The Tampa Times from Tampa, Florida (2024)

100.7 Mc. Earnings Help Finance Intern Husband Bike-Riding Songstress Resumes Gypsylike Travels MRS. RUTH SHTOKALKO A modern-day traveling woman troubadour who has graced Tampa streets for the last two weeks, on a book borrowed of Somerset bicycle, packed up her Maugham and Bikini bathing suit yesterday and headed for Birmingham, Ala. A familiar figure to many Tampans the last fortnight, Mrs. Ruth Shtokalko, billed at a local downtown hotel as Ruth Cherie, is touring the country earning money to help finance her doctorhusband, interning at a New York hospital.

The blond, copper tanned French woman sings and plays the piano in night clubs around the U. S. and sends the money she earns to her husband to pay the bills in a coldwater flat in Brooklyn. She explains that Dr. Shtokalko is a Ukranian cancer specialist who came to this country a year ago but must intern one year before he can be licensed.

He earns $65 a month during the intern period. The self-described Gypsy-byday, sophisticate-by-night already includes 150 American songs in her growing repertoire as well as numerous French songs. "I eat in a grocery store," she "I must live very modestly." She carries a net bag over shoulders which holds all her possessions--a book of Somerset Maugham, her favorite author; a Bikini bathing suit, a pair of sunglasses, a towel, a notebook of American songs and other necessary items. When the 25-year-old woman arrives in a town, she borrows a bicycle from the local police station to use during her stay. "People are so astonished when they see me," she says.

"Only kids ride bicycles here in this country." Her wardrobe is entirely European with a sundress from Paris, shoes from Vienna, sunglasses from Switzerland, a bathing suit from Nice in the French Riviera, and the net which holds her belongings from the Isle of Capri. The female minstrel has sung in Paris, Berlin, Munich, Prague and Basel, Switzerland. Her specialty before coming to the United States was musical comedy, comic opera and operetta. Mrs. Shtokalko entered the U.

S. under a displaced persons. quota in March, 1952. "I am exploring the unknown beauties of this big country and I am full of love for Tampa." Driver Denied Change in Plea (Continued From Page 1) reopened the case and filed agenda as "unfinished business" in Tampa, but Judge Grayson said he had talked with the Jacksonville judge, and that he had said he had no "unfinished business here." Motion Overruled Hardee contended his client is "morally and legally entitled to get his guilty plea set aside." But Judge Grayson countered that "I can't understand how a man can be guilty before one judge and not before another." He denied Hardee's motion, and sentenced Thursby to five years. Hardee indicated an appeal.

was once freed on the charge, when a Coroner's jury decided Sabo's death was "an unavoidable accident," clearing him at that time of any responsibility in the pedestrian's death. Case Reopened After Paul Johnson became County Solicitor, however, he THE TAMPA DAILY TIMES, Russia's Parley Seat Assured West Tosses Korean Talks Issue to Reds United Nations, N. Aug 17 (AP). Russia appeared assured today of a seat at the forthcoming Korean political conference-if her satellites North Korea and Communist China want her there. India's chances of being asked to the parley dimmed, however.

Diplomats, gathering for the U. N. General Assembly beginning this afternoon, predicted approval of a carefully worded resolution tossing the issue of Soviet participation to the Communist side. Two British Commonwealth countries- Australia and New Zealand- came up with this formula yesterday to patch-up part of the split between the United States and Britain. Both agreed to support it.

The Anglo-American differences over the proposed inclusion of India at the conference table, however, remained as great as lever, and it was doubtful whether India could win a two-thirds majority in the 60-nation assembly. U. S. Delegate Henry Cabot Lodge Jr. said yesterday that the United States would not vote for a British-sponsored resolution to include India in the conference.

Lodge insisted. Indian membership would not be in accordance with the terms of the armistice agreement, which, in the U. S. view, calls for representation only of fighting participants in the conflict. India had only an ambu(lance unit in Korea and has frequently claimed neutrality.

Noted University Chemistry Head Taken by Death Atlanta, Aug. 17 (AP). Dr. J. Samuel Guy, 69, head of Emory University's chemistry department for 32 years, died last night of a heart ailment.

Since he retired last year as department chairman, he had been professor of chemistry. Dr. Guy achieved many honors and awards. In 1939, he received the Smith Medal for leadership and inspiration to students and in 1940 the Herty Medal for chemical achievement in the Southeast. He was the author three books widely used as texts and sources in teaching.

He was born at Lowrysville, S. and received bachelor's and master's degrees in science at Davidson College in North Carolina. He studied for a year in Germany and taught two years at the University of Arkansas before joining the Emory faculty in 1918. Surviving are his widow, the former Allie Candler; two sons, Dr. John Candler Guy, Atlanta, and J.

Samuel Guy Panama City, and a daughter, Mrs. James Funk, Boston, Mass. Air Force to Close Seven Supply Bases Dayton, Ohio, Aug. 17 (AP). Air Force Secretary Harold E.

Talbott today announced the air materiel command, U. S. Air Force logistical arm, will eliminate seven of its subordinate headquarters by Dec. 31. These six air procurement districts are being eliminated: Eastern APD, New York, N.

Northwestern APD, Boston, Central APD, Detroit, MidCentral APD, Chicago, 'Southern APD, Fort Worth, and Western APD, Los Angeles, Cal. The seventh is at Olmsted AFB, Middletown, Pa. Financial Needs Outlined at Budget Hearing Sheriff Requests County to Set Graduated Salaries for Deputies Blackburn also asked for the following items not covered on the expense sheet given the Board today: Ammunition, $1000; airGraduated pay scales for Sheriff's deputies, based on length of service, were called for today by Sheriff Blackburn as he outlined his office's needs in a budget hearing before County Commissioners. While Blackburn admitted the proposed pay hikes would increase his budget over last year's expenses, he counter balanced this with a statement that his office "was responsible for more money in the County Fine and Forfeiture Fund in the first six months of this year than was turned in for the entire year of 1952." Blackburn asked that the Board approve the same pay-for-service as is currently used by the Florida Highway Patrol increasing officers' salaries $15 per month each year for a maximum of five years. "Even if we did this, it would still not be sufficient compensation.

The increases would boost a five-year man's salary to $1.56 per hour," Blackburn declared. According to Blackburn, rookie officers start at $250 per an officers. He estimated this month--same same salary given veterwage was about $1.20. He based this estimate on a 48-hour week worked by the deputies. Blackburn would jump the total cost of criminal deputies' salaries from $79,200 to $89,775.

Salaries of Chief Administrative and Criminal Deputies would remain pegged at their present $5400 figure. Total figure asked for salaries, exclusive of the County Traffic Department, would amount to MONDAY, AUGUST 17, 1953 Tune In ON WDAE, 1250 Relatives, Friends Greet Ruskin POW WELCOMED HOME- Relatives and friends have been flocking to the little farm house in Ruskin to welcome Sgt. Lawrence Buzbee home. The group above includes his mother, two sisters and three brothers and neighbors. The Ruskin POW has been close to home and the bedside of his father since arriving Saturday night from Korea.

-Times Photo. Reds List Two Tampa Area Men As POW Escapees (Continued From Page 1) union," Mrs. William Crenshaw, the Sergeant's sister, said. Today the well-wishers were still making calls. All the Buzbee family has assembled at the small farm house but one brother, Kenneth, who is stationed at Camp Stewart, Ga.

The family has tried to contact him, but up until this morning they had not heard from him. Sergeant Buzbee, who has undergone the ordeal of being a Red prisoner for the last two years, said he plans to stay in the Army. He is now on a 30-day leave and will report to Fort Benning, General Hospital for check-up before reassignment. don't want to say too much about my time in prison because it may make it hard on some of those fellows that are left, and I know what have gone through with. surely don't want to make it worse," Buzbee said.

Tells of Duties He said most of the time he lived in a small building and occasionally had duties in the camp area such as leveling the ground, or gathering fire wood for cooking and heating the floors of the building. "I'm back in pretty good shape," he said. The soldier lost a little weight, "but not enough to notice." Times newsmen and WDAE radio members met the Ruskin soldier's flight at Tampa International Airport Saturday Insurance Meet Scheduled Here Officials Explain New State Laws A public meeting of new insurance the recent State be held Wednesday and Thursday in the County Court House auditorium on the third floor. Larson, State treasurer and insurance commissioner, and members of his staff will explain some 20 for discussion laws passed by Legislature will Legislature will insurance LARSON new laws and discuss changes in procedure for administering the laws and issuing licenses for insurance agents. The first session, beginning at 9 M.

Wednesday, will be for fire and casualty agents and adjusters. An afternoon meeting at 2 o'clock will be a discussion for life, health and accident agents and adjusters. Thursday there will be a question and answer session for all agents. All meetings will be in the Court House auditorium. The Tampa meeting is one of seven public sessions planned throughout the State.

The visiting insurance group will be available to answer questions from the general public and the fire, casualty and miscellaneous lines agents, solicitors and adjusters, as well as service representatives, general agents, bail bondsmen, life, accident and health agents, company representatives, automobile dealers, Federal savings and loan representatives and others handling mortgages for Collision in Air Fatal to Pilot Xenia, Ohio, Aug. 17 (AP). An Air Force F-86 jet fighter plane crashed in a pasture west of nearby Yellow Springs today and the pilot died in the flaming wreckage. Witnesses said they believed the pilot gave up his chance to parachute to safety in order to keep his plane aloft enough to miss a farm home. 5000 Watts, Columbia Network Tune In On WDAE-FM, Fanciers To End Meeting Hunt Continued In $25,000 Theft The Society of Philatelic Americans convention, dampened Saturday by the theft of $25,000 worth of rare stamps, closes today after a five-day session.

The bourse tables and tion opened for business early this morning and is scheduled to close tonight at 9 o'clock. Meanwhile, police were still investigating the theft of the stamps which were taken Saturday from the room of Lambert W. Gerber, Tamaqua, Pa. Sold at Auction The stamps had been auctioned off the evening before the robbery and were to be sent by registered mail to the purchasers. Four Tampans today were possessors of awards made Saturday night, for various exhibits displayed on the seventh floor of the Hillsboro Hotel, convention headquarters.

A gold medal was presented Harold M. Metger, Tampa, for plating of an 1871 issue of French 25 centimes; Mrs. Caroline Vining, Tampa, an award for tropicals; James Dallas Tampa, best Israel collection, and Emmett Peter Tampa, an award for the best Asia collection. Presentations Made The presentations were by Ben Chicago, president of the association, and George Ritter, Tampa, chairman of the convention and president of a 1o- cal stamp collecting club. Grand prize for the convention for they best exhibit went to George Malpass, St.

Petersburg. He exhibited many Confederate and Union soldiers' patriotic and prisoners' letters. Carpenters Study Pay Offer Tonight Tampa Bay area carpenters will meet tonight at 8 o'clock at Tampa Carpenters Hall to decide whether to accept a wage proposal made by Associated General Contractors or continue their strike. The strike, which started Aug. 3, is going into its third week today.

The West Coast Chapter of Associated General Contractors met last week and decided upon a wage proposal they would offer the striking carpenters. The carpenters, composed of local unions in' several cities in the Tampa Bay area, postponed a meeting on the proposal Saturday. Theater Chain Magnate Dies Los Angeles, Aug. 17 (AP). Michael Gore, 77, a Russian immigrant who rose from virtual poverty to become one of the nation's wealthy theater magnates, died yesterday, just four months, after the death of his wife, Celia.

Gore came to the United States 67 years ago and in his youth was in the cigar business in Chicago. When movies were in their infancy Gore came to Los Angeles and in 1906 established this City's second movie theater. Last of Jet Wing Arrives in Europe Hahn, Germany, Aug. 17 (AP). Transfer of the U.

S. Air Force's 50th Fighter-Bomber Wing from New Mexico to this French zone air base was completed today with the arrival here of its Sabre jet planes. The trans-Atlantic crossing was delayed by two days because of bad weather. The number the planes was not disclosed but a wing is normally 75 planes strong. Air Force officials said the planes left their home base at Clovis, N.

3. Baby Delivered By Bus Driver Florence Junction, Aug. 17 (AP). The Greyhound bus stopped over 90 minutes last night -while driver Lee Mull delivered a baby. He rushed to her aid.

W. F. Uhlmann, who owns the business at the bus stop, supplied hot towels and help. The dark-eyed boy which Mull delivered weighed seven pounds. "The prettiest thing you ever saw," Uhlmann commented.

FAT BOY'S DIETARY DITTIES HIP, HEP, HOORAY! Oh, Susanna, are you off-key? Won't fit on your Band-Joe's knee? So be hep-cat, make hip-fat fade, Be No. 1 on his Hit Parade. Dig that corn, hepcats, which flows from be-bopper Anna Damens, of Camden, New Jersey, who thus downbeats her way to a "No-Belly Prize." Anna. you know Susanna, and that she who too much laps up, laps last -with her BandJoe. So dig those diets, if you want to ankle altarways to the strains of that Mendelssohn boogie-woogie, is Elmer's on-key yak to you hep-kittens.

-ELMER WHEELER. If You Would Watch Yeur Weight, Eat Roman Meal Bread Today. Deaths JOHN SEBASTIN GREMER John Sebastin, Gremer, 81, 306 W. Idlewild, died this morning at his residence. He is survived by his widow, Mrs.

Cathrina Gremer, of Tampa; four sons, Phillip Gremer, John B. Gremer and William S. Gremer, all of Tampa, and Robert J. Gremer, of Jacksonville; five daughters, Miss Betty Gremer, Mrs. F.

E. Christ, Mrs. R. D. Hartnett and Mrs.

R. F. Currie all of Tampa, and Mrs D. T. Martin, of Avon Park, and 25 grand- children.

HENRY LEE HERRING Henry Lee Herring, 55, of Thonotosassa Plant City, died Friday at an Orlando hospital after a short illness. A native of Plant City, Mr. Herring was associated wtih Postal Telegraph and Western Union for 30 years. Survivors include his widow, Mrs. Oleta Herring, of Plant City; a daughter, Mrs.

Nedra Reubling, of Plant City; a son, Henry Lee Herring of Plant City; brothers, Horace Herring, of Tampa, Ben Herring, of Ft. Meade, and Marion S. Herring, of Garnboa, Canal Zone; sisters, Sally Tyson, of Lake Garfield, Mrs. Kate Wilson, of Ft. Meade, Mrs.

Grace Manley, of Ft. Meade, Mrs. Fannie Lewis, of Jacksonville, and Mrs. Ida Watson, of Sebring. MRS.

LULU SCHRECONGST Mrs. Lulu Schrecongst, 75, died at a nursing home yesterday. She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Bertha Drake and Mrs. Mildred Jones, of Tampa; two grandchildren in Tampa; two sisters, Mrs.

Bertha Lindley, Tampa, Mrs. Edna Schaefer, of Canton, Ohio. A native of Red Bank, she lived in Tampa eight years. She was a member of the Rebekah Lodge, Blairsville, Pa. made a tape-recorded pro-1 gram which was concluded at Buzbee's home in Ruskin an hour later.

The program was aired over WDAE yesterday afternoon. Await Word Meanwhile, anxious relatives awaited further word here concerning the fate of First Lt. John J. Brockman, former University of Tampa drum major, and Pfc Clyatt R. DuBose.

In identifying these two prisoners of war as among those whose whereabouts are unknown, the Defense Department declared that not one of the men listed by the Reds as prison camp escapees "has ever returned to United Nations lines. It added that "no determination of official status will be made by the military services pending a thorough analysis of all available evidence, including statements of returned prisoners." Lieutenant Brockman left the U. S. for Korea in the Spring of 1950, and was reported missing in action around Tejon, Korea, during the American 24th Division withdrawal of forces in mid-July of that year. Among First Private DuBose was one of the first 400 American soldiers moved into action to help stem the tide of Red aggression in June, 1950.

After serving with the Marines in Okinawa in World War II, DuBose was discharged in 1946, but two years. later joined the Army in New Orleans, and was transferred to Japan for occupation duty. Six months later, he was in Pusan enroute to the Korean front. Soon afterward he was reported missing, later to be listed as a prisoner of war. Private DuBose' mother, Mrs.

John DuBose, 3603 E. Paris, received notice of her son's "escape" last Saturday. Certificate for Valor She disclosed that only a few months ago she received a speciel certificate of valor from the Army commending her son and a group of men of the pinsto Battalion, 21st Infantry, for holding the enemy while the U. N. forces gained time to reinforce the initial task force.

In the case of Lieutenant Brockman, his name was listed only Saturday as among the group of Red prison "escapees." He was the first Tampan reported captured in the Korean fighting being among first American forces to see action in Korea. Lieutenant Brockman's, wife, Ruth, a resident McKay stated at that time her husband was headed for the Korean front when she received letter from him dated July 1, 1950, shortly before he was reported missing, and that he wrote "the situation looks bad." Drum Major Brockman was drum major at University of Tampa about four years ago. His wife lives in with her mother, Mrs. George Borde. She had planned to join her husband in Japan prior to the Korean war outbreak.

The Lieutenant's commanding officer in Korea, Maj. Gen. William Fish Dean, was himself reported missing only a week following the disappearance of Brockman. Brockman's mother, Mrs. Marguerite Brockman, is a resident of Tarpon Springs.

Two Children Injured Four Persons Hurt In City Accidents Four persons, three of them pedestrians, were injured in City traffic accidents during the weekend. A two-year old boy, Roland Morgado, 2317 St. Conrad, son of Mr. and Mrs. R.

Morgado, was treated at Gonzalez Clinic Saturday for multiple bruises of the head and shoulder, City Traffic Officer Henderson reported. The child was injured when he was struck by a car driven by Donald E. Pierce, 24, New Port Richey, at St. Conrad and Howard Henderson said. No charges were made in the accidents.

A six-year-old girl was injured slightly Saturday when she was struck by, an auto, operated by Loren E. Nourse, 2306 Third City Traffic Officers Reneau and Powell reported. Idella Boyd, six, 947 Seventh was treated at Negro Hospital for face abrasions following the accident. No charges were Attendance Boundaries For Schools School Superintendent Farnell today announced attendance area boundaries for six County schoois. The boundaries for Stephen Foster, Dale Mabry, Manhattan, Mitchell, Roosevelt and West Shore schools are: Stephen Foster: North River from Sligh Ave.

west to 12th St. West Starting at Hillsborough River south on 12th St. (both sides) to Hanna and east on Hanna to 15th south on 15th St. to Hillsborough South-15th St. east on Hillsborough Hwy.

to SAL Railroad; East North on SAL Railroad to Sligh Ave. and then east to river. Pupils who will later attend the Stephen Foster Elementary School will report to following schools, according to the one they attended last year: Bryan, Cleveland, Seminole. Dale Mabry: North- -Beginning at Old Tampa Bay, both sides of Azeele east to Mabry East--West side of Dale Mabry from Azeele, south to Obispo; South--Both sides of Obispo, beginning at Dale Mabry west following Lumb to Westshore Blvd. and south on Westshore to Leona and west to Old MRS.

NORA TIDWELL Mrs. Nora Tidwell, 2414 31st died in a local hospital yesterday. She survived by her widower, Jeorge James Tidwell, of Tampa. Boston- -Bradford C. Colcord, 56, a director of the National Association of Manufacturers.

Died Sunday. Louisville, Ky. Edwin Ideler, 60, concertmaster of the Louisville Orchestra and widely known in music circles. Died Sunday. Birmingham, Ala.

Erskine Ramsay, 88, wealthy industrialist and investment expert whose numerous inventions advanced American coal mining. Died Saturday. 132 Casualties Listed Washington, Aug. 17 (P). The Defense Department today identified 132 additional battle casualties of the Korean War.

A new list reported nine killed, 97 wounded, 19 missing in action and seven injured. direct information against Thursby. Johnson said that since that particular accident, Thursby was involved in still another. He alson said Thursby was arrested by Sheriff's Deputies on May 9 on a charge of reckless driving while drinking and was ordered to pay a fine of $35 or serve 15 days in County Jail, when he appeared before the Peace Justice. When Thursby appeared before Judge Harvey, a pre-sentence investigation was ordered in the manslaughter case.

Judge Grayson had that report before him when he gave Thursby the fiveyear sentence today. Say you saw it in The Tampa Daily Times. Classified Ads are taken for the same day's publication up to 10 A. M. $227,660, compared with salary expenses of $201,200.

"I didn't mind asking that my salary be raised when I went before Legislature," Blackburn told the Commissioners. "And I think it is only fair that we recognize length of service and efficiency in my subordinates." Prisoner Feeding Blackburn's salary was increased from $7500 to $10,000 by the recent Legislature the salaries of the Commissioners. Pointing to items where he planned to pare down expenses, Blackburn said he was asking $26,000 for the feeding of less than he asked last year. Generally, the Commissioners gave cautious approval to Blackburn's plea for graduated payscales for deputies. However they went along with a motion by Commissioner Nuccio that "the figures for possible raises be held open until we get a good look at the overall budget." It was indicated today that the Board might complete consideration of the new budget Wednesday or Thursday.

Increase of $15 in monthly car allowance to deputies was included in Nuccio's "wait-and-see" motion. Deputies now receive $75 per month for maintenance of automobiles which are their own property. Miscellanous Items Miscellaneous expenses asked by the Sheriff amount to of which some $15,000 worth of items have been transferred to his budget from that of the County Board. Last year's budget included $107,060 for miscellaneous expenses. conditioning units, $2000; walkietalkie radios, $600; "Black Maria," Funeral Notices made.

Willie Artis, 37-year-old Negro pedestrian, 1123 Union was treated at Negro Hospital yesterday for shoulder lacerations and possible leg fracture after he was struck by a car driven by Wilmer Collice Tippins, 45, Negro, 1723 Main, City Traffic Officers Cartwright and Barney reported. No charges were made in the accident which occurred at Main St. and Delaware. Dorothy Horn, 37, 5605 32nd was treated at Municipal Hospital for face lacerations yesterday following a crash at 34th and Mostreets, City Traffic Officers Friday and Taylor reported. The injured woman was a passenger in an automobile operated by Edgard Horn, 30, 5605 32nd when it struck a telephone pole at the intersection, the officers said.

No charges were made. Tampa Bay; West--Old Tampa Bay. Manhattan: North South of Obispo from Dale Mabry but not on Obispo, and Lumb to Westshore, south on Westshore to Leona and thence west to Old Tampa Bay; West--Old Tampa Bay; South Both sides of Gandy East- West side of Dale Mabry beginning at Obispo south to Gandy Blvd. Pupils in the attendance area of the new Manhattan School will report to one of the following three schools, according to the one which they attended last year, until the Manhattan building is ready: Dale Mabry, Roosevelt, Westshore. Mitchell: North- -Cypress, at Old Tampa Bay, to North Lois, to Cass, east to Howard: West Old Tampa Bay; South Azeele from Old Tampa Bay to Dale Mabry, east side of Dale Mabry, south to Neptune and east to the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad: East Howard Ave.

beginning at Cass. south to Neptune. Roosevelt: North--Neptune, beginning at Dale Mabry, east to Atlantic Coast Line Railroad; East--East side of Dale Mabry beginning at Neptune, and south to Euclid: South- Euclid. beginning at Dale Mabry and east to Hillsborough Bay: East- Atlantic Coast Line Railroad, beginning at Neptune, to Carolina south to Hillsborough Bay, Hillsborough Bay to Euclid. Westshore: North--Both side of Gandy beginning at Dale Mabry Hwy.

to Old Tampa Bay; West-Old Tampa Bay. South--MacDill Field; East- side of Dale Mabry beginning at Gandy Bivd. to MacDill Field. When you want to buy or sell it through The Times Classified. Phone 2-2911.

TERMITES We Kill 'Em! F. W. ALBRIGHT, Laboratories 4011 Florida Ave. Ph. 32-0111 ARGUELLES.

MRS. MARCELINA Funeral services for Mrs. Marcelina Arguelles, 61, resident of 2313 Aileen who passed away Saturday morning at a Tampa hospital, were held this afternoon at 4 o'clock from Wilson Sammon Company Funeral home with interment in Centro Espanol Cemetery. Active pallbearers: Elio Alonso, Philip LoCicero, John Segallos, John Fernandez, Roger Perez and Constantino Garcia. Honorary pallbearers.

Remigio Perez, Eloy Perez, Dr. 0. A. Juarez, Manuel Perez, Manuel Lopez and Jovino Fernandez. GREMER, JOHN SEBASFIAN-Requiem mass and funeral services for John Sebastian Gremer, resident of 306 W.

Idlewild, age 81. who passed away Monday morning at his residence, will be held Wednesday morning at 9:00 o'clock from the chapel of Sacred Heart Church with Rev. Richard Hartnett officiating. Interment will be in Myrtle Hill Memorial Park. Rosary services will be held at 8:00 o'clock Tuesday evening at the chapel, F.

T. Blount Company Funeral Home. Pallbearers will be from the members of St. Vincent dePaul Society, He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Katharina Theresa Gremer of Tampa; three sons.

Philip John and William Gremer of Tampa and Robert Gremer of Jacksonville: five daughters, Miss Betty Gremer, Mrs. F. E. Christ. Mrs.

R. D. Hartnett, Mrs. R. F.

Currie Jr. all of Tampa and Mrs. D. T. Martin of Avon Park and 25 grandchildren.

JOHNSON, MRS. ELSIE -Funeral services for Mrs. Elsie Johnson, 71, resident of rural Tampa, who passed away Saturday morning at a Tampa hospital, were held this afternoon at 2 o'clock from Wilson Sammon Company Funerai Home, The Rev. S. G.

Fahnestock, of Stewart Memorial A. R. P. Church, officiating. Interment in Jackson Heights Cemetery, Survivors are a son, W.

P. Johnson Tampa; two brothers, William King and Frank King, of Lithia; two grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. JONES, MRS. IDA -Funeral services Mrs. Ida T.

Jones, 57, 2106 Watrous. who passed away Saturday in a Tampa hospital, will be held Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock at Sacred Heart Catholic Church, The Rev. G. A. Whipple, S.J., officiating.

Burial will be in Memorial Park Cemetery, St. Petersburg. Pallbearers are R. C. Bigby Jack M.

Hughey, Hal Reid, J. H. Powers, Richard Richardson and Roy Baldinger. Besides her husband, Albert H. Jones, survivors are two sons, Albert H.

Jones Jr. and Richard B. Jones, and a grandson, all of Tampa; her stepmother, Mrs. Ella Taylor, Cumberland, three sisters, Mrs. Matilda Knight, Cumberland, Mrs.

Loretta Walton, Hazelwood, and Mrs. Claire Robinson, Tampa. Arrangements are in charge of B. Marion Reed. OWINGS, MRS.

SANKEY neral services for Mrs. Sankey Moody Owings, age 77. former resident of Hillsborough County, were held this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from J. L. Reed Son Chapel, Bayshore Blvd.

and Plant with The Rev. W. G. Strickland officiating. Interment in Pelot Cemetery.

Pallbearers Ashby Moody, Cecil King, James Barker, Robert Hollowan, S. T. Alderman and Enoch Dorsey. TIDWELL, MRS. NORA- -Funeral services for Mrs.

Nora Tidwell, resident of 2414 31st who passed away Sunday evening at a local hospital will be held Tuesday afternoon at 4:00 o'clock from the chapel of F. T. Blount Company Funeral Home. Interment will be in Myrtle Hill Memorial Park. She is survived by her husband, George James Tidwell of Tampa.

$3000; inter-county radio system, $1000; two recording machines; and walk-in icebox and deep freezer for jail kitchen, $2500. Explaining two items, Blackburn said the large amount of ammunition was needed for "intensified weapons training for the staff." He further explained that purchase of the patrol wagon would free many of his deputies from the "congested task of hauling prisoners to and from the Court and the Jail." Tampa Police Commissioner Earl Simmons asked Blackburn whether City plans to hire more policemen would result in a cut of Sheriff's Office manpower. Blackburn replied he did not think the Sheriff's Office strength would be affected, declaring Tampa's police protection still is lagging behind that of other major Florida cities. "We have one police officer for every 1016 persons here," burn said. "It does not compare with the situation in Dade County where they have one officer for every 477 persons; Duval where have per 676 persons; Pinellas with one per 714 persons and Polk with one officer per 916 persons." Blackburn estimated salary needs for his traffic department of boost 19 men the at about $86,000, which total of his budget to about $416,000.

Commissioners were on the whole non committal on how closely they would follow Blackburn's recommendations. While the County was holding its budget sessions. at the Court House public meeting room, the City Board of Representatives got started on its budget behind closed doors in the Mayor's office, Larson Call 24-0491 2-2137 the FLORIST AMBULANCE SERVICE DUVALA FUNERAL 3806 Nebraska Avenue Phone 2-7281 3 ATTEND THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE North Rome Florist Finest in Funeral Arrangements Casket Sprays and Wreaths PH. 31-4281 6000 N. Rome Ave..

The Tampa Times from Tampa, Florida (2024)


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Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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Views: 5669

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Reviews: 93% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.