Daily News from Los Angeles, California (2024)

NEWS, Los Angeles WEDNESDAY, AUG. 25, 1954 Divided Christianity harms Asia revival, clergy told EVANSTON, Aug. churches is hampering the spread the faith is at a point of crisis, Delegates to the second assemof the World Council of Churches heard a report on missionary work in the Orient as they prepared to elect six new presidents of the SIX PROMINENT churchmen from throughout the world have been nominated for the council presidium which, under a newlyenacted rule, is limited to six members. A last-minute motion by Dr. Martin Niemoller, president of the Evangelical Church in Germany, delayed the election of the six, however.

The motion was made and passed to give the nominating committee a chance to study the possibility of including lay the member" name of a among sidium nominees. The six nominees were: The Very John Baillie, Edinburgh, Scotland; Bishop F. K. Otto Dibelius, Berlin; Bishop Sante Uberto Barbieri, Buenos Aires; Metropolitan Mar Thoma Juhanon, Malabar, South India; Bishop Henry Knox Sherrill of New York, 'and Archbishop Michael of New York. DR.

RAJAH B. Mainkam delivered his report as joint secretary in east Asia for the World Coun-. Smirnoff, VODKA leaves you Breathless 80 proof. Made from grain neutral spirits. Ste.

Pierre Smirnoff Fis. Inc. Hartford, Conn. disunity of the Christian of Christianity in Asia where three speakers said today. cil and the International Missionary Council.

The report was followed by commentaries from two prominent world missionary leaders, the Rev. Dr. Charles W. Ranson of New York, general secretary of the International Missionary. Council, and the Rev.

Dr. Chandu Ray of Lahore, Pakistan, secretary of the Bible Society of India, Pakistan, Burma and Ceylon. All three speakers emphasized that Christianity, already facing a critical period in Asia because of resurgent nat'onalism and technocracy, faces increased difficulties because of the many divisions between its churches. 33,000 miners idle in copper mines walkout SALT LAKE CITY, Utah, Aug. About 33,000 workers were idle across the nation today in strikes against the nation's two largest copper producers, Kennecott Copper Corp.

and Anaconda. Negotiations in the nine day strike by the International Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers Union against Kennecott were reported to be in the critical stage, with a three-member federal mediation panel declining to comment on their progress. This strike has idled 11,000 men in Utah, Nevada, Arizona and New Mexico. American Smelting and Refining Co. became the 12th plant to be affected when 1000 employes at its Garfield, Utah, operations were idled yesterday because of a lack of concentrates to smelt.

YE TOWN CRIER By RAY HEWITT Raven tressed MARIE, above, MARIE combo now drawing raves MARDI GRAS Room of the Park above, is "Miss Hawaii," DEL FIN tured with PRINCE KAWOHI in show opening tomorrow night in Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel. With BERT ROVERE back in the PARIS INN everything should brighten up at this favorite North Broadway spot. Almost a legend in nitery circles, Bert has been in semi for over 2 years and his return will be greeted with enthusiasm by his host of friends. A complete new show features the Dolly Dancing Girls Revue, Margerita Oliva, Leo, Cashin and Roger Bacon's for dancing. BUDDY MORROW introduced his vocal "finds" Dorothy Kas and Jerry Mercer to HOLLYWOOD PALLADIUM audiences last night as he opened a 4 weeks stint in this Sunset Blvd.

emporium of the dance. Incidentally the Wednesday night Charleston Contests here have caught on with a bang. LIZETTE. the French beauty, seen at the right, is the bright and shining star of the YORK CLUB shows this week. Appearing with her is CHEN YOU.

the Chinese doll. NON A CARVER, and Lizette that very popular and funny emcee TOM MELODY. Now in their 10th year at the YORK CLUB, owners Gene Bill Fein are making this a month of stellar attractions and fun. LAWRENCE WELK starts the 4th consecutive year with his band at the ARAGON BALLROOM Wednesday, Aug. 25th.

Our congratulations both to Lawrence and the Aragon for these many years of fine music and TV entertainment. Luncheon at Joe Chastek's VAGABOND'S HOUSE is not only popular with scores of business and professional men, but the ladies seemed to have found Businessman chides clerics on obstacles (N. Y. Herald Tribune to Daily News) EVANSTON, Aug. Indiana businessman, Irwin Miller, declared at the World Council of Churches today that the present day church and its minis.

ters present a major obstacle to the layman's discovery of his calling in a religious context. Miller, who is chairman of the board of the Cummine Engine Co. at Columbus, and a member of the Disciples of Christ denomination, said the average American businessman is deeply disturbed in his spirit, but in seeking understanding from the church he too often finds that his own- minister has experienced no such disturbance or conflict within himself and neither understands nor is aware of the nature of the layman's need. SOMETIMES the layman feels that the minister has not discovered his own calling, Miller said at an accredited visitor session. The opinion is sometimes strengthened by the fact that ministerial conversation is often filled with theological language that can rouse little else in the layman than suspicion.

Miller said that the reason the gastric ulcer is the distinguishing badge of the U. S. businessman is because he finds the work that satisfied his forefathers futile and unsatisfying to him. East German claims blow to West spies BERLIN, Aug. Wollweber, East Germany's secret police chief, said today the Communists have recently dealt destructive blows to Western spies.

He hinted broadly that Dr. Otto John, West Germany's security chief who went over to the Communists, may have disclosed details of Western underground organizations in East Germany. WOLLWEBER did not mention John by name but said an unspecified number of arrests had been carried out since July 20 when John defected. Western sources estimated 400 persons were arrested in East Germany. Wollweber, in a speech to East Berlin factory workers, called on East Germans to "increase their vigilance in order to halt the activity of foreign agents." He took note of the arrests that followed John's flight to the east but made no mention of the number.

Pola Negri's mother dies at age of 93 Madame Eleonora Chalupec, 93- year old mother of screen actress Pola Negri, died yesterday at her Beverly Hills home after a lengthy illness. Madame Chalupec was born in Poland and lived. in California the past 12 years. Funeral arrangements, which were made by the actress, include recitation of the rosary Friday at 8 p. m.

in Pierce Brothers Holly; wood Chapel, requiem high mass 10 a. m. Saturday in Church of the Good Shepherd, followed by interment in Holy Cemetery: Madame Chalupec was survived by her daughter. Her husband George died many years ago. Mexico rail line gets UN loan (N.

Y. Herald Tribune to Daily News) UNITED NATIONS, N. Aug. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, a UN specialized agency, announced today that a loan of $61.000,000 has been given to the Pacific Railroad of Mexico as an aid in a four year. $80,000.000 program to modernize the 1200- mile line along Mexico's northwest coast.

The loan sent the bank's lending over the $ mark 107 loans totaling 464 to 36 countries and territories. Dr. Coons to speak Dr. Arthur G. Coons, president of Occidental College, will discuss the attitude of small colleges toward fraternities when one of the latter.

Phi Gamma Delta, holds its 106th convention at the Ambassador Hotel Sept. 1-4. GREASE PAINT DERBY A splendid opportunity, says Burl Ives. "I've traveled through every one of the 48 states, singing and learning "the folk songs of the different parts of our country. and in practically every town I BURL IVES Many have the talent visited I found people who could have become top notch professionals -if only they could have gotten a start." The statement on entertain- Roybal vows more care in air flights Councilman Edward R.

Roybal -made a solemn promise to his friends yesterday that hereafter he will use commercial planes in his political campaign. The Democratic candidate for lieutenant got the fright of his life Monday when his rented plane sputtered after low clouds prevented landing at Santa Barbara where friends and supporters at the AFL convention waited to give him a reception. THE COUNCILMAN and his campaign manager. Roger Johnson, and their pilot, Richard Moss, landed at Ojai, 40 miles away. 4 fliers missing, fear plane crashed on Baja desert SAN DIEGO, Aug.

Coast Guard today started a search for a privately owned twoengine airplane with four men aboard which was reported missing in an uninhabited desert regions of Baja California. The plane was carrying three employes of a New York city shipping firm and a pilot. They were identified as Peter A. Larson, 54, La Mesa, the pilot, and Edward Brinkham, New York city; Merle L. Sleeper, Pasco, and Rush Sill, Long Beach, employes of National Bulk Carriers of New York city.

The plane was feared to have crashed four days ago in an area about 300 miles south of here. The area was described as having 120 degree heat and no water. Air secretary accuses colonel LAS VEGAS, Aug. lary charges against Col. Robert Orr of the Air Force, accused of looting hotel rooms, were dismissed today at the request of Air Secretary Harold Talbott, who said the officer was involved in seriou security violations.

Talbot wired the Clark County district attorney's office, saying military authorities have evidence of serious security violations involving Colonel Orr. Orr, 36. identified as a Pentagon aide, was turned over to military con trol. Gunman escapes clad in pajamas NEW YORK, Aug. 21- year-old gunman, wearing pajamas and a robe, today escaped from Bellevue Hospital where he was being treated for bullet wounds received in a gunbattle in which he allegedly killed another man.

A fellow patient saw John Meikle climbing down a secondstory fire escape. He was last seen entering a taxi. A wide. spread police search was begun. ment comes from famous folksong singer Burl Ives, who yesterday gave a cheer to the Daily I News.

first annual Grease Paint Derby. "I'm certainly happy to see the Daily News doing something about giving talented non-professionals the boost they need to get started in show business," said Ives. "SO MANY people have the talent for show business but just never get the opportunity to display it. And so today there are a lot of clerks, mechanics, factory workers, young talent in schools and, yes, housewives unable to get the help they need to get the 'big "I've often wished they could be helped. And now I'm very happy to see the Daily News is going to give them just the help they need.

"My advice is that every person in this area who believes he or she has' talent should jump into Grease Paint Derby immediately." OTHER entertainment stars supch as Milton Berle, George Montgomery and Ken Murray have expressed the same feeling about Grease Paint Derby. It's YOUR opportunity. The Daily News is simply providing you the chance to be seen and heard by large audiences and big names in the entertainment world. Enter Grease Paint Derby today. You'll find an official entry blank accompanying this article.

For the $5 entry fee you'll receive the Daily News paid in advance for three months so you can follow announcements and developments in Grease Paint Derby. In addition you'll receive your gold Membership Press FRED YOUNG He plays the accordion fication in Grease Paint Derby screenings and auditions and the preliminaries. ONE OF THE latest Class A entrants- -amateur under was 12-year-old Fred Young, accordion player from 1710 son Burbank. Fred is a dent of the Nevel School of sic in Burbank. Talk to your teacher or structor.

Make your plans to enter Grease Paint Derby. Someone will get a break Grease Paint Derby. Card which you'll use for identl- Will it be you? FIRST ANNUAL DAILY NEWS GREASE PAINT DERBY Please accept my application for entry into the Los Angeles Daily News GREASE PAINT DERBY. I understand the $5.00 entrance fee includes a paid up three months subscription to the Daily News so that I may follow the rules and new announcements regarding the GREASE PAINT DERBY. I understand I also will receive a GREASE PAINT DERBY membership PRESS CARD which will be my identification for the auditions and future events in the DERBY.

I understand that each entrant, whether a single, double or member of a group must send in a separate entry blank. I agree to abide by the rules and understand the decisions of impartial judges will be final. Mail entry blank to: GREASE PAINT DERBY, Los Angeles Daily News, 1257 South Los Angeles street, L.A. 15. Accompany your entry blank with cheek or money order for $5.00.

Make check to Los Angeles Daily News. Please do not send cash. The Daily News plans to print pictures of. many entrants. Send an 8x10 glossy picture of yourself suitable for publication.

The picture will become the property tof the Daily News and will NOT be returned. GREASE PAINT DERBY ENTRY BLANK ENTRY FEE $5.00 NAME ZONE. AGE SEX Type of Talent Singer Dancer Instrument Amateur Professional Class A--under Class C--under 18 Class B-over 18 Class D--over 18 Check one only above Name of present school of Instruction or teacher if any: Address. City. If you are already a subscriber to the Daily News list below the name of the person you'd like to have receive the Daily News for three months so he or she may also follow the activities of the GREASE PAINT DERBY: Name Address.

City. 18 an Jackstu- Mu- innow from left, half of the DINNEY for their music and songs in the Wilshire Hotel On the right, THURSDAY, who will be co-feathe new star-spangled Polynesian the ISLANDER ROOM of the the place also as evidenced by the increasing number of the fair sex seen lunching there. LAS VEGAS WEEKEND For a weekend or a week, there is just no place to compare with Las Vegas for forgetting one's troubles in a world of make believe. The shows are fabulous, the pools a welcome relief from the desert sun and the golf course at Wilbur Clark's Desert Inn was never greener (nor, incidentally, trickier). The Desert Inn had a packed house for the opening of Hildegarde and Johnny Johnston.

Judging from the first night audience's reaction. this talented duo will continue to fill the Painted Desert Room for Wilbur Clark through Sept. 14 when Ted Lewis arrives: Hildegarde is still incomparable while Johnston's ringing baritone and tanned features had the women clamoring for more. However, Skeets Minton. billed (and accuratelv) as The Ventriloquist extraordinary, almost stole the show from his more widely known compatriots.

Other entertainers appearing at the hotels included Milton Berle. rocking the walls at the Sands: Joe E. Lewis. Herb Shriner and Connie Russell. Arthur Blake and Margaret Whiting, Kalanten, and The Vagabonds.

Incidentally, the problems confronting' Wilbur Cark in maintaining the 162-acre greensward for golfers in the sands surrounding the Desert Inn can be imag. ined. It takes 250.000 gallons of water a day during the summer months to keep the grass and 3500 trees and bushes from sue. cumbing to the ravages of the desert sun. 8 All good things must end.

as did our short week end, but a final word, to be sure of a good time, MAKE RESERVATION IN ADVANCE. Lizette.

Daily News from Los Angeles, California (2024)


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The Los Angeles Times is a regional American daily newspaper that began publishing in Los Angeles, California in 1881.

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The Los Angeles Daily News is the second-largest-circulating paid daily newspaper of Los Angeles, California, after the unrelated Los Angeles Times, and the flagship newspaper of the Southern California News Group, a branch of Colorado-based Digital First Media.

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Please contact us via email at Clerk.Media@lacity.org or phone at (213) 978-0444 or (888) 873-1000 for any inquiries.

What number is KTLA? ›

KTLA (channel 5) is a television station in Los Angeles, California, United States, serving as the West Coast flagship of The CW.

What is the most circulated newspaper in California? ›

The largest California newspapers by circulation are the Los Angeles Times (LA Times) and San Jose Mercury-News.

What is the name of the UCLA newspaper? ›

The Daily Bruin is the student newspaper at the University of California, Los Angeles. It began publishing in 1919, the year UCLA was founded.

How credible is LA Times? ›

Overview. Ad Fontes Media rates Los Angeles Times in the Skews Left category of bias and as Reliable, Analysis/Fact Reporting in terms of reliability. Los Angeles Times is a daily newspaper that has covered Southern California since 1881. The LA Times has won more than 40 Pulitzer Prizes.

Is Los Angeles Times a national newspaper? ›

The LA Times is published daily in four regional editions (Los Angeles Metro, San Fernando Valley, Orange County and Ventura County). A national edition is published on the East Coast and in Northern and Southern California.


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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.