mr. Wilkinson, the County Grange Agent, has been ordering goods by thewholesale lately. They are of the best quality, and the prices (to its members),defy competition.

Winfield Courier, September 2, 1875.

The Traveler has a new correspondent from Winfield with the euphonioussobriquet of "Don Pedro, Jr." He slashes in right and left fora young Don, and cuts a wider swathe than the old Pedro.

Winfield Courier, September 2, 1875.

J. D. Hanlin will sow one hundred and sixty, Frank Manny, seventy, andJ. B. Holmes, over two hundred acres of wheat this fall. These are onlya few of the large fields that will be sown in Rock Township.

Winfield Courier, September 2, 1875.

"It is sweet to be remembered," especially if said remembranceis in the shape of a hatful of nice ripe home-made peaches. That's whatwe thought when Mr. Glass, of Dexter Township, served us that way last Saturday.

Winfield Courier, September 2, 1875.

Mrs. P. G. Smith, of Dexter, sends us in three monster beets, weighing39 pounds. They weighed 14, 12-3/4 and 12-1/2 pounds respectively. We wantto exhibit them at the Southwestern Kansas Fair, at Emporia, on the 20thprox.

Winfield Courier, September 2, 1875.

W. S. Vorhis has raised corn on the sod this year that will average onepound to the ear, or sixty ears will make one bushel of shelled corn.

Winfield Courier, September 2, 1875.

Miss Annie Melville has gone to Topeka for a few month's stay. At theexpiration of this time, she hopes to graduate from Pond's Commercial College,which she enters immediately. And in this connection we might add that MissAlie Klingman will start in a week or two for a term at the same institution.

Winfield Courier, September 2, 1875.

Kallock had a "call" and higher salary offered; Norton wentwest with a larger purse in view; Beecher had his wages increased; and nowcomes a $1,000 offer for our Lemmon. What does it all mean? Surely the causesare not all the same. The truth is, true merit will be appreciatedwherever found.

Winfield Courier, September 2, 1875.

Yesterday morning we dropped into "229," the Mammoth storeof C. A. Bliss & Co., and found the clerks flying around, busily engaged"clearing away the wreck," ready for their immense stock of fallgoods. "229" has been renovated, thoroughly cleaned up and newlypainted, and is now in first-class "ship-shape."

Winfield Courier, September 2, 1875.

Mr. Amos Walton, of the Plow and Anvil, has gone down to Okmulgee,the capital of the Indian Territory. Whenever you hear of a meeting of thechieftains, you may bet your old paper collar that Amos is fooling roundthere not far away. Politics are warm down in the Territory now, hence thisvisit of his is suggestive.

Winfield Courier, September 2, 1875.

Citizens of Arkansas City, these warm days, bask in the shady side ofa big sunflower, eat grapes and watermelons, and gaze in fond admirationon their "beautiful" schoolhouse. Our people would do the samehere, but they lack the grapes and sunflowers and watermel ons. And, cometo think, they lack the beautiful schoolhouse, too.

Winfield Courier, September 2, 1875.

Our own Prof. Lemmon has been invite away this time. Washburn College,of Topeka, has offered him a Professorship, with salary of one thousanddollars attached. His engage- ment here will prevent his acceptance of theirliberal offer. District No. 1 should feel proud that they have the servicesof a teacher who is so well appreciated in older portions of the State.

Winfield Courier, September 2, 1875.

Bowen & Berkey, of the flat-boat expedition, have returned to theCity. They report the "Arkansaw" navigable 80 miles, as far asthey went, and now say if Arkansas City will raise them $1,000 they willput a steamboat on the river in running order. They stopped their boat atthe Pawnee Agency, as there they learned that flour in Little Rock, Arkansas,was selling at $2 per cwt. and wheat at 60 cents per bushel. They will probablyattempt to turn the river "end for end," and ship wheat and flourdown here next.

Winfield Courier, September 2, 1875.

Last Monday we visited, officially, the south part of the county, andsurveyed a county road from a point near the "head waters of navigationof the raging Arkansas," west to the intersection of another countyroad. Mr. Bowers, the principal petitioner, is a gentleman of the old school.His doors are ever open to the hungry surveyor outfits. It won't do to tellhow much those road viewers, Roseberry and Rambo, eat, while their feetrested under his well- filled table. Cause why? They might retaliate. Afterdinner, Miss Ella, a ten year old daughter, sang several familiar songs,with Melodeon accompaniment, bringing vividly to memory our Sunday schooldays of "long, long ago."

Winfield Courier, September 2, 1875.


Two calves about six months old, one white one with red ears, and onered one with white spots. Can be found in Searle's herd at the Tunnel Mills.

Winfield Courier, September 2, 1875.

Farmers Improve Your Stock.

If you want thoroughbred short-horn calves, go to the Squaw Creek herd,2 miles South of Winfield. C. C. PIERCE.

Winfield Courier, September 2, 1875.

Petit Jurors.

Soloman Smith, Job Shields, T. J. Forsyth, John Stalter, E. F. Green,E. P. Young, George Stout, Noah Kimball, Isaac Wood, L. S. Kibbe, W. A.Hill, and B. Goff.

Winfield Courier, September 2, 1875.

Grand Jury.

C. G. Bradbury, James Hensley, Henry Harbaugh, Benjamin Burnett, A. A.Chamberlain, L. D. Brown, J. C. Dale, J. D. Elliott, J. C. Chapman, JamesPerkins, R. R. Turner, G. B. Green, George Eaton, Oliver Miller, and JessieL. King.

Winfield Courier, September 2, 1875.

Committee Meeting.

There will be a meeting of the Republican County Central Committee, ofCowley County, held at the Courthouse in Winfield, on Saturday the 11 inst.,to transact such business as may come before it. T. R. BRYAN, Chairman.

JAMES KELLY, Secretary.


Winfield Courier, September 9, 1875.

Traveler Items.

W. W. Waltonnot "Amos," but the man that gets away with himandFrank Gallotti, called Monday.

R. S. Damewood presented us with some very beautiful peaches, of hisown raising on Grouse Creek. One of them weighed 4-1/2 ounces; it was ofthe Reed variety.

The new mill at Dexter has been named Dexter Mills, and the flour sackswill be branded with a cut of Dexter, the fast horse. The machinery is extragood, and the men conducting it thoroughly reliable.

We learn from John McClaskey that considerable of the wheat brought incontains weevils, and a large white flour worm, about half an inch long,with a reddish head, that is very destructive to flour. A quart of commonsalt sown over the bin will protect it from weevils. They will not remainwhere salt is plenty.

Hon. James Christian, of Lawrence, and one of the oldest settlers inKansas, made a stay of several days at this place last week, with a viewof locating. Mr. Christian is a prominent Kansas attorney, a man of greatpractical experience, and just such as is most needed on the border at thispresent time. We hope he may settle with us.

Word was brought from the flat boat last Sunday, which is now near thePawnee Agency, almost one hundred miles from this place, by the river. Theyreport no less than three feet of water in the channel of the river, andare fully satisfied that a small steam tug could be run between Little Rockand this place. They have experienced considerable difficulty in manag-ing the boat so as to keep it in the channel, but claim they can make asuccessful voyage.


Winfield Courier, September 9, 1875.

Prof. Hulse has not entirely recovered.

Winfield Courier, September 9, 1875.

The Tunnel mills are running day and night.

Winfield Courier, September 9, 1875.

Nina Cowles will teach the Floral school this fall.

Winfield Courier, September 9, 1875.

Watermelons cheap. All you want for five cents.

Winfield Courier, September 9, 1875.

Singing at the Methodist church every Friday night.

Winfield Courier, September 9, 1875.

Why don't someone establish a broom factory?

Winfield Courier, September 9, 1875.

The St. Nicholas fed over eighty hungry men Saturday.

Winfield Courier, September 9, 1875.

J. L. Webber was hanging out at the Lagonda Tuesday.

Winfield Courier, September 9, 1875.

Miss Ida Daggett will flax the urchins this winter near New Salem.

Winfield Courier, September 9, 1875.

Max Shoeb is putting a marble finish on the front of his wagon shop.

Winfield Courier, September 9, 1875.

Nate Robinson had a new addition built to his harness shop last week.

Winfield Courier, September 9, 1875.

Adolphus Green, junior, has the prettiest baby carriage in the WalnutValley.

Winfield Courier, September 9, 1875.

Judge Saffold has returned, and Amos and Will will have to take backseats.

Winfield Courier, September 9, 1875.

Prof. T. A. Wilkinson has been employed to teach a six months schoolat Dexter.

Winfield Courier, September 9, 1875.

Over seventeen hundred dollars were paid into the treasury of Cowleylast Monday.

Winfield Courier, September 9, 1875.

The Iowa seed corn has done better here this year, than seed from anyother state.

Winfield Courier, September 9, 1875.

Deming says he managed to furnish fodder for about 75 persons last Saturday.

Winfield Courier, September 9, 1875.

Commissioner Burden has cut and put up over one hundred tons of hay,and is not near done yet.

Winfield Courier, September 9, 1875.

J. P. Eckles raised the enormous melon. The seed came from the Department.

Winfield Courier, September 9, 1875.

Our Silver Cornet Band, with the help of the Bosworth brothers, gaveus some fine music Friday night.

Winfield Courier, September 9, 1875.

Wanted: A graduate of a medical college to run for the office of Coroner.No horse doctors need apply.

Winfield Courier, September 9, 1875.

Thanks to Geo. E. Hill for a nice basketful of tomatoes, and to E. B.Kager for a basketful of nice tomatoes.

Winfield Courier, September 9, 1875.

Mr. Kelly, editor of the COURIER, intends interviewing Jeff. Davis, atKansas City, during the exposition.

Winfield Courier, September 9, 1875.

Scrip ran up to 85 and 90 cents on the dollar Monday, all on accountof the demand for tax paying "wherewith."

Winfield Courier, September 9, 1875.

Mayor Millington left us the brag tomato of the season Monday. It is16 inches in circumference and weighs 22 ounces.

Winfield Courier, September 9, 1875.

The Grasshoppers of Vernon, and Frontiers, Jr., of this place, play thesecond game today on the grounds by the Courthouse.

Winfield Courier, September 9, 1875.

Jim Hill has bought A. A. Jackson out, and he will now run the St. Nicholasafter the old California style. Jim "has been there."

Winfield Courier, September 9, 1875.

The bon tons dined at the Valley House Sunday. A change of proprietorshas produced a change in the management of the Valley.

Winfield Courier, September 9, 1875.

Mrs. Howard is agent for the Neeham Organ. It is a beautiful piece offurniture, and at least one should be in every high-toned house in thiscity.

Winfield Courier, September 9, 1875.

J. H. Serviss, Joseph Furman, and a half dozen other farmers, of DexterTownship, will each sow hundred acre wheat fields this fall.

Winfield Courier, September 9, 1875.

Max Shoeb wears a white plug hat and the National debt still standingat two and a quarters billion dollars. How extravagant!

Winfield Courier, September 9, 1875.

Mr. Edward Perkins, of Australia, is visiting old friends in this vicinity.Half round the world seems like a long way to go visiting this hot summer.

Winfield Courier, September 9, 1875.

McStapleton and Doc. Wilkins, of Lazette, were in Tuesday. They couldnot stay themselves so they left a jack rabbit to add to our collection.Thanks, boys.

Winfield Courier, September 9, 1875.

S. H. Myton ordered another sugar-cane mill this week. This time forGrouse Creek. Doc. Goodnight will extract sweetness with it this fall.

Winfield Courier, September 9, 1875.

FUNERAL SERVICE. The funeral sermon of Rev. Jonathan Newman will be preachedat the Christian church by Rev. Snyder of Independence at 11 a.m. next Sunday.Friends of the deceased are respectfully invited to attend.

Winfield Courier, September 9, 1875.

J. Hockett, Esq., of Cedar Creek, in the extreme southeast corner ofthe county, showed his appreciation of the leading county paper by handingthe starving COURIER man a two dollar "rag" last Thursday.

Winfield Courier, September 9, 1875.

A new water power mill is being erected on the Grouse at the old McAllistercrossing seven miles below Dexter. This is one of the best "falls"of water in the county, and we are glad that it is soon to be utilized.

Winfield Courier, September 9, 1875.

Read the tax levy list for 1875, and compare the tax of some of the ruraldistricts with that of our own city. District No. 2 has the finest schoolhousein the state, but you see her citizens have to pay for their "whiteelephant's" feed after all.

Winfield Courier, September 9, 1875.

Big day at the Courthouse Monday. Everybody rushed to see our worthyDeputy Treasurer, Frank Gallotti. He had his hair cut a-la-Comanche, butthat wasn't all that attracted them. It was the last day of grace for payingdelinquent taxes.

Winfield Courier, September 9, 1875.

The Winfield City Mills will put in a new bolt for flouring purposesnext week. The one they now have is entirely inadequate to their wants.When the two bolts get to running, the City Mills will be able to turn outabout nine thousand pounds of flour daily.

Winfield Courier, September 9, 1875.

Barney Shriver, of Sheridan Township, passed through town the other day,with 50 bushels of wheat for the Wichita market. He will buy a half poundof tea, two pounds of sugar, and a dollars worth of "plug" now,and keep his other nine hundred bushels of wheat over for a better market.

Winfield Courier, September 9, 1875.

Kager has the runningest garden we have seen this year. Tomato vineseight feet long and getting longer, beets, and radishes as large as a wagon-wheel,and everything of a "garden sass" nature in proportion. Thereain't room on the ground for the vegetables so the gourds climb the fenceand get over onto Read's lot.

Winfield Courier, September 9, 1875.

S. S. Holloway, with wife and daughter, took rooms at the Lagonda overSunday. Mr. Holloway is the purchaser of the Brown farm, four miles eastof town, that was mentioned a short time ago. The family seemed well pleasedwith their new home, and think that this is equally as pleasant a placeto live in, as Chillicothe, their former home.

Winfield Courier, September 9, 1875.

Prof. Fred Hoffman, late of an European Musical College, would announceto the musical public of Winfield and vicinity, that he is prepared to teacha class or classes in Organ or Piano Music. If desired, he will call andgive lessons at private houses. A full course, consisting of twenty-fourlessons, on either Organ or Piano, $12. Repairing or tuning instrumentsa specialty. Leave all orders at the Winfield Post Office, or Lagonda House.

Winfield Courier, September 9, 1875.

The office of County Coroner is flying round loose this fall, ready tobe taken in by some good M. D. In the absence of other material, we willtake the liberty to nominate Harry B. Lacy, and one good man from each townshipin the county for this trustworthy place. The office has no salary; consequently,we are particular who we nominate, as it is strictly speaking, an honoraryoffice, the only one in the gift of the people.

Winfield Courier, September 9, 1875.

Please remember that Mrs. E. F. Kennedy, formerly the "Co."of the Ladies' Bazar, has opened out a handsome Parlor Millinery Store,four doors North of C. A. Bliss & Co.'s, where she is constantly receivingnew varieties of ladies' fashionable goods, etc. Don't forget the placeMrs.Bullene's old stand, four doors north of C. A. Bliss & Co.'s.

Winfield Courier, September 9, 1875.

A real live musical Professor is to come to town at last. He is a "furrener,"a graduate of Kaiserslautern Musical College, Bavaria. We know he is a goodperformer because we heard him play on that new, fine toned organ of Mrs.Howard's, and because businessmen, who haven't got any more music in theirsouls than a tree toad, stopped their work and stood entranced at the soundof his Blue Danube Waltz. If Winfield don't know more about piano and organmusic when he leaves than she does now, it won't be the Professor's fault.

Winfield Courier, September 9, 1875.

In reply to a letter of Frank Baldwin's, of this place, the general agentof the Babco*ck Fire Extinguisher, writes that if Winfield will get up aclub and order one dozen, they can have them for the low price of $420.The regular retail price of these extinguishers is $500. This would makea saving in cost of $80 by buying now. This is something that our city haslong needed. We have nothing to protect us from a fire. Our wells, situatedas they are, wouldn't supply water enough to put out a burning lamp in twohours' time. This matter should be attended to at once.

Note: Skipped 1875 Tax Levy, School District Tax, and Bond Tax inthis issue.]


Winfield Courier, September 16, 1875.

The Atchison Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad has been completed to LasAnimas, Colorado. The first train ran through to that place on the 8th inst.

Winfield Courier, September 16, 1875.

The Supreme Court has decided that the act splitting Howard County intwo is constitutional. Now the citizens of Elk and Chautauqua counties arehappy.

Winfield Courier, September 16, 1875.


A week or more ago we charged Amos Walton with diverting immigrationfrom Winfield to Arkansas City. Mr. Walton, impudent as he is, has not thehardihood to deny what we said, but comes back with a half column or moreof silly stuff, intended to be abuse of the COURIER and its editor. Nowwe do not propose to be drawn into a dirty newspaper quarrel. The COURIER'sbusiness here is to do what it can to build up Winfield and Cowley County.To this end we expect to labor with all our might. The interest of everycitizen of Winfield is our interest, and we do not propose to have our attentiondiverted from the main object by a foolish quarrel with Amos Walton, thatwould interest nobody.

If Amos Walton is in Winfield merely for the purpose of running a temporaryPOLITICAL paper, and his interest is somewhere else, and he advises peopleto go to Arkansas City when they want to stop in Winfield, then we don'twant him here.

Now we say this without saying one word against Arkansas City, asAmos would fain make it appear. If Mr. Walton will turn his attention tothe building up of Winfield and Cowley County, we assure him that his assistancewill be fully appreciated. We are prepared to prove, by the gentleman himself,that the object of his sojourn among us is to run a political newspaper,and then we are prepared to prove to the satisfaction of any unbiased mindthat a newspaper, exclusively devoted to any political party, is the greatestcurse that can befall any new town like this.

The business of a newspaper in any of these western cities is to advertisethe place; to keep its advantages before the world. THEN let it advocatewhat party doctrine it pleases; then it can count on the support of thebusinessmen of the town to sustain it. The COURIER proposes to devote mostof its time and space to the building up of Winfield and Cowley County,and make the discussion of political issues a secondary consideration. Willour neighbor help us in this matter?


Winfield Courier, September 16, 1875.

Its Crops, Schools, Teachers, and Civilization.
The Lesson Taught by the Atchison Celebration.
WINFIELD, Sept. 6, 1875.

EDITOR TIMES: The farmers are now busy putting in wheat and rye.We used to think, in the famous Genesee country, that twenty bushels ofwheat to the acre was a good crop. While here, thirty bushels is a veryordinary crop. I think from information received of farmers throughout thecounty that the general yield will overrun, instead of falling short, ofthat amount. It is estimated by competent judges that the acreage of wheatand rye to be sown this fall will be double that of last year. Where isthere another such a country for the hus- bandman? All that is now neededto prove that Kansas is the garden spot of the world, is


The extraordinary resources and beauty of this section of Kansas, aredirecting attention to it from abroad, and a good class of land purchasersare making their debut among it. A quarter section near the townof Winfield, without any buildings of value, was sold last week for $4,500cash. But it must be recollected that Winfield is an exceptional town inpoints of great advantages existing and still greater in expectancy.

In less than five years no less than five different railroads will soundthe whistles of their locomotives within the limits of its corporation.I show in a future article where these lines are located.


Educational interests in Cowley County are far in advance of those inmuch older counties in the State. There are 105 school districts in thecounty, and seventy-five good schoolhouses. A stone building in this citycosting $6,000, and a brick building in Arkansas City costing $10,000.

Of so much importance are the schools of this county, that a Normal Institutewas established in this city, to perfect the teachers of the several schoolsfor the coming year. The Institute closed its labors yesterday, after theend of three weeks term distinguished by its able faculty, and highly successfulresults. It was conducted by Prof. A. B. Lemmon, Principal of the Winfieldschool, whose educational acquirements have already procured him the tenderof a professorship in Washburn College; Prof. E. W. Hulse, Principal ofthe Arkansas City school, a refined scholar and gentleman; Prof. T. A. Wilkinson,the able Superintendent of Cowley County; and Miss L. A. Norton, principleassistant of Prof. Hulse, in the Arkansas City school. Of Miss Norton andMiss Jennie Greenlee, principle assistant of Prof. Lemmon, I must take theliberty to draw a contrast, effected here within a very recent period.

Six years is a brief space of time, connected with the advance of civilization.Six years ago Cowley County was the theatre of barbarism untinctured witha drop of civilization. The sweet, benign, civilizing influences of thefemale sex, found its representative in the ground- colored, metallic-scented,squatty, unctuous person of the Indian squaw. Today the county is distinguishedfor its numerous families, whose female components ornament the arch ofrefined and social structure, while the charming graces of beauty, wit,polish, and the various scientific accomplishments are typified, to a remarkabledegree, in the two lady teachers I have named. It must be confessed thatthese great social changes, so suddenly effected are truly wonderful. Itgives me pleasure to depict them, for the subject contains lessons of greatvalue and interest to every philanthropist. . . .

J. M. A. [Leavenworth Times Correspondent.]


Winfield Courier, September 16, 1875.

FLORAL, KAN., Sept. 14, 1875.

MR. EDITOR: There will be a basket picnic held at Floral Grange, No.756, at L. B. Stone's grove, near Floral schoolhouse, Saturday, September25th, 1875. Everybody is kindly invited to attend.

Those who are members of the order, and those who are not, are alikeinvited. Good music, vocal and instrumental, speeches, and essays, willbe the order of the day.

All subordinate granges are invited to attend en masse. Come with bannersflying and in full regalia. The picnic grounds will be decorated with athousand bouquets, and various products of the soil.

Let everyone bring some specimens of flowers, fruits, or vegetables.This will be the last picnic held this season by our grange, and everythingis being done to make the day a pleasant and instructive one to all. Letno good patron stay away; let us spend one day for the strengthening andbuilding up of the order. All patrons should endeavor to be on the groundsby 10 o'clock. Exercises will open at 11; dinner at 1; exercises after dinnerat 2 o'clock.

All peddling wagons and booth men will apply to S. B. Stone for information.He owns the grounds and will have the disposing of all business in thatline.

I desire to be notified as early as possible of all subordinate grangeswho design coming en masse. JAMES O. VANORSDAL, M., Winfield, Kansas.

Skipped notice in this issue of Cowley County Republican Conventionto be held Saturday, October 2, 1875, showing 61 delegates with breakdownas to townships, offices to be filled (representative, county clerk, sheriff,treasurer, register of deeds, surveyor, and coroner. Showed T. R. Bryan,Chairman; James Kelly, Secretary.


Winfield Courier, September 16, 1875.

See John Easton & Co.'s new ad.


SHOT-GUNS, REVOLVERS, AND RIFLES, Kept constantly on hand.

Repairing done neatly and to order. Special attention given to SEWINGMACHINES. Don't send them away, but bring them to us for repairs. Everythingfrom a Threshing Machine to a Knitting Needle mended with promptness, neatnessand dispatch.

Also proprietors of the

Call and see what we can do for you. If you haven't any work to do, comein and amuse yourself with a game of

B I L L I A R D S.

Remember the placeOne Door South of Miller & Power's Hardware Store,East side Main Street, WINFIELD, KANSAS.

Winfield Courier, September 16, 1875.

Jimmie Simpson is up at Douglass at work.

Winfield Courier, September 16, 1875.

Oscar Wooley and Ed. Walker called last Saturday.

Winfield Courier, September 16, 1875.

Mrs. C. C. Black has returned from her visit to Leavenworth.

Winfield Courier, September 16, 1875.

A heavy rain last Saturday night raised the Walnut a foot or more.

Winfield Courier, September 16, 1875.

BIRTH. Born to Mrs. and Col. E. C. Manning, on the 1st inst., a daughter.

Winfield Courier, September 16, 1875.

It is rumored that Cliff. Wood has sold his farm adjoining the townsitefor $4,000.

Winfield Courier, September 16, 1875.

James Dever has returned from a four weeks trip to Kansas City and theNortheast.

Winfield Courier, September 16, 1875.

S. D. Klingman has twelve of the best looking stacks of wheat we haveseen in the county.

Winfield Courier, September 16, 1875.

Will. Doty is growing fifty acres of rye for winter pasture on the Johnsonfarm North of town.

Winfield Courier, September 16, 1875.

The chinch bug is said to be eating the now grown rye and volunteer wheatin some localities in the county.

Winfield Courier, September 16, 1875.

A. A. Jackson has gone to Wichita to buy wheat for some Eastern firmduring the wheat selling season.

Winfield Courier, September 16, 1875.

All are cordially invited to attend the Musical Association of the Methodistchurch next Saturday night.

Winfield Courier, September 16, 1875.

Oscar Morris has just completed a nice stone sidewalk in front of hisresidence. Will Brown was the boss architect.

Winfield Courier, September 16, 1875.

Hank Nelson has rented the Geo. Carman farm in South Bend for two years.Mr. Manning is agent for Mr. Carman.

Winfield Courier, September 16, 1875.

Seven well developed ears of corn on a stalk of three feet in lengthwas added to our collection by Mr. Thomas, of Tisdale Township, this week.

Winfield Courier, September 16, 1875.

C. C. Stevens, an old ex-merchant of Winfield, called in yesterday andordered the leading county paper to appear at Salt City weekly, from nowtill the centennial.

Winfield Courier, September 16, 1875.

Help Wanted.

Among the most promising wants of our people now is more muscle. Scarcelya farmer here has help enough. This county can give work to 200 more men,at least during the wheat sowing season. Let those who want to work, andare satisfied with reasonable wages, come to Cowley County.

Winfield Courier, September 16, 1875.

Hon. W. P. Hackney has returned to Winfield from San Francisco. A fewmonths in that unfortunate country was enough to satisfy him that CowleyCounty is a far better country for a white man than the Pacific coast. Hecomes to stay, having seen the whole elephant. A splendid business and pleasantfuture are in store here for W. P.

Winfield Courier, September 16, 1875.

The Department seeds so generously sent last spring to the people ofour county uniformly did well. Some very choice varieties of grain and vegetableshave been introduced into this country through this agency. The commissionerdesires that the recipient should report the success or failure of eachvariety in this soil and climate. We hope our friends will at least sparea postal card full of information upon each package received. The Commissioner wants these report to embody in his agricultural statistics.

Winfield Courier, September 16, 1875.


Roman Catholic meeting will be held in Winfield Sunday, Sept. 19th, at1/2 past 9 a.m. Services by the Rev. Father Schurtz, of Wichita. Eveningservice, also, from 6 to 8 p.m. A cordial invitation is extended to allRoman Catholics to dine at Mrs. Winner's residence at 1 o'clock p.m., onthe same day.

Winfield Courier, September 16, 1875.

Camp Meeting.

There will be a District Camp meeting held on the Nennescah, near BellePlaine, about 16 miles from Winfield, commencing on the 22nd of Septemberand continuing not less than eight days. It is expected that all WichitaDistrict will be represented. There will be a Tabernacle tent upon the groundof sufficient capacity to accommodate a congregation in case of unfavorableweather. A good time is expected. Let Winfield charge be represented. Allare invited. J. C. McQUISTON, P. C.


Winfield Courier, September 16, 1875.

FOR SALE: 2 pr. working oxen. Also farm to rent. R. B. WAIT.


Winfield Courier, September 16, 1875.

Musical Association.
TUESDAY EVENING, Sept. 14th, 1875.

Present: J. D. Pryor, Prof. Hoffman, Prof. Robinson, Prof. Lemmon, FrankGallotti, John Roberts, Dr. Mansfield, and John Swain.

Moved and seconded that J. D. Pryor act as Chairman of the meeting, whichwas called for the purpose of forming a Musical Association. John Swain,Secretary.

Moved and seconded that we organize a Musical Association. Carried.

Moved and seconded that a committee of three be appointed to draw upconstitution and by laws, and report at next meeting. Committee to consistof Dr. Mansfield, Frank Gallotti, and Prof. Hoffman.

Moved and seconded to adjourn, and to meet again at the Methodist Churchnext Saturday evening, and that the proceedings of this meeting be publishedin the city papers.



Winfield Courier, September 16, 1875.

Proceedings of the City Council Sept. 9th, 1875.

City Council met pursuant to adjournment Thursday, September 9th,1875.

Present: D. A. Millington, Mayor; Mayor M. G. Troup, J. M. Dever, C.C. Black, and W. M. Powers, councilmen; B. E. Baldwin, City Clerk.

Minutes of two previous meetings read and adopted.

Bills of W. M. Boyer, Police Judge, referred to finance committee, werereported favorably on by said committee, and on motion of N. M. Powers wereordered paid if approved by the City Attorney.

The following bills were presented to the Council, allowed, and orderedpaid.

E. R. Evans, services as City Marshal, month of July: $25.00.

E. R. Evans, services as City Marshal, month of August: $25.00.

Cash paid to Geo. Grey, moving stove and table into council room: $.20.00.

E. R. Evans, nails for public wells, sharpening plows, etc.: $3.63.

C. H. Kingsberry, repairing public well: $1.50.

On motion adjourned. B. F. BALDWIN, City Clerk.


Winfield Courier, September 16, 1875.


DIED. At the residence of Dr. Mansfield in this city, on Thursday, Sept.9th, 1875, after a painful and protracted illness, and in the 62nd yearof her age, Mrs. E. P. Nellis, of Syracuse, New York.

The deceased was a sister of Mrs. Dr. Mansfield, who brought her to Winfieldfrom New York, early last spring, in the hope that a change of air and circ*mstanceswould improve, if not restore her health. But a malignant disease, peculiarto the sex, defied alike, all measures and medicines, and with an unfalteringfaith in the religion of her life, she departed for the brighter and betterland. Hers was an active, useful, and beautiful life. She was a woman ofuntiring industry, boundless energy, and enterprise.

Her literary attainments were above mediocrity. She possessed a senseof the beautiful in an unusual degree. As an artist in all kinds of fancywork for domestic ornamentation, she had few equals. Everything was donefor the poor invalid, that warm hearts and loving hands could do. Constantlycared for by her sister, a kind and experienced nurse, and by the Doctor,himself a skillful physician, surrounded by everything that love could suggest,her last hours were made as comfortable as generally falls to the lot ofman when called upon to cross the dark river. She died trusting implicitlyin the promise of Him who doeth all things well.


Winfield Courier, September 16, 1875.


The undersigned will sell at public auction on

Wednesday, Sept. 29, 1875,

At her residence on the Walnut, 4 miles North of Winfield, the followingpersonal property: Seven Cows, Five Calves, Two Heifers, Thirty-two Hogsand Pigs. One Span of Mares, One Wagon, One Sett Double Harness, FarmingImplements, Household Furniture.


75 Bushels of Rye, 25 Bushels of Oats, Forty-five Acres of Corn in theField, and a number of Turkeys, Chickens, and Ducks. The sale is to commenceat 1 o'clock p.m.

Terms Cash!

The farm will be rented for a term of years. Early applications required.

For further information, inquire of L. J. Webb.

Winfield, Kansas, September 16, 1875.


Winfield Courier, September 16, 1875.

Cowley County District Court.

The following is a list of cases that will stand for trial at the Septemberterm of the District Court, to be holden on and from the 27th, and havebeen placed on the Trial Docket in the following order.



Thomas T. Rucker.

Elmer Kinney.

Elmer Kinney.

Elmer Kinney.

Willoughby Neugent.

Will M. Allison.

William Turpin.

Andrew Horneman.


John C. Smith vs. Samuel P. Berryman.

Clifton M. Woods vs. John W. Millspaugh.

A. Sumner vs. John R. Davis.

John Swain vs. Seymour Tarrant.

Abel D. Bent vs. Alonzo F. Tryon, et al.

E. S. Babco*ck vs. Sylvanus Phelan, et al.

Soranus S. Brettun vs. Edward Frederick.

John A. Himebaugh vs. Amos E. Mahaney.

Edwin C. Manning vs. Will. M. Allison.

Ephraine Simpson vs. Geo. W. Gardenhire.

George Warner vs. James Jordan.

Samuel A. Wier vs. John J. Sprague, et al.

M. Brettun vs. Henry Shanhuies.

Beng. J. Jones vs. A. T. Shenneman.

Francis Black vs. Edward Patton.

Amy G. Smith vs. Charles M. Kellogg.

S. C. Smith vs. James C. Weathers.

John C. Hays vs. Ezra P. Kinne.

D. B. McCallum vs. John R. Smith.

Apolis Kimble vs. Enos Copple.


George W. Kimble vs. Enos Copple.

Rufus B. Waite vs. E. B. Kager, Co. Treasurer.

S. D. Pryor vs. E. B. Kager, Co. Treasurer.

S. B. Sherman vs. B. H. Clover, Administrator.

David Thompson vs. E. B. Kager, et al.

Esther E. Fowler vs. John Brown, et al.

Samuel Hoyt vs. E. B. Kager, et al.

Edward B. Weitzel vs. Joseph Smalley.

Robert Hudson vs. W. S. Voris.

Frank Gallotti vs. Orrin P. Houghton, Administrator.

Houghton & McLaughlin vs. Robt. Washam.

Azinia V. Polk vs. A. J. McCollum.

Mollie H. Maule vs. Samuel Maule.

John S. Foster vs. Enoch G. Willett.

Fred E. Waldron vs. J. M. Dever, et al.

John C. McMullen vs. Richard Woolsey.

A. R. Depen vs. George A. Bridge, et al.

Harvey Olmstead vs. John Schwarts.

R. A. Ketner vs. Allen Mowry.


Solomon Nawman vs. Amos Becker.

S. D. Pryor vs. Ebenezer J. Gamble.

Oliver Sparkman vs. Wm. & A. J. Thurman.

T. A. Wilkinson vs. John Garahee.

Hannah Marquis vs. Richard B. Corson.

Martha E. Quimby, Adx. vs. J. B. Gorham.

City of Winfield vs. Seymour Tarrant.

A. W. Graham vs. A. N. & Julia A. Deming.

S. S. Richmond & Bro. vs. Davis & Ferguson.

John C. McMullen vs. Wm. M. Gray, et al.

Robert Allison vs. Richard L. Walker.

W. S. Paul vs. Martin Hammond.

M. Brettun vs. James K. McClellen.

M. Brettun vs. John C. Quarles, et al.

Francis Black vs. Joseph D. Wilson, et al.

Francis Black vs. George T. Galbreth, et al.

Elizabeth Sutton vs. B. H. Clover, Administrator.

Andrew J. Kummel vs. Wm. & Anna Thompson.

Joseph Likowsky vs. Andrew Dehn.

Francis Black vs. Edward Patton, et al.


Lizzie M. Martin vs. Fritz Budde.

W. S. Paul vs. Maria & W. W. Andrews.

C. C. Harris vs. Martha A. South, et al.

Martha A. Richmond vs. Chas. W. Richmond.

Oliver S. Williams vs. Richard L. Walker.

Samuel Bliss vs. A. H. Broadwell, et al.

John Headrick vs. heirs of James P. Jenkins.

Pryor & Kager vs. T. L. Clark.

E. A. Graham vs. Sidney Belk.

E. C. Seward vs. Andrew Dehn.

David Rodocker vs. Mary S. Rodocker.

David Rodocker vs. Thaddeus A. Rice.

H. F. Bartine vs. Needham Rogers.

S. H. Myton vs. Wm. W. and M. A. Andrews.

Robert T. Jordan vs. T. M. McFadden, et al.

E. A. Graham vs. Edward Millard.

T. M. Graham vs. M. A. & W. W. Andrews.

Robert T. Jordan vs. Josiah Hager.

M. Brettun vs. Thomas J. Anderson.

Charles C. Black vs. A. A. Jackson, et al.


M. Brettun vs. Alonzo F. Tryon, et al.

Francis Black vs. Addison A. Jackson, Administrator.

Francis Black vs. David M. Osborn, et al.

M. Brettun vs. John Smith, et al.

William W. Curtiss vs. Sarah A. Curtiss.

Trustees of Bolton & Creswell townships vs. Wm. C. Boker, et al.

Leland J. Webb vs. Thompson H. Johnson.

Samuel Hoyt vs. Alphonso O. Hoyt, et al.

Desier A. Clapp vs. Salem Lance, et al.

Francis Black vs. Warren H. Beck, et al.

Francis Black vs. Leland J. Webb, et al.

James H. Spradlin vs. D. B. Fouts, et al.

Alfred S. Redden vs. Wm. Thurman.

E. A. Graham vs. Wm. P. Duncan.

Frank Akers vs. Wm. B. Norman.

Frank Akers vs. Frank Manny.

Abel D. Bent vs. James A. Barr, et al.

Arthur Graham vs. Thomas J. Ragland.

James M. Barrick vs. Enoch G. Willett.

W. G. Graham vs. Andrew Dehn.

Robert T. Jordan vs. John H. Brown, et al.

Andrew H. Horneman vs. Enoch G. Willett.

E. S. BEDILION, Clerk.


Winfield Courier, September 16, 1875.

Wheat taken in exchange for goods, at the Winfield boot and shoe store,and will sell you boots and shoes lower than any other man in Cowley County.T. E. GILLELAND.

Winfield Courier, September 16, 1875.

MONEY TO LOAN on mortgage security at reduced prices, by C. C. Harris,at Winfield Bank.

Winfield Courier, September 16, 1875.

Farmers Improve your Stock. If you want thoroughbred short-horn bullcalves, go to the Squaw Creek herd, 2 miles South of Winfield. C. C. PIERCE.

Winfield Courier, September 16, 1875.

SCHOOL FURNITURE for sale cheap. Call and see it before purchasing elsewhere.

A. B. LEMMON, Winfield, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, September 16, 1875.

Notice to School Boards.

A lot of Gothic school desks (new), for sale by A. H. Green, Winfield,Kansas.

Winfield Courier, September 16, 1875.

229. EVERYTHING from a pair of Overalls to a complete Wedding Outfitto be found at C. A. Bliss & Co.'s the coming week.

Winfield Courier, September 16, 1875.

O. F. BOYLE Is selling goods AT COST.

Winfield Courier, September 16, 1875.

Fine Hogs. J. L. KING has a few blooded Poland China Thoroughbred Hogsfor sale. Apply at once at his farm one mile Northeast of Winfield.

Winfield Courier, September 16, 1875.

DOWN THEY GO. The balance of my stock AT COST. O. F. BOYLE.


Winfield Courier, September 16, 1875.


This is to certify that we, whose names are hereto subscribed, do mostheartily recommend for our next County Treasurer, FRANK GALLOTTI, who hasfor the last year and a half faithfully and satisfactorily preformed theduties of said office while acting in the capacity of Deputy; and we dohereby further certify that his character during that time has been suchas to fully entitle him to the recommendation. The records of said officekept by him, bears ample testimony of his capability and efficiency. Weconsider him well qualified to fulfill the duties of said office, and thereforecheerfully recommend him to the voters of Cowley County as well worth oftheir cordial support, and who, if elected, will most faithfully and systematicallyperform the duties of said office.

Jno. D. Pryor.

E. D. Kager.

H. C. Irvin.

H. D. Gans.

E. S. Bedilion.

A. J. Pyburn.

B. F. Baldwin.

J. M. Fahnestock.

W. M. Boyer.

T. K. Johnston.

G. S. Manser.

C. A. Bliss.

J. E. Saint.

N. Roberson.

W. G. Graham.

S. D. Cochran.

W. D. Mowry.

W. J. Mowry.

H. Godehard.

W. H. Walker.

K. F. Smith.

J. H. Bonsall.

E. D. Eddy.

E. J. Hoyt.

J. C. Evans.

Henry Mowry.

Albert Horn.

J. C. Mitchell.

R. Page.

L. C. Wood.

L. W. Currier.

John C. McMullen.

H. P. Walker.

James S. Simpson.

Chas. Harter.

A. T. Shenneman.

S. Darrah.

T. J. Jones.

J. A. Beck.

C. M. Sloan.

P. Hill.

Geo. Youle.

A. F. Tryon.

J. P. McMillen.

Joseph Requa.

A. N. Deming.

R. L. Walker.

D. M. Hopkins.

J. N. Beemen.

J. W. Curns.

J. Manley.

Jas. L. M. Hill.

H. Brotherton.

J. W. Johnston.

P. J. Copple.

Allen B. Lemmon.

David S. Brown.

T. A. Wilkinson.

Petyer Paugh.

Chas. E. Love.

R. Rogers.

C. L. Bliss.

Philip Stump.

M. L. Robinson.

M. L. Read.

W. C. Robinson.

S. H. Myton.

H. P. Farrar.

T. C. Bird.

D. M. Purdy.

E. M. Bird.

W. E. Gooch.

Jno. N. J. Gooch.

A. H. Buckwalter.

Antonio Buzzi.

W. G. Kay.

Frank Lorry.

Thomas Baird.

G. W. Harmon.

Samuel Kuhns.

John Annis.

W. E. Chenoweth.

Alfred Pruden.

C. R. Sipes.

A. W. Burkey.

W. S. Thompson.

E. R. Thompson.

C. J. Beck.

Charles Gallert.

Alfred B. Woolsey.

J. C. Topliff.

S. P. Channell.

W. M. Burkey.

M. Y. Hurst.

G. H. McIntire.

W. H. Speers.

D. R. Baird.

R. Hoffmaster.

Chas. R. Williamson.

B. A. Davis.

George L. Walker.


Winfield Courier, September 16, 1875.






Winfield Courier, September 16, 1875.

Wanted! A good girl to do general house work, and take care of children.None but a neat and competent one need apply. To such a one good wages willbe given. For further information, call at the office or residence of L.J. WEBB.

Winfield Courier, September 16, 1875.

Auction Sale. Of dry goods, clothing, piece goods, and notions. A fullline of hats, caps, boots, and shoes, all going at your own prices. Thehighest bidder takes the article, cost or no cost. We are bound to sell.Hark! follow that bell up to one door south of Baldwin's Drug Store, andthere see. W. A. Snively & Co. sell their goods at auction. Sale beginsat 1 P.M. today, and continues day and night till Saturday at 10 P.M.

Winfield Courier, September 16, 1875.

BUSINESS and Dwelling Houses to rent. Inquire of L. J. WEBB.


Winfield Courier, September 23, 1875.

Howard County is now holding a series of anti-division mass meetingsnotwithstanding the fact that it is already divided.

Winfield Courier, September 23, 1875.

It seems that the Interior Department estimate dead Indians to be worth$1,000 apiece. All right, Columbus, just give Kansas one more good cropand we will buy your Indian menageries and kill them at our leisure.

Winfield Courier, September 23, 1875.

It seems that Amos Walton is fearfully exercised because a request signedby sundry individuals, asking Mr. Howland of this place to become a candidatefor Register of Deeds, was not published in the COURIER, and assigns variousreasons for its non-appearance, all of which reasons, we need hardly say,are perfectly absurd as well as entirely at variance with the truth. Thereason we did not publish the request, friend Amos, was because no one offeredto pay us therefor.


Winfield Courier, September 23, 1875.

The Agency.

We have now made every arrangement necessary for the successful runningof the Grange Commercial Agency at this place. When we accepted the positionas agent, we promised the brotherhood that if business could be done onthe Grange co-operative plan, we would do all in our power to develop itand make it a success. We have opened a thorough correspondence with manyof the most substantial wholesale firms throughout the whole country, representingthe various branches of business likely to interest and directly benefitthe farmer. Our efforts have not been without encouragement, and it nowremains for the Patrons throughout the county to avail themselves of thebenefits of the Agency. The Executive Committee of the District Grange havefixed the commission at a very low rate. But we can live by that commission,providing business enough is given us. We would say to our brother Patrons,if you wish a commercial agency in Cowley County, sustain it by your patronage.We have plenty of inducements to go into business in a private enterprise,but will stand by the agency as long as your patronage indicates that youdesire the success of your business enterprises. Thus far we have received,financially, all the encouragement we could expect, hence the improved conditionof the building in which our business is transacted.

We make no bombastic boasts of what we intend to accomplish, but willcontinue work faithfully and earnestly for the good of the Order.


Winfield Courier, September 23, 1875.

Dissolution Notice.

Notice is hereby given that the copartnership heretofore existing underthe firm name of Jackson & Brotherton, has been dissolved by mutualconsent. H. Brotherton will collect and pay all the debts of the late firm.A. A. JACKSON, H. BROTHERTON.


Winfield Courier, September 23, 1875.

County Commissioner John Manly is in Volusia County, Florida.

Winfield Courier, September 23, 1875.

Niel Trump is back at his old bench at Sam Myton's tin-shop.

Winfield Courier, September 23, 1875.

W. C. Haley has gone to Wellington to go in a photograph gallery.

Winfield Courier, September 23, 1875.

Several buildings in process of erection. The carpenters all keep busy.

Winfield Courier, September 23, 1875.

A great many citizens from Rock Township down to Horneman's trial Tuesday.

Winfield Courier, September 23, 1875.

"Rowdy" Morris has got the whooping-cough. George sits up withhim of nights.

Winfield Courier, September 23, 1875.

Mr. Kelly is building a neat little residence on the corner of ManningStreet and Ninth Avenue.

Winfield Courier, September 23, 1875.

Several of our town folk visited Wichita last week, among whom were MayorMillington and lady.

Winfield Courier, September 23, 1875.

They talk of changing the name of Little Dutch to "Sebastopol"now, since this last fiasco up there.

Winfield Courier, September 23, 1875.

"Banged" hair is all the rage now with the ladies. It walksaway with pompadours and spit curls.

Winfield Courier, September 23, 1875.

Mr. Watkins, of Liberty Township, brings in two mammoth squashes andputs them with our monsters.

Winfield Courier, September 23, 1875.

Mr. Jno. Ledly and lady were in town last Monday. They report everythingis flourishing in Cedar Township.

Winfield Courier, September 23, 1875.

The COURIER office is getting a new coat of paint put on it by Jones& Co. We can't tell what color it will be till the sun gets a whackat it.

Winfield Courier, September 23, 1875.

The City Mills will have a daily capacity for grinding 17,000 poundsof flour instead of 9,000, when they get their new bolt in running order.

Winfield Courier, September 23, 1875.

John R. Thompson, of Richland, one of the farmers in Cowley County, wentup to Wichita and brought down two fine imported Poland China hogs thisweek.

Winfield Courier, September 23, 1875.

We have Tom Copeland with us now, sticking type, and would have had CharlieMcIntire, too, of the Plow and Anvil, if the price could have beenagreed upon.

Winfield Courier, September 23, 1875.

Anyone who wishes to rent a farm will do well to call on Mrs. Foos. TheFoos farm is one of the best and most convenient in the county, only 4 milesfrom Winfield. Applications should be made at once.

Winfield Courier, September 23, 1875.

O. N. Morris & Bro. are doing the rushingest livery business of anysingle firm in Southwestern Kansas. Their teams are going day and night.It was thought by some that they had moved to Wichita last week, but itwas a mistake. Only three of their teams went up, conveying passengers eachway. The boys advertise, that's the why of it.

Winfield Courier, September 23, 1875.

Mr. Seward Hulse, late student of the Wisconsin University, has arrived,and will take charge of the Arkansas City schools until his brother, Prof.E. W. Hulse, recovers from his illness.

Winfield Courier, September 23, 1875.

S. H. Myton this week forwarded to Stewart, of the late firm of Stewart& Simpson, a photograph of his beautiful new brick store building, whichthey erected here. The picture goes to Champlain, Clinton County, New York.

Winfield Courier, September 23, 1875.

Mr. James Baldwin, of Illinois, brother of our B. F. Baldwin, has beenhere paying his brother a visit. He expresses himself well pleased withthe country, and especially Cowley County. His verdict is but that of everyobserving man who sees it.

Winfield Courier, September 23, 1875.

The Union Sabbath School at the Baptist Church was made unusually interestingSunday morning by the help of Prof. Hoffman and Mr. W. V. Terry. They areboth good singers and the Prof. handles the organ keys as easily as a milkmade her left hand in fly time.

Winfield Courier, September 23, 1875.

Dr. F. H. Bull, son-in-law of J. W. Millspaugh, is down visiting relativesin this neighborhood. The boys set him to threshing wheat, just for a change.If the Doctor handles dental instruments as well as he does a pitch-fork,at the tail-end of a threshing machine, he will do.

Winfield Courier, September 23, 1875.

Mr. John Roberts made his formal debut into Winfield's politesociety circle one evening last week. A pleasant party at his father's residenceattended by several of our young folks, was the event of the week. The eveningpassed pleasantly and was much enjoyed by those who were so fortunate asto be there.

Winfield Courier, September 23, 1875.

Prof. Hoffman, who is now here giving lessons in music, is our authorityfor saying that Winfield is better supplied with musical instruments thanany town in Southern Kansas. There are thirty-one pianos, organs, and melodeonsalone, in this city. That the musical talent here is of the very highestorder, all of which the Professor says indicates intelligence and refinementfar beyond any other town on the border.


Winfield Courier, September 23, 1875.

Winfield Musical Association.

On last Saturday evening the proposed Winfield Musical Association metand received report of committee on constitution, which was adopted andthe society fully organized.

Twenty names were enrolled for membership, after which the followingofficers were elected.

President: Dr. Mansfield.

Vice President: Prof. Lemmon.

Treasurer: Frank Gallotti.

Secretary: Prof. Robinson.

Chorister: Prof. Hoffman.

Executive Committee: J. D. Pryor, Dr. Houx, Amos Walton.

The Society adjourned to meet on next Saturday evening, at the MethodistChurch, for the practice of music.

It is hoped that all interested in music will attend and support thesociety by becoming members. J. SWAIN, Secretary pro tem.


Winfield Courier, September 23, 1875.


WRIGHT. At the residence of E. B. Kager, in this city, Miss Libbie, daughterof Mrs. Wright, of Arkansas City, on Thursday morning, September 16th, 1875,at 7 o'clock.


WALTON. At Oxford, on Wednesday, September 15th, 1875, of typhus fever,Annie G., youngest daughter of George T. and Mrs. V. J. Walton, aged 11years.

The deceased was a sister of the local editor of the COURIER [WIRT W.WALTON]. To their many friends of Oxford and vicinity for their uniformkindness and Christian sympathy in their bereavement, Mr. and Mrs. GeorgeT. Walton desire to express their heartfelt thanks.

Last week we were placed under obligations to O. F. McKimm, J. L.Abbot, Capt. Brown, Messrs. Richmond Bros., Dr. Maggard, and many othergood citizens of Oxford and vicinity for courtesies received during ourtemporary stay with them. WWW


Winfield Courier, September 23, 1875.

RECAP: N. A. Haight runs for county surveyorRepublican.

Wirt W. Walton runs again for county surveyorRepublican.

Ezra P. Kinne, Arkansas City, runs for register of deeds for CowleyCounty


N. C. McCulloch runs for re-election as register of deeds for CowleyCounty



Winfield Courier, September 30, 1875.

Traveler Items.

The plank has been purchased for the floor of the Arkansas River bridge,and it will be repaired soon.

Col. McMullen called and paid for 100 Travelers last week, anddistributed 75all we could spare him. If a dozen men would do so weekly,the effect on immigration would soon be realized.

Enoch Hoag was recently thrown from his buggy by a runaway team; hisinjuries amounted to a dislocated shoulder. Verily the ways of Providenceare inscrutable. Had it been anyone else, a broken neck would have resulted.

BUCKWHEAT. Mr. A. Chamberlain has buckwheat fully matured, and some stalksmeasuring six feet high.

SUGAR CANE. We have a stalk of sugar cane, grown on John McFarland'supland farm, measuring 16-2/3 feet.

LARGE YIELD. Mr. Snow, of Fall Creek, Sumner County, raised 48-1/6 bushelsof wheat to the acre, or 289 bushels from six acres.

ONIONS. Mrs. Lorry left us an onion, raised from the seed, that weighsone pound and five ounces, and claims to have one growing that will weigheven more.

Some people take the market reports as published, and then come in aweek later and expect to find them the same. The Wichita market changesevery day, as well as those of other places.


Winfield Courier, September 30, 1875.

A Mr. Jackson of Winfield is here and just now busily engaged in buildinga warehouse, store, and grain commission house, near the depot. His buildingis already under way and is thirty by fifty feet and will be two storieshigh. Wichita Beacon.


Winfield Courier, September 30, 1875.

Frank Lutz is general manager at the Valley House.

Winfield Courier, September 30, 1875.

C. C. Harris was elected to fill a vacancy on the Grand jury.

Winfield Courier, September 30, 1875.

R. R. Turner, Esq., of Otter, is foreman of the Grand jury.

Winfield Courier, September 30, 1875.

C. C. Harris has purchased the Joel P. Vandever farm near the south lineof this township.

Winfield Courier, September 30, 1875.

Miss Sadie Webb, late of Topeka, is writing in County Clerk Troup's office,and Mrs. Clara Flint in Register McCulloch's office at the Courthouse.

Winfield Courier, September 30, 1875.

We now have one of the best job printers in the person of Mr. Sykes,late of Washington, D. C.

Winfield Courier, September 30, 1875.

J. P. Sloan is fitting up in good shape the upstairs to his Main Streetbuilding, known as Green's drug store, the front room of which is to beoccupied by W. P. Hackney, as a law office.

Winfield Courier, September 30, 1875.

Charlie Way, one of our printer boys, had a surgical operation performedupon him by Dr. Austin this week. The skin of his forehead, just above theleft eye, was cut and held apart while a small bullet was taken out, whichhad been imbedded in the skull for over three years. There is one shot stillremaining in his neck, but it was beyond the Doctor's reach.

Winfield Courier, September 30, 1875.

Jasper Cochran is the champion bird shooter in Southern Kansas. We makethis assertion and can prove it. In an eleven day hunt he killed three hundredand sixty-one chickens, two days of which forty-five and forty-two werebagged successively. An average of over thirty- two per day over a six monthsold pup with a muzzle-loading gun, is his record; and on it we base ourclaims for the champion "shootist" of the southwest.

Winfield Courier, September 30, 1875.

George Morris has sold his interest in the Stone Livery barn to WilliamRobinson, of this city, and has gone up to Tec*mseh, the home of his father,to spend the winter.


Winfield Courier, September 30, 1875.

[Recap only. Unable to read entire article.]

Moved by M. G. Troup, and carried by vote of the Council, that the Marshalbe instructed to give notice that complaint would be entered against allpersons residing in, or liable to pay road tax in the City of Winfield,whose tax was not paid by October 10th, 1875.

The following resolution was read and passed unanimously.

Resolved, That the City Attorney be instructed to dismiss thetwo cases of the City of Winfield vs. Frank C. Lutz on his payment of allcost, excepting such fees as belong to the city. B. F. BALDWIN, City Clerk.


Winfield Courier, October 7, 1875.

We learn that Col. E. C. Manning, of Winfield, is favorably spoken ofas the next Representative to the Legislature from Cowley County. We thinkthe people of Cowley can find no better man to represent them, as he isundoubtedly the best legislator in Southern Kansas, and we very much doubtthere being a better one in the State. He is perfectly acquainted with theworkings of a legislative body, and can, if elected, do more for his constituentsthan any other five men they could send to the capital. Howard City Beacon.

Answer of the Winfield COURIER editor to above:

The above is from the pen of a gentleman who has known Col. Manninglong and well. Friend Beacon, Col. Manning has not only been talkedof but has been nominated by one of the ablest and most enthusiastic Conventionsever held in Cowley County. The people not only talk of him, but will electhim by a good big majority next November.


Winfield Courier, October 7, 1875.


The ticket nominated last Saturday by the Republican County Conventionis, all things, considered, one of the strongest and best ever nominatedin the county.

Of Col. Manning, whose name appears at the head of the ticket, we needsay but little. As a representative of tact and ability he has few, if any,superior in the State of Kansas. Whatever he undertakes to do he does manfullyand well. The poisoned barbs of cruel unscrupulous enemies has never yetturned him aside from the path of duty, honor, and integrity. We predictthat the people of Cowley County, regardless of the malicious persecutionsof malignant enemies, will prove their appreciation of Col. Manning's worthas a man and his ability as a legislator by giving him a rousing majoritynext November.

Of Sheriff Walker and M. G. Troup we need say nothing; they have eachserved one term and their work speaks for them. The people of Cowley Countybelieving in genuine reform, will see to it that these men who have servedthem so faithfully and well will still continue to serve them.

T. R. Bryan, of Dexter, E. P. Kinne, of Arkansas City, Wirt W. Walton,and Dr. John Hedrick, of Winfield, are gentlemen in every way worthy ofthe support of every voter in Cowley County, for the several offices forwhich they have been nominated.

The most important office by far is that of Commissioner. For this officewe have three gentlemen in every respect perfectly capable of managing theaffairs of the county.

William White, of Rock, although still young, is a man of mature judgment,good qualifications, and with a little experience will make a splendid Commissioner.

Of Mr. Sleeth we know but little, but his friends in whom we have fullconfidence, assure us that he is a gentleman of acknowledged ability andexperience, who will bring to the dis charge of his duties that practicalbusiness knowledge which is so essential a requisite in a County Commissioner.

R. F. Burden is the present Chairman of the County Board, whose servicesare before the public. He is a gentleman of good heart and sound judgment,and with an experience of two years cannot fail to give entire satisfaction,at least as much so as mortal man could give on the Board of County Commissionersof Cowley County.

We have neither the time nor space this week which we would like to devoteto the different candidates, but will have more to say in the future.

As a whole the ticket is unusually strong. In its selection the Conventionshowed itself fully alive to the wants and wishes of its constituents, andwe have no shadow of doubt but the good work will be fully ratified at thecoming November election.

Since the above was put in type, we have been handed Col. Manning's carddeclining the nomination for Representative. We are extremely sorry, aswill be all his friends, that the Colonel sees fit to take this step. Believingas we do that he would be a representative of which not alone Cowley County,but the State of Kansas, would be proud, we most reluctantly consent tohis withdrawal from the canvass.














E. C. MANNING, WM. P. HACKNEY, NATHAN HUGHES, AND WILLIAM WHITE. Thefirst was an informal ballot, which resulted as follows: Manning 32, Hackney11, White 5, Hughes, 12. After considerable sparing, Col. Manning, for thesake of harmony, declined the nomination. The names of L. J. Webb and JamesMcDermott were placed before the Convention. The friends of Manning insistedon still voting for him and so declared their intention, whereupon the namesof Webb and McDermott were withdrawn. The first ballot resulted as follows:Manning, 29 votes, Hackney, 22, Hughes, 9. No choice, Hughes withdrew hisname in favor of W. P. Hackney. Second ballot resulted as follows: Manning,32 votes; Hackney, 28. Manning declared nominated.


Winfield Courier, October 7, 1875.

It is encouraging to learn that the Subordinate Granges throughout thecounty are beginning to see the importance of sustaining our CommercialAgency at Wichita, and subscriptions to stock in that enterprise are rapidlygoing on.

One of the finest picnics it has been our fortune to attend for sometime was given by Floral Grange on Saturday, September 25th. The displayof flowers, fruits, and vegetables reminded one more of a respectable countryfair than a picnic. The literary part of the entertainment was excellent.A paper read by Brother J. O. Vanorsdal, and Sister Zina Cowles, had manyvaluable hints to Patrons and was well received. All seemed to enjoy thebounteous repast and none with greater zest than ourselves.


Winfield Courier, October 7, 1875.

C. M. Wood and family have gone on a visit to Springfield, Ohio.

Winfield Courier, October 7, 1875.

McCulloch surprised even his friends by the close race he gave Kinnelast Saturday.

Winfield Courier, October 7, 1875.

Thos. Baker, the leading tonsorial artist of this city, has fitted upa neat room in the Grange Agency building. Give him a call.

Winfield Courier, October 7, 1875.

With pleasure we chronicle the fact that J. B. Lynn, Esq., is at lastrecovering from the spell of sickness which has prostrated him for the lasttwo weeks.

Winfield Courier, October 7, 1875.

E. D. Eddy, the popular druggist of Arkansas City, passed through townTuesday en route for the east. The genial Will Mowry is the chief "disherup" of quinine during his absence.

Winfield Courier, October 7, 1875.

Andrew Dawson brought us, from his farm in Rock Township, seven "whopper"big Irish potatoes last week. The seven weighed eight pounds and three ounces.They are of the early rose variety and are hard to beat.

Winfield Courier, October 7, 1875.

Read the advertisem*nt of Frank Cox in another column. Mr. Cox has oneof the best farms, either for stock or grain, in the county, and he proposesto sell it at the low rate of $1,200. Anyone wishing a farm can do no betterthan to buy of Frank Cox.

AD: FARM FOR SALE. A well improved stock or grain farm containing 160acres, in one of the best communities in Kansas, for sale cheap. Enquireof Frank Cox.

Winfield Courier, October 7, 1875.

Read the new "ad" of N. Roberson. Mr. Roberson's stock of harness,saddles, leather, mountings, etc., cannot be excelled anywhere in the West.He keeps the very best workmen, who can turn out a job equal to anythingto be had this side of St. Louis.

AD: N. ROBERSON, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN HARNESS, SADDLES, COLLARS,WHIPS, BRIDLES, LEATHER, ETC. A FULL STOCK OF HARNESS AND SHOE LEATHER Constantlyon hand. I keep the Best Brands of Sole Leather, French and Domestic Calf,Kip and Upper Leather. Also Tappings, Linings, Thread, Pegs, Awls, Wax,etc., which I will sell at The Lowest Possible Price for cash. Country shoemakerswill find I can furnish them as cheap as they can get them from the East.Your patronage solicited.

Main St., Opposite Postoffice, WINFIELD, KANSAS.

Winfield Courier, October 7, 1875.

It is with pleasure that we introduce to our readers Mrs. Dillingham,late of Chicago, who, with her daughter, has taken up her abode with us,to engage in the business of fashionable dressmaking. Mrs. Dillingham comesamong us well recommended as having no superior as a dressmaker. She hasrooms over the clothing store of Joseph Requa, where those wishing anythingin her line should give her a call.


Winfield Courier, October 7, 1875.


PERKINS - FOOS. On Sunday evening, October 3rd, 1875, by the Rev. Mr.Platter, Edward Perkins, of Auckland, New Zealand, to Miss Ada Foos, ofthis place.

Melbourne, Australia, and Auckland, New Zealand, papers will please copy.

We congratulate the young couple on this, to them, the most importantevent of their lives. Our acquaintance with Mr. Perkins, the bridegroom,although short, has been extremely pleasant. And we predict that the lovewhich impelled him to cross the seas, all the way from Australia to Winfield,to consummate his early vows with the fair Ada, will not fail him as theyjourney down life's stream together. The bride, as most of our readers know,is the daughter of the late Joseph Foos, who was one of the pioneers ofthis county, and died, lamented by all who knew him. The fair Ada is oneof nature's noble women, and not one of her acquaintances but sincerelyregret her departure from our community.

The bride's mother will accompany them as far as Springfield, Ohio, whereshe will spend the winter among friends, while Mr. and Mrs. Perkins willproceed to New York, there to be joined by the mother in the spring, whenthey will sail for their old home in Australia, there to take up a permanentabode. May heaven's choicest blessing go with them wherever they go.


Winfield Courier, October 7, 1875.

Monday we surveyed the county road petitioned for by John Annis, et al,of Bolton Township. Beginning at the south end of the Arkansas River bridgeand running northwest to the township line. This is one of the most importantroads in the southern part of the county. The immense travel of Bolton,in this county, and Walton and other townships in Sumner County, as farwest as Caldwell, has been compelled to go at least one mile out of a directline in order to get to this bridge, the only crossing on the Arkansas southof Oxford. The aggrieved party in this case is Reuben Bowers, Esq., whoowns the land near the bridge. His damage he assesses at one thousand dollars.The viewers, Thos. H. Henderson and Geo. W. Melville, awarded him one hundredand fifty dollars. The reports went before the Commissioners on Tuesday,and the attorneys in the case agreed to lay it over till the next sessionof the Board. L. J. Webb, of this city, has been employed by the defendant,and Amos Walton is advisor for the principal petitioner.

Winfield Courier, October 7, 1875.

The old proverb, "We never know what a day may bring forth,"was again exemplified in the sad case of Mr. A. Chamberlain last Saturday.He had been up here all last week as a Grand Juror, in attendance at Court.His good-humored jokes and trite sayings were the occasion of many a heartylaugh. Saturday he was full of fun, and as a delegate to the RepublicanConvention was having a lively time, while at the same moment his barn,stable, horses, hay, wheat, and corn were in a blaze, only fourteen milesaway. The particulars of this sad misfortune to our friend Chamberlain welearned while at Arkansas City last Monday. His little child, about threeyears old, was playing with a match near the south side of his hay stack.The match was ignited, just how is not known, but in a few moments the haycaught the blaze and a strong wind from the south at the time swept it likea demon through the stacks into the wheat, and from thence to the stablesnearby.

No help was near. His wife, quite ill at the time, was in the house unableto give the alarm, even though help had been within call. Two horses anda colt, in the stable at the time, perished in the cruel flames. He hadjust finished his labors here, and returned home expecting to thresh hiswheat this week, and instead, found the reward of years of toil a smoulderingheap of ashes.

Being a poor man his loss can scarcely be estimated. He has the sympathyof the entire community, in this, his great misfortune. Surely, we knownot what the coming hour has in store for us.

Winfield Courier, October 7, 1875.

John W. Miller, of Richland Township, received a complimentary vote forCounty Treasurer, last Saturday, by the delegates from the north end ofthe county. He is one of the best farmers and one of the best businessmenin this county, and his friends proved their appreciation of him by castingtheir vote for him for Treasurer. Let it be said in this connection thathe was not a candidate.

Winfield Courier, October 7, 1875.

Association Meeting.

There will be a meeting of the ministers and deacons of the SouthwesternKansas Baptist Association held at Floral schoolhouse, commencing Friday,29th of October, at 2 o'clock p.m., and continuing until the 31st. All ministersand deacons are requested to attend.

Winfield Courier, October 7, 1875.

The Bar supper given by our esteemed young friend, John D. Pryor, lastSaturday night, in honor of his admission to the Cowley County Bar, wasthe happiest social event that has occurred to our knowledge in the southwest,since it was a southwest. The company included His Honor, Judge Campbell,all the lawyers and officers in attendance at the present term of Court,and the "tripod" fraternity of this county. At about 9 o'clockthis "goodly company" met at Jim Hill's popular St. Nick and foundthere tables that "groaned" beneath their viands that were soonto be no more. . . .

Winfield Courier, October 7, 1875.

To Whom It May Concern.

All persons knowing themselves indebted to the undersigned are requestedto call and make immediate payment, as I am going out of business. I wantall to come up and settle at once.



Winfield Courier, October 7, 1875.

There will be a Teachers' Examination held at Winfield, Kansas, Fridayand Saturday, October 22nd and 23rd, 1875, for all teachers, who were sickor absent from the county during the last examination. T. A. WILKINSON,County Supt.

Winfield Courier, October 7, 1875.

To Rent or For Sale.

One-half section bottom land; 80 acres cultivated. Also the Tryon Farm.Both timbered and watered. R. B. WAITE, Oct. 8, 1875.

Winfield Courier, October 7, 1875.

Down to Bed Rock.

Owing to the hard times I have determined to put the price of ArtificialTeeth down within the reach of all. Poor as well as rich can now havetheir work done. I will put in a full set of teeth (upper and lower) forthe small sum of Twenty-five Dollars; half sets for Fifteen Dollars.The best of material used and a perfect fit guaranteed. Come along,everybody.

Very respectfully, J. O. HOUX, Dentist, Winfield, Oct. 6, 1875.


Winfield Courier, October 14, 1875.



This week we take down the name of Col. E. C. Manning and hoist thatof W. P. Hackney for Representative from this district. We take down Col.Manning's name solely because he has declined to be a candidate, and weraise that of Capt. Hackney because the Convention developed the fact thathe was the next choice of the Republican party and has since received theendorsem*nt of the Republican County Central Committee. Mr. Hackney hashad two years' experience as the representative of Sumner County. He islive and energetic, an avowed Republican, an inveterate worker, and willbe an honor to the county at Topeka the coming winter.


Winfield Courier, October 14, 1875.


Mac D. Stapleton has recently returned from Kansas City, bringing withhim one of the best and largest assortment of goods ever opened at thisplace. He also brought a beautiful span of thoroughbred English geldingsto drive to his new buggy.

Doctor Pood, of Dexter, occasionally drops in to see his Lazette friends.

Doctor R. W. Jackson has removed to Cloverdale, where he has found agood practice.

The health of the people in this valley is very bad, and seldom haveour physicians been more on the move than this season.

Our "honest miller," David Batrum, has been employed at theDexter mills for some weeks. He reports matters there as progressing well.

Mr. Jessey K. James and family, from Wabash County, Indiana, have beenvisiting Indiana friends, located in Grouse Valley. Their visit was verypleasant, and they go home with favorable opinions of Cowley County.

It is said that Doctor J. A. L. Williams is soon to remove his officefour miles further up the valley, to Grouse Creek post office.

Mr. S. M. Fall lost a valuable mule on Sunday morning last. He was drivinga span of his mules to his buggy and had gone about a mile and a half fromhome, when one of the mules lay down and died before the harness could betaken from him.

Judge H. D. Gans and Will Maris, of Winfield, gave us a hasty visit afew days ago.

The croquet set brought in by Mac D. Stapleton forms the center of attractionto lovers of that fine art.

DIED. Mr. William Slater buried a wife and child in the Lazette Cemeterylast week.

Harry Romine has opened a gunsmith shop, and is prepared to do all kindsof work in his line of business.

One of our sportsmen brought in a couple of large deer Saturday last.

Mr. D. Romage has opened school in the Gardenhier schoolhouse.

The attendance of pupils at the Lazette school is kept rather low bythe great amount of sickness in the District.

John Smiley is again able to be out after a very tough siege of the fever.


Winfield Courier, October 14, 1875.

Antelope trouble in the corn fields near Hays City.

Winfield Courier, October 14, 1875.

308,000 acres of the "Cherokee Strip" lands are offered forsale. Bids received until November 30th.


Winfield Courier, October 14, 1875.

The wheat market at Kansas City keeps steady and firm with no indicationof decline. Wheat advanced five cents per bushel last week, and on the 9thNo. 2 was from $1.43 to $1.45 per bushel. If buyers here could secure teamsfor prompt shipment, they could afford to pay, in Winfield, for best No.2 $1.60 per bushel, and leave a margin, over freights, of eight cents forprofits. But as long as there is no certain time when teams can be secured,larger margin is the only safe way; hence the low price here as comparedwith Kansas City. But there is no reason why wheat should not bring $1.15to $1.20 at Wichita.


Winfield Courier, October 14, 1875.

Some of the road supervisors in the vicinity of Winfield have evidentlynot done their whole duty.

Winfield Courier, October 14, 1875.

C. M. Scott is at Leavenworth as a grand juror at the present term ofthe United States District Court.

Winfield Courier, October 14, 1875.

Uncle Milt Roseberry thinks it ain't always the best looking man thatgets the nomination in a political convention.

Winfield Courier, October 14, 1875.

Mrs. Mansfield has returned from New York, where she has been to attendthe last sad rites of her sister who died here recently.

Winfield Courier, October 14, 1875.

Catholic service will be held in the schoolhouse on Sunday, the 24thinst., by the Rev. Father Schurz. All Catholics are requested to attend.

Winfield Courier, October 14, 1875.

Our readers are informed that the first concert of the Winfield MusicalAssociation will take place at the Courthouse, on Friday evening, Oct. 22nd.

Winfield Courier, October 14, 1875.

There ain't a boy three years old and over living at Salt City but whatcan tell you that the coal drill is down "three hundred and sixty-twoand a half feet.

Winfield Courier, October 14, 1875.

MARRIED. At the residence of the bride's mother, on Sunday morning, Oct.10th, 1875, by Rev. J. M. McQuiston, Mr. Alva M. Requa, to Miss Inez Hubbard,both of this city.

Winfield Courier, October 14, 1875.

The following are the names of the candidates for the Township officesin Rock Township: Trustee, Reuben Boothe; Clerk, R. P. Akers; Treasurer,John Stalter; Justice of the Peace, Hiram Fisk; Constables, W. H. Weimer,Frank Akers.

Winfield Courier, October 14, 1875.

In the Rodocker vs. Rice case that excited so much interest at our recentterm of court, the jury returned a verdict against the defendant of onethousand dollars damage and cost of the suit. Tuesday the court met andgranted the defense till the next term of court to file affidavits for anew trial.

Winfield Courier, October 14, 1875.

We have been informed by a reliable gentleman living on the State linethat the war the Traveler and leading citizens of Arkansas City havebeen making on Osage Indian Agent Gibson have caused him to give to Coffeyvillethe trade which naturally belongs to their City and our county. We don'tknow that to be the real cause, but give the information for what it isworth.

Winfield Courier, October 14, 1875.

Sandy Thompson, living near Tisdale, lost his arm in a threshing machinelast Friday morning. He was in the act of oiling the cogs when his sleevewas caught and his arm torn off below the elbow. Dr. Graham was called andfound amputation just below the shoulder necessary. This is the second accidentof exactly the same kind in the same family, a brother of Sandy having lostan arm under similar circ*mstances a few years ago in Canada.

Winfield Courier, October 14, 1875.

Mr. Alva Requa had "gone to that bourne, from whence bachelors seldomreturn. He and fair Inez have agreed to agree and travel down life's ruggedpathway together. They have commenced life right, by sending the boys ofthis office some nice delicious cake, and ye local a good Havana.

Winfield Courier, October 14, 1875.

The Southwestern Kansas Methodist District Tabernacle Tent (they standthat name on end and use it for a center pole, we guess) unfolded its beautifulwings and spread itself out on the "1st base" of the Frontierbaseball grounds last Saturday. It's a huge affair, but on the first appearancesuggests anything almost in contradiction to the real use and purpose. Aman that can visit this tent and not think "citizens," whetherhe says it or not, has better control over his feelings than any personwe have yet met. Service is being held day and night. Elder Bucker and severalother ministers are here from abroad.


Winfield Courier, October 14, 1875.

Reform Convention!
Meeting of the Unterrified and Slaughter of the Innocents!
The Republican Ticket Indorsed Almost Throughout!

The convention of self-styled Reformers met at the Courthouse in thiscity last Saturday and organized with M. B. Leonard of Creswell, for Chairman,and C. G. Holland and Ed Millard, Secretaries.

The Committee on Resolutions, of which T. M. McIntire, of Creswell, waschairman, reported the following which, on motion, was rather meekly adopted.

1. Resolved, That the policy of further contraction of the currencyat this time is calculated to bring financial ruin to the agricultural,manufacturing, and commercial interests of the country and will only beof advantage to the bond holders and money loaners of the East.

2. Resolved, That the National bank system was originated andhas been sustained in the interest of the monied oligarchy of the East andhas subserved no purpose save the protection of that interest at the expenseof the productive and commercial interests of the West.

3. Resolved, That the course of the administration in subsidizingthe local press of the country by the appointment of partisan editors tofederal offices is destructive of the inde pendence and usefulness of thepress and merits the hearty condemnation of all patriots.

4. Resolved, That competency and honesty being the qualities whichshould alone commend a candidate, we hereby pledge ourselves to the nomineesof the convention so long as we remain convinced that they possess thesequalifications and no longer.

T. M. McINTIRE, Chairman.

George Melville then read the programme, which was that nominations beginwith Representative, then Treasurer, etc., down to Coroner, which programmewas adopted with some misgivings on the part of the more wary, believing,as they did, that George had some hidden object in view.

W. P. Hackney, the Republican candidate, was the only nominee for Representative,the Reformers being out of that kind of timber.

A call being made for Mr. Hackney, that gentleman came forward and toldthe convention that he was a Republican and as he had been placed at thehead of the Republican ticket by the County Central Committee, he wouldbe pleased to receive the indorsem*nt of the convention, etc. The conventionthen nominated Mr. Hackney by acclamation with a few dissenting noes.

Nominations for Treasurer being in order, O. F. Boyle, of Winfield, andC. G. Handy, of Tisdale, were put on the track. Mr. Boyle's friends wereconfident that they could run right off from Handy, but they didn't knowthat the unknown Tisdale nag was ridden by a very light weight. The racewas a close one, Mr. Handy winning it by one vote. Never was there a conventionso badly taken by surprise. No one expected to nominate Mr. Handy and theannouncement was hailed with anything but enthusiasm.

The next heat was for Sheriff, for which there were five entries, to-wit:Hoffmaster, Deming, Lippmann, Shenneman, and R. L. Walker. Walker's namewas withdrawn and Shenneman declined in favor of Deming. The last ballotresulted in favor of Hoffmaster.

Five candidates were nominated for Register of Deeds: Henderson, Roseberry,Allison, Cheneworth, and Howland. Mr. Roseberry rose to a personal explanationand charged Amos Walton with misrepresenting him and thought this wouldbe a good time for Amos to "take it back." He was also willingto read a recommendation given him by the county officers, but the Chaircouldn't see it, and Mr. Roseberry was chalked off. First ballot: Henderson,16; Howland, 12; Roseberry, 6; Allison, 28; Cheneworth, 18. No Choice. HereMr. Cheneworth withdrew his name and said that he had been solicited tobecome a candidate, and the inference was, by those who had control of theconvention; but there was something back behind the screen which would slaughterhim and he preferred to withdraw his name. By this time it was apparentthat the race would be between Allison and Henderson, Howland and Roseberryhaving already been lost sight of. The last ballot proved Tom Hendersonthe winner by 17 votes, Mr. Howland receiving but one vote and Roseberrynone.

From now on all interest was lost in the convention, it having gone againstnearly everybody's prognostications, and some two dozen defeated candidateswent home disgusted, which left the convention pretty thin.

Dr. Hedrick was nominated for Coroner.

John Stalter was nominated in the 1st, Daniel Grant in the 2nd, and R.F. Burden in the 3rd Commissioner Districts.

Amos Walton was appointed a Central Committee and the convention adjourned.


Winfield Courier, October 14, 1875.

Association Meeting.

There will be a meeting of the ministers and deacons of the SouthwesternKansas Baptist Association held at Floral schoolhouse, commencing Friday,29th of October, at 2 o'clock p.m., and continuing until the 31st. All ministersand deacons are requested to attend.

Winfield Courier, October 14, 1875.

MRS. L. H. HOWARD has removed her fashionable Millinery Store five doorsnorth of her old stand, where she will be pleased to see her old customersand as many new ones as may be pleased to call and examine her new stockof fall goods.

Winfield Courier, October 14, 1875.

Skipped Board of County Commissioners Report, October 6, 1875.

Total amount claimed: $3,650.34.

Total amount allowed: $2,788.07.


Winfield Courier, October 21, 1875.

Mrs. Howard has removed five doors north.

Winfield Courier, October 21, 1875.

Hon. L. J. Webb has gone to Topeka on business.

Winfield Courier, October 21, 1875.

The new church building of the Presbyterians' progresses.

Winfield Courier, October 21, 1875.

S. H. Myton has purchased a new fire and burglar proof safe, and nowdefies these twin fiends.

Winfield Courier, October 21, 1875.

A. D. Speed, accompanied by Burt Covert, has gone to Kansas City to attendhis cattle lawsuit.

Winfield Courier, October 21, 1875.

Col. Manning has been invited to speak on Friday night near Cedarvaleto the people of Otter Township.

Winfield Courier, October 21, 1875.

Prof. Jno. Nichols, he of the towel and razor of this city, has movedinto the building one door north of Green's drug store.

Winfield Courier, October 21, 1875.

Perry Hill has removed his boot and shoe shop to the room formerly occupiedby W. H. South as a jewelry store, and John Nichols has moved his barbershop into the room vacated by Mr. Hill.

Winfield Courier, October 21, 1875.

Our late townsman, Erastus B. Kager, now an abider of the little cityat the mouth of the Walnut, called on us this week. He has opened up a lawoffice and settled down to the business of his profession.

Winfield Courier, October 21, 1875.

A very serious accident occurred to a little child of Mr. Hoffmaster,of Bolton Township, this week. It was pouring powder from a flash into thefire when the whole train ignited and hurt the child terribly.

Winfield Courier, October 21, 1875.

We are pleased to hear that Prof. E. P. Hickok has consented to deliverhis highly interesting and instructive lecture on "Ocean Currents"on Friday evening, October 19th, at the Courthouse, under the auspices ofthe Winfield Institute.

Winfield Courier, October 21, 1875.

Fred Schwantes brought in another "nubbin" of corn having 1,480grains on the outside, and we don't know how much shelled corn concealedin the cob.

Winfield Courier, October 21, 1875.

And now comes J. B. Evans, the party of the first part, and depositethon our table an ear of corn weighing one and three quarter pounds, raisedin Vernon Township, Cowley County, Kansas, in the year A. D., 1875; andfurthermore, the party of the second part sayeth not.

Winfield Courier, October 21, 1875.

J. Wade McDonald, law partner of Hon. W. P. Hackney, of this place, wasnominated for Representative by the Democracy of Sumner County, at Wellingtonlast Monday. He is the present County Attorney of that county. Being theonly good timber they have in their party there, they run him for some officeevery fall.

Winfield Courier, October 21, 1875.

J. G. Titus, one of the most successful farmers of Kansas, told us theother day that he had finished sowing three hundred acres of wheat, andthat he would give $300 out of his pocket to help build a railroad. Letour farmers but raise one other good crop of wheat and we have no fearsbut that a railroad will be built to haul it away.

Winfield Courier, October 21, 1875.

We understand that Captain Hoffmaster, Reform candidate for Sheriff,has withdrawn from the ticket on account of sickness in his family, andthat A. N. Deming of this place has been put on in his place. We congratulateMr. Hoffmaster on the good sense evinced by him in getting out of the way,no matter what the cause. But what shall we say of our friend Deming? Hiscourage is certainly commendable, but, as in the case of the little Frenchbull, we cannot admire his judgment.

The people of this county will not trade a tried and trusty officer foranyone of whom they know nothing just for the fun of the thing. Dick Walkerhas by his upright conduct and official integrity endeared himself to thepeople of Cowley County, and they propose to continue him where he willdo them the most good. We are sorry for Mr. Deming, as the result this fallwill only bury him beyond resurrection.

Winfield Courier, October 21, 1875.

The "Reform Central Committee," i. e., Mr. Amos Walton, declinedto enlighten the good people of Dexter on his subject of "Credit Mobelier,"when called upon by Capt. McDermott the other night. Why didn't you tellthem, Amos, that owing to the recent troubles in the South, the credit ofMobile was not good. That would answer just as well, as they don't knowanything about such a question (?). "Don't fly your kite so high"next time. The people of this county read the papers and keep posted.

Winfield Courier, October 21, 1875.

The grasshoppers have been playing sad havoc with some of the wheat fieldson the Arkansas. Mr. Dunn, of Vernon Township, has a field of twenty-twoacres completely eaten up. He thinks, however, that as the cool weatherhas set in, the wheat will grow up again. Some of the "cusses"are making a miserable attempt to lay eggs, but the frost wakes them upas they start down in their holes.


Winfield Courier, October 21, 1875.

Lazette News.

Henry Vanover has returned from Missouri. He reports as much sicknessin the section visited by him as there is in this county.

T. A. Wilkinson, of Winfield, gave us a flying visit on the 11th inst.He came in the interests of the "horny-handed" fraternity.

John Dudley, of Missouri, a former resident of this county, is visitingGrouse Valley friends.

Brooks has moved on his farm just south of Lazette.

Port Coons put in an appearance a few days ago. His sojourn with thePawnee braves agrees with him. Upon his return to the Agency, he took withhim Charles Brintzenhoffer.

The Lazette mill property has passed into the hands of B. H. Clover,who, with the assistance of David Batrum, will "push along, keep moving,"for the benefit of all patrons and friends of the mill.

W. G. Ward intends erecting a steam sawmill in the timber two miles southof town.

A. T. Shenneman paid a visit to Grouse Valley last week, spending Fridaynight in our city.

Calvin Dwyer, youngest son of Mrs. Mary Dwyer, was thrown from a coltlast week and was quite severely bruised thereby. Fortunately, no boneswere broken by the accident, though Cal's sides and limbs were skinned beautifully.

BIRTH. Henry Wilkins is happy, and his many friends may now congratulatehim on the arrival of a daughter, October 18th, 1875.

The joint discussion between the candidates of our parties came off lastnight. A good crowd met at the schoolhouse to see the aspirants for officeand to hear the speeches. While there was no discussion between the opposingcandidates, each one of them made a speech, not so much however to displayhis oratorical abilities, for each one said, "I am no orator, as Brutusis," but to let the people see what good looking men were seeking toserve them. Col. W. P. Hackney opened the exercises, after which Messrs.Handy, Bryant, Kinne, Henderson, Deming, and Walker became bold enough tospeak. Col. J. M. Alexander was then called out, and he made a happy andwell received speech. Judge Gans followed the Colonel with some good naturalremarks and a joke on one of the candidates. After our distinguished visitorshad spoken, some of our township candidates and citizens joined in the "discussion."Squire John Clover, Charley Jones, B. H. Clover, H. D. Wilkins, and BurtFrench made effective and telling speeches. There was but one disappointmentin the evening, namely, the non-appearance of friend Walton of the Plow-Handle.The meeting was closed with a few remarks by the chairman, R. C. Story.


Winfield Courier, October 21, 1875.


CARTER - KIMBLE. At the residence of the bride's father, on Tuesday,October 19th, 1875, at 10 A. M., Mr. Till. Carter to Miss Hattie Kimble,all of Vernon Township, Cowley County, Kansas.

We knew it. We have known it for a long time. It couldn't be otherwise.We always thought Till would get away with those fellows and take the beautifulMiss Hattie to himself. Time has only proved our surmises to be correct.While we are sorry for those "other fellows," we wish the fortunateTill and his young wife all the good fortune that generally falls to thelot of terrestrial mortals.


Winfield Courier, October 21, 1875.

WANTED. 25 or 30 yards of good rag carpet. Apply at the post office.

Winfield Courier, October 21, 1875.

HIGHEST CASH PRICE paid for Hides and Furs at Requa's Clothing House.

Winfield Courier, October 21, 1875.


All persons knowing themselves indebted to me are requested to call andsettle on or before the 1st day of November. JOHN CASPER, Floral, Oct. 14,1875.

Winfield Courier, October 21, 1875.

A NICE OFFICE ROOM over Green's Drug Store for rent. Apply to J. P. SHORT.

Winfield Courier, October 21, 1875.

INDEPENDENT REFORMERS, buy your clothing of C. A. Bliss & Co., No.229.


Winfield Courier, October 28, 1875.

A full blooded, war painted, feather-headed Kaw Indian is a mail carrierin Cowley County.

Ague extensively reported all over the State.


Winfield Courier, October 28, 1875.

The following excellent ticket was nominated last Saturday for the varioustownship offices.

Trustee: J. S. Hunt.

Clerk: F. S. Bedilion.

Treasurer: B. F. Baldwin.

Justice of the Peace: W. E. Tansey.

Constables: Burt Covert and E. R. Evans.

Everyone of whom are well qualified for the various positions to whichthey have been nominated and will receive the support of all honest men.

Winfield Courier, October 28, 1875.


Look out for bogus tickets on next Tuesday. We have reason to know thata lot of tickets will be scattered over the county with the name of Thos.H. Henderson instead of E. P. Kinne. The ticket is gotten up as near likethe Republican ticket as they can make it; in fact, it is the straight ticketwith that exception. Look out for it.


Winfield Courier, October 28, 1875.

Bro. S. W. Phenix, of Floral Grange, authorizes us to say that he hauledsomething over one hundred bushels of wheat to Wichita, for which he wasoffered but 80 cents per bushel. He did not sell but shipped through thePatrons' Commercial Agency, and this last week, Bro. J. G. Simpson, theagent, gave him his returns, which netted him one dollar and one and onehalf cents per bushel. Let the good work go on.

Floral Grange has resolved to be the banner Grange on the matter of takingstock in the Patrons' Commercial Agency at Wichita. Said Grange, by privatesubscription and the Grange at large, has taken eleven shares, and willtake more should her sister Granges enter into the spirit of imitation,which has already prompted her members to such a worthy effort.


Winfield Courier, October 28, 1875.

Choice cigars at Boyer's.

Winfield Courier, October 28, 1875.

L. J. Webb has returned.

Winfield Courier, October 28, 1875.

John D. Pryor has a niece just come to town. Weight unknown.

Winfield Courier, October 28, 1875.

Sam Darrah is down at Ft. Gibson yet, putting up hay to ship south viaArkansas River this winter.

Winfield Courier, October 28, 1875.

C. M. Scott passed through town last Sunday, coming home from his professionalcourting trip at Leavenworth.

Winfield Courier, October 28, 1875.

Hank Clay has been nominated for Trustee in Sheridan, H. C. McDormanin Dexter, J. O. Wilkinson in Bolton.

Winfield Courier, October 28, 1875.

Col. J. M. Alexander started for Leavenworth yesterday to visit old friendsand attend to business interests at the "whistling station." Hewill be gone about three weeks.

Winfield Courier, October 28, 1875.

Religious exercises in our city last Sunday were varied and numerous.Preaching in the morning and evening at the Presbyterian, Methodist, andChristian churches; Sabbath school at the stone church by the Union S. S.and also by the Methodists at the same time at their church. Rev. Adams,late of New York, preached his initiatory sermon as successor to Rev. McQuistonat the Methodist church, while Rev. Blevins, of Eldorado, delighted a largeaudience by a practical sermon at the Christian church. Arrangements werebegun by the M. E. S. S. looking toward holding bi-monthly concerts. Surelywe'll not want for religious exercises to attend the coming winter.

Winfield Courier, October 28, 1875.

Mr. Worden, of Vernon, struck the financial nail on the head in his speechthe other night. He said, "What we want is that government be the bank,and loan us money at one percent, and take our property as security, thenthe poor man's millennium would come; then the laboring man would have anequal chance with the rich." Col. Manning suggested, "supposeyour laboring man has no property by which to secure the government in theloan, then what can you do?" "Well," says Worden, "don'tlet him have the money then." There's where the trouble is. Your threethousand dollar farmer can borrow money on satisfactory terms now. It isthe poor man who has no landed estate that wants easier terms.

Winfield Courier, October 28, 1875.

Miss Jennie Greenlee has introduced a new feature in her department ofthe Winfield schools. She is teaching the geography and topography of thistownship; the difference between a municipal and congressional township,and the manner in which sections, townships, and ranges are numbered. Thisis something that we have long advocated. A pupil should know in what county,township, and range he lives before being taught the tributaries of an unknownriver in South Africa. Not because we are a draughtsman and map-maker dowe say this, for any teacher ought to be able to make a map that would answerthe purpose, but children should be taught early in life that which hereafterwill be of practical service to them.

Winfield Courier, October 28, 1875.

The Concert.

The first concert of the Winfield Musical Institute was given at theCourthouse last Friday evening to a large and appreciative audience. Wehave not space to give it the mention it deserves. The participants wereof our "home talent," and had we the ability to criticize, wewould not speak one word but in the highest terms of praise of those whoso generously furnished us with such an entertainment.

The concert was a success financially and otherwise.

Winfield Courier, October 28, 1875.

Railroad Meeting.

Railroad meeting at the Courthouse Tuesday night, Oct. 26th, 1875.

Meeting called to order for the purpose of discussing the railroad question;organized by electing Dr. Mansfield chairman, and Amos Walton secretary.Col. Alexander stated the object of the meeting to be to work up correspondencewith different parties on the railroad question.

Mayor Millington spoke at some length of the necessity of such an enterpriseand that action should be taken immediately in order to cooperate with thecounties north of us at once. On motion D. A. Millington, J. E. Platter,M. L. Robinson, and J. C. Fuller were appointed as a committee to carryout the intention of said meeting. On motion, adjourned.

W. Q. MANSFIELD, Chairman.

A. WALTON, Secretary.


Winfield Courier, October 28, 1875.


Not much improvement going on this fall.

Quite a number of teams went to Wichita with wheat last week.

The Grange and Marriage Feast of Thursday evening last was a success.Everybody happy and plenty to eat and plenty to talk about, and a nice littledance at the end to fix `em in good shape for their "little beds."Ed Millard and his beautiful bride were the observed of all observers.

The farmers are about done sowing wheat; a few are still at work.

Mort. Mull has husked ninety bushels of corn per acre from his crop downon Silver Creek. Can any of your Walnut Valley farmers beat that?

Mr. Gould, who has been under the care of Dr. Thompson, is able to beabout again.

Barney Shriver and wife, who have been ill for some time, are recovering.

The residence of Esq. Mays, with his household goods, was destroyed byfire last Saturday morning. Loss about three hundred dollars. This did notdeter the Esq. from trying two cases that were set for that day. He managedto save the township records.

Some talk here of organizing a "Joint Coal Company" for thepurpose of sinking a shaft. Experienced miners say that there is coal withinsixty feet.

Tisdale, Oct. 24, 1875.


Winfield Courier, October 28, 1875.

Fresh baked pea-nuts at Jim. Hill's popular St. Nick.

Winfield Courier, October 28, 1875.

The following teachers were in attendance at the examination last Fridayand Saturday.

R. C. Story, Lazette.

Ella Clover, Lazette.

James Tull, Lazette.

Miles Smith, Lazette.

Belle Estes, New Salem.

Sarah Hovee, New Salem.

Lemuel Wilson, Rock.

A. D. Stevenson, Rock.

F. P. Stevenson, Rock.

Miss A. Pennington, Oxford.

R. C. Maurer, Dexter.

Monroe Wells, Dexter.

R. B. Overman, Dexter.

M. S. Ticer, Greenfield, Elk County.

Ella Wickersham, Tisdale.

E. A. Millard, Tisdale.

Robert Kerr, Beaver.

Mattie Ticer, Emporia.

Estelle Burnette, Arkansas City.

E. W. Holloway, Winfield.

Miss Jennie Holloway, Winfield.

Miss Amy Robertson, Winfield.

Miss Maggie Stansberry, Winfield.

Miss Mary E. Lynn, Winfield.

Mrs. Belle Seibert, Winfield.

Mortimer Snow, Winfield.

N. S. Mounts, Winfield.

Examination conducted by Superintendent Wilkinson, assisted by ProfessorA. B. Lemmon.


Winfield Courier, October 28, 1875.


GRAHAM - POWELL. At the residence of the bride's father, in CoshoctonCounty, Ohio, on the 23rd day of September, T. M. Graham to Carrie L. Powell.

The groom is one of our boys. Everybody in this section knows the modestMell Graham, and none can be more surprised than we to know that he hasgot a life divorce from his old bachelor rooms in district 45. Mell showedhis usual good sense by bringing back with him one of the fairest of the"Buckeye" daughters to help boss his ranche here in the valley."One by one," they leave us. Winfield bachelors please take warning.


Winfield Courier, October 28, 1875.


THIRSK. On the 19th inst., at Floral, of cholera infantum, Nelson Arthur,youngest son of Robert and Mary E. Thirsk.

(Chicago papers please copy.)


Winfield Courier, November 4, 1875.

Recap. Paper crowed that the election went quietly and that the RepublicanTicket was all elected.

Winfield Courier, November 4, 1875.


We are just in receipt of a letter from Senator Ingalls, saying thathe will start to Washington about the end of the month to endeavor to havea further postponement of the sale of your lands. Now is your time to sendup your prayers and petitions asking further time if you really desire it.His letter is in reply to one written to him by Mr. Stewart, asking forhis interference in this matter. If the settlers on the strip send us theirpetitions, we will forward them to the Senator at Washington.

Winfield Courier, November 4, 1875.

Recap: More communications re railroads. J. S. Danford wrote to J.C. Fuller and P. B. Plumb also wrote to Fuller. This road would have beennarrow gauge.


Winfield Courier, November 4, 1875.

Notice to Builders.

Sealed Bids for the erection of the First Presbyterian Church of Winfieldwill be received until Nov. 18th, 1875, at the office of Curns & Manser.The bids to be made out for the construction of either stone or brick, andaccording to plan and specifications at Read's Bank. The right to rejectany and all bids is specially reserved. J. W. CURNS, Secretary.


Winfield Courier, November 4, 1875.

On Monday, the 15th day of November, 1875.

I will sell at my farm, one mile east of Winfield, my short-horn DurhamBull, Chancellor, and a herd of cattle consisting of 65 head of the bestDomestic and Durham Milk Cows, Heifers, Steers, and Blooded Calves.

Also 75 head of pure Poland, China, and Berkshire Hogs, of the famousShepherd & Alexander stock of Illinois.

And a Few Good Mares and Horses.

Sale positive and to commence promptly at 10 o'clock A. M.

Terms Cash.

This is a favorable opportunity for every farmer in the country to purchasegood stock at reasonable prices.

All are invited to attend. R. B. SAFFOLD.

Winfield, Nov. 3, 1875.


Winfield Courier, November 4, 1875.


By direction of the Honorable Secretary of the Interior, the undersignedwill receive sealed bids for the purchase of any or all on the unsold landswest of the Neosho River, along the southern line of the State of Kansasembraced within what is generally known as the "Cherokee Strip."

These lands are offered for sale in compliance with the provisions ofan act of Congress approved May 11, 1872, [U. S. Statutes at Large, Vol.xvii, pp. 98 and 99.]

They will be sold to the highest bidder for cash, in quantities not exceedingone hundred and sixty acres, at not less than two dollars per acre for allof said lands lying east of the Arkansas River, and one dollar and fiftycents per acre for such lands as lie west of said River.

Printed lists, describing the lands hereby offered for sale by theirproper legal subdivisions and indicating the minimum price at which eachtract is held, will be sent by mail to the address of any person makingapplication therefor to the Commissioner of the General Land Office, orto the Register and Receiver of the local offices at Wichita and Independence,Kansas.

Persons offering to purchase may bid for as many tracts as they may desire,but each bid must be separately made and sealed, and must be for not morethan one hundred and sixty acres, (and conform to the legal subdivisionsembraced in the list.)

Bids must be accompanied by 10 percent of the amount bid as a guaranteeof the good faith of the bidder, which sum, in case the land is awardedand the balance not paid, will be forfeited. Should any bid be rejected,the sum deposited will be returned to the proper party.

Parties whose bids are accepted will be notified of such acceptance assoon after the opening of the bids as practicable, and if within forty daysafter such notice has been duly mailed payment in full be not made to theCommissioner of the General Land Office on the amount bid, the land uponwhich said bid was made will be again subject to sale.

The ten percent deposit required to accompany bids may be remitted inPost Office orders, certificates of deposit, certified checks on some Governmentdepository payable to the order of the Commissioner of the General LandOffice, or in currency.

The right to reject any and all bids is expressly reserved.

All bids must be sealed and addressed to the "Commissioner of theGeneral Land Office, Washington, D. C.," and indorsed "Bids forCherokee Strip Lands."

Bids will be received as above invited until 12 o'clock noon on the thirtiethday of November, 1875, after which they will be duly opened and acted upon.

Commissioner of the General Land Office.

Washington, D. C., Sept. 15, 1875.


[Editorial Page.]

Winfield Courier, November 11, 1875.


With this issue of the COURIER the undersigned is before you as itseditor and publisher. There is work to be done for Cowley County. Throughno medium can more be accomplished than a newspaper. I want the paper tomake enough money to pay me for the time I devote to it. It shall not bean engine of malice or hate, or for the redress of personal grievances.Until a highway to the sea is built, I shall not lay down the pen. Untilthen, work. As the voice of Cowley County, the COURIER is for the men thatwill aid that work and against the men that neglect it. On this questionthe southwest means business and Cowley County loads the van. The COURIERdesires the friendship of every man, woman, and child in Cowley County.It will be so conducted as to deserve it while under the control of E. C.MANNING.

Winfield Courier, November 11, 1875.


Having leased the COURIER to Col. E. C. Manning, I retire from its management,at least, for a time. I certainly regret to part with the readers of thepaper, but poor health and an advantageous office is my only apology, ifindeed one be required. To those in arrears I would say, that during theentire grasshopper season you have not been asked to pay up, now I expectyou to come in and pay, or send in the amount you know yourselves to beowing. To each of you `tis but a trifle, to me it is a matter of some threehundred dollars. I need the money.

Col. Manning needs no introduction from me to the people of Cowley Countyexcept to say that he is a practical printer with years of journalisticexperience, and the COURIER cannot fail, under his management, to take rankwith the foremost weeklies of the State.

Very respectfully, JAMES KELLY.


Winfield Courier, November 11, 1875.

Funeral Services. A large audience attended the funeral services lastTuesday of the late Mrs. S. D. Pryor.

Winfield Courier, November 11, 1875.

The foundation for the new Presbyterian church is completed. It is quitean imposing looking wall, two feet thick and in some places six feet inlength. J. F. Bullene, builder.

Winfield Courier, November 11, 1875.

R. F. Burden's majority for Commissioner in the 3rd District over thedefunct Osage chief, Nump-ka-walla, was 436. The entire vote of his districtwas only 437. An overwhelm ing majority.

Winfield Courier, November 11, 1875.

Judge Saffold advertised his stock sale in the COURIER one week and beforeits next issue, he had the whole outfit sold to W. L. Mullen, a COURIERsubscriber.

Winfield Courier, November 11, 1875.

DIED. A family of movers camped on Timber Creek in this county last week,and during the night lost a child a few months old by strangulation. Thechild wore a close fitting cap or covering on the head, fastened under thechin by a string. In some manner the string became so tightened during thenight as to cause death.

Winfield Courier, November 11, 1875.

The bridge south of town is attempting to conform to the advice of thenoble Horace G. It's "going West," and unless something is doneto it soon, it will go South via the Walnut River. Immediate steps shouldbe taken to save it. Twelve hundred dollars will put it in good shape. Ifnot attended to at once, the township will lose six thousand dollars andthe use of the bridge.

Winfield Courier, November 11, 1875.

The Winfield Township ticket created some strife at the late election.The Republicans elected all their candidates, however, but W. E. Tansey,the Republican candidate for justice of the peace, failed to get the certificateof election notwithstanding he received about thirty majority. The judgesof election refused to count about forty ballots that had the names of twocandidates for justices of the peace upon them. This they did under thelaw as they understood it. It was well known however that Mr. Tansey wasbeing voted for the vacant office and that A. G. Green was being voted forthe vacancy that is thought will occur next spring. The judges undoubtedlyerred, and consequently Mr. J. W. Curns received the certificate. The officersare: Trustee, J. H. Hunt; Clerk, E. S. Bedilion; Treasurer, B. Baldwin;Justice of the Peace, J. W. Curns; Constables, Ed. Evans and Burt Covert.

Winfield Courier, November 11, 1875.

The following is a list of the Trustees elected for the ensuing yearin the several townships.

Beaver: R. H. True.

Bolton: John Linton.

Creswell: A. Chamberlain.

Cedar: L. W. Miller.

Dexter: H. C. McDorman.

Harvey: R. S. Strother.

Liberty: W. S. Williamson.

Maple: Fred Moe.

Nennescah: L. Stout.

Omnia: W. H. Gillard.

Otter: Thomas Share.

Pleasant Valley: Samuel Wait.

Richland: J. W. Miller.

Rock Creek: J. F. Williams.

Silver Creek: Z. W. Hoge.

Spring Creek: W. W. Thomas.

Silverdale: B. A. Davis.

Sheridan: W. H. Clay.

Tisdale: S. S. Moore.

Vernon: E. D. Skinner.

Windsor: C. W. Jones.

Winfield: J. S. Hunt.

Winfield Courier, November 11, 1875.


There will be a Teachers' Examination held at Winfield, Kansas, Saturday,November 20th, 1875. All applicants failing to avail themselves of saidexamination will have to wait until the time of holding the County Institute,in the spring of 1876.

T. A. WILKINSON, County Supt.

Winfield Courier, November 11, 1875.

EDITOR COURIER! Having sold my entire herd of cattle and hogs to Mr.W. L. Mullen at private sale, there will be no public sale of stock at myfarm on the 15th inst., as advertised in the last issue of your paper. Willyou please insert this notice and oblige.

Yours, very respectfully, R. B. SAFFOLD.

Winfield Courier, November 11, 1875.

The Sunday School Concert.

The first of a proposed series of Sunday School Concerts came off atthe Courthouse last Sunday evening, as was previously announced. The eveningwas splendid, the audience large, and the exercises good. It was a "freefor all" concert, which may or may not account for the unusually largeaudience. We never knew that there were so many children in this town tilllast Sunday night. We counted fourteen twins as they stood on the platformsinging, all looking alike, clean, and pretty. The difficulty on determiningwhich was which when their exercises came on was obviated by each one havinga number.

The little fellows did the best. Some of them rendered their parts like"grown people." Masters Graham, Robinson, and McClelland deservespecial mention.

The very small girls, too small almost to have names, performed theirparts and spoke their pieces very nicely.

Those who took part in it, one and all, did well. The "usual collection"was taken up.


Winfield Courier, November 11, 1875.


PRYOR. November 7th, 1875, at Winfield, Lewellyr I. Pryor, wife of S.D. Pryor, aged 23 years and 8 months.

Mrs. Pryor was the daughter of R. B. Waite, Esq., of this city, and wasmarried to S. D. Pryor last January. She had endeared herself to all whoknew her and was fairly and comfort ably settled in a happy home with acompanion for life. That life, alas, was too short. She left an infant buta few days old to cheer the sorrowing husband. Mrs. Pryor was a native ofJefferson County, New York, where the advantages of cultivated society andeducational opportunities had prepared her for a life of happiness and usefulness.Many friends in the new home sympathize with the stricken parties and bereavedhusband in this unlooked for, and as far as human ken can know, mysteriousaffliction.

Mrs. S. D. Pryor was buried in the new cemetery south of town.


Winfield Courier, November 11, 1875.

Attention, School Boards.

A competent teacher, holding a first-grade certificate, experienced inteaching in this county, would like a school, beginning the last of Decemberor the first of January.

Address "Teacher," COURIER office.

Winfield Courier, November 11, 1875.

At Cost.

Mrs. A. H. Gibson will sell goods for the next 30 days at cost. Comeone, come all.

Winfield Courier, November 11, 1875.


The highest cash price will be paid for Corn at the Winfield Tunnel Mills.Corn, wheat, and rye wanted immediately. IRA E. MOORE.

Winfield Courier, November 11, 1875.

Will Grind Wheat or Corn
And Exchange Flour or Corn Meal.
Grists put up Promptly, Night or Day.
Saw Mill Attachment!!

Will saw logs on short notice. Lumber for sale or exchange for wheat.



Winfield Courier, November 18, 1875.

The A. T. & S. F. trains will run into Pueblo in November.

A ton of butter passed over the L. L. & G. one day last week.

Winfield Courier, November 18, 1875.


Last Friday, Nov. 14th, a large and earnest railroad meeting was heldat Eldorado. Messrs. Meigs, Channell, McMullen, and Christian, from ArkansasCity; Millington and Manning of Winfield, and Holmes and Lee, of Rock Township,were the representatives from Cowley County.

A large turn-out of active men of Butler County were present, and C.V. Eskridge, P. B. Plumb, E. P. Bancroft, and others from Emporia, and Messrs.Danford and Schenk of Osage City, and C. K. Holliday and Lakin, of Topeka,were present.

The meeting organized at 2 p.m. by choosing Neil Wilkie, of Douglass,as chairman. Mr. Bancroft, of Emporia, in a clear and comprehensive manner,presented statistics showing the advantage to the people and company ofconstructing a narrow gauge railroad in comparison to a wide gauge road.

Gov. Eskridge then spoke at some length demonstrating the ability ofthe people along the line to build and own a road from Emporia into theWalnut Valley.

Interesting speeches were made by Col. Plumb, D. A. Millington, and others.

Finally the citizens of Butler County present selected eight personsto cooperate with the representatives of Cowley in drafting articles ofincorporation for a railroad company. After several hours of conferencethe two counties by their representatives agreed upon a charter form roadbeginning at Emporia, and run by the Walnut Valley to the south line ofthe State below Arkansas City.

The following named gentlemen were chosen directors.

P. B. Plumb, H. C. Cross, and A. A. Baker: Emporia.

J. C. Becker: Chelsie.

T. B. Murdock and A. L. Redden: Eldorado.

E. L. Akin: Augusta.

A. Cox: Walnut City.

Neil Wilkie: Douglass.

J. E. Platter and J. C. Fuller: Winfield.

J. C. McMullen and S. P. Channell: Arkansas City.

The corporation is named the Walnut Valley R. R. Company.

The directors are to meet in Emporia on 23rd inst., to put the enterprisein motion. Of their action, we shall keep our readers posted. If possible,we shall attend the meeting.


Winfield Courier, November 18, 1875.

THE K. C. B. & S. FE R. R.

The editor of this paper has received a long letter from Hon. W. H. Schofield,of Williamsburg, Franklin County, who is president of the above named railroadcompany, in which the question of constructing that line down the WalnutValley is discussed.

[Manning then gives extracts from letter.]

PERTINENT PART: "I think if the people could vote in city, township,and county bonds, a donation in aid of our line of road from Burlingtonto and through your county in the direction of Santa Fe, or to a connectionwith the great Southern Pacific, I could, I think, ensure you a railroadto your county in a short time."


Winfield Courier, November 18, 1875.

J. C. Fuller's six thousand pound fire and burglar proof safe has arrived.

Winfield Courier, November 18, 1875.

A sow and four pigs offered in exchange for corn. Enquire at this office.

Winfield Courier, November 18, 1875.

The Band boys will give a dance at the Courthouse next Thursday evening.

Winfield Courier, November 18, 1875.

Six weddings in one week and no cake for the printer, and it not a "grasshopperyear" either! What a country and what a people!

Winfield Courier, November 18, 1875.

The advertising columns of the COURIER show a new real estate firm inWinfield. MANNING & WALTON will do a real estate business in the officenext north of the post office. Their familiarity with the people and landof the county ought to enable them to be useful to their customers. Personshaving land or town property for sale should consult them for purchasers.



Pay taxes for non-residents, furnish abstracts of title, procure patentsfor land,

A General Real Estate Business.
In Cowley County
For Sale to actual settlers at $1.25 PER ACRE
on one years' time without interest.

For information as to its location apply to


Persons wishing to FILE ON LAND or MAKE THEIR PROOFS for entry shouldcall on us.


The following Lots and Tracts of Land are in our hands for sale.


Block 148, lots 17, 18, at $50 each.

Block 147, lot 6, at $75.

Block 146, lots 3, 10, 11, 12, at $50 each.

Block 145, lots 4, 5, 6, 7, at $45 each.

Block 131, lot 2, at $75; lots 7 and 8 at $60 each.

Block 130, lot 7, at $80.

Block 127, lot 17, at $75; lots 18 at $100.

Block 126, lot 14, at $75.

Block 111, lot 6, at $80.

Block 91, lots 4, 5, 6, at $60 each.

Block 89, lots 7, 8, 10, at $50 each.

Block 88, lot 12, at $50, and 176, 18 at $80 each.

Block 70, lots, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, at $35 each.

Block 185, lots 7, 8, 9, at $40 each.

Block 186, lots, 1, 2, 3, 10, 11, 12, at $40 each.

Block 271, lots, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, at $40 each.

Block 170, lots 7, 8, at $40 each.

Block 169, lots 11, 12, at $40 each.

Block 168, lots 9, 10, 11, at $40 each.

Block 166, lots 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12, at $40 each.

Block 151, lot 4, at $50.

Block 149, lot 1, at $50; lot 6, at $75, and lot 11, at $100.

1. TEN ACRES in the town site of Arkansas City, beautifully located,for $1,000.

2. SIXTY ACRES of bottom land within eighty rods of the town site ofWinfield for $1,500; all under fence, 16 acres in cultivation, timber forfirewood.

3. TWENTY-FIVE ACRES adjoining the town site of Winfield for $1,000.

4. SIX ACRES adjoining the town of Winfield for $400.

5. AN UNENTERED 80 ACRE TRACT, 8 miles from town, with house, well, andten acres in cultivation for $120.

6. AN UNENTERED 160 ACRE TRACT, 5 miles from town, with house, and 20acres in cultivation for $50.

7. TWO HUNDRED ACRES ten miles north of Winfield on the west side ofthe Walnut River. 110 acres of bottom land, 30 acres timber, 115 acres incultivation, 45 acres in wheat, 40 acres fenced, good frame house, well,stable, 40 fruit trees. Low for CASH.


1. Taxes are due November 1st, and the whole of one-half of the samemay be paid on or before December 20th, without penalty. . . . [Nine itemsgiven.]


Winfield Courier, November 18, 1875.

With pleasure we note the arrival in our midst of Rev. Blevins, an oldresident of Eldorado and late Superintendent of Public Instruction of ButlerCounty. He is a gentleman of more than ordinary ability; a good pulpit orator;pleasing in address, and withal a sociable and agreeable citizen.

The Christian Church has done well in selecting him as their pastor,and Winfield society has done equally so by securing in him a live and usefulmember.

Winfield Courier, November 18, 1875.

DIED. The sudden and unexpected death of Samuel J. Darrah caused a shockin this community. He had been for some weeks near Ft. Gibson putting uphay and being unwell, had started home. He failed so fast that death overtookhim at a trading ranch fifteen miles below Elgin, in the Territory, Nov.10th. None of his family were present. His wife had heard of his sicknessand immediately started to meet him; but alas, was too late. His spirithad departed. His remains were brought here for burial.

Winfield Courier, November 18, 1875.

Arkansas City has three lawyers, no saloon, no drunks, no whiskey, nopolice officers, and no one in the caboose. Winfield jail contains a crazyman, and one addicted to over- dosing with corn juice. Arkansas CityTraveler.

Correct. Winfield has twelve lawyers, two saloons, 0,000 drunks, plentyof whiskey, live police officers, and two boarders in her twenty-five hundreddollar jail. Yet with all these blessings (?), Winfield does not payone iota of city tax. Arkansas City, the highly moral and economic town,pays ten mills on the dollar as a city tax. How do you like thatfor a contrast, Mr. Traveler?

Winfield Courier, November 18, 1875.

The New Dexter.

We finished surveying the beautiful town site of Dexter last Saturday.It is laid out "with the Grouse Valley" crossing the section linesat an angle of thirty-three degrees. Twenty- three acres more of choiceland is converted into blocks, lots, streets, and alleys. The town companyshowed good judgment in having their streets made wide, particularly Mainstreet, which is one hundred feet. An adverse claimant to a part of theland, causing a "red tape" contest, has prevented an earlier organizationof a town company here, and building up of a much needed trading post atthis point. Now having a "send-off," if it don't make stridesequal to Bonner's celebrated "Dexter," we will not be to blame.Success to the next candidate for public favor.

Due to lack of a quorum, this is first city council meeting in sometime.


Winfield Courier, November 18, 1875.

City Council Proceedings.
WINFIELD, KAN., Nov. 15, 1875.

City Council met November 11th, 1875, at 7 o'clock P.M.

Present: N. M. Powers, J. M. Dever, C. C. Black, Councilmen, and B. F.Baldwin, City Clerk.

There being no quorum present, adjournment to meet on Monday, November22nd, at 7-1/2 P.M.

The Council would like all the businessmen and citizens generally tomeet with them at that time as they think of providing fire apparatus ofsome kind, and making a special levy to raise money for that purpose, andasks an expression of the tax-payers before it is done. Come out, one andall! B. F. BALDWIN, City Clerk.


Winfield Courier, November 18, 1875.


Serviss and Merydith have threshed over twenty-five thousand bushelsof grain this season. They are still at work, running early and late.

Dr. Wagner has had considerable riding to do this fall, but is now takinga rest. The sickly season is over and quinine is below par.

Thomas R. Bryan is teaching the Dexter school. He is giving good satisfaction.Whether as a legislator, candidate for treasurer, or schoolmaster, T. R.Bryan makes a whole team.

To show their appreciation of the good school now being taught, D. M.Patten, Tom Smith, and several others have moved into town so their childrenmight attend this winter.

The wheat prospect of this township is as good if not better than thatof any township in the county.

Miss Let Smith is visiting her relatives in Michigan.

Meigs & Kinne have sold their new steam saw and grist mill to theCarter Bro.'s, of Arkansas City. The boys are doing a rushing business.They run day and night, grinding at the rate of fifteen bushels per hourand yet cannot keep ahead of their custom work.


Winfield Courier, November 18, 1875.

[Note: Wirt W. Walton mentions earlier "Six Weddings in one week."Wonder why he did not record the other three weddings?]


COCHRAN - PRATER. On the 10th inst. by the Rev. J. E. Platter, Mr. JethroCochran to Miss Frank Prater, all of this township.

IRVIN - BURT. On the 8th inst., by the Rev. J. C. Adams, Mr. H. C. Irvinto Miss Ruie Burt, all of Sheridan Township.

FOWLER - SIMMONS. On the 19th instant, by the Rev. J. E. Platter, Mr.N. Fowler to Miss L. Simmons, all of this county.


Winfield Courier, November 18, 1875.

Union Thanksgiving Service.

There will be Union Thanksgiving service at the M. E. Church house, onThursday the 25th inst., at 11 o'clock A.M. Discourse by John Blevins. Allare invited to attend and participate in giving thanks to the "Giverof every good and perfect gift."



Winfield Courier, November 18, 1875.

Notice to Wood Thieves.

I know who steals my wood, having twice seen the party. When he comesagain, I shall give him a load of buckshot. L. J. WEBB.

Winfield Courier, November 18, 1875.


The Building Committee of the Presbyterian Church have concluded to extendthe time for receiving bids for the erection of the church for thirty daysfrom Nov. 18, 1875. See notice for bids in another column. [Notice sameas first other than change of date.]

Winfield Courier, November 18, 1875.

Members of Winfield Grange No. 805 are requested to be present at thenext regular meeting, on the 23rd inst., at the Courthouse, as there isbusiness of importance to transact.

S. E. BURGER, Secretary.

Winfield Courier, November 18, 1875.

A two story stone house and block of land in Eudora, Kansas, for saleor exchange for land in Cowley County or property in Winfield. Enquire of


Winfield Courier, November 18, 1875.

Lime! Lime!!

W. L. Fortner has lime for sale, in quantity to suit purchasers, at hiskiln one half mile northeast of this City.

Winfield Courier, November 18, 1875.

Just received, at Mrs. L. H. Howard's, a nice assortment of Ready-madeCloaks.

Winfield Courier, November 18, 1875.

Forty-five different kinds of candies, fresh from the factory, at JimHill's.

Winfield Courier, November 18, 1875.

Fresh baked pea-nuts at Jim. Hills's popular St. Nick.

Winfield Courier, November 18, 1875.

[Skipped County Commissioners Special Session covering claims againstthe county. Total amount claimed: $1,546.77. Total amount allowed: $1,495.77.Also skipped County Treasurer's Quarterly Statement up to November 1, 1875,as well as School Tax Fund and School Bond Fund in November 18, 1875, issue.


Winfield Courier, November 25, 1875.

The city council of the city of Newton has purchased two 100 gallon ChampionFire Extinguishers; for which the city pays $750 each, in two annual payments.

Winfield Courier, November 25, 1875.

William Berkey has on his farm, three miles northwest of Arkansas City,on the Arkansas, thousands of volunteer cotton plants that anyone can haveby going after them. Heretofore they have been sold.

Winfield Courier, November 25, 1875.

Steinbarger, of the Longton Courant, has taken in a partner. Itsa nine pounder and will wear an effeminate name.


Winfield Courier, November 25, 1875.

If you want to rent your house, Manning & Walton will find you atenant.

Winfield Courier, November 25, 1875.

John D. Pryor has a beautiful new organ set up in his bachelor rooms.

Winfield Courier, November 25, 1875.

Mr. Kelly has had a well and cellar dug at his residence on Ninth avenue.

Winfield Courier, November 25, 1875.

O. J. Hackney, P. M. at Wellington, made us a pleasant call last Monday.

Winfield Courier, November 25, 1875.

L. J. Webb has taken up winter quarters in the neat law office of A.H. Green.

Winfield Courier, November 25, 1875.

Mayor Millington is attending the Winfield Bank during Mr. Fuller's temporaryabsence.

Winfield Courier, November 25, 1875.

T. E. Gilleland is erecting a neat dwelling house on the block southof the old Bradish House site.

Winfield Courier, November 25, 1875.

J. W. Johnston has a fine lot of picture frames, wall brackets, what-nots,and the like ready for the holiday trade.

Winfield Courier, November 25, 1875.

Don't forget the dance to be given by the Band boys at the Courthousetonight. The best of music will be in attendance.

Winfield Courier, November 25, 1875.

Will Allison advertises for ten cords of wood. Wonder if he expects towarm those feet through with only ten cords!

Winfield Courier, November 25, 1875.

Miss Anna Melville has just graduated at the Kansas City Commercial Collegeand is now teaching school at the little village of Plymouth, near Emporia.

Winfield Courier, November 25, 1875.

J. G. Bullene has just completed a nice stone monument, cut from ournative marble. An experienced eye can scarce detect it from the genuineforeign article.

Winfield Courier, November 25, 1875.

Mr. Holloway is making some fine improvements to his "valley farm,"four miles east of town. An "addition," with a cost of paint overthe entire house, and a stable and granaries are the noticeable ones.

Winfield Courier, November 25, 1875.

Col. J. M. Alexander has returned. Leavenworth, he thinks, is a niceplace, but too far away from Winfield to ever make much of a town.

Winfield Courier, November 25, 1875.

Messrs. Manning, Fuller, and Green left last Sunday morning for Wichita.Colonel Manning and Green will attend the U. S. court at Topeka, and Mr.Fuller goes to meet the other directors of the Walnut Valley R. R. Co. atEmporia.

Winfield Courier, November 25, 1875.

Our "senior," Col. Manning, is off on a trip to the State capital,leaving us in charge of the pencil and scissors for the week. This is ourfirst attempt at spreading ourself over nine columns of the COURIER. Ifit should show up a little thin in spots, attribute it towell, we don'tcare what.


Winfield Courier, November 25, 1875.


LEMMON - FLINT. At the residence of the bride's father, D. A. Millington,on Wednesday evening, the 24th inst., by Rev. J. E. Platter, Allen B. Lemmonto Clara M. Flint, all of this city. Attendants: Mr. J. Ex Saint and MissAda Millington.

A pleasant little party assembled in the home of our Mayor last evening,to witness the nuptials of the happy pair. The groom, Prof. Lemmon, Principalof our Winfield city schools, though having been with us but a short time,is well known and highly respected by the entire community. Of the fairbride we need say nothing. She is one of the few noble women "whomto know is to love."

Her friends resign her to the care of one who has promised to "love,cherish, and protect" her through all the trials of coming years. Theunion is indeed a happy one. May peace, prosperity, and unalloyed happinessattend them through life, is the wish of the writer and their many friends.

Topeka, Fort Scott, and Independence papers please copy.


Winfield Courier, November 25, 1875.


`Squire Ramage has disposed of his upland farm.

Miss Ella Clover has opened school in the district north of Lazette.

Mr. Polk Tull is teaching in the Armstrong schoolhouse.

Our mill is running day and night, and customers come in from four counties.

The Literary Society at the Gardenhire schoolhouse has opened its wintersession.

Farmers are very busy gathering corn, and the demand for help is greaterthan the supply.

The wheat of Grouse Valley looks very thrifty, though a few warm rainswould help many fields.

DIED. The many friends of Henry Wilkins will be sorry to learn of thedeath of his infant daughter, which occurred on the 13th inst.

DIED. John Moser buried his oldest daughter, Mary, last Monday, and SolomonMooney lost a child, one year old, the previous Saturday.

Reports from the late prairie fires continue to come in, and the lossesincurred thereby are shown to be heavier than was at first thought.

Thomas Clover met with quite an accident in having a foot slip underthe wheel of a loaded log-wagon. The foot was considerably bruised and crushed.

Mac Stapleton, in company with Lieutenant Dale, went into Elk Countyin search of Mac's fugitive steeds. The party returned, bringing the horseswith them.

Our mail contractor has been bringing us the mails about three timesa month of late. The COURIER of last week failed to come in, and our Republicanbrethren were not favored with a sight at Kelly's rooster.

J. P. McDaniels has the contract for the stone-work of the new mill.J. P. Kinne was given the contract for digging the race.

LAZETTE, November 18, 1875.


Winfield Courier, November 25, 1875.

The Next Concert.

The Concert to be given by the Winfield Musical Association on the eveningof December 3rd promises to be the best entertainment ever offered to aWinfield audience. It will consist in selections from the rarest and bestauthors. Solos, duets, and quartettes are being practiced nightly by thisorganization. The programme, however, will be varied. A serio-comic song,with clog dance accompaniment, will be a laughable after piece, while thepretty fine instrumental pieces in preparation will give us something toadmire and remember. The stage platform will be enlarged to suit the betterconvenience and to match the beautiful curtains purchased by the society.We expect to see the Courthouse crowded to its utmost capacity on this particularevening.

Winfield Courier, November 25, 1875.

At the feast given by Bethel Grange last Saturday night, the schoolhousewas so crowded and the air so dense that a lady fainted, and Capt. Huntcame very near doing so. What a splendid opportunity to deliver a lectureand dilate upon the "injury to health," "breaking of physicallaws," etc., attendant upon such gatherings. What a picture could wedraw. House crowded; atmosphere heavy and impure; lady faints; is carriedhome. We follow her, only we don't. We stay with the rest and help eat thegood things brought for that purpose. This is overdrawn of course. It wasintended to be. The moral, if it contains any, is: Have your publichalls well ventilated.

Winfield Courier, November 25, 1875.

W. T. Cowgill, of La Salle County, Illinois, the purchaser of the Hogefarm, eight miles south of town, arrived yesterday. Some twenty familiesawait his report of this county, preparatory to coming out and permanentlylocating with us. He says it seems that every other man he meets here isfrom his native State. Of course, he is well pleased with Cowley.


Winfield Courier, November 25, 1875.

County Warrants to be Paid.

By virtue of authority given by an Act of the Legislature of the Stateof Kansas, approved February 10th, 1875, entitled "An Act to amendSection Sixty-nine of Chapter Twenty-five, General Statutes of EighteenHundred and Sixty-eight," I hereby give notice that the principal andaccrued interest of County Warrants herein below described will be paidat the County Treasurer's Office, in Winfield, on and after the 1st dayof November, 1875, and that the interest on said warrants will cease onthat day. E. B. KAGER, County Treasurer.

By F. GALLOTTI, Deputy.

Names of parties to whom warrants are payable:

M. G. TROUP: 29 WARRANTS [$5/$10/$20] TOTAL DUE: $330.00.

AND. DAWSON: 1 WARRANT - $25.00.








B. A. DAVIS: 1 WARRANT - $33.00.

A. J. PYBURN: 12 WARRANTS - $127.50.

HOUGHTON & CO.: 18 WARRANTSVARIOUS AMOUNTS [$20.75; $11.65; $12.40;$10.30; $27.75; $14.64; $13.80; $7.00; $18.15; $10.15; $10.15; $6.25; $5.70;$2.45; $18.15; $7.10; $14.00; $2.65.]

W. A. FREEMAN: 2 WARRANTS - $30.00.

R. S. STROTHER: 4 WARRANTS - $48.00.

R. F. BURDEN: 4 WARRANTS - $32.00.


J. W. MILLER - 2 WARRANTS - $30.00.

[Skipped the County Treasurer's Notice of Tax Roll, School Tax, andSchool Bond Tax for District in November 25, 1875, Issue.]


Winfield Courier, December 2, 1875.

From the Longton, Howard County Ledger, we learn that a railroadcompany has recently been incorporated for the purpose of running a linefrom Osage Mission, Neosho County, to Winfield, Cowley County, by the wayof Thayer, Fredonia, and Howard City. A number of the best men of Neoshoand Wilson counties are taking an active part in the advancement of thisnew and much needed enterprise and we can see no reason that those of Elkand Cowley counties should not come forward and manifest the same interest.

Winfield Courier, December 2, 1875.

Manning has a long article about "The Coming Railroad."He advocates a narrow gauge, which he says can be built to Winfield by September1876, called Walnut Valley R. R. Company. Stresses that road can move wheatto Emporia and then Kansas City.

"A narrow gauge is within our reach. A broad gauge is not. As nowsituated it costs the farmers of Cowley thirty cents per bushel to put theirwheat into Kansas City. Twelve months from now they may put it there forless than ten cents.

"New year's wheat crop will produce an excess for market of at least500,000 bushels. Twenty cents per bushel on this is 100,000 dollars. Thissaving of 100,000 dollars is all that Cowley need give to secure the road."


Winfield Courier, December 2, 1875.

November 20th, 1875.


SIR: With reference to the petition of certain settlers in Kansas, askingfor a postpone ment of the sale of the "Cherokee Strip Lands,"in said State, filed by you in this office.

I have to inform you that in reply to a communication from the Departmenttransmitting a similar petition with your endorsem*nt, I have this day maderesponse to the effect that a large expense has been incurred in the matterof advertising said lands; that many bids have been received, and each daybrings an additional number; that the settlers have already had repeatedextensions of time in which to comply with the law; that the Cherokee delegatesprotest against further delay, and that the fartherest limit consistentwith good faith and the regard for treaty obligations has been reached andfurther postponement would result in no advantage to the Indians, the Government,or the general public; and for these reasons, together with others whichoccur to me, I am not disposed to recommend any further delay in carryingout the expressed wish of Congress. I am, Sir, very respectfully,

Your obedient servant, S. S. BURDETT, Commissioner.


Winfield Courier, December 2, 1875.

WEST BOLTON, Nov. 27th, 1875.

EDITOR COURIER: The subject, all absorbing and most important to us,that of a railroad, is being at present largely discussed. Broad gauge ornarrow, Arkansas City must have a railroad. And Arkansas City is just asdetermined to be the terminus of all roads running south. But wait. ThroughArkansas City over the river (which is named for the City, or the City forit, a difficult question to decide by the way), through innumerable sandhills over a shaking rotten, dangerous old bridge, and here is Bolton Township.How many bushels of wheat and corn has that Traveler boasted havecome from Bolton? We have hauled our produce to Wichita but we refuse tohaul it to Arkansas City. If the railroad runs only to Arkansas City,it will come without aid from Bolton. It will come with the united votesof Bolton opposed to any bonded indebtedness. Not one dollar from us unlessthat railroad runs, as it ought, to the State line. The people of this littlecity in their desire to enrich themselves, may yet write the epitaph totheir own lost fortunes. S. B.


Winfield Courier, December 2, 1875.


Directors present:

P. B. Plumb, H. C. Cross, A. A. BakerLyon County.

A. L. Redden, Neil Wilkie, T. B. Murdock, and J. C. Becker by T. B.Murdock as proxyButler County.

J. C. Fuller, S. P. Channell, and J. E. Platter, by E. C. Manningas proxyCowley County.

On motion E. C. Manning was chosen chairman and T. B. Murdock secretaryof the meeting.

Resolved to construct, equip, and operate a railroad from Emporiaand to Arkansas City by Oct. 1, 1877, on most practicable route.


P. B. Plumb, Emporia, President.

J. C. Fuller, Winfield, Vice President.

H. C. Cross, Emporia, Treasurer.

T. B. Murdock, Eldorado, Secretary.


Winfield Courier, December 2, 1875.

Notice of Final Settlement.

In the Probate Court of Cowley County, State of Kansas.

In the matter of the estate of Cyrus L. Flint.

NOTICE is hereby given to all creditors and others interested in saidestate that the undersigned will apply to the Judge of said Court on Monday,the 3rd day of January, 1876, at 1 o'clock P.M., for final settlement ofsaid estate. D. A. MILLINGTON, Administrator.

Winfield, Nov. 24th, 1875.



Winfield Courier, December 2, 1875.


The undersigned will receive written proposals for bids for furnishingForty Cords of wood for the County until December 10th, 1875. The wood tobe mixed green and dry, and delivered at the Courthouse in Winfield as needed,and payment made in Cowley County scrip. R. L. WALKER, Sheriff.

Dec. 1, 1875.


Winfield Courier, December 2, 1875.

Skating parties are now in order.

Winfield Courier, December 2, 1875.

And now Sam. Myton has a new safe.

Winfield Courier, December 2, 1875.

"Heap big brave and dirty squaw" in town yesterday.

Winfield Courier, December 2, 1875.

J. C. Fuller is having his bank counters varnished and grained.

Winfield Courier, December 2, 1875.

Our streets are in excellent condition. Thanks to an efficient city districtroad supervisor.

Winfield Courier, December 2, 1875.

E. P. Kinne, Register of Deeds elect, has removed up from the City, andwill henceforth be "one of us." Winfield welcomes him.

Winfield Courier, December 2, 1875.

A diagram of reserved seats for tomorrow night's concert can be foundat Doctor Mansfield's drug store. Buy your tickets now.

Winfield Courier, December 2, 1875.

After quite a lengthy visit among friends in Chicago, Mrs. N. L. Rigbyhas returned home. Her nephew, Mr. C. C. Haskins and wife, came down withher.

Winfield Courier, December 2, 1875.

In the communion services at the Presbyterian church last Sunday ElderPlatter was greatly aided by Rev. S. B. Fleming, pastor of the Presbyterianchurch of Arkansas City.

Winfield Courier, December 2, 1875.

On Christmas Eve, the M. E. Sunday School will have a Christmas treeat the courthouse. Old St. Nicholas will be there with lots of presentsfor the children, so the boys and girls may expect a good time.

Winfield Courier, December 2, 1875.

We learn that Mr. Bradshaw and family, who have recently come amongstus from the blue grass regions of interior Kentucky, have rented the ValleyHouse and will live there till they purchase farms in this vicinity thatsuit them.

Winfield Courier, December 2, 1875.

The boys of this office desire to return thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Lemmonfor a bountiful supply of choice cake.

Winfield Courier, December 2, 1875.

The pleasant home of our genial Doc. Austin has been made doubly so forthe past few weeks by the presence of his wife's mother, Mrs. W. C. Swiftand daughter. They left for their own home in Michigan this week.

Winfield Courier, December 2, 1875.

The ball given by the Silver Cornet Band on last Thursday evening waswell attended. The music, led by Charlie Crane, was unexceptionable. Thecompany, composed of our very best society, seemed to enjoy it thoroughly.The ball was a success financially as well as socially.

Winfield Courier, December 2, 1875.

ACCORDING to the Traveler, Arkansas City does not tax her merchants,auctioneers, hucksters, and "now-you-see-it-and-now-you-don't-see-it"class of people. Winfield does, except the levying of a $10 tax on her merchantsthisshe has not done the past yearand that is the way we raise our revenue,hence we have no city tax to pay. If the City would make those roving peddlers,Kaw Indians, and like nuisances pay a tax into her depleted coffers, hercitizens wouldn't be groaning under their "ten mill on the dollar"today. Try another "contrast," Scott.

Winfield Courier, December 2, 1875.

TOM CONCANNON, the pioneer photographer, while coming over from Parsons,and while changing his shoes for boots, and engaged in pulling one on, fellunder the wheel, which passed over his head and broke his nose. He was pickedup insensible and carried to Cherryvale, where his wounds were dressed.He is now at his brother J. H.'s in this city. Independence Tribune.

We guess this must be the same "Con." that used to perambulateour streets with a noticeable hop-skip-and-jump, caused by a fractured limb.If it is, he'll be well. A wagon wheel passing over his cheek won't killhim. We are surprised that his nose is injured. Of course, we are sorry.Con., with all his shortcomings, is a jolly frontiers man. Many faces inthis town have a queer look about them yet, caused by straining at Con's"camera" for a "good" picture in the early days.


Winfield Courier, December 2, 1875.


SMITH - RIGBY. At the residence of A. T. Gay, near Tisdale, on the 23rdult., by Esquire Handy, Mr. William M. Smith and Miss Mary Higby, all ofthis county.

CURTIS - STEELE. At the residence of Mr. Cline, near Dexter, on the eveningof November 12th, by Esquire Bryan, Mr. W. W. Curtis and Miss Nellie Steele,all of Grouse Creek, Cowley County.

This notice was handed us by Mr. Bryan while at Dexter recently butgot misplaced. We hasten to make amends.


Winfield Courier, December 2, 1875.

Five hundred Pawnee Indians passed through town today. In the year 1603they owned the entire domain from the Yellowstone to the Arkansas River,and numbered up in the tens of thousands.

Winfield Courier, December 2, 1875.


There will be a stated Communication of Adelphi Lodge, No. 110, A. F.& A. M., Tuesday night, December 7th, at 7 o'clock. After the regularbusiness the annual election of officers will take place. All members areexpected to attend.

L. J. WEBB, W. M.

Winfield Courier, December 2, 1875.

Down, Down We Go!

Bed Rock is nowhere. I am prepared to drill wells from 1 to 1,000 feetdeep, rock or no rock; will put in iron or wooden pumps, on short notice.Address me at, or call at my farm three miles west of Little Dutch, Kansas.B. J. DOWNING.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 9, 1875. Front Page.


A letter writer, who has been visiting New Mexico, tells some marvelousthings about the ranche of one Mr. Chisum, who is perhaps the greatest herdsmenin the work, if the writer speaks true. "The man of the land of Oz"was not a more prosperous `king of beasts' than he appears to be."

The writer says: To the southeast of Santa Fe, near Fort Stanton, isthe famous Chisum cattle ranche, containing about sixteen hundred sectionsof land, on which Mr. Chisum has at this time eighty thousand head of cattle.He claims that he can fill an order of forty thousand beeves, sent by telegraphfrom New York, on ten days notice. Be this as it may, he is the "cowking" of Mexico, to use a provincial phrase. He employs in all aboutone hundred "cow boys" or "cow punchers"and in otherwords, he employs many mounted men to picket the ranche day and night, winterand summer, to see that the cattle do not stray off the pasture selectedby him for his own use. And like a sentinel walking his beat, the cattleguards ride up and down the lines, and are relieved with due regularity.

In the fall, about this time, they have the "cattle drives,"which means taking these vast herds from the distant ranches to the market.They find a shipping point now at Wichita, or Great Bend, in Kansas; orat Granada or Las Animas, in Colorado. And whenever it is known at whichpoint the important "drives" will strike, there is where the vulturesare found. The cattle men are rough, generous, and often intemperate, andthe gamblers and the prostitutes of the entire land look forward to falltrade with great anticipation. Very often the officers of the law are setat defiance, the cattle men and licentious women run the town, and the entireproceeds of ten thousand beeves squandered in a single night.


Winfield Courier, December 9, 1875.

A railroad is to be built from Omaha towards the Black Hills next summer.

Winfield Courier, December 9, 1875.

Thompson, the newly-elected chief of the Cherokees, is a full-blood andlives about twenty miles from Vinita. He is said to be uneducated, and speaksvery little English, and that broken. He belongs to the progressive party,and received the support of Boudinot.

Winfield Courier, December 9, 1875.

Recap. Master A. S. William presided at district Grange meeting in Winfield,wherein resolutions were passed demanding construction of the Southern PacificRailroad. Resolution stated that farming interests of Cowley County demandedsuch legislation by the Kansas Legislature as will enable a majority voteto extend such aid to a railroad company as will secure the constructionof a railroad in said county at the earliest possible day.


Winfield Courier, December 9, 1875.

A new brand of cigars at C. A. Bliss's.

Winfield Courier, December 9, 1875.

Another new house going up on the Addition.

Winfield Courier, December 9, 1875.

High Fiske and Joseph Houser, of Rock, were down last Tuesday talkingup the "narrow gauge."

Winfield Courier, December 9, 1875.

Several of the boys had to hunt a new boarding-house last Monday. ExSaint and John Pryor were among the number.

Winfield Courier, December 9, 1875.

Mrs. Jacob Heffner, of Winfield Township, raised a two pound and sixounce carrot this season. Can anyone beat that in this valley?

Winfield Courier, December 9, 1875.

Loren F. Blodgett, one of Wellington's promising attorneys, has receivedthe appointment of Postmaster at that place. O. J. Hackney resigned in orderto take care of his farm, which will net him more money than the office.

Winfield Courier, December 9, 1875.

Mrs. Ury, of Fort Scott, accompanied by her accomplished daughter, MissJennie, arrived here Tuesday evening. Mr. O. N. Morris now has the pleasureof paying his daily respects to his esteemed mother-in-law. They will extendtheir visit till after holidays.

Winfield Courier, December 9, 1875.

You will notice in our columns the "ad" of Messrs. McBride& Green, brick-makers, late of Parsons, Kansas. They have purchased9 acres of land of Manning & Walton, lying on Timber Creek adjoiningthe city, and have commenced work thereon. They are enterprising young men,and have come here to stay. We bespeak for them financial success in theirundertaking. Give them your orders.

AD: Brick! Brick! McBRIDE & GREEN are now ready to take orders tofurnish brick in any quantity from 100 to 100,000. They have purchased landat the edge of the Winfield townsite and have commenced the necessary improvementsthereon. A Kiln of 150,000 will be burned as soon as the weather will permit.They are experienced in the business and Will Guarantee all orders filled.Those contemplating building in the spring should Send in Their Orders atonce. Prices as Low as the Lowest. McBRIDE & GREEN, Winfield, Kansas.


Winfield Courier, December 9, 1875.

Mrs. Newman and her pleasant daughters, Anna and Lutie, started for Cherryvalelast Sunday morning, where they expect to spend the winter visiting relatives.A daughter of Mrs. Newman, the wife of A. B. Carson, is lying quite illthere, which hastened their departure. The voice of Miss Anna will be missedfrom the Presbyterian choir as well as from other musical associations ofour city. May they have a pleasant trip and a speedy return is the wishof their friends here.

Winfield Courier, December 9, 1875.

Mr. C. M. Wood is with us again, but for a visit only and to settle uphis business matters. He leaves in a few days for his new home near Sandusky,Ohio. Mr. Wood is well known here and will leave many friends behind him.He was the first settler south of Timber Creek on the Walnut River. In theearly days his roof was the only shelter for the new home seeker, and manyan early settler in Cowley County remembers with kindly feelings the hospitableentertainment extended them by Mr. Wood and wife in the days when Mr. Osagewas substantially "monarch of all he surveyed." His shingle hangsout now at Point Marble Head, Ottaway County, Ohio, showing that he is engagedin the stone trade. The firm of which he is senior member deals largelyin Government contracts, furnishing heavy block stone for public parks.


Winfield Courier, December 9, 1875.

The Concert.

The concert given last Friday evening by the Winfield Musical Associationfor the benefit of their leader, Prof. Hoffman was a very creditable entertainmentas well as a financial success. The Courthouse was crowded with a good humoredaudience. The performers did their "level best" to give satisfaction,and we believe they succeeded.

The choruses, songs, duets, and instrumental pieces were mostly fromthe best masters and well rendered. Several members of the association arevery fine singers, but make no pretension to musical proficiency beyondwhat is met with in similar amateur organizations.

The initiatory performance of an "overture" by our Cornet Bandwas played by them in their usual clever manner. Prof. Hoffman's executionof the "Victoria March" made other than English hearts beat withdelight.

To little Ida McMillen much praise is due for her rendition of "Carnivalof Vienna." She performs sweetly on the piano. For the beautiful song,"No Tidings from over the Sea," we have to thank Miss Maggie Dever.A severe cold prevented the usual wide range of voice peculiar to her. MissElla Manly sang with much taste, "O, dear, the men are so Stupid,"winning a rapturous encore from the elderly maids, men who have met their"fate," and mother-in-law in prospectus.

The "Passaic Waltz," a duet on the piano by Masters Richieand Harold Mansfield, was well done. For boys so young we think they performexcellently well.

OTHERS MENTIONED: T. J. Jones, Mr. Black, Gallotti, Dr. Mansfield, Mr.Swain, Jeanne and Edwin Holloway, Misses Stewart and Bryant, Jennie Holloway.



In Memoriam.

Lewellyr Birdie, infant daughter of S. L. Pryor, died Nov. 17th, 1875.Birdie now rests with her mother, who passed "to the brighter world"only ten days prior to her demise. [A poem was printed that had been writtenby Birdie's Uncle from Illinois.]


Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 16, 1875. Front Page.

A $210,000 SALE.

The ranch of John S. Chisum, of Bosque Grand, New Mexico, was sold toColonel R. D. Hunter, of St. Louis, the other day, for $210,000, one-halfcash down.

The purchase includes the thirty thousand head of cattle now on the ranch.During the past summer Mr. Chisum has sold to Colorado, Kansas City, andSt. Louis buyers, about twenty thousand head of beef cattle. Besides these,he has supplied some eight thousand head to contractors in New Mexico andArizona.

The ranch extends along the Pecos River from Fort Sumner to Seven Rivers,a distance of 150 miles. East and west it extends as far as a man, mountedon a good horse, can ride during one summer; practically, as far on eachside of the stream as stock can range without water. The range on both sidesof the river is high, rolling prairie, covered with a thick, heavy growthof black gramma, a most nutritious grass. During this past summer the grassover much of this area has stood knee high to cattle.

The residence buildings are situated in the center of the ranch. Stations,or cow-camps, are located on the river at intervals of thirty and fortymiles. Two hundred herders have been employed on the ranch the past summer.At one time this summer the horses numbered six thousand head. A successfulraid by redskins reduced this number about one thousand. Col. Hunter, thepurchaser of this vast estate, will engage more extensively than Mr. Chisumin the breeding business. He has just bought two hundred saddle horses foruse at the February round up.


Winfield Courier, December 16, 1875.

Won't our Arkansas City friends please have the Emporia fellows hurryup that railroad survey?

Winfield Courier, December 16, 1875.

Wm. White, of Rock Township, and A. S. Williams, of Vernon, are the delegatesfrom Cowley County in attendance at the State Grange, in Emporia, this week.


Winfield Courier, December 16, 1875.

The contest case between Messrs. Henderson and Kinne has been settledamicably. It was arranged last Monday.

Winfield Courier, December 16, 1875.

The Winfield Library Association is indebted to Senator Harvey for afresh lot of important public documents.

Winfield Courier, December 16, 1875.

There is to be a dance at Thomasville, Friday evening, December 24th(Christmas eve). A general invitation to dancers is extended.

Winfield Courier, December 16, 1875.

Mr. Thomas Henderson, late candidate for Register of Deeds, is to takepossession of the Lagonda House as proprietor. We predict that he will makea popular landlord.

Winfield Courier, December 16, 1875.

Frank Akers is building a grist mill at Warner's ford, on the Walnut,up in Rock Township. It will be in running order by the first of April next.The machinery is all to be first-class.

Winfield Courier, December 16, 1875.

The Christmas tree at the Courthouse on Christmas eve bids fair to bea very enjoyable entertainment. All children under fifteen years of ageare to be admitted free, and all wishing to bestow presents upon their friendsare invited to make use of the tree.

Winfield Courier, December 16, 1875.

One "flower wreath" sold at the Presbyterian festival at thecity the other night for the enormous sum of two hundred and one dollars!You could buy a whole millinery store in this town for that amount. Another"contrast."

Winfield Courier, December 16, 1875.

The new patent rotary-self-adjusting-perpendicular-initial-drum, general-delivery-letter-distributorof Postmaster Kelly's is quite an improvement on the old way of deliveringthe mail. People that can't read don't like it though.

Winfield Courier, December 16, 1875.

A daughter of our townsman, Mr. Prescott, arrived from California thisweek, and thinks our climate excels in beauty that of the Pacific coast.Our office is under obligations to her for a Chinese newspaper, which isa heathen curiosity.

Winfield Courier, December 16, 1875.

The Presbyterian Church, of Junction City, has unanimously resolved toextend a call to become their pastor to Rev. S. B. Fleming, of ArkansasCity, Cowley County. Ex.

We hope that Mr. Fleming will conclude not to accept the generousoffer. Cowley County, and particularly Arkansas City, can ill afford tospare one of its best citizens.

Winfield Courier, December 16, 1875.

DIED. EBER SLOCUM, of the firm of Slocum & Davis, in Cedarvale, diedlast Saturday eve, December 11th. Mr. Slocum was a man of large means andcarried on an extensive business at Cedarvale. He was a very public spiritedman and had a warm heart and open hand for his fellow man. His death isa great loss to that locality and is universally mourned.

Winfield Courier, December 16, 1875.

Richard Cartright, of Cedarvale, called on Tuesday. He reports the peopleover there as waking up to an east and west railroad, and that they arein favor of the Southern Pacific bill. A railroad meeting is to be heldin Cedarvale this week, the proceedings of which will appear in the COURIERof next week.

Winfield Courier, December 16, 1875.

Mr. Spencer Bliss and wife left our city last Thursday for New York State.They go by the way of Burlington, Iowa, where they will spend a part ofthe winter visiting friends. A change of climate has been advised, thinkingit would benefit Mr. Bliss' health. He is one of our valley pioneers, andleaves many warm friends behind him who wish that the change may producethe desired effect. Several of them met at the residence of C. A. Blissthe evening before his departure and gave unmistakable expression of theirgood opinion of him. We wish them a pleasant journey.


Winfield Courier, December 16, 1875.

The fall term of our public school closed on the 10th, and the winterterm will open on the 15th inst.

Mrs. Solomon Hisler returned home recently after a long visit in NorthernKansas.

Mr. M. S. Manville and lady, of Greenfield, Elk County, paid their Lazettefriends a visit a few days ago.

Rev. Mr. Swarts preached here on the 12th in the schoolhouse.

Rev. Mr. Thomas is holding a protracted meeting at the Armstrong schoolhouse.

The businessmen of Jonesborough are putting up a fine frame building,and hope to dedicate the same with a dance Christmas eve.

L. L. Newton, one of Harvey Township's enterprising farmers, returnedrecently from Northeastern Kansas with some fifty head of cattle, whichhe intends fattening for spring market.

A company for Arizona is organizing at this point. General Karl von Brintzenhoffer,our Scottish highlander, Colonel MacDonald Stapleton, and Rev. David Daleare managers in chief. Parties desiring to join this company should sendaddress and ten dollars to anyone of these gentlemen.

Esquire A. J. Pickering has had two terms of court since he ascendedthe judicial bench.

Our city artist, Prof. John Johnson, has been decorating and ornamentingthe Lazette mill with a fine coat of paint. The job is an excellent one.

Major Jo Sweet is turning out the finest Burnsides to be seen in thevalley.

Barnard Fritch and Jo Jones are engaged in burning their second kilnof lime near Jonesborough.

Will Fritch, our lately elected and newly commissioned constable, leftlast week very suddenly for Coffey County.

The musical voices of turkeys are now heard in the valley, and expectationsare high for rich dinners and festive times during the coming holidays.

LAZETTE, December 13, 1875.


Winfield Courier, December 16, 1875.

The Pawnee Indians, in their recent migration through this county, committedmany little inconsistencies. After the procession had passed the house ofSampson Johnson, situated about three miles southwest of town, a stragglingred man approached it and found no one at home. He entered and broke opena trunk and was helping himself when Mr. Johnson, who had been watchingfrom a field nearby, burst in upon him.

Before the Indian could recover from his surprise, Sampson, who is aheavy, strong man, seized the butt end of the thief's rifle. A tussle ensued.Sampson got the muzzle against the Indian's bowels and co*cked it; but simultaneously,the Indian pulled the cap off the tube. Finally Sampson got possession ofthe weapon and struck the Indian on the head with a crushing blow, whichlaid him senseless upon the floor. This gave Sampson a chance to breathe,when "lo" another Indian appeared upon the scene. By this timethe prostrate Indian recovered his senses and the English language; for,upon rising to his feet, in terror he begged piteously for his rifle andpromised good behavior if he could but obtain his gun and be let go. Sampsonmagnanimously gave up the weapon and both savages went off wiser and honestmen. But subsequently, Mr. Johnson discovered that the Indian had stolena valuable breastpin.

Winfield Courier, December 16, 1875.

On last Friday evening about forty of our "young folks," betweenthe ages of eleven and sixty-three, donned their Sunday clothes and, behindnumerous city equines, hied away to the Valley farm of Mr. S. S. Holloway,four miles east of town. The company was select, the air bracing, and thedrive to and from delightful. While there they were entertained with someexcellent instrumental and vocal music by Miss Jennie, Mr. James, and EdwinHolloway, and by games, songs, and social converse among themselves. Theusual amount of brilliant repartee at the expense of the old bachelors wasengaged in. At a late hour the company bade a reluctant "good night"to the kind host and hostess and the junior hostesses and returned to townfeeling that "it was good to be there."

Winfield Courier, December 16, 1875.

Attention, Patrons!

All delegates of subordinant Granges are requested to assemble at theCourthouse in Winfield on Wednesday, December 23rd, at 1 o'clock P.M., fora business meeting. Also at 7 o'clock in the evening of the same day, forthe purpose of conferring the fifth degree. All members of the Order ingood standing are respectfully invited.

A. S. WILLIAMS, Master, District Grange.


Winfield Courier, December 16, 1875.

Coats, $5; Suits, $10.

Mr. Joseph Requa is determined to stay with Winfield. He has orderedand will have in a few days a very large new stock of goods. He will sellcoats at $5, and suits at $10. He cannot be undersold by anyone. We areglad that friend Requa is not going to leave us. His accomplished wife hasbecome a citizen of the place; his son is married and settled here; andMr. Requa has large property interests here, besides being a useful citizen.These reasons ought to keep him here if his faith in Winfield did not. Buthe has both faith and large interests here and has abandoned the idea ofleaving.


Winfield Courier, December 16, 1875.

If Cottrell of our township, who persists in his unmanly course towardsa young lady living here, notwithstanding he has a wife of his own and hasoutraged public sentiment, will put a bridle on his tongue and yoke on hisoxen and leave the country, he will probably save trouble. NENNESCAH.

Winfield Courier, December 16, 1875.

Preaching at Christian Church house on Lord's day, 19th inst., at 11o'clock in the morning and at 7-1/2 in the evening.

Winfield Courier, December 16, 1875.

Go to McMillen & Shields and get 15 yards of good Calico for $1.00.

Winfield Courier, December 16, 1875.

Cranberries, oat-meal, and celery at Jim Hill's.


Winfield Courier, December 16, 1875.


CRAIG - CONNER. At the residence of W. L. Mullen, Esq., in Winfield,on the 29th of November, 1875, by Rev. J. E. Platter, William Craig to HenriettaConner, all of Cowley County.

LINDLEY - FOSTER. At the residence of John L. Foster, in Rock Township,December 1, 1875, by J. M. Barrick, Esq., Mr. George W. Lindley to MaryM. Foster, all of Cowley County.

BURROW - SENSENY. At the residence of the bride's parents, in NennescahTownship, November 25, 1875, by J. M. Barrick, Esq., Henry Burrow to NancyJ. Senseny.


Winfield Courier, December 16, 1875.

Corrected weekly by Winfield Merchants.

Eggs, per dozen: 15 cents.

Butter, per pound: 30 cents.

Lard, per pound (net): 15 cents.

Pork, per pound (net): 7-1/2 cents.

Corn Meal, per cwt.: $1.00

Flour, per cwt.: $2.75 @ $3.00

Beans, per bushel: $1.25

Apples, per bushel: $2.25

Onions, per bushel: 50 cents.

Corn, per bushel: 18 @ 20 cents.

Rye, per bushel: 40 cents.

Oats, per bushel: 20 cents.

Wheat, No. 2: 80 @ 90 cents.

Wheat, Ordinary: 50 @ 80 cents.

Hay, per ton: $3.50

Did not list bills allowed by County Commissioners via M. G. Troup,County Clerk, at special session held December 13, 1875, covered in December16, 1875, issue. Total claimed: $956.72. Amount allowed: $517.73.

[Part of an article that appeared in paper for some time relativeCowley County.]

Winfield Courier, December 16, 1875.


The residents of this locality are in constant receipt of letters ofinquiry from persons who contemplate immigrating to this region. We aredaily in receipt of similar letters. We have no time to spend in answeringsuch letters, but herein publish such information as is generally inquiredafter. Hereafter, when we receive such a letter we will send the authora copy of the COURIER. Our friends in the county can do the same thing.Copies of the COURIER can be procured for five cents each.


of Southwest Kansas, more particularly, that which lies within a radiusof fifty miles of Winfield, is not too dry for crop raising. A residenceof sixteen years in Kansas, six of which have been spent at this place,warrants us in saying that no portion of the State in this longitude isblessed with so large an annual rainfall as the region above described.The causes are local. The Arkansas and Walnut Rivers, with their tributaries,are of such importance in volume as to cause more frequent rain showershere than in any locality to the north or west of us. No one contradictsthis statement who is familiar with the country.


of all kinds do well, not excepting vegetables. But the staple crop iswinter wheat. The season of 1864 was called the


but Cowley County alone raised over 200,000 bushels of winter wheat,and the average yield exceeded twenty bushels to the acre of very choicegrain. In fact, it was the best grain offered in the St. Louis market.

The winter wheat harvest in this county for the year 1875 exceeded 500,000bushels, with an average yield of 26-1/2 bushels to the acre. Many fieldsyielded forty bushels to the acre and one field of seven acres turned outat the threshing machine fifty-four bushels to the acre.

The marketable wheat crop this year was sold at Wichita, the nearestrailroad point, forty- three miles distant from Winfield, at an averageprice of one dollar and ten cents per bushel. A man with team enough todo the work can break up the prairie of a 160 acre farm during the monthsof June, and July, and can sow the same in September with winter wheat andharvest enough grain therefrom the next June to pay for his land at tendollars per acre, after having paid all his expenses and allowed himselfa reasonable compensation for his own labor.


a railroad will be constructed into this county, which will add to themarket facilities of this region. At present land


in this county. It will not be long before a railroad will reach fromthis valley through the Indian Territory to Texas, and then Galveston, 700miles distant, will be our seaport market. When this time arrives land willbe worth fifty dollars per acre. It can now be bought for from one dollarand a quarter to ten dollars per acre, according to location, soil, timber,water, improvements, etc.


of all kinds flourishes.


grows in abundance and can be put into hay for one dollar per ton. Theruling price at present for hay is three dollars and fifty cents per ton.


need be apprehended from Indians. The county has been settled for sixyears and not an Indian outrage has been committed in its borders.


chinch bugs, and other pests are no more numerous than in any other localitywest of the Missouri River. The first named have never visited this localitybut once and then they came too late to do much harm. The region of theirorigin lies hundreds of miles to the northwest, and as they move south wheneverthey move at all, they either distribute themselves over the region northof us entirely or arrive so late in this locality as to do no harm. Theyhave moved out of their northwest homes three or four times in the pasttwenty years and only twice did they get into Southern Kansas.


command from fifteen to twenty-five dollars per month according to theseason. Mechanics wages are not so high as in the cities.


can make money very fast here. Persons without money can make money fasterthan in any locality that we know of in the States east of us. Money bringsfrom twenty to fifty percent per annum interest.


are not particularly needed. There is at present a full supply. Farmerswith means are needed; those without means are welcome.


are required to raise crops. A herd law requires stock owners to takecare of their cattle, horses, hogs, and sheep. You will drive miles andmiles along the road with fields on either side and no fences.


does well here, but every man must take care of his own.


is very scarce. Girls invariably place themselves in the matrimonialmarket upon arriving in this locality and are soon doing business on theirown hook. Two or three hundred very homely, hump-backed, flat-chested, cross-eyedgirls could find constant and remunerative employment in the kitchens ofthis county.


Cowley County is situated on the south line of the state, bordering onthe Indian Territory, and one hundred miles from the east border of Kansas.

It was organized in February, 1870. It then contained 700 inhabitants.The present population is 10,000. The county is upon the Osage DiminishedReserve Lands, and has been opened to actual settlers in quantities notexceeding 160 acres. No railroad grants cover any part of the soil of thiscounty. The question of title is in no respect complicated by the conflictingclaims of railroad corporations.

The rapidity with which the county has settled, and the permanent characterand extent of the improvements are marvels to all observers, and speak moreimpressively than words can express of the industry and enterprise of thecitizens.

A few words as to the topography, soil, and climate may not be uninteresting,and possibly may prove of great service to the immigrant into our rapidlygrowing common wealth, and to those in other states, who may possibly contemplate"going west."


is abundant. The Arkansas River flows along its western border. The Walnutruns through its entire extent, from the north to the south, about ten milesof the west line, and forms a confluence with the Arkansas at the stateline. The Grouse Creek is a large stream in the eastern part of the countyflowingfrom the north, and is a tributary of the Arkansas. These streams, withseveral important tributaries, as the Rock, Dutch, Timber, Silver, and othercreeks, all heavily timbered, make the county one of the best wooded andwatered counties in the state. The chief timber is oak of several varieties,black walnut, elm, hackberry, cottonwood, mulberry, and sycamore. The streamsare all rapid, and save the Arkansas, clear, with rock or gravel beds. TheWalnut, Timber, and Grouse furnish unlimited water power. The


is a deep black loam, resting on a lighter colored subsoil, consistingof loam, clay, and gravel, both soil and subsoil being so porous that surfacewater readily passes through them, and in no cases is there any difficultyexperienced in crossing with horses and wagon, or stock, any water coursesor beds of streams. Teams may be driven across springs or creek bottomsfearlessly, without danger of miring.


Winfield is the chief town and county seat of the county. It is locatedon the Walnut in the center of the county north and south. It is a beautifulcity of 1,000 inhabitants. Winfield possesses some fine public buildings,a splendid brick Courthouse, one of the best in the state. A substantialstone schoolhouse. A stone and two wood churches. Its business houses andresidences, of wood, stone, and brick, are all of the most substantial,and for a new country, elegant kind.

The Walnut River is spanned by two bridges near Winfield. Two large flouringmills are busy grinding the corn and wheat of this and adjoining counties.

Arkansas City is finely located at the confluence of the Walnut and Arkansasrivers, near the south line of the state. It has a good trade and is a thrivingtown. Near this place both the Arkansas and Walnut rivers are bridged, andone of the best flouring mills in the state is in successful operation.Both Winfield and Arkansas City have a daily communication by stage to Wichita,the nearest railroad station, and tri-weekly with Independence.

Dexter and Lazette are flourishing towns in the Grouse Valley; and Tisdaleis a thriving hamlet centrally located between the Walnut and Grouse.

Of the climate we need only say it is that of "Southern Kansas."There is more of blue sky than in any other part of the world, not exceptingItaly. We have not the long rigorous winter of Iowa, Illinois, and the NorthwesternStates, while the heat of summer is always tempered by a gentle breeze.It is the universal testimony of settlers from New England that the summersare more comfortable than in the climate of Vermont and New Hampshire, whilethe New England winter is unknown here. The laboring man is interruptedless here from heat, cold, and storm, than in any other part of the country,with which we are acquainted.


Winfield Courier, December 23, 1875.

There are seventy-six organized counties in the State.

Winfield Courier, December 23, 1875.

Trains on the A. T. & S. F. were snow-bound between Dodge City andGranada last week.

Winfield Courier, December 23, 1875.

The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe railroad advertises to reach Puebloearly in January.

Winfield Courier, December 23, 1875.

The M. K. & T. road has had one hundred cattle cars called up andtransformed into grain and cotton cars, as there is a very heavy demandfor such shipments.

Winfield Courier, December 23, 1875.

Another railroad company has been organized in Atchison. The road isto run in a southwesterly direction from Atchison through, or touching,the counties of Jackson, Pottawatomie, Wabaunsee, Marian, or Chase, Butlerand Cowley, the estimated distance being 200 miles.

Winfield Courier, December 23, 1875.

The Fort Scott Monitor says: A number of carloads of walnut logsfrom the Indian Territory have passed over the M., K & T railroad duringthe past few days on their way to Europe. They were a superior quality oflogs, carefully dressed, and the ends painted to keep them from crackingopen during the long journeyso they say.

Winfield Courier, December 23, 1875.

The contract for supplying beef cattle to the Osage Indians was awardedlast week, in Lawrence, by Superintendent Hoag. Of the several bids received,that of Hewins, Lawrence & Titus, of Chatauqua County, Kansas, was consideredthe most satisfactory, and that firm received the award. The bid was $2.45per hundred, and the entire contract amounts to over $20,000.


Winfield Courier, December 23, 1875.

Last night's daily Commonwealth brings us the startling news thatKansas is without a Treasurer. He was requested to resign by the Governor,on suspicion, and he resigned. It came about in this wise: Under the lawthe permanent school fund arising from the sale of school lands is investedin school district bonds by the Superintendent of Public Instruction, Secretaryof State, and Attorney General. Parties appear in person, or by letter,nearly every day offering bonds to these officers, who are called commissioners,and whenever there is money belonging to that fund in the treasury and thebonds seem all right, they purchase them and the State Treasurer pays forthem.

It has been discovered that $18,000 worth of forged bonds have beenbought during the past few months. The bonds purposed to come from schooldistricts in different western counties. But a casual comparison of theseal on one of the bonds with the seal of the county which the Secretaryof State had on file revealed the forgery. The matter has been traced fora few days and it appears that the bonds all came from one source, and therewere attending circ*mstances that justified the prosecution of the StateTreasurer, Sam. Lappin, on his official bond for having paid out the moneyto some parties without identifying them. In addition to prosecutinga suit to recover the money, the Treasurer was requested to resign, whichhe did on the 20th inst.

Everybody will now say, "I told you Sam. Lappin was not honest;"but the files of the COURIER will show that we did not endorse Sam. Lappin'snomination when it was made, and the official vote of Cowley County showsthat a good many of our readers acted on our judgment at the polls.


Winfield Courier, December 23, 1875.

VERMONT, ILLINOIS, December 15th, 1875.

COL. MANNING. DEAR SIR: We appreciate the weekly visits of the COURIER.Always glad to hear from good old home and friends. We are all well andhave bought a home of 120 acres two miles from Cross R. R. and town of Vermont.This is old nativity and of course we like itoutside give us Cowley. Respectfully,FRANK COX.


Winfield Courier, December 23, 1875.


HOLDS its regular meetings on the Second and Fourth Mondays of each month,at the hour of 7-1/2 o'clock, P. M. Comp. M. L. READ, H. P.

Comp. FRANK GALLOTTI, Secretary.


Winfield Courier, December 23, 1875.

A very stiff warm south wind prevailed last Monday, the first in a longtime. December 22 and no ice. Warm growing weather.

Winfield Courier, December 23, 1875.

Prof. T. A. Wilkinson returned from the meeting of the State Grange atEmporia last week.

Winfield Courier, December 23, 1875.

Sheriff Walker is keeping house with his mother in the residence latelyoccupied by C. M. Wood.

Winfield Courier, December 23, 1875.

Our old friend, Reuben Rogers, got through to Kentucky safe and has goneinto the tobacco business.

Winfield Courier, December 23, 1875.

Rev. Rigby has returned to Winfield improved in health, much to the gratificationof his many friends.

Winfield Courier, December 23, 1875.

Another invoice of fine suits came to town. They were purchased throughthe Grange Agent, T. A. Wilkinson.

Winfield Courier, December 23, 1875.

Mr. A. E. Johnson, of Crooked Creek, called on us Saturday.

Winfield Courier, December 23, 1875.

Hill, the shoemaker, has rented and moved to Mr. S. E. Burger's farm,one and a half miles north of town, where he runs a shop also.

Winfield Courier, December 23, 1875.

A. E. Wiley, one of Cowley's cattlemen from Spring Creek Township, cameup Saturday. He talks of buying city property and moving his family to Winfield.

Winfield Courier, December 23, 1875.

BORN. To Mr. and Mrs. Will Allison, on Friday, the 17th inst., a son;weight, 8 pounds.

Winfield Courier, December 23, 1875.

The mail carrier on the route from Oxford to New Salem, twenty miles,made the round trip this week on foot, carrying the sack containing a bushelof mail on his back.

Winfield Courier, December 23, 1875.

Sam. Myton has stored away enough farm machinery within the past twoweeks to supply a dukedom. We saw seven teams unloading at his cellar doorat one time last week.

Winfield Courier, December 23, 1875.

See in another column Dr. Mansfield's new "ad." The Dr. isdetermined to keep goods on hand that will please his customers. Call andexamine his "Holiday Books."

AD: HEADQUARTERS FOR GENUINE DRUGS, CHEMICALS, MEDICINES, AND PHARMACEUTICALPREPARATIONS. ALSO, School Books, Geographies, Arithmetics, Grammars, Histories,Spellers, Readers, Pens, Inks, Slates, Pencils, Envelopes, Copy Books, WritingPapers, Standard Literary Works, Combs, Diaries, Trusses, Toilet Soaps,Fancy Goods, Playing Cards, Violin Strings, Brushes, Spectacles, Perfumery,Blank Books, Pocket Books, Shoulder Braces, Notions, etc.


Surgical instruments, Elegant Lamps, Wicks, Chimneys, Globes, Burners,and No. 1 Coal Oil,

Drug and Book Store,

Winfield Courier, December 23, 1875.

An effort will be made this winter to change the law passed last winteramending the District Clerk's fees. As it now stands, a year's salary wouldn'tbuy a good lot in Nennescah.

Winfield Courier, December 23, 1875.

Master Berkey Bartlett brought his two little brothers in the other eveningto introduce them. They have just lately come to town and Berkey, beingan "old settler," is showing them the ropes.

Winfield Courier, December 23, 1875.

Messrs. Bradshaw & Sons are buying wheat at the Tunnel Mills. Theyare newcomers and are made of the material that must be doing something.Stirring, energetic men are what we need.

Winfield Courier, December 23, 1875.

Elder Platter has a horse-power corn-mill rattling away on his farm ninemiles east of town. It knocks 300 bushels of corn into fifty cent meal everyday. Viewed from the road, it has the appearance of a mammoth coffee-mill.

Winfield Courier, December 23, 1875.

Prof. Lemmon is living at home now in a nice little house on Eleventhavenue. It has been newly plastered, painted, and papered, and presentsa cozy appearance.

Winfield Courier, December 23, 1875.

Twelve good men of this city offer a reward of $5 each for the captureand conviction of anyone of the numerous wood thieves that infest our town.Go in, boys! Here's a splendid chance to make sixty dollars to spend duringthe holidays.

Winfield Courier, December 23, 1875.

John Smith, Esq., of Silver Creek, has the exclusive right to manufactureand sell the celebrated rotating harrow in Cowley County. One may be seenat the store of Brotherton & Silvers. They are likely to take the placeof all other harrows.

Winfield Courier, December 23, 1875.

C. M. Wood, Esq., evidently has not lost faith in this country. He hasnot disposed of his tasty residence property in the city, but on the contrarypurchased two additional lots from the Town Company adjoining his residence,and paid the cash for them.

Winfield Courier, December 23, 1875.

Floral Grange, last Friday, after business hours, debated the questionof Narrow and Broad Gauge Railroads. The judges in the debate decided thatthe Narrow Gauge debaters had presented the best arguments and renderedtheir decision accordingly.

Winfield Courier, December 23, 1875.

Last Tuesday evening the following officers were installed by AdelphiLodge, No. 110, A. F. & A. M.

J. S. Hunt: W. M.

J. E. Saint: S. W.

A. B. Lemmon: J. W.

B. F. Baldwin: Treasurer.

Frank Gallotti: Secretary.

J. H. Land: Chaplain.

L. J. Webb: S. D.

C. C. Black: J. D.

W. W. Steinhour: Tyler.

Judging from the list of new officers we should say that Adelphi is inpretty good running order, and likely to be kept so.

Winfield Courier, December 23, 1875.

The concert given by the M. E. Sunday School last Sunday evening wasan agreeable one. The children, both young and old, did well. The Courthousewas crowded. Many were compelled to stand up during the entire performance,while others, not being able to find standing room, had to go away. Theappearance of that audience would rather disprove the assertion that weoverheard the other day, that "we are tired of concerts."

Winfield Courier, December 23, 1875.

We visited Judge Saffold's fine sheep farm on Black Crook the other dayand found his flock in excellent condition. He has not lost a single headsince they were brought into the county. Ed. Strickland, his "bos"help, is a regular old twentieth century shepherd.

Winfield Courier, December 23, 1875.

Mr. J. T. Shields, of the firm of McClellan & Shields, is with usagain. He arrived last Friday, bringing with him D. Sleighbaugh, J. J. Plank,and John McMillen, all from Wooster, Ohio. They had visited various portionsof Kansas before coming here, but like Cowley the best.

Winfield Courier, December 23, 1875.

Master Albert Baldwin, a brother of our popular druggist, B. Frank Baldwin,arrived last Friday. He came out to assist Frank in the manipulation ofquinine, porous plasters, "prescriptions carefully compounded,"etc. He will stay with us permanently.

Winfield Courier, December 23, 1875.

Bethel Grange will have a public installation of its new officers Saturday,January 1st, at 4 to 6 o'clock. A harvest feast follows the installation.Friends of the Order, whether members or not, are invited. The stone schoolhouse,three miles north of town, is the place of meeting.


Winfield Courier, December 23, 1875.

City Council Proceedings.
WINFIELD, KAN., Dec. 20, 1875.

City Council met December 20th, 1875, at 7 o'clock P. M.

Present: D. A. Millington, Mayor; M. G. Troup, N. M. Powers, C. C. Black,Councilmen, and B. F. Baldwin, City Clerk.

Minutes of previous meetings were read and approved.

The following bills were presented and, on motion, were approved andordered paid.

E. R. Evans, services as City Marshal for month of November, $25.00.

Joseph Requa, one pair blankets furnished the city, $3.00.

B. F. Baldwin, services as City Clerk from June 7th, 1875, until December7th, 1875, $50.60.

A bill of E. R. Evans, for services as road overseer, fifteen days, $22.50,was presented and, on motion, was rejected by Council.

Report of E. R. Evans as road overseer was read and, on motion, was referredback to him with the request that he make an itemized report, giving thename of all persons paying money instead of work, and the disbursem*nt ofall such monies by him thus collected.

The following resolution was read, and on motion, was adopted by Council.

Resolved, That the City Council hereby instruct the City Marshalto patrol the streets until 12 o'clock at night, to see that saloons, billiardhalls, etc., be closed promptly at the time prescribed by ordinance; tosee that there is no danger of fire from hot ashes and fire thrown out doors,or in any other careless handling of fire, and to strictly enforce all ordinancesregulating order and quietude in the City of Winfield.

The Council then adjourned. B. F. BALDWIN, City Clerk.


Winfield Courier, December 23, 1875.

The case of the State vs. Sol. Becker and George Nauman came up beforeJustice Boyer last Friday. A jury of six was called. Defendants were discharged,the prosecuting witness paying the costs. County Attorney Pyburn for theState and T. H. Suits, assisted by E. C. Manning, for the defendants. Onthe first ballot, the jury stood three against three.

Winfield Courier, December 23, 1875.

We again call attention to the Christmas tree at the Courthouse on Fridayevening next. The committee on reception of presentsMrs. W. H. H. Maris,Miss Jessie Millington, Mr. Wallace Miller, and Mr. John Robertswill beat the Courthouse from 1 to 4 P.M., Friday, to receive all presents intendedfor the tree. Everybody is invited to make use of the tree as the mediumfor the bestowal of presents intended for their friends. Be sure to haveall presents in the hands of the committee by 4 o'clock P.M. so as to givetime for arranging them upon the tree.

The committee on decoration of hall will be at the Courthouse duringthe whole of Friday afternoon. Be prompt, for you have plenty of work todo.

The programme of the entertainment is as follows.

Music: "The Children's Jubilee."

Invocation: By Rev. Adams.

Music: "Glad Tidings."

Address: By Rev. J. E. Platter.

Music: "O, List to the Notes."

Address: By Rev. Blevins.

Music: Christmas Carol.

Santa Claus and Christmas Tree.

Music: "Song of Christmas Eve."


Let everybody go and have a pleasant time with the girls and boys.

Winfield Courier, December 23, 1875.

Mr. Henry Asp, late student of the Commercial and Business College atRock Island, Illinois, has commenced the study of law with our excellentlegal light, L. J. Webb. Mr. Asp is a young man of good culture and pleasingaddress. He comes among us well recom mended. May the enterprise he embarksin here be a successful one. "There is always room at the top."


Winfield Courier, December 23, 1875.

Bills Allowed by County Commissioners.
WINFIELD, KAN., Dec. 16, 1875.

Board met in special session. Present: R. F. Burden, M. S. Roseberry,Commission ers; A. J. Pyburn, County Attorney, and M. G. Troup, County Clerk.Among other proceedings had, claims against the county were passed upon.


C. A. Bliss & Co., pauper bill.

Jacob Binkey.

J. Headrick.

E. S. Bedilion, express charge.

N. C. McCulloch, ex. charges.

E. S. Bedilion, District Clerk.

R. L. Walker, Sheriff.

H. S. Silver, pauper bill.

Witness Fees

Theodore Park

H. N. Banner

W. M. Boyer

Mrs. Sarah Mullen

Samuel Mullen

E. C. Hawkins

Wm. Hawkins

J. B. Nipp

E. S. Bedilion, District Clerk.

Witness Fees

C. M. Scott.

T. B. Ross.

A. A. Jackson

Timothy McIntire

C. M. Wood

C. B. Pack

D. C. Treadway

J. S. Coats

Wm. Adams

A. M. Treadway

W. T. Beasley

W. M. Whitted

Harriet Saunders

A. O. Porter

Evan T. Lewis

Howe Lewis

Rachel Lewis

S. Dodsworth, box envelopes.

Henry Harbaugh, juror.

H. D. Gans, express charges.



M. G. TROUP, County Clerk.


Winfield Courier, December 30, 1875.

A Chicago Criminal Circulating in Cowley County.
A Remarkable Rascal's Record.
An Omnipresent Operator.

About two years ago, a smooth spoken, well dressed man, calling himselfAmos E. Mahaney, circulated in this locality. He operated in one localityunder an alias as the secret agent of President Grant in organizing thirdterm leagues.

The condition of membership was the payment of ten dollars and all enrolledmembers were to be secretly secret allies in the third term movement, andmoney in large quantities was to be given to these agents in aid of theplan. Considerable money was disbursed under the arrangement which finallyturned out to be counterfeit.

Mahaney once kept school in Labette Co., Kansas, and thereby formed anacquaintance or two of men of good character in this county, who formerlyknew him as a respectable man. About this same time he rendezvoused at Douglassin the south part of Butler Co. There he was known as a land buyer and moneyloaner. His knowledge of human nature enabled him to obtain the confidenceof several parties, and he purchased a farm of Mr. Hinebaugh in Butler forwhich he was to pay $1,000. A deed to the property was made and delivered,Hinebaugh for some reason agreeing to wait a few days for the money, whichhe never received.

At this time Mahaney had negotiations pending with Fred Moe, in Cowley,near Douglass. Mahaney closed the purchase of Moe's place without any moneyby leaving a Mexican government bond of $1,500 as collateral for a few days.The next day Mahaney borrowed at the Eldorado Bank about $450 on his Hinebaughfarm, and with a letter of introduction from the officers of that institutionhe appeared in a day or two at the bank of M. L. Read, in Winfield. He hadrecorded his deed to the Moe tract and had forged a deed to 160 acres inVernon Township, belonging to John Hinebaugh, which appears to have beenduly acknowledged before a notary public in Wichita. This was also recorded.

On this property he secured a loan of five hundred dollars from M. L.Read (since which time the mortgage has been foreclosed and the Moe tractpurchased by Read's bank, which leaves them statute quo.).

This happened about the first of May, 1874, and was the last of Mahaney,the visible. Now we come to the invisible Mahaney. In July next, the Paola,Kansas, bank sent a draft for $700 to M. L. Read's bank for payment, drawnby Amos E. Mahaney. Of course, the Paola bank was informed that Mahaneyhad no credit here. Before the information reached its destination, Amoshad turned up in Sedalia, Missouri, and drawn at sight upon Winfield for$50 and $80. The Paola authorities here got upon his track and he lit out.

About the 1st of January last, Amos E. Mahaney presented to parties inSt. Paul, Minnesota, a forged letter of credit from M. L. Read's bank, Winfield,for the sum of $300.

A few months later he appeared in Bloomfield, Iowa, with a draft uponthe same bank for $1,280, drawn by one Rivers. The Bloomfield bank heldit for collection and inquiry by telegraph. Mr. Read telegraphed that A.E. M. was a villain, etc.

But A. E. M. suddenly had business at Lawrence, Kansas, where he appearsin a few days as Allen Dare, a large land owner in Cowley County, and drawsupon Read for $50, which draft was honored by the Lawrence victim. However,on his way through Iowa, he found a Granger who cashed a $300 draft on Read'sbank, which the old man now mourns. The farmer writes to know if the draftis good. Mr. Read informs him to the contrary and sympa thizes with him.

Picking up an old copy of the N. Y. Tribune, Mahaney sees the adviceto "go west," etc., and in a few days turns up at Salina, andthere has a check for $25 on Read cashed.

On Oct. 1st he appeared at Syracuse, near Hutchinson, Kansas, in companywith one Geo. M. Burdine, and gives E. P. Barber, secretary of the Syracusecolony, a draft of $300 on M. L. Read, of Winfield, in exchange for a teamand buggy. They represented themselves as having been in the livery businessin Winfield with a $3,000 credit at Read's bank, and were on their way toSanta Fe. The outfit consisted of a top buggy, four horses, one gray, oneblack, one cream, one bay, to which was added the Syracuse purchase. Burdinewas heavy built, dark complexion, bald, about 45 years old. Upon its arrivalhere the draft was returned protested.

Under date of Oct. 18th, E. P. Barber writes:

"It may be some satisfaction to you to know that I have caught therascal that gave me the bogus draft on your bank Oct. 1st."

It subsequently appears that he had caught them at Pueblo by telegraph.

Before their arrival at Pueblo, however, they met a man coming this wayand purchased a horse of him for an $85 check on Read's bank. A short timesince the unfortunate man presented the check in person for payment, onlyto be informed that it was not good.

Under date of October 23rd, Barber writes from Syracuse:

"SIR: Yours of the 21st inst. at hand. This man Burdine got outof the Pueblo jail by writ of Habeas Corpus before I reached thereowing to a delay in the dispatch sent me by sheriff. He paid the lawyers$50 in money and a beautiful horse for getting him released; also, soldeverything he had very low, also paid $50 to get his baggage shipped toDenver. He and his partner are suspected of having counterfeit money, andthe U. S. Marshal is after them."

But the U. S. Marshal has not got them; at least Mahaney is still traveling,for under date of Dec. 17th, 1875, Day & Blakesley, Insurance Agentsof Ottumwa, Iowa, write:

"M. L. Read, Esq., Winfield, Kansas: Has Amos E. Mahaney got a creditof upwards of $300 at your bank, same due in January, 1876? He offered todraft on you for $100, payable on the 10th of January, 1876. Please replyand oblige, yours, etc.

"P. S. Please describe him closelygeneral appearance, etc."

Thus we give to the public so much of the career of one of the most adroitvillains at large. The extent of his swindles are probably ten fold whatwe have related. He may have purchased largely, forged successfully, andchecked extensively in other localities and upon different banks. More ofhis paper is daily expected here. Mahaney is a peculiar appearing man ofabout the following description: Fair complexion, about five feet ten inchesin height, an impediment in the movement of one of his legs, light blueor grey eyes, and has a very peculiar and hasty manner of addressing onewhen he speaks. Weight, about 160 pounds."


Winfield Courier, December 30, 1875.

The official report of the receipts of the Atchison, Topeka & SantaFe railroad show in spite of the hard times, that there has been a steadyincrease in the business of the road. In 1874 the earnings of the road were$133,654 per month, and in 1875 they were $195,926. The total earnings for1874 were $1,032,202, and for ten months of 1875 $1,488,820. During themonth of November 12,858 acres of land were sold for $83,232, being an averageof $6.47 per acre. The total sales for December were 518,438 acres, at $5.25per acre, making a total of $2,710,616.


Winfield Courier, December 30, 1875.

A correspondent of the Topeka Commonwealth digs up and puts onrecord the following historical gossip. He writes from Smith Centre, SmithCounty.

"In 1832 a desperate battle was fought at the forks of Beaver Creek,some three and a half miles southwest of Smith Centre, between the Pawnee,Delaware, and Omaha Indians, on one side, and the Cheyennes, Comanches,Arapahos, and Apaches on the other.

"The Pawnee party numbered some 7,000 warriors, and the Cheyenneconfederation about 9,000.

"On the side of the Pawnees over 2,000 were slain on the battlefield.On the other side some 3,000 were killed outright and some were taken prisonersand afterwards burned at the stake.

"The fight was brought on by the Pawnees, who at that time werethe most powerful and war-like tribe west of the Mississippi. The fightlasted for three days and was one of the most bloody conflicts between opposingbands of Indians ever fought on the American continent, resulting in a completevictory for the Pawnees.

"In this desperate conflict the Pawnees were led by the celebratedChief, Tar-po-naha, at that time the most crafty and daring chief of thePawnee confederation. The Cheyennes were led by O-co-no-ma-woe, from whomSitting Bull, of the Sioux, is said to be a lineal descendant.

"This romantic tradition was told to your correspondent by an oldblind warrior of the Pawnees about one year ago, as they were on their waysouth, who is said to be the only survivor of the bloody conflict now leftto tell the bloody story. It is authenticated and substantiated by Montravia,an old French trapper and hunter, now living on the extreme head-watersof Frenchman's Fork of the Republican River, to whom it was told by thePawnees."


Winfield Courier, December 30, 1875.

Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Maris, now of Eldorado, have been spending the holidayswith their many friends here.

Winfield Courier, December 30, 1875.

Mr. Walton, the senior editor of the Plow and Anvil, has returnedfrom an extended trip to the north part of the State.

Winfield Courier, December 30, 1875.

Mr. Wright, representing the woolen mills of Blue Rapids, Kansas, wasin town Tuesday introducing his goods in this part of the State. He soldC. A. Bliss & Co. a large bill.

Winfield Courier, December 30, 1875.

From the Traveler we learn that Captain Norton's investments inFlorida have proven very unsatisfactory, as he bought a large tract of landwith a Spanish claim upon it and had to abandon it. He is now in Illinois.

Winfield Courier, December 30, 1875.

The Silver Cornet Band has our thanks for a fine Serenade on Christmasmorning. They play well.

Winfield Courier, December 30, 1875.

Judge Gans performed Old Santa Claus to perfection last Friday night.But few persons could discern whose was the voice that called out the namesof happy recipients at the Christmas tree. When we have another Christmas,give us the Judge for Santa.

Winfield Courier, December 30, 1875.

Mr. and Mrs. Buell, of Carroll City, Iowa, relatives of Mayor Millington,are stopping with him. Mr. Buell expressed surprise at finding the weatherhere so mild that a fire had not been necessary for ten days, when theywere harvesting ten-inch ice when he left the Hawk- eye State.

Winfield Courier, December 30, 1875.

Wellington is to have an eleven thousand dollar steam mill completedby the 1st day of August, 1876. The citizens of that town and vicinity contribute$3,500 towards its erection.

Winfield Courier, December 30, 1875.

At their regular meeting on next Monday evening the Winfield Chapterof R. A. M. will confer upon several of its members the degree of RoyalArch Mason. Brothers of the surrounding towns, particularly those of Oxfordand Arkansas City, are respectfully invited to attend.

Winfield Courier, December 30, 1875.

Winfield needs another tailor. She wants one badly, too; one who canrightly perform the duties of that time-honored personage; one who can cuta pair of pants the "right way" of the cloth and "make themup" with the little end down is the kind she wants. None other needapply. Come by telegraph.

Winfield Courier, December 30, 1875.

J. C. McKibbens, of Rock Township, returned last week from a visit tohis native county, Clermont, Ohio. The weather there has been quite differentfrom the balmy spring-like days we have experienced here. It was cold anddisagreeable during his stay and he was glad to return to "sunny Kansas."

Winfield Courier, December 30, 1875.

Some very laughable things occurred at the Christmas tree. First wasthe children's voting Mr. Platter out of his speech and then, whenEd. Holloway was presented with a baby and cradle; Baldwin, Pryor &Co. with a jug of "Grange bitters;" and lastly, when Saint receivedthe jumping jack and six babies on a string, three white and three blackones.

Winfield Courier, December 30, 1875.

James England, one of the wheat growers of Dexter Township, called thisweek. He says the people are alive to the railroad question, and all theywait for is the opportunity to prove which "gauge" they are, etc.Dexter raises more good wheat than any township in the county and her peopleare determined that Cowley shall have a railroad to carry it away on, letit enter or pass out of the county where it may.

Winfield Courier, December 30, 1875.

The Board of County Commissioners will meet again on the 4th of January,and this leads us to say that it will be the last meeting of this particularBoard. Mr. Roseberry "retires to the shades of private life,"and Mr. Manly, having resigned some time since, his place will be filledby the newly elected R. F. Burden, the present chairman, being re-elected,retains his seat and we hope will retain the chairmanship. Mr. Roseberryhas done his duty faithfully and well, and he retires with the respect ofthe voters of the whole county.

Winfield Courier, December 30, 1875.

The Christmas Tree.

That modest looking little cedar that stood in the south end of the courtroomlast Friday night, though green in appearance, before the evening was over,proved to be the most popular tree ever grown in the valley. The cedar isa beautiful tree when hid away in some sequestered canyon or lonely crowningthe rocks of a rugged hillside, but doubly so when under the dazzling chandelierit stands draped in flowers and tinsel carefully arranged by the skillfulhands of women, with its pendant boughs gaily adorned by double-back-action-nineteenth-century-jumping-jacks.

We haven't space to particularize. The whole thingtree, presents, committees,ushers, exercises, Santa Claus and audiencewas a decided success. The childrenare grateful for the presents, the "finance committee" for thelarge "admittance fee," and the audience for the amusem*nt furnished.It was the best exhibition of the kind ever had in the city, and the superintendentsand teachers of the different schools deserve much praise for their managementof it.

Winfield Courier, December 30, 1875.

Union meetings every evening next week at the Methodist Church. All arecordially invited.

Winfield Courier, December 30, 1875.

The newly elected officers of Winfield Grange are:

J. H. Land, W. M.

R. H. Tucker, O.

Anna Wilkinson, L.

J. F. Graham, S.

W. R. Land, Chap.

Mary Bryant, Sec.

N. C. McCulloch, Treas.

Bertha J. Land, Ceres.

Perley Burger, Pom.

Alice Land, Flo.

Virginia Stewart, L. A. S.

Winfield Courier, December 30, 1875.

The newly elected officers of Bethel Grange.

Master: E. C. Manning.

Overseer: Israel Weekley.

Lecturer: Jno. Mentch.

Steward: Frank Weekley.

Asst. Steward: J. Paugh.

Chaplain: B. E. Murphy.

Treasurer: Fred Arnold.

Secretary: T. A. Blanchard.

Gate-Keeper: Otho Arnold.

Ceres: Sister Paugh.

Flora: Kate Yount.

Pomona: Sister Murphy.

Lady Asst. Steward: Mary Stansberry.

Winfield Courier, December 30, 1875.

The following are the recently elected officers of the Winfield Chapterof R. A. M.'s.

M. L. Read, H. P.

J. D. Pryor, K.

B. F. Baldwin, S.

W. C. Robinson, Capt. H.

A. Howland, P. S.

W. G. Graham, R. A. Capt.

J. W. Johnston, G. M. 3 y.

P. Hill, G. M. 2 y.

S. H. Myton, G. M. 1 y.

J. A. Simpson, Sec.

F. Gallotti, Treas.

N. C. McCulloch, M. Cro.

This is one of the thirty Royal Arch Chapters of Masons in this State,and as a citizen of Winfield we are proud that she, only a five year old,supports it.


Winfield Courier, December 30, 1875.


ALLEN - HAMMOND. At the residence of Mr. Thomas McMillan, of Winfield,December 28th, 1875, by Rev. N. L. Rigby, Mr. Marshall Allen and Miss MaryHammond, both of Winfield.


Winfield Courier, December 30, 1875.

Corrected weekly by Winfield Merchants.

Eggs, per dozen: 15 cents.

Butter, per pound: 30 cents.

Lard, per pound (net): 15 cents.

Pork, per pound (net): 7-1/2 cents.

Corn Meal, per cwt.: $1.00

Flour, per cwt.: $2.75 & $3.00

Beans, per bushel: $1.25

Apples, per bushel: $2.25

Onions, per bushel: 50 cents.

Corn, per bushel: 18 @ 20 cents.

Rye, per bushel: 40 cents.

Oats, per bushel: 20 cents.

Wheat, per bushel, "No. 2.": 80 @ 90 cents.

Ordinary, 50 @ 80 cents.

Hay, per ton: $3.50


Winfield Courier, December 30, 1875.


To all persons knowing themselves indebted to me: Please call and settleimmediately and save expense. CHARLES C. BLACK.

Winfield Courier, December 30, 1875.

Auction! Auction!!

There will be an Auction Sale of the Furniture and Fixtures of the LagondaHouse on Saturday, January 8th, 1876, commencing at 10 o'clock A.M. A rarechance to purchase furniture of all kinds, beds, bedding, crockery, andglassware, cooking and heating stoves, pipe, etc. A. N. DEMING.

Winfield Courier, December 30, 1875.

For Sale.

A good work mule. Enquire at this office.


Winfield Courier, December 30, 1875.


NOTICE is hereby given to all persons interested that the following describedtracts of land and town lots, situated in the County of Cowley and Stateof Kansas, sold in the year 1873 for the tax of 1872, will be deeded tothe purchaser on the 5th day of May, A. D., 1876, unless redeemed priorto that date.

Given under my hand this 27th day of December, 1875.

E. B. KAGER, County Treasurer.

By F. GALLOTTI, Deputy.


W. A. Barr

L. J. Allison

George Bowers

Levi Cropper

J. F. Hackley

Nancy Olinger

R. J. Walker

W. R. Taylor

Daniel Revis

Charles Gallert



J. W. Brown.

E. A. Blackanata.

H. W. Boyer.

T. B. Finley.

Houghton & Baird.

L. B. Kellogg.

M. L. Parker.

R. J. Pond.

A. Schuster.

F. M. Sampson.

J. L. Thompson.



J. C. Bickenstaff.

M. P. Dale.

Emanuel Davis.

J. C. Fuller.

J. N. O. Smiley.

S. M. Wood.

Winfield Town Association.


[COVERED JAN. 11, 1873, THROUGH DECEMBER 30, 1875.]
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 7, 1875 to DECEMBER 30, 1875 (2024)


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