The Tablet from Brooklyn, New York (2024)

13 THE -TABLET. MAY.21, 1900 y. jmniiimi 11,1111 -i iff I i SET CONVENTION TvOF STATE K. OF C. Canaand Vre-Cava r.

MffiGIE EDITOR'S HickivilU Knljt Chairman ---Of 65th Annual Ivent The mate Council. K. of C. "Cana for Married Couples Facilities for the care' of small children are provided at all con will hold iU 65th annual con-ventlon In New York City May 28, 29 and 30. Taking part In the event will be the delegates of 323 K.

of C. council in the New York SUte JurisdlcUon. soma, sifting, the chairman VALUE Or SUMMIT ferences, wjbieh' are held from 2:30 to 5 unless otherwise-noted. Brooklyn Dioeeae May 22 Blessed Sacrament, Euclid Ave. near Fulton St, Brooklyn.

'Teaching Purity to Children." by Rev Charles W. Oordon. Our Lady of the Cenacle. 138th St. and 87th- Richmond Hill.

"Understanding and Train. gives them to. the speaker, who President Elsenhower, when at Host to the more than S.000 tacked so bitterly by Khrushchev In this case came all the way from California, for replies. Of delegates and members expected Monday, probably thought of to take part in the annual session will be the New York Chap the questions submitted at' Lev. ittown.

one made a decided Im three other events in his life which prepared the road for this ter headed by Oeorge ScheWe-mann, chapter chairman and pression on the audience. The 7 1 1 ram .2 -A .1 t- i. -ii iir ill in 11 Ii 1 i' speaker had warned against honorary chairrrian of the convention. William J. Glannelll of tng Adolescents." by Rev.

Ray-mond J. Neufeld. "population explosion" and con ROT J. DEFERRARI demned Catholics for opposing "birth control." The question Joseph Barry Council. Hlcksvllle, L.

is general chairman of the convention committee. asked was: If Protestants promote birth control and Catholics latest Communist betrayal of international hopes for peace: 1. During World War the American" forces, which had advanced almost to Berlin, were ordered to halt so that the Soviet might march into the capital and thereby get credit fo" the victory. Today's impasse in Germany, with the Allied troops in Berlin enjoying neither Rockrllle Centre Dlocea May 29 St. Boniface! -Child Relationship." by' Re James A.

Oreen. June 5 8t. Agnes; KOCkvllla oppose it, who will be the pre De La Salle Medal Winner Is Named Dr. Roy J. Deferrarl, secretary The convention will get under way Friday, May 28, 3 pjn.

in the Park Sheraton Hotel, 58th 8t. and Manhattan, with the registration of dominant Pggpl in the Nation future years 7 general of Catholic University ofjCentre, 8:30 to 10:30 pm. "Fam. The question was read but the aeirgBiei. 1 -Rev.

Laurln not only refused to America. Washington. D. C. has wrsraj.

The members will assemble In1 an entrance nor exit save with; answer it but was irritated. the grand ballroom or tne "uw "'and Francis Martin. the permission of the Soviet, is Some in the audience enjoyed a laugh. ventlon hotel. pn Friday evening the De La 8alle Medal awarded for the finals of the annual Manhattan College for "out-torlcal contest sponsored by the conLributiona to the New York State councils.

LM hv the Fourth rffree Hon. 01 education In America. Pre-Cana for Engaged Couples May 2:30 to 8:30 pm. At the close of the meeting a Mr. Paul Dullng of POAU made a plea for telegrams to Governor Rockefeller to veto one of the great blunders of history.

Mr. Elsenhower that retreat order, although it is said he was so-commanded by the late President Roosevelt, ho catered to and built up the St Francis de Sales, 129-18 Rock- or Guard, the. Knights will pa- The announcement was Beach Belle Harbor, rade. Saturday mornin to SL by Brother Augustine in school hall. Rev.

Kenneth the BpenoBrennan transporta ent Onr Lady of the Skies chapel, built by the airfield's Cathollo Guild In 1933 near the tern-porary terminal buildings, will- be demolished after proposed chapel plasa is completed on site north of the "Dancing Waters" lagoon and International Arrival Building. The chapel Is administered from Christ the King pariah. INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT at Idlawlld. Queens, will have a piaia eonialning Catholic, Proieatant and Jewish ehapela, with eoDstnuv tlon scheduled to be underway by 1961. Scene above shows pocslble arehiteetaral coordination of the buildings.

Location of each chapel la relation to ethers hai not been decided. Pres Paul the Apostle Church. W.V.S.C.. president of the Morgan will speak. Rev.

Jphn 59th for the annual Mass. 1 opertted by the'w- Jurfnson, NE. 4484, in Bishop James J. Navagh of Og- (charge. 11.

densburg the wlfbrantBroth. of Christian School. of of the Mass. Cardinal Speilman! Tn award, which honors at May 22 Is New York SUte chaplain of John Baptist De La Salle. practlce." Mr.

and Mrs. R. A. tion bUL The Oovernor signed the measure two days later. PORKT'S VIEW The "Pogo" comic strip, which appears in papers in various hower invited Khrushchev to visit the United States and, despite the widespread and indignant protest of millions of Americans, he was wined, dined and flattered.

No enemy was ever given such a the work of a senior in one of jhe K. of C. founder of the Brothers, will be Burggraf. CHAPEL PLAZA Darts of the Country, carried a oetter msn scnoon wu- Note the grades following the Mass. the prefiente1 ManhatUna 109th Sraford.

K. of C. Hall. 2183 knights will attend a Commun Jackson at 2:30 p.m. June welcome, with thousands of police St.

Francis College Library Dedicated St. Francis College library was formally dedicated Friday; May 13 to the late Rev. Brother Celea-Una McGarry, a former protecting WmmnaultTh by, thjtj(ln ihl.code mnm ExC ion- breakfast in the Parkhera-; "Nirtm-e a-nrf Dlnlty -r Mar- ton at which Mayor Robert Wag 14- "Southwest Cathollo Register' irlage," Rev. Oerald Ryan. Continued from Page One Rated plus, without any cor ner Is expected to officially wel- Dr.

Deferrarl has at Cath- of El Paso, Pogo's friend Porky declared himself thusly: rective mark, was this gemol Faubu is making a full out of T. r. "People what talks one way come them to New York City, olio University since 1919 when Widom pjn, Supreme Court Justte. Owen Mc-'h, Jolned the fcMHy as an as- HftuM Mav Olvern will be the principal! mA Pn noun May Li professor of classics and of the Department of Oreek Th or the other "bout birth control htalf: 2iit became obvious that the In- dean of the college. The dedication was part of Charter Day ceremonies held at the Butler St.

campus. expeci nave ma mutu "(tenie(i ite of chapel plaza was In back of him." Other schleve-ppjprta The- more cen-ments of "see and say" spelling rjviiv located laxoon are was I ril Latin. He remained as head of Our Lady of Wisdom Academy, vn NrWinU1 m9- Park, will be featured at York will officially open the con-i authof of nurnfrou, books' 8unday, May 22, ventlon. buslness session. Pre-I artlclrti rfrrrari to'? i Dect" for "picked," "sa-'then choeen.

The Plan haa re- Kt. itev. JM5gr. josepn euy. were for "support." "creadlfjceived the approval of Bishop p.A., blessed the dedication port" plaque after it was unveiled by plaque after it was unveiled by for "credit." and "tasted" for McEntegart.

un mm wm oe nis reiiow ehairman -of Catholic University lu 0 mlsctla will have Very Rev. Msgr. rrancis Brother Columba. O.S.F., presi- oww omcers: james f. Mc-'0 Amerlca Press and is editorial eis wlu be on hana to welcome who objected and said no good could coma from such conniving with the foe of -our civilization were right, and undoubtedly the President now realizes our Country was used to publicize, advertise ancl propagandize on dedicated to our destruction.

3. The President, to be ssfre, did not approve of the summit meeting he wanted a guarantee that some good should come from it but he was sucked Into this trap by the conniving British rulers, who Insisted "the spirit of Camp David" would bring international harmony, if not unity; that co-existence was both proper and possible. Our President, a good man and on devoted to peace, must feel that this week's debacle In Paris never have been per nugn, secretary; rrancis J.Arfinr of "Fathers of the the alumnae and their children. to be very safe to be tasted this FitzGlbbon. pastor of Christ the dent emeritus.

Very Rev. Broth-4 parish. Springfield, fronver urban, O.S.F.. president, oflV Burckardt. treasurer; G.

Osry rrhnmh nuhlthv1 In Nw hi mVi close to a Sousa. advocate, and John M.It loaa-iL m-x- ir.w!1'" ua' which church Our Lady of the elated mm awlUa A Am inn iriuuiic niibci ouua McGowan, warden. Highlight of 'o( Sylvester by Pope John XXin.tlon' JiYnrvi. KlWwn mm. W.R Skies Ml a (All 1 MX nut J.

BUtAio aMwavj uus session wm be tne election always waits 'Ul after they thelrselvea is born before they take sides." GROWING UP Years ago on Long' Island there was strong and vocal opposition to Catholics. The Ku Klux Klan at Bay Lin-denhurst, Babylon and in other communities held open meetings which attracted audiences numbering thousands. The speakers sang bitter hymns of hate and endeavored to arouse their followers to boycott Catholics, prevent them from holding public office, and successfully prescribing them from becoming teachers or occupying positions on the school board. When one announced that the chapel demlc of Brooklyn College 1 k. mmii The La Salle Award waa! A 01 wui marked or otherwise challenged remain in uae untu tne the DrinciDal sneaker.

on these papers, on wrucn Miflce la competed. It will then of State officers for the 1960-dlLgtabhahed in 1951. Previous Uver anniversary reunion at tne term. winners have Included Brother academy. Sunday.

Juno 5. Fur- In the evening the annual ball. Bertrand, auperic- Information is the major social function of the eral of the Franciscan Brothers kin- Thorn Qrtnn. 203-23 be demolished. Construction is Very Rev.

Msgr. Peter E. a member of the board of the ratings were 'excellent' or good. In content, this pitiful expected to be underway by 1981 trustees, delivered the invocation. 113th 8t.

Albans. Musical selections were rendered conventlon' wm Placa ln ''of Brooklyn; John F. Brosnan. Will Preserve Memorials The Class of 1940 will eelebraUi Its 20th anniversary at the school senior's work showed the same unwarranted self-confidence as In spelling." If American high schools real Mkt. FitzGlbbon stressed that grana oauroom 01 me park.

vice chancellor of New York Sheraton. state University: Cardinal Spell- by the glee club under the direction of Professor Nicholas Flor enza. memorials In the present chapel. The business session of the man; the late Archbishop Edwin Saturday. June 11.

Mrs. Oach-convention will be reconvened V. O'Hara, Bishop of Kansas 'lecht of 89-07 210th Queens such as the altars, pews, phalanx mitted. Those who think they ly adopt a policy of "firmer em nn the Ten command can do business with the Soviet Sunday at 10 am. and conclude City; and Slater Mary Emil has further details on phasis on the basic skills of the ments are posted.

Stations of the.Stein Guild Plant Pilgrimage with the awarding of achieve- regime have been betrayed. But of Marygrove College, Detroit. reunion. English language." it will be a rmM and other items, will be Th Fjlith filn riuUA tw1 hj.1 thinks of those days and is fa have they learned their lesson? revolution, a revolution which lncorporate1 to anou. coun overdue.

the new building. ,1 miliar with what went on, he MONDAY, If so, this week's "summit meeting- will prove to be the most Cathollo men and women of Ul can properly appraise the present prejudiced movement and living Ligtitly valuable of them all the airport who have been re-," Atonement, eunaay, Juno a. before Ascension Day are ealled Kog.Uoa Days from tba Latin word signifying Asking. On esch Rotation Day tba Litany of nvmAihi for this beautiful st rue--Reservations and further detail! UIwn wnen you go to a hotel Effort to Restore Site Of First Csrmcl in U. S.

WASHINGTON (NO Twen hm. Mii. win keDt ln-L' Ak'T change and a rest, the HENRY MURPHY, A.LA. formed about plans and progress1. MftrM niinnem A.

elIb.oy et th change and the 1 LnjtUT7fc hotel seta tha Tmt." aava an nH. The field of architecture suffered a blow In the death of of the new chapel. He requested ty-five years of still uncompleted Elbertston Elmhurst. I server. Henry V.

Murphy. Aside from effort to restore the first eonvent'prayera that all goes well with of women Religious in the mnrBTflg g-fl a a a a a a a a 8 a a a urira a 8 btb'b Br a the followers who attend these meetings as largely Ineffective. Of a different strata, of course, would be movements like the Ethical Culture Society, American Civil Liberties Union, andthe Jewish Congress, which depend not on numbers but influence to secure their secularistio alms. And by not making their program directly anti-religious, they offer a great the numerous churches, schools and -Other- buildings which dot States is being observea at a wiGibbon an averago of 1.300 tha Sslnts Is recited and a special Mass Is rrlrbratrd. ssklng God to bless the firth with good erops.

This year, on thrsa dsys, tha Catholics of MONOKSEITO In ETHOPIA. will also be asking God to bless them with benefsctors who will help theft build a new Church. Their present Church Is so Inadequate that most of the 1250 Catholics must attend Miss In tha open. They have been saving money themselves but their salaries are so small that they, have not beea able to accumulate very much. 14000.00 would God Love You By MOST REVEREND FULTON J.

SHEEN, Ph.D., D.D. clal Mass in nearby Port TODac- persons attend the five Sunday co, May 22. 'Masses offered in Our Lady of The Shrine of Mount skies Chapel each week. Last has been partially restored since 'year ne Baj5. 625 priesUravellers Brooklyn, Long Island, and as far away as North Carolina, monuments to his proficiency in his chosen work, Mr.

Murphy traa an enthusiast who communl- the project was undertaken celebrated Mass there fl fl P.P.P.g fl tt.BB iBflOOgPOOPPPPOOOPegq rjLtpd hla Interest to othen He The Hofy Fthri Mm AJ for tht OnmUtl Omni Location pf thenew Catholic best answer to acrl- worked constantly to foster How them to begin tba construction. Will you help? chapel ln relation to the others has not been decided. Architectural treatment of the buildings is expected to complement the arrival building, control tower and Individual airline terminals which have been described as one of the most perfectly coordinated examples of modern structural deslim. The three chapels will serve BASILIAN3 ARE BUILDERS Our BASILIAN CLUB seeks The due. are one dollar month.

The money is used to build Mission Schools. By memberthlp In thl. Club you help to "build" good Catholics. mony, professional or otherwise, is the positive one. The Ku Klux Klan received its most effective rebuke from the success of Catholics.

In nearly every community in which the organization flourished, the Church has thrived new edifices, schools and success in the professional Why is it that Catholics always feel soiree" in. the Faith, while those outside regard us as Catholics "freely" assent to the truth that Christ is present in the Eucharist; non-Catholics say we are "forced" to submit to dogmas. Why are like children enjoying the game of life, while they see only the rules and the boundary lines? The reason Is this: Where there is "love" there is no law. Where there is no love, everything is law. There is no law that a young man who loves a woman should give her gifts, or when married that he give her a wedding ring.

Bat when love leaves, law comes in and each ate an the other for fear of being cheated. 23.000 employes and the 7,000,000 and business world by individu FEAST OF THE ASCENSION "Go ya Into tha whole world and preirh the Gospel to every creature." This was tha command of Our Lord, siren to tho Apostles, on the dsy of Ills Ascension into heaven; and Saint Mark tells us that they "going forth, preached everywhere." 1935. The Restorers or Mount Cannel is a national organization devoted to rebuilding a national shrine on the site of the Carmelite convent built in 1790 by Mother Bernadlna Teresa Xavier. a native of Mount Ayr. Charles County, Md.

She became a Carmelite ln Bel-glum, and she was 60 brought three other nuns to the United States to found a new Carmel. The nuns were part of a cloistered, contemplative order dedicated to prayer for the salvation of souls. Their first convent was crude and ln the Winter of 1790-91 they often swept snow out of their beds. The convent was expanded to seven small connecting structures, and a chapel where many southern Maryland residents gathered for Mass. About 31 new nuns were received into the community before it moved to Balti highest educational ideals among the younger architectural generation and was able by the warmth of his nature and the wide scope of his work to infuse his spirit into all those with whom ha came in contact In every quality of mind and heart he was cast in the generous mold.

His death leaves a great gap In the ranks of the architectural profession, which had honored Ins work on many occasions. Although he has died, the charm of his personality lives in the hearts of a host of friends In whom, through a peculiar human quality. Inherent in a youthful disposition, he Inspired respect and affection. He loved passengers a year at the airport. Final Tribute Paid To Joseph M.

Collins The funeral of Joseph M. Collins, well-known Knight of Colum For the Catholic who loves Christ ln the Church, everything is done which love requires e.g.. not eating meat on Fridays, or keeping oneself ln the state of grace, or supporting the Holy Father's Missions. It is at once both liberty and slavery liberty to do all that love demands; slavery to Christ who is loved above At St. Joseph's Seminary, ln India, VAR-CIICSE and JOSUA are preparing to preach tha Gospel to their countrymen- After yeari of training they will be among the ever growing group of native Indian priests.

The seminary course covers a period of six yeirs and cost of educating boy for tha Spriest-hood la 1600. Since they come from poor bus, was held on Saturday of last all things. week. A news article in THE TABLET for May 14 announced his death and gave his biography. The funeral parlor was crowd families they are praying that soma bene people, they loved him.

Socially, ed all during the three days and artistically the world loses in his death, but the spiritual qualities The non-Catholic see os submitting to truths revealed by Christ, but forgets that we submit to them as obedient children to a loving Father. Ignoring the love that Is in oar obedience, they see only the submission and conclude that we are "forced." In a certain sense, we are forced; we are enslaved; aye, more! we "bring our mind, captive to Christ." But we do it with so much love that it is a sweet slavery. The young man who wishes to marry a young woman asks her to be her "slave" all his life, and if she consents, he regards it as his greatest "freedom." more in 1831. Inlohtji durine th wVp. St so Dlainly characteristic will Deterioration of the buildings jyi.g Brooklyn, was began with the demise of Port'jujj Jor th8 Ma4S delegations factor will assist them financially.

In Egypt, SISTER LISA and SISTER IRENE are nor. Ices In the rellgloua community of tho FRANCISCAN SISTERS Or THE IMMU-LATE HEART OF MARY. They are preparing to teach little children" the truths of tho Gospel. The training of a nun takes two years snd cost Is 1300. If you could pay wither in whole or in part for the educa Tobacco as a over tne from Knlehts.

friends and 50 years the original buildings dls-Lf from phiiomena's integrated to tne extent in at gcnooi( where Mr. Collins' son, even the site was almost forgot-(ratner Joseph M. Collins, is chap- Nobody is forced to give to the Holy Father to support his ten plain, accompanied by ten of thejsoo missionaries. All sacrifices are spontaneous, free and love- als who were made targets, has been a crushing reply. More loyal, -practical and Intelligent Catholicity, particularly In the education field, has been characteristic of those who years ago were made victims of hate.

BASIO SKILLS A statement of policy under consideration at a national education conference calls for something other than more money for the public schools, This is indeed a welcome development. Ellsworth Tomklns, executive secretary of the National Association of Secondary School Principals, advocates "firmer empha: sis on the basic skills of the English language." He says that teenage students should have directed writing practice throughout Junior and senior high school, and should be encouraged to read books oyer and beyond course assignments. A book length curriculum study prepared by a commission of the National Council of Teachers of English a few years ago solemnly declared: "The only essential that can be prescribed is the particular learning expert-l ence appropriate for a given individual at a given time. The appropriateness of the experiencel will be determined by the 4evel of development which the Individual has attained and by the Efforts of the late Mrs. Ben keep his memory Intimately alive for many years.

His contribution to the ages in the educational and religious structures he fathered will ever keep alive Henry V. Murphy. May he rest In peace. ALIAS POAU Americans United for Separation of Church and State, alias POAU, on April 28 held a at the Levittown Baptist Church, 60 Wolcott Levit inspired. But to those who have no love, a sacrifice to the Holy Father'! Missions seems like an unnecessary submission to a "touch." What is your reaction? Are you touched, or do you think you are "being tion of a priest or a nun, yon would be adding Immeasurably In having the Gospel prescbed to every eresturs.

A ROSARY FROM THE HOLY LAND We will be happy to send you one as a remembrance of help given to the Refugees from Palestine. For $10.00 a Refugee child can be outfitted for First Holy Communion for 110.00 Refugee family can bo given a weeks supply of food. Good Shepherd Sisters, and the Sisters from Angel Guardian Home were present. Father Collins celebrated the Requiem; the deacon was Rev. jamin Talbott of Washington, a native of Charles County, and a daughter of hers.

Mrs. John J.j Hagerty, now of Boston, sparked the restoration campaign. Now there is a new brick chapel where Auxiliary Bishop Philip M. Han-: nan of Washington is offering James J. Casey of St.

Dominies qqd LOVE YOU to M.M.M. for $5. "I am nine years old Church, Oyster Bay; and the sub- and jn the fourth grade. I was saving up my money to buy ice deacon, Michael J. Quinn.j SKates.

but since the Winter, is all over I will not need them diocesan director of the Confra-lthis year. I am sending you this five dollars I had saved for your ternlty of Christian Doctrine. In nonr children to for s2 "Here is two dollars with MEMORIAL DAY Mass May 221 town. L. I.

Rev. L. Laurln of The Restorers hODS some dayithe sanctuary were Rt. Rfv. I ji ga 1st i as is snjuii.

ens us urn vvum las vw( vs av to have the Carmelites return to Msgrs. William J. to TP. for $3. "I'm eight years old and I am soon going to Port 'Tobacco to a new shrine Joseph B.

Frey, Francis X. Down-1 mate mr flj-gt Holy Communion. One day I saw a picture in 1499 Colorado Los Angeles 41, who is stumping this part of the Country, spoke dedicated to Our Lady of Mount tng. Thomas A. Sharkey, and.your "Mission" magazine of a little boy who looked so hungry Very Rev.

Mgr. Edward L. Mel-j tnat wanted to do something for him. I told my mother I was REMEMBRANCE OF THE WAR DEAD honor to them Is a patriotic duty, prsyers for'them a Christian obligation. Through- out our great country, on May' 30, there will be many religious services snd patriotic celebrations In memory of the decessed aba fought In our wsrs; grsves will be visited snd our memories will impel as' to mora fervent prayers for our ceased loved ones.

Ilsvlng Masses said for the War Dead Is a way of showing that wa realize the debt wa owe them. Why not bava Mass celebrated by one of our Missionaries for one of your relatives or friends whose memory yea will be recalling oa Memorial Dayf on "Some Issues a Catholic Pres ton. JRhong tho other priests; cnlriI. nut a nickel on tha window sill every time I wanted a Carmel. Honored For 40 Yean' Service ident Would Face." The audience heard a nasty anti-Catholic present; were Very Rev.

Joseph T. candy bar. I finally saved thia $3.00 and I would like you to see A JIM Tinnelly. Very Rev. John F.

Adam J. Harth of 220 St. Nich- mat some uuia ooy get it. olaa Brooklyn. celebratedlCAJt.

Revs. JohnlL his 40th anniversary with Con Rev. Kenneth Brown of New Hyda Park is xhalrman of the Nassau County branch of this A stray earring or cuff link that you have around the house could mean a meal for a starving orphan. Broken eye glass Raymond J. Neufeld, John H.

solidated Edison Company on STRING LESS GIFTS ENABLE US TO HAVE NECESSARY FUNDS FOR EMERGENCY NEEDS. Walker, Kenneth M. J. f'rArnes could mean bandages for a leper. Bracelets you no longer James B.

Grady, Alfred A Jewelry or old gold If yoa wiU send It to demands which society makes of April 20. He is a construction a iv. v.t.M. vjm representative ior wt uuumc anti-Catholic group. Alex Pedu of Amityville is.

program chairman. Rev. Samuel Scales of the 1, Thomas T. and i-- a v. m-tll tha nnnr and th home- rw rfm.nda' am not fiant uonstrucu-m iu swiu.

Jl tlcss in the five conUnenU of the world. always exacting was illustrated. at First EU Brklyn. 1 Levittown Baptist Church was host minister for the attack, on jby a bundle of school exercises Ctmn FIANCIS CARDINAL SFELIMAN, President Food From Cans Cut out thl column, pin your sacrifice to it and mall it to It has been estimated that Most Rev; Fulton J. Bheen, National Director of the Society for the averaae American housewife tha Prooaeittorr cf the Faith.

368 Fifth New York lx. nis catnouo neignoors. adoui maiwa ua um.vw Forester, of America, a member 200 people were present at tne a writer in tne cnica iriD-j0f the Holy Nam Society, and Mtr. ttar Thy, Nat'l S' $nd Mmmvnlcotioni CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WELFARI ASSOCIATION 480 Uxlngton Avt. of 46lh S.

New York 17, N. Y. meeting. une." The. sender.

Judging irom usner ln et Brigid's Church, opens about 1.000 cans of food or your Diocesan Director. Most Rev. jonn j. Boaraman ii He and hla wtfe.jfor her family per annum. An joralemon Brooklyn 1.

N. or Diocesan Director of Rock- audience Is permitted to submit who had been cleaning out Jun-, Marie, have two married daugh-eveh higher numtef ls attrib-Jted; questions in writing and. after'ior's room. Ehe wrote, "Thts.isrs and four grandchildren, i-to brides. 3M Bunrlse Highway.

Rockvllle Centre. N. Y..

The Tablet from Brooklyn, New York (2024)


Is The Tablet a Catholic magazine? ›

The Tablet is a Catholic international weekly review published in London. Brendan Walsh, previously literary editor and then acting editor, was appointed editor in July 2017.

What is tablet newspaper? ›

Summary. The Tablet stands where faith and modern culture meet, providing articles on international current affairs, religion, politics, social issues and the arts, as well as worldwide church and Catholic news.

Who runs the tablet magazine? ›

The magazine was founded in 2009 and is supported by the Nextbook foundation. Its editor-in-chief is Alana Newhouse.

What is the name of the Catholic magazine? ›

Catholic Digest Magazine - Catholic Digest.

Why is it called a tablet? ›

You can also use the noun tablet to mean "writing pad" or "small computer with a touch screen." The earliest meaning of the word is "surface for inscription," the writing pads of the ancient world, which were made of stone, clay, or wax. The Latin root of tablet is tabula, "board, writing table, or list."

How often is the tablet published? ›

Each week The Tablet newspaper seeks to inform on religious affairs, politics, society, literature and the arts, considered in the light of Catholic principles and belief.

What type of media is tablet? ›

A media tablet is a device based on a touchscreen display, typically multitouch, that facilitates content entry via an on-screen keyboard. The device has a screen with a diagonal dimension that is a minimum of five inches. Media tablets feature connectivity via Wi-Fi or via 3G/4G cellular networks.

Is America magazine a Catholic magazine? ›

Our flagship magazine is the leading Catholic journal of opinion in the United States. First published in 1909, America magazine is known across the Catholic world for its unique brand of opinion and analysis.

Are Catholics allowed to use the pill? ›

On New Year's Eve 1930, the Roman Catholic Church officially banned any "artificial" means of birth control.

What is the name of the Jesuit magazine? ›

America is a monthly Catholic magazine published by the Jesuits of the United States and headquartered in midtown Manhattan. It contains news and opinion about Catholicism and how it relates to American politics and cultural life.

Is First Things a Catholic magazine? ›

First Things is inter-religious, inter-denominational and ecumenical, especially Christian and Jewish.


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Article information

Author: Kieth Sipes

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Reviews: 94% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

Address: Suite 492 62479 Champlin Loop, South Catrice, MS 57271

Phone: +9663362133320

Job: District Sales Analyst

Hobby: Digital arts, Dance, Ghost hunting, Worldbuilding, Kayaking, Table tennis, 3D printing

Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.